Is it deliberate??


Gold Member
Aug 9, 2011
Is the rise in gas prices a deliberate attempt to force US Citizens to jump on board with alternative energy??

Everyone is worried about increasing taxes, but what about the hit to the lower and middle class on gas prices??

How high will these prices go?? I'm hearing $5.00 by Summer. So far, it's right on track.

Will alternative energy be forced down our throats because we can't afford the cost of oil?? Is that part of a bigger plan??

0bama never mentions gas prices, it's not on his campaign agenda as far as I can tell.
It's called freezing the poor in winter and staving the poor with higher food prices.
Is the rise in gas prices a deliberate attempt to force US Citizens to jump on board with alternative energy??

Everyone is worried about increasing taxes, but what about the hit to the lower and middle class on gas prices??

How high will these prices go?? I'm hearing $5.00 by Summer. So far, it's right on track.

Will alternative energy be forced down our throats because we can't afford the cost of oil?? Is that part of a bigger plan??

0bama never mentions gas prices, it's not on his campaign agenda as far as I can tell.

Who's raising the prices? We haven't raised Federal taxes, so how could Obama be blamed? Seems you should be questioning the oil companies, not the government. :cool:
The oil companies are raising prices because they can, which is what all for-profit companies do. But the question is WHY they can. I suggest you take another look at the concept of peak oil. With demand throughout the world rising, and production unable to keep pace with it, a rise in prices is what happens. A conspiracy, either by the evil gub'mint or the evil oil companies, is unnecessary as an explanation.
Is the rise in gas prices a deliberate attempt to force US Citizens to jump on board with alternative energy??

Everyone is worried about increasing taxes, but what about the hit to the lower and middle class on gas prices??

How high will these prices go?? I'm hearing $5.00 by Summer. So far, it's right on track.

Will alternative energy be forced down our throats because we can't afford the cost of oil?? Is that part of a bigger plan??

0bama never mentions gas prices, it's not on his campaign agenda as far as I can tell.

One of the main tenants of the purely capitalist dogma is to get as much profit as possible and create an environment where that is possible. In this country the government does not set prices. If the oil in this country was nationalized you would have a is not..therefore your question is irrelevant.
Is the rise in gas prices a deliberate attempt to force US Citizens to jump on board with alternative energy??

Everyone is worried about increasing taxes, but what about the hit to the lower and middle class on gas prices??

How high will these prices go?? I'm hearing $5.00 by Summer. So far, it's right on track.

Will alternative energy be forced down our throats because we can't afford the cost of oil?? Is that part of a bigger plan??

0bama never mentions gas prices, it's not on his campaign agenda as far as I can tell.

So you are advancing a theory that OBAMA and the energy companies are colluding (conspiring) to jack up the price of energy even as the election looms large?

Yeah, you might want to RETHINK that theory, NG.

I'm reasonably sure that , if anything, Obama would be trying to keep energy costs down as the election gets closer.

Unless you think that Obama and the oil companies and both major parties are all conspiring against the American people, your theory really doesn't make a whole lotta sense.
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I suggest you take another look at the concept of peak oil.

That will only work if the person you are making the suggestion to is an idiot, naturally gullible, or looking for a religion to join up with. Otherwise all this will cause is some quiet giggling I imagine.
Gasoline prices are based on what the commodities market thinks the market value will be at some point in the future. Saber rattling by Iran, no real plan to increase domestic oil production, and obama blocking the pipeline have caused a spike. The President has the power to drop gasoline prices by probably 30 cents a gallon simply by approving the pipeline and getting some drilling permits issued. My guess is that he will wait until July and approve an "amended" pipeline plan and hand out a bunch of drilling permits. By mid October, gas will be down.
Weak dollar, high demand overseas for diesel and other distillates, world political tensions, nervous futures traders, etc. etc.

Contrary to what Dragqueen suggests, oil companies do not raise prices "because they can".

I suggest you look at "Peak Food" as an explanation for the exhorbitant prices of grains, skyrocketing grocery prices, and windfall profits of agriculture. ;)
So why was gas falling so low just before Obama ran? I do understand what drives gas prices. I may be old and cynical but wasn't it Bush's fault when gas prices rose under his watch??:confused:
You want to have it both ways.

You want to have profits rule our country and then want to get mad when they do it while a dem is in office.

Stop supporting deregulation and a profit first poltical party.
So why was gas falling so low just before Obama ran? I do understand what drives gas prices. I may be old and cynical but wasn't it Bush's fault when gas prices rose under his watch??:confused:

Of course it was his fault. He started a war of choice in the oil fields. That's always going to effect prices.
So why was gas falling so low just before Obama ran? I do understand what drives gas prices. I may be old and cynical but wasn't it Bush's fault when gas prices rose under his watch??:confused:

Of course it was his fault. He started a war of choice in the oil fields. That's always going to effect prices.

O.M.G., I think you are serious, aren't you???:ack-1:
Is the rise in gas prices a deliberate attempt to force US Citizens to jump on board with alternative energy??

Everyone is worried about increasing taxes, but what about the hit to the lower and middle class on gas prices??

How high will these prices go?? I'm hearing $5.00 by Summer. So far, it's right on track.

Will alternative energy be forced down our throats because we can't afford the cost of oil?? Is that part of a bigger plan??

0bama never mentions gas prices, it's not on his campaign agenda as far as I can tell.

Forcing an Alternative Energy solution on anyone is impossible as long as the Crude Oil Futures markets are rolling in the profits. And Obama has zero control of that.
Does anyone have any idea who TM is responding to?? :confused: I sure don't. Obviously it isn't me, she won't answer my question.

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