Is it commonplace for doctors to dismiss all patients from their practice who aren’t vaxxed?

What about other businesses that are required by law to require vaccinations of their customers? Why can't a doctor refuse patients based on a law that would require he do so?
I assume you are talking about those questionable laws in NY? Either way a hospital or doctor refusing to treat a patient does not fall under the same legal parameters as your neighborhood Walmart.

When Can You Refuse to Treat a Patient?
by Medical Justice | Jun 10, 2019

Patient non-compliance or bad conduct that impedes the doctor’s ability to render proper care, or a patient’s demand that the doctor engage in care that the doctor believes is fruitless or harmful or exceeds the doctor’s own expertise are all valid bases to refuse to treat. The underlying issue is that the doctor is required to adhere to the Standard of Care and so may refuse involvement in care that falls below that due to patient actions / requests.

A refusal to treat may also be stated from the start, either by closing to new patients because the practice is at maximum or by pre-limiting the scope of the care, as when a surgeon contracts with the patient for only the operation and the post-operative visits.
Both are ignoring the order if he says "NO" to your suggestion, and you don't follow through with what he said. What about the flu, or pneumonia vaccine? You okay with denying this service to a patient on these as well?

Also, per your view are you okay with those that have religious convictions being denied care because they can't get the shot?

I am ok with the doctor denying this service to a patient for whatever reason they like as long as it is not life saving measures.

I am also ok with a baker not making a cake they do not wish to make.
This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.

She doesn't have to treat patients she doesn't want to treat.

It's a free country.

Maybe she was just trying to pressure them into getting vaccinated.
Both are ignoring the order if he says "NO" to your suggestion, and you don't follow through with what he said. What about the flu, or pneumonia vaccine? You okay with denying this service to a patient on these as well?

Also, per your view are you okay with those that have religious convictions being denied care because they can't get the shot?

The irony of that part is that those with the religious convictions that prevent them from getting the shot, are the same with religious convictions against allowing doctors to treat them.
I am also ok with a baker not making a cake they do not wish to make.

I questioned that decision, because it's hard to determine if ones religious truly is against making a wedding cake based on who is getting married.

It's not like they were asked to make a birthday cake, decorated with aborted fetuses.
Dr demanding your masked to protect her other patients & office YES But not seeing you NO. of course I know nothing about the situation so there is room for doubt.
This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.
You can't fix Stupid... and some clinicians have given up trying...
Some things make me angry, Making a medical situation political is one.
Well Trump, who has natural immunity because he had COVID, revealed in his nationwide tour, that not only did he get the vaccination, (so much for belief in natutal immunity) but also got a booster.

The anti-vaxx crowd boo'ed Trump for that.
President Trump in 2020 asked Democrats to support both of his Pandemic relief bills and they did.
March 2021 president Biden asked the Republicans to support his relief bill & zero Republicans supported it.
The irony of that part is that those with the religious convictions that prevent them from getting the shot, are the same with religious convictions against allowing doctors to treat them.
No they are not. A fetal cell line used from an aborted fetuses, or not taking a vaccine because it transcribes DNA is not the same as never getting medical treatment. Those that believe "God will heal them" is totally different then being mindful of what someone inject into our bodies.
My family members Doctor told them a while back, if he dropped patients because they didn't do what he wanted them to do, the diabetics, the high blood pressure, over weight..........he wouldn't have any patients.......but he treats them all to the best of his ability.....
President Trump in 2020 asked Democrats to support both of his Pandemic relief bills and they did.
March 2021 president Biden asked the Republicans to support his relief bill & zero Republicans supported it.

Yeah.....not the same thing..... a pork stuffed take over of the election system, destroying the economy with a green take over of the economy.....not the same thing...
Then why are we hearing stories, almost on a daily basis, of people who are vaccinated contracting the virus?

The truth is that it doesn't "severely reduce" anything...


How about when people get dildos stuck up their asses?

Lol contrary to what you might believe a dildo up the butt is not communicable. A virus is.
This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.
Seems not only is she not up to date on the medical evidence, and is pushing an agenda, but that she has also no ideal or moral compass to remember that medical oath that she took.

It's a bad doctor move...she obviously doesn't care about her patients..

When Can You Refuse to Treat a Patient?
by Medical Justice | Jun 10, 2019

Patient non-compliance or bad conduct that impedes the doctor’s ability to render proper care, or a patient’s demand that the doctor engage in care that the doctor believes is fruitless or harmful or exceeds the doctor’s own expertise are all valid bases to refuse to treat. The underlying issue is that the doctor is required to adhere to the Standard of Care and so may refuse involvement in care that falls below that due to patient actions / requests.

A refusal to treat may also be stated from the start, either by closing to new patients because the practice is at maximum or by pre-limiting the scope of the care, as when a surgeon contracts with the patient for only the operation and the post-operative visits.
Refusing a test "vaccine" that isn't really vaccine and that has been shown to kill and allow a virus to mutate and spread is NOT an example of a patient being self destructive ----

A doctor pushing this vaccine and threatening patients for refusing shows laziness, ineptude, and an extreme lack of care for one's patients though.
Refusing a test "vaccine" that isn't really vaccine and that has been shown to kill and allow a virus to mutate and spread is NOT an example of a patient being self destructive ----

A doctor pushing this vaccine and threatening patients for refusing shows laziness, ineptude, and an extreme lack of care for one's patients though.
….or, it just shows an extreme liberal, who has bought into the “unvaxxed are 2nd class citizens” narrative. I would be OK if she were strongly recommending the vaccine, since she is entitled to her opinion, but the fact that she doesn’t want patients who turn the vax down is indeed troubling.

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