Is it commonplace for doctors to dismiss all patients from their practice who aren’t vaxxed?

Has Ebola mutated into a less virulent form?
Could take a few centuries ----- it took cholera till 1900. Smallpox never did, had thousands of years, but just didn't make the jump. I don't know, I think they usually sort of do mutate to less virulence, some of them, but it's not something to count on personally.

Then there's the ones that are here today, gone tomorrow, like the 1918 Flu, the English Sweat, the Plague of Pericles (NO idea WHAT that was). They don't get less virulent, they just get extinct.
I do not think a baker should have to bake a cake for anyone they do not wish to
It does seem to me these high-and-mighty docs are treading on the cake problem issue. They think they can get away with it because they are higher status than a baker -------- darn, brings out the small-d democrat in me just to think about it. :45:
Someone please explain to me. Every year we have to get a new flu vaccine because it mutates. Covid 19 has mutated about 10 or 11 times, and we are currently on the 3rd? MAJOR strain, yet we are still using the exact same vaccine that was developed for the original virus.

Sure, the vaccine may provide "some" protection, but how much protection can it.offer being a vaccine that was developed for a different mutation?
It does seem to me these high-and-mighty docs are treading on the cake problem issue. They think they can get away with it because they are higher status than a baker -------- darn, brings out the small-d democrat in me just to think about it. :45:

The baker got away with it also
Could take a few centuries ----- it took cholera till 1900. Smallpox never did, had thousands of years, but just didn't make the jump. I don't know, I think they usually sort of do mutate to less virulence, some of them, but it's not something to count on personally.

Then there's the ones that are here today, gone tomorrow, like the 1918 Flu, the English Sweat, the Plague of Pericles (NO idea WHAT that was). They don't get less virulent, they just get extinct.
Agree, I think assuming they will become less virulent is iffy. They don’t have to spare the host in order to be successful, they just have to keep the host alive long to spread. Rabies is a perfect examp,e, it changes the hosts behavior in ways that are more likely to spread it. Mutations can go in any direction. I think what makes some less virulent over time is our adaptations imo.
Someone please explain to me. Every year we have to get a new flu vaccine because it mutates. Covid 19 has mutated about 10 or 11 times, and we are currently on the 3rd? MAJOR strain, yet we are still using the exact same vaccine that was developed for the original virus.

Sure, the vaccine may provide "some" protection, but how much protection can it.offer being a vaccine that was developed for a different mutation?
It's a catastrophe. You were in any doubt about that before? Prolly not.
I've done that my entire life. Most people don't take their meds correctly all year round for millennium. They are use to it. Stop smoking, nope, stop drinking, nope. all kinds of shit people don't follow advice about. Don't eat red meat, eat red meat, don't eat bread, eat bread, don't eat eggs, don't eat eggs. Dude, you fking got nothing. Any doctor making such a claim should be put out of business. Healthcare is healthcare, there is no agreement to do what they say. Please post it for me.
Doctors tell Patients to find other doctors all the time who refuse to follow there treatment plans...

Quite Common, Doctors just don't want to deal with idiots generally...

It also doesn't help that they a more infectious and get sicker... They are not only protecting themselves but also other patients...
Doctors tell Patients to find other doctors all the time who refuse to follow there treatment plans...

Quite Common, Doctors just don't want to deal with idiots generally...

It also doesn't help that they a more infectious and get sicker... They are not only protecting themselves but also other patients...
Saints! SAINTS, I tell ya! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Doctors tell Patients to find other doctors all the time who refuse to follow there treatment plans...

Quite Common, Doctors just don't want to deal with idiots generally...

It also doesn't help that they a more infectious and get sicker... They are not only protecting themselves but also other patients...
I never heard of that. I don't think it's real common, unless I'm just out of touch. I mean, they are into making a profit.
Interesting. But from comments she’s made (she practically worships Fauci), i gather she’s a diehard leftist. So she is being blinded by that.
Fauci was appointed by Reagan and given a medal of freedom by Bush Jr....

Fauci is very highly respected in the medical community... So a Doctor respects what they say is not "leftist", it is being professional...

In the real world, the professional world you earn your stripes... Fox news or other media wanted Fauci head because he didn't bow to Trump... He now has to a security detail and gets numerous death threats to him and his family while just doing his job...
Well Done, you have made the guy's who is doing the job of protecting peoples lives as the enemy because he wouldn't bow to Trump...

This what makes ye bad...
I've never seen any empirical evidence that proves that this injection will protect one from serious illness or death. Not one.
Well you would have to use Google but there is plenty of evidence...

Just as an example
Ireland has 93% of the adult population vaccinated...
Over 50% of its ICU beds are not vaccinated...

The average age of the vaccinated in ICU beds is 66, the average age of the unvaccinated is 38... So they are younger and should be healthier...

Can you explain that?

I never heard of that. I don't think it's real common, unless I'm just out of touch. I mean, they are into making a profit.
Wow, imagine that. Virtue signalling being more important than profits! What's this world coming to?
I think there IS some of that lately, with these control-freak docs. Strange, really.
Done. Just done with them. My husband was murdered by one of them just over a year ago. The are now all free to rot in hell, sick fuckers.

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