Is it commonplace for doctors to dismiss all patients from their practice who aren’t vaxxed?

Doctors can make people eat right? The last time I tried to discuss nutrition with an MD, I said "glyphosate" and he said "What's that?"
Not something which has any clear effect on health.

That’s what I mean. Nutritional science is garbage.
This is a biased and dipshit chron. It leaves out one of the most important scientific facts for the historical record of the USA against a commie virus: Trump was correct about hydroxychloroquine.
Truth to repubs is like the sun is to dracula
Hey dummy. Unvaccinated people don’t spread this any more than vaccinated people. And vaccinated people are spreading variants around. Unvaccinated can’t cause a variant since they have nothing in their body for the virus to mutate off of. Since all you do is lie, you may want to shut your pie hole.
The ignorant demofks don’t understand science of mutations
Fauci was appointed by Reagan and given a medal of freedom by Bush Jr....

Fauci is very highly respected in the medical community... So a Doctor respects what they say is not "leftist", it is being professional...

In the real world, the professional world you earn your stripes... Fox news or other media wanted Fauci head because he didn't bow to Trump... He now has to a security detail and gets numerous death threats to him and his family while just doing his job...
Well Done, you have made the guy's who is doing the job of protecting peoples lives as the enemy because he wouldn't bow to Trump...

This what makes ye bad...
No. Fauci is a liar and a proven idiot. See the AIDS epidemic which HE botched the response to. Your TDS blinds you to the FACT that Fauci is a fraud. Constantly flip flopping and moving the goalposts to try to extend his 15 minutes. As well as lying to Congress about his role in all of this to begin with. But you and every leftie swallow his BS. Kind of like this...

Yeah jc those moronic doctors and men of science all fools as 169 "brave" Marines get kicked out for refusing vaccinations
Pharmaceutical companies are the scientists, not doctors. Doctors know symptoms and rely on drugs Supplied by big pharma. Doctors watch drugs successes and failures on their patients as their education. That’s why they know remedies
Pharmaceutical companies are the scientists, not doctors. Doctors know symptoms and rely on drugs Supplied by big pharma. Doctors watch drugs successes and failures on their patients as their education. That’s why they know remedies
I did include men of science but my question to you is why so many republicans refusing to take vaccine Are they that spiteful when lives are at stake ?
I did include men of science but my question to you is why so many republicans refusing to take vaccine Are they that spiteful when lives are at stake ?
I don’t need it. Why do you need it?
Truth to repubs is like the sun is to dracula
Wow! What a brilliant and salient talking point, drawn undoubtedly from your list of 100 leftard-approved brilliant and salient talking points. Got 'em all memorized yet, or do you still need to refer to the list?
my question to you is why so many republicans refusing to take vaccine Are they that spiteful when lives are at stake ?
Why don't you mind your own business?

That used to be an American value, before Democrats turned totalitarian.
This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.

My doctor doesn't seem to give a crap whether I'm vaxed or not. No one has ever even asked me.
Wow! What a brilliant and salient talking point, drawn undoubtedly from your list of 100 leftard-approved brilliant and salient talking points. Got 'em all memorized yet, or do you still need to refer to the list?
No ,,no need for lists you morons make it easy

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