Is It Just Me, Or Is The Left Beginning To Lose It Here?

Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.
Liberals win on same sex marriage, pulling the confederate flag and recognizing Cuba

Best conservatives can reply........TRUMP
Is it just me, or are the RWrs losing it?
Well, it's funny that some people seem to think that gay marriage is going to destroy America. I see division amongst the people and the continued monopoly of our government by this two-party system that would more likely be our downfall. These politicians have us all so divided. Remember the saying, united we stand, divided we fall?
Gee how did I know you'd flat out lie about what I just said.
This country is on the verge of collapse,dont blame me for stating the truth,look in the mirror for the cause.

No, it isn't. You're merely so committed to the idea of America's Collapse, so emotionally invested in her failure.....that you'll believe your own apoylpse 'Death to America' porn no matter what?

Unemployment the lowest its been in more than half a decade. DOW near an all time record high? Total employment at all time records? Productivity up? GDP up? Homeownership rates climbing?

Does any of it matter to you? Of course not. You've decided we're fucked. And you're going to hold to that course no matter what.

You're committed to America's failure. We're committed to her success. And we're winning. We're continuing to invest in this country, continuing to start businesses, start families to build our communities. You feel free to wallow in the wasteland of your own miserable fantasies. And we'll continue to build this country.


And who's going to pay for this success?
If you havent noticed this country is broke and you morons keep adding to that debt.
Pie in the sky liberals.....

As I said, you're commited to America's failure. No matter what, you will always bet against her. Exactly as I described among American Conservatives. And this you call 'loving your country'? You're emotionally invested in the collapse of your own country. And do nothing but talk shit about her. That's not love. That's hate.

We're commited to America's succcess. Which is why we're building America....while you fantasize about her collapse.

So pointing out that the Titanic is headed for an iceberg is being "committed" to the Titanic's failure?

You assume you are on the Titanic. Failure and collapse define your world view. You're emotionally and intellectually invested in protecting your view of failure and collapse. And will ignore anything that contradicts that view.

Shrinking deficit, rising GDP, lower unemployment, higher total employment, rising stock market, rising consumer confidence, higher manufacturing output......

To your ilk, its all irrelevant. You're commited to hitting that iceberg. And there is nothing that can convince you to steer away from it.

Feel free to wallow in failure, loathing of this country, and delusions of collapse. We'll keep building this nation that we love, starting our businesses , raising our families while you huddle in a puddle of your fetid yellow fear.
That's all they hear from their giant bs/hate propaganda machine, poor dears...
Gee how did I know you'd flat out lie about what I just said.
This country is on the verge of collapse,dont blame me for stating the truth,look in the mirror for the cause.
No, it isn't. You're merely so committed to the idea of America's Collapse, so emotionally invested in her failure.....that you'll believe your own apoylpse 'Death to America' porn no matter what?

Unemployment the lowest its been in more than half a decade. DOW near an all time record high? Total employment at all time records? Productivity up? GDP up? Homeownership rates climbing?

Does any of it matter to you? Of course not. You've decided we're fucked. And you're going to hold to that course no matter what.

You're committed to America's failure. We're committed to her success. And we're winning. We're continuing to invest in this country, continuing to start businesses, start families to build our communities. You feel free to wallow in the wasteland of your own miserable fantasies. And we'll continue to build this country.


And who's going to pay for this success?
If you havent noticed this country is broke and you morons keep adding to that debt.
Pie in the sky liberals.....
BS, ya brainwashed twit. But because of you morons, our infrastructure is going to hell and 3-4 million GOOD tech jobs can't be filled, while loans to fix that are at lowest interest FOREVER.
Shortsighted, selfish idiots...

I would have to say we should blame our school system and our colleges for turning out a bunch of idiots. And of course all the dumb ass liberals taking black studies and underwater basket weaving as their majors.
God you liberals are fucken stupid...

Almost hater dupe.
MORE RW idiocy- the problem actually is hs grads don't get any training for the tech jobs when their manufacturing jobs go to cheap 3rd world countries, even when they're unemployed, and our failing infrastructure after 30 years of Voodoo costs us- musn't tax the billionaires who brainwash the chumps ...

We don't have a giant propaganda machine to turn out ridiculous people like Trump supporters, ie hater dupes, btw.

You ignorant fuck...and whose fault is that?
Republicans were so committed to making Obama a one-term President, they didn't care how much damage they did to the economy or the workers, just so long as Obama had nothing to run on.

Conservatives now deny that Bush caused the housing bubble. Or the near collapse of the world economy. They even blame Obama for Katrina.

