Is it commonplace for doctors to dismiss all patients from their practice who aren’t vaxxed?

It's genocide people. We still don't get it. If you don't get the vax you are the demon and will be eliminated.

If you do receive the vax that is poison (most of it is but the true vaccines are for the others) you will be dropping dead due to a totally compromised immune system and or heart incident.

The Thanos plan is in effect. THEY need to significantly reduce the worldwide population.


Very few are in that club that will be spared. So, turn your lives to Christ. Death is inevitable anyway, so beg for His mercy.

We are in the end times now. We were living pretty darn good for a while but now that is really a thing of the past.

"No greater sorrow than to look back in misery at the time when we were happy."


This the TRUTH.
In moderation, red meat, bread, eggs (which no doctor recommends against) will not kill you. Smoking is kind of a given but that will still take a long time to kill you. And none of these outside of second hand smoke (which you wouldn't be allowed to smoke in an office anyway) are transmissible by air through the simple act of exhalation. The vaccine has been proven to protect against the severe effects of COVID. It is safe and readily available. If I were a doctor, I wouldn't want anyone unvaccinated in my office either, especially with how easily omicron seems to spread.
Safe ? What are the long term effects ?
I certainly respect your right to say what you say BUT I reserve the right to tell you you're wrong and state SOME of the reasons
How can my opinion be wrong exactly? You mean you disagree with it. Why do shy away from just saying you disagree? That’s fking odd. You really want to control a narrative right? Makes you an idiot
It's genocide people. We still don't get it. If you don't get the vax you are the demon and will be eliminated.

If you do receive the vax that is poison (most of it is but the true vaccines are for the others) you will be dropping dead due to a totally compromised immune system and or heart incident.

The Thanos plan is in effect. THEY need to significantly reduce the worldwide population.


Very few are in that club that will be spared. So, turn your lives to Christ. Death is inevitable anyway, so beg for His mercy.

We are in the end times now. We were living pretty darn good for a while but now that is really a thing of the past.

"No greater sorrow than to look back in misery at the time when we were happy."


This the TRUTH.
Nazi Germany all over again sponsorship to the demofks yet again!

no coloreds , now no unvaccinated. Never shed their stripes!
How can my opinion be wrong exactly? You mean you disagree with it. Why do shy away from just saying you disagree? That’s fking odd. You really want to control a narrative right? Makes you an idiot
A republican calling anyone an idiot is a joke You are a joke jc Your opinions stink
Why should a doctor be forced to see a patient that ignores them? That is fucking stupid. Why go to a doctor if you are going to ignore them?
If people listened to their doctors, we wouldn't be spending billions annually for our real crisis, which is heart disease and diabetes. Heart disease and diabetes make covid look like a drip in the bucket, but doctors aren't canceling these patients who won't listen.
This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.
I wouldn't tell her. It's none of her business, if she's not treating me for Covid. Better get another doc, this is a bad control freak.
As someone who has many family members who are doctors themselves I fully support their choice to protect themselves and their workers from the unvaccinated.
What protection does one get by not having unvaccinated people present?
So, is she dropping ALL patients who don't follow her advice or just the unvaccinated? Sounds like a political move to me.

Hey, its her choice though.
So, is she dropping ALL patients who don't follow her advice or just the unvaccinated? Sounds like a political move to me.

Hey, its her choice though.
Yeah, I went to a doctor (cured me in a month, after Kaiser Permanente about killed me!! What a rotten company.) who does not take any insurance. At all, not even Medicare. She says so up front. I liked her attitude.

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