Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

The final bill is the result of the two Houses of Congress putting forth their bills, then negotiating with each other to craft a final version, which is a compromise between the two. Why are the democrats in the Senate dragging their feet? It's their fault the process is stalled.
Nice try!

It's called the 'Limit, Save and Grow Act'. And that POS legislation is DOA! We are not cutting anything! Get that through your fucking head!
Think about it. Karine Jean-Pierre says:

“You’ve heard from the president multiple times during the last five months. He’s been very clear,” she said. “You’ve heard from the president; you’ve heard from the economic team; you’ve heard from Democrats, the leadership in the House, in the Senate talk — speak to this about the urgency, about Congress actually needing to act and doing their constitutional duty.”

So, if it was set up that it is up to Congress to raise the debt ceiling then that pretty much means that it isn't an automatic thing if they have to decide to do it. So, it is not Congress's Constitutional duty to just raise the debt ceiling automatically because it was set up that they debate it.

Further, I find it fairly amusing that some Democrats want to use the 14th amendment from 1868 to override a law from 1917.

Not to mention, Republicans in the House have already passed a debt ceiling increase. We're waiting on the Senate and Biden to pass it into law.

Have you read it, or do you need someone to read it to you?
Listen boy, come back when you're all grown up!

It's called the 'Limit, Save and Grow Act' and it's DOA! We told your adults, no spending cuts! What part of this do you not understand? NO FUCKING CUTS!
Listen boy, come back when you're all grown up!

It's called the 'Limit, Save and Grow Act' and it's DOA! We told your adults, no spending cuts! What part of this do you not understand? NO FUCKING CUTS!
Seeing that you don’t know what you’re talking about, You should just STFU. You make a bag of hammers look like a guiding light of intelligence.

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