Is it commonplace for doctors to dismiss all patients from their practice who aren’t vaxxed?

Let the conservatives be unvaccinated and get Covid-19. More of them will die.

That's not what I'm rooting or hoping for. However, I find I don't really care anymore and I'm generally a pretty positive guy and I like to find the silver lining in any situation and well if they want to sacrifice themselves and the wingnuts end with hundreds of thousands fewer people showing up to vote then I'm kind of OK with it.
This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.

She has every right to do this just as many doctors who have huge practices stop taking new patients so they can attend better to their existing patients.

And good for her. She's protecting herself, her staff AND her patients.
Why aren’t informed patients not asking their docs about the more recent options deemed effective treatments that are not only cost-effective but readily available? Convalescent plasma is now sharing center stage with monoclonal antibodies and antiviral pills. Why are they behind the times? Are research staffers and pharmaceutical reps not keeping these MD’s current about medical updates? Did the MD invest in Moderna’s or Pfizer’s jabs for future economic windfall?

Those treatments are not politically approved….
I suggest you look up the definition of fascism. It's not about being liberal OR democratic.
I suggest you should look it up. I'm still waiting for your demofks to explain what a republican is threatening anyone with like demofk nazis.
you avoid facts. you have no facts that you can use. You say vaccinated people can't catch wuhan or die from it. And yet.........................Colin Powell.
That's not at all what I said. You can't even read properly, look how stupid you are. :lmao:
The world will not eradicate it's self from Covid-19, it is here to stay just like the corona, rhino and flu viruses before it.

The virus will keep mutating and we can't stop it. There will come a time where it won't be a pandemic but it will never be eradicated.
The world will not eradicate it's self from Covid-19, it is here to stay just like the corona, rhino and flu viruses before it.

The virus will keep mutating and we can't stop it. There will come a time where it won't be a pandemic but it will never be eradicated.
You can same the same of almost anything. Poverty, crime, hunger, cancer, disease (except for smallpox) That doesn't mean we stop trying, or driving the levels down as much as we can.
You can same the same of almost anything. Poverty, crime, hunger, cancer, disease (except for smallpox) That doesn't mean we stop trying, or driving the levels down as much as we can.
But vaccinating has not slowed the virus, the vaccinated or the unvaccinated can spread the virus, that is why everyone is asked to mask up. So using the excuse that eye used is total BS and the doctor is wrong for being intolerant for others opinions and concerns.

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