Is it commonplace for doctors to dismiss all patients from their practice who aren’t vaxxed?

so you were wrong. simple as that. so there is no protection vaccinated or not, just as I said. your own words.
No, those weren't my words. If you can't even read properly how do you hope to understand the science of vaccinations? :lmao:
But you are a DemNazi, correct, and you hate people who won't get vaccinated. Just like The Nazis hated The Jews who wouldn't get Vacinnated.
Oh? You're still telling this lie? The Nazis kept the Jews from getting vaccinated, asshole.
“This would result only in an enormous increase in local populations ...Compulsory vaccination will be confined to Germans alone.”
- Hitler

This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.
Well it is a free market economy. Can't speak for doctors but when I did consultant work if I had clients that didn't listen I dropped them.
This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.

She's no doctor, she's a left authoritarian.
The unvaccinated are more likely to contract and therefore carry and spread the disease. You can't spread the disease if you don't have it and being vaccinated severely reduces the likelihood of that happening.


No again. I'm suggesting being vaccinated makes you a lot less likely to contract coronavirus.

I don't practice, many in my family do. The fact that viruses mutate and will always mutate does not change the fact that being vaccinated significantly reduces your chances of getting coronavirus and not having the virus means you aren't spreading the virus.

And as throughout human history, getting a disease gave your natural immunity.........except this one......they tell us natural immunity isn't good enough....
And as throughout human history, getting a disease gave your natural immunity.........except this one......they tell us natural immunity isn't good enough....
Except for every other disease we've had vaccines for. Normally people try to avoid getting diseases.
Except for every other disease we've had vaccines for. Normally people try to avoid getting diseases.

Nope...........separate issue........getting the disease and building the anti-bodies gives you immunity.......except we are told this time it is different from all other diseases....
In moderation, red meat, bread, eggs (which no doctor recommends against) will not kill you. Smoking is kind of a given but that will still take a long time to kill you. And none of these outside of second hand smoke (which you wouldn't be allowed to smoke in an office anyway) are transmissible by air through the simple act of exhalation. The vaccine has been proven to protect against the severe effects of COVID. It is safe and readily available. If I were a doctor, I wouldn't want anyone unvaccinated in my office either, especially with how easily omicron seems to spread.
Dr Jack you set your office up already. You are the latest here to get their Google Medical College degree. Congrats.

You next to De Crepitus and Dr Lesh's office...
Good idea. Why care for a patient that does the opposite of your advisement?
They advise patients to eat less salt, not to smoke or drink in excess, lose weight, exercise should they dismiss those patients that don't take that advice?

I had the vaccine but I would cut ties with such a doctor. I don't like intolerant people.

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