Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

Politicians claiming that the debt is due to taxes being too low are like a person with a minimum wage job living large off of credit cards and payday loans claiming that the only reason he's in so much debt is that the government doesn't make his boss pay him more.

Pay him more and he'll spend more, always keeping his credit cards maxed out. Worst thing you could do to him as a person is to raise his credit limits without insisting that he be more responsible.
Have you tried to figure out who does the spending?
Answer my question and I'll address your follow-up
I already answered your question. I am for fiscal responsibility no matter which party is president. Yes, both parties spend like there is no tomorrow but today is today and today Republicans want to cut spending and Democrats refuse to even talk about it and people like you are defending democrats for refusing to talk about cutting spending.
I already answered your question. I am for fiscal responsibility no matter which party is president. Yes, both parties spend like there is no tomorrow but today is today and today Republicans want to cut spending and Democrats refuse to even talk about it and people like you are defending democrats for refusing to talk about cutting spending.
There is a childish mentality by libs on this forum that wants to make the discussion about the past rather than the present
The president is AWOL and democrats are calling republicans "terrorists" for wanting to negotiate a budget. Tell me about the Constitution again?
It’s not his job to inform you of something most everyone knows.
I'm just asking him to back up his claim? He said the House submitted a bill, well, what was the bill? What's in the bill? You think it's okay just to say things without any evidence or effort to explain your (or his) point in more detail? Because if you can't, you're probably FOS!
Spending is what drives deficits

As I showed you in post #432 tax revenue INCREASED after the Reagan tax cuts

But spending went up faster
Revenues increased after the cuts in tax rates during Trump’s term too. We are still under those tax cuts and revenues are their highest point ever.

When politicians see revenue increases they always increase spending at a greater rate. They just refuse to even slow down the rate of spending increases.

They think it’s unreasonable to reduce spending increases by 1%. If they propose increasing spending by 5% and you want that increase to be 4% they’ll say you are an economic terrorist.
I'm just asking him to back up his claim? He said the House submitted a bill, well, what was the bill? What's in the bill? You think it's okay just to say things without any evidence or effort to explain your (or his) point in more detail? Because if you can't, you're probably FOS!
Stop it you moron. The house passed a bill. That’s a fact.
What? Do you ever take a minute or two to figure something out on your own? The bill is posted on line. Read it.
If you know the bill so we'll, can't you give a simple 'yes' or 'no'? Unless of coarse, you're just some big mouth 25 year old who doesn't know what he's talking about?

Que Pasa, mutha?
What's in the bill that was passed?
The final bill is the result of the two Houses of Congress putting forth their bills, then negotiating with each other to craft a final version, which is a compromise between the two. Why are the democrats in the Senate dragging their feet? It's their fault the process is stalled.
The final bill is the result of the two Houses of Congress putting forth their bills, then negotiating with each other to craft a final version, which is a compromise between the two. Why are the democrats in the Senate dragging their feet? It's their fault the process is stalled.
There won’t be a final bill until the senate takes up the current house bill which was passed a while ago.

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