Is it fear-mongering or just being prudent?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.

I agree and anyone who isn't wary of every Muslim is a damned fool.
There are so many issues regarding the placement of refugees. We have to no we MUST learn from the mistakes the EU nations have made. This is a biggie. Forged documents.

The Syrian passports to terror: EIGHT migrants have got into Europe with same papers as those found on stadium suicide bomber
  • Eight migrants have reached Europe with passports identical to bomber
  • They are carbon copies of one found on one of the ISIS bombers corpse
  • They are in the name Ahmad Almohammad and had same date of birth
  • He was one of three jihadis who blew themselves up outside Stade de France
EIGHT migrants have same papers as those found on suicide bomber
Germany's health care system is crashing under the weight of hundreds of thousands of refugees. Are we prepared to handle the influx? This article really lays it on the line.

  • German hospitals are increasing security to protect doctors and nurses from violent attacks by migrants who are unhappy with the medical treatment they are receiving.

  • Critics are warning that German taxpayers will end up paying billions of euros to provide healthcare for a never-ending wave of asylum seekers. This is in addition to the billions of euros already being spent to provide newcomers with food, clothing and shelter.

  • In addition to the massive economic and social costs, as well as the burden of increased crime, including a rape epidemic, Germans are now facing the risk of being exposed to exotic diseases — and tuberculosis.

  • Roughly 5% of asylum seekers are carrying resistant germs. In real numbers, this works out to around 75,000 newcomers with highly infectious diseases. — Dr. Jan-Thorsten Gräsner, director of the Institute for Rescue and Emergency Medicine.

  • Twenty types of vaccines are now in short supply, and 16 others are no longer available at all. Because of production bottlenecks, some vaccines will not become available until 2017.

  • Muslim women refuse to be treated by male doctors, and many Muslim men refuse to be treated by females. — Max Kaplan, director of the Bavarian Medical Board.

  • German media outlets are downplaying the extent of the healthcare problem, apparently to avoid spreading fear or provoking anti-immigrant sentiments.

Germany: Migration Crisis Becomes Public Health Crisis
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.

Some prudence is warranted. If people are properly vetted then we can take them in. But it cannot be a blanket 'all is fine' regarding this, 'let them all in'. Due diligence is needed, along with compassion. The two are not mutually exclusive.

For political reasons the cry is always one or the other.
Germany's health care system is crashing under the weight of hundreds of thousands of refugees. Are we prepared to handle the influx? This article really lays it on the line.

  • German hospitals are increasing security to protect doctors and nurses from violent attacks by migrants who are unhappy with the medical treatment they are receiving.

  • Critics are warning that German taxpayers will end up paying billions of euros to provide healthcare for a never-ending wave of asylum seekers. This is in addition to the billions of euros already being spent to provide newcomers with food, clothing and shelter.

  • In addition to the massive economic and social costs, as well as the burden of increased crime, including a rape epidemic, Germans are now facing the risk of being exposed to exotic diseases — and tuberculosis.

  • Roughly 5% of asylum seekers are carrying resistant germs. In real numbers, this works out to around 75,000 newcomers with highly infectious diseases. — Dr. Jan-Thorsten Gräsner, director of the Institute for Rescue and Emergency Medicine.

  • Twenty types of vaccines are now in short supply, and 16 others are no longer available at all. Because of production bottlenecks, some vaccines will not become available until 2017.

  • Muslim women refuse to be treated by male doctors, and many Muslim men refuse to be treated by females. — Max Kaplan, director of the Bavarian Medical Board.

  • German media outlets are downplaying the extent of the healthcare problem, apparently to avoid spreading fear or provoking anti-immigrant sentiments.

Germany: Migration Crisis Becomes Public Health Crisis

Yup. This will be coming to the hospitals and of course the taxpayers of America courtesy of Barry and his pack of boobs.
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.
It's more like a shark was sighted in Australia and everyone in Maine is told not to go swimming.

You are way more likely to be murdered by someone you know with a gun than you are by ISIS.

Way more. Way, way, way, way more likely.

Get some perspective.
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.

Some prudence is warranted. If people are properly vetted then we can take them in. But it cannot be a blanket 'all is fine' regarding this, 'let them all in'. Due diligence is needed, along with compassion. The two are not mutually exclusive.

For political reasons the cry is always one or the other.

Vetting is a new buzzword being used but unfortunately doesn't mean anything. 9/11 hijackers were vetted too.
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.

Non sequitur alert:

Random Thought:

Republicans don't want to accept refugees because it is impossible to vet them properly and they don't want to take the risk.

Firearms in the United States kill more people every year than have been killed by mid-east terrorists in all of U.S. history. But the Republicans block every attempt at better vetting of would-be gun owners.
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.

Non sequitur alert:

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.

Some prudence is warranted. If people are properly vetted then we can take them in. But it cannot be a blanket 'all is fine' regarding this, 'let them all in'. Due diligence is needed, along with compassion. The two are not mutually exclusive.

For political reasons the cry is always one or the other.

Vetting is a new buzzword being used but unfortunately doesn't mean anything. 9/11 hijackers were vetted too.

No vetted has a real meaning, and give it whatever name you like. Scrutinising, background check.

Your stance is the doors should be wide open and no checks on anyone?
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.
Some reasonable, well-meaning, thoughtful people are concerned about this. Some of the same type of people are not. Fine.

But calling those who are concerned "hateful" and "fearful" is just another example of how nasty and intellectually bankrupt many have become.
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.

Some prudence is warranted. If people are properly vetted then we can take them in. But it cannot be a blanket 'all is fine' regarding this, 'let them all in'. Due diligence is needed, along with compassion. The two are not mutually exclusive.

For political reasons the cry is always one or the other.

Vetting is a new buzzword being used but unfortunately doesn't mean anything. 9/11 hijackers were vetted too.

No vetted has a real meaning, and give it whatever name you like. Scrutinising, background check.

Your stance is the doors should be wide open and no checks on anyone?

My stance is vetting didn't stop the 9/11 hijackers getting in. We're waved in with a smile despite vetting.

Real vetting is what happens when you apply for a security clearence and are bent over a table for a cavity search. :)
We can build a town in the Badlands and put the refugees there, and then take all the time we need to screen them.

It would cost what Congress spends on lunch.
Buncha years ago, apparently taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque, a rather large great white shark found its way into a salt marsh and river off Massachusetts.


"Don't go swimming just now folks, there's a big damn white shark in the area."

"Oh, don't be a fear-monger."

(splash)...Oh shit!

It's not fear-mongering to warn against a shark you know is in the area any more than it's fear-mongering to warn against admitting people from certain parts of the world known for militant religious extremism.

Non sequitur alert:

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

I used it loosely. The OP is about human threats wherein a small number of killers might accompany those who are running to protect themselves and their family, vis a vis, great white sharks which all present a clear and present danger when in proximity to human beings.

Let's say my response was not on point, but something others might find interesting.

Here's another video of interest to those who now think Great Whties hunt in our bay:

"Fear mongering (or scaremongering or scare tactics) is the use of fear to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end. The feared object or subject is sometimes exaggerated, and the pattern of fear mongering is usually one of repetition, in order to continuously reinforce the intended effects of this tactic, sometimes in the form of a vicious circle."

It's not fear-mongering to say "don't open the gate!" if there really are barbarians at the gate; it's not fear-mongering to yell "shark!" if there really is a shark; and it's not fear-mongering to warn against admitting refugees when terrorists have already infiltrated refugees and then murdered 129 people.

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