Is it commonplace for doctors to dismiss all patients from their practice who aren’t vaxxed?

But vaccinating has not slowed the virus, the vaccinated or the unvaccinated can spread the virus, that is why everyone is asked to mask up. So using the excuse that eye used is total BS and the doctor is wrong for being intolerant for others opinions and concerns.
Your pretext is wrong. It is no different than the county cutting property taxes 10%, but house prices going up 10% effectively nullifying the tax cut. You would claim the tax cut didn't work, but other factors nulled it's clear effect.

If it wasn't for the vaccine, the current numbers would be astronomical, and not just large. Remember the original estimates (before any of the variants) was 2.5 million fatalities.
Your pretext is wrong. It is no different than the county cutting property taxes 10%, but house prices going up 10% effectively nullifying the tax cut. You would claim the tax cut didn't work, but other factors nulled it's clear effect.

If it wasn't for the vaccine, the current numbers would be astronomical, and not just large. Remember the original estimates (before any of the variants) was 2.5 million fatalities.
Still the doctor should not discriminate, the medical profession should not get to pick and choose.
No you didn’t, if you had, you would have responded differently, and why I explained his post to you!
You don't understand jack shit. You claimed I said being vaccinated means you can't get coronavirus because you're an illiterate moron.
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Good idea. Why care for a patient that does the opposite of your advisement?
So you are okay if my doctor, who does not believe in the vax, dismissed all his patients that are vaccinated?

Edit: Not to mention they would be breaking their Hippocratic oath if they refused someone treatment because they were not vaccinated.
This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.
Triage more effective.

But what does a dentist do with a patient that refuses to brush?
You don't understand jack shit. You claimed 8 said being vaccinated means you can't get coronavirus because you're an illiterate moron.
Hahaha hahaha see, you still didn’t understand it! Go back and reread my original post!
Still the doctor should not discriminate, the medical profession should not get to pick and choose.
Think about your logic. If a patient of the doctor came to the office wielding a knife and threatening to stab the doctor and his staff, would you claim he was discriminating, to drop the person as a patient?
If you have a doctor that would do such a thing, he's certainly not a doctor a smart person would want. So that would be a win for the patient who was dismissed.
So you are only for using doctors that agree with you on the vaccine. My opinion, is a doctor should treat a patient vax or no vax, and if they fault on the Hippocratic Oath they can get their license revoked. Great thing is, I trust my doctor and you trust yours. I don't have Obama care, so I can keep mine :). If my doctor thought the other way, I would still go to him. Not going to give up a good doctor over something like this.
So you are okay if my doctor, who does not believe in the vax, dismissed all his patients that are vaccinated?

You are talking about opinion and not medical position. What could happen is a pregnant female doctor, refusing patient that had undergone radioactive seed implants, or other treatment leaving radioactive traces that could harm pregnant women.
Think about your logic. If a patient of the doctor came to the office wielding a knife and threatening to stab the doctor and his staff, would you claim he was discriminating, to drop the person as a patient?
Doctors see patients that are contagious all the time and far deadlier diseases than Covid and if they are vaccinated the chances of the doctor getting or dying is less than the flu, according to the CDC, so the concern while valid the risk is very low. Also, if the patient doesn't have the corona virus and the doctor is treating them for something else, what is the excuse then?

I also appreciate the civility of the conversation, you are raising some points I have not thought of and it is a great way to bounce ideas off each other.
You are talking about opinion and not medical position. What could happen is a pregnant female doctor, refusing patient that had undergone radioactive seed implants, or other treatment leaving radioactive traces that could harm pregnant women.
No that is his medical position. If you do a web search it isn't as uncommon as you think. And have no clue your point in your second sentence. But to the original post, no doctor should ever deny treatment. Vaxxed or unvaxxed, and if they do their license should be yanked.
This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.
It should affect you. You should IMMEDIATELY be seeking out a new doctor. Her oath was to save lives & treat people NOT PLAY FUCKING POLITICS

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