The people who tell liberals they need to take responsibility, refuse to acknowledge the problems Republican fiscal policies have created: wealth rising to the top 1%, wage stagnation, increased poverty.

Illegal immigration is a problem that Republicans refuse to stop because business likes cheap labour.
Yup, it's all about "party first" politics, it seems. Country and people come second to party, if we're lucky. :rolleyes-41:
No, it isn't. You're merely so committed to the idea of America's Collapse, so emotionally invested in her failure.....that you'll believe your own apoylpse 'Death to America' porn no matter what?

Unemployment the lowest its been in more than half a decade. DOW near an all time record high? Total employment at all time records? Productivity up? GDP up? Homeownership rates climbing?

Does any of it matter to you? Of course not. You've decided we're fucked. And you're going to hold to that course no matter what.

You're committed to America's failure. We're committed to her success. And we're winning. We're continuing to invest in this country, continuing to start businesses, start families to build our communities. You feel free to wallow in the wasteland of your own miserable fantasies. And we'll continue to build this country.


And who's going to pay for this success?
If you havent noticed this country is broke and you morons keep adding to that debt.
Pie in the sky liberals.....
BS, ya brainwashed twit. But because of you morons, our infrastructure is going to hell and 3-4 million GOOD tech jobs can't be filled, while loans to fix that are at lowest interest FOREVER.
Shortsighted, selfish idiots...

I would have to say we should blame our school system and our colleges for turning out a bunch of idiots. And of course all the dumb ass liberals taking black studies and underwater basket weaving as their majors.
God you liberals are fucken stupid...

Almost hater dupe.
MORE RW idiocy- the problem actually is hs grads don't get any training for the tech jobs when their manufacturing jobs go to cheap 3rd world countries, even when they're unemployed, and our failing infrastructure after 30 years of Voodoo costs us- musn't tax the billionaires who brainwash the chumps ...

We don't have a giant propaganda machine to turn out ridiculous people like Trump supporters, ie hater dupes, btw.

You ignorant fuck...and whose fault is that?
Reaganists, ie you.
And who's going to pay for this success?
If you havent noticed this country is broke and you morons keep adding to that debt.
Pie in the sky liberals.....
BS, ya brainwashed twit. But because of you morons, our infrastructure is going to hell and 3-4 million GOOD tech jobs can't be filled, while loans to fix that are at lowest interest FOREVER.
Shortsighted, selfish idiots...

I would have to say we should blame our school system and our colleges for turning out a bunch of idiots. And of course all the dumb ass liberals taking black studies and underwater basket weaving as their majors.
God you liberals are fucken stupid...

Almost hater dupe.
MORE RW idiocy- the problem actually is hs grads don't get any training for the tech jobs when their manufacturing jobs go to cheap 3rd world countries, even when they're unemployed, and our failing infrastructure after 30 years of Voodoo costs us- musn't tax the billionaires who brainwash the chumps ...

We don't have a giant propaganda machine to turn out ridiculous people like Trump supporters, ie hater dupes, btw.

You ignorant fuck...and whose fault is that?
Reaganists, ie you.

So tell me...when did Reagan the dead guy start making policy for our school system?
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely ignored what I said, and responded with bull shit.

He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL.
You're right. What you said was bullshit.

Do you really think anyone takes the derpmiester serious?
At best you're comedy relief.
BS, ya brainwashed twit. But because of you morons, our infrastructure is going to hell and 3-4 million GOOD tech jobs can't be filled, while loans to fix that are at lowest interest FOREVER.
Shortsighted, selfish idiots...

I would have to say we should blame our school system and our colleges for turning out a bunch of idiots. And of course all the dumb ass liberals taking black studies and underwater basket weaving as their majors.
God you liberals are fucken stupid...

Almost hater dupe.
MORE RW idiocy- the problem actually is hs grads don't get any training for the tech jobs when their manufacturing jobs go to cheap 3rd world countries, even when they're unemployed, and our failing infrastructure after 30 years of Voodoo costs us- musn't tax the billionaires who brainwash the chumps ...

We don't have a giant propaganda machine to turn out ridiculous people like Trump supporters, ie hater dupes, btw.

You ignorant fuck...and whose fault is that?
Reaganists, ie you.

So tell me...when did Reagan the dead guy start making policy for our school system?
We still have Reaganist tax rates, policies, and levels of investment in America and Americans DUH. All to save the rich and corps from paying their fair share, dupe. See sig for results.
I would have to say we should blame our school system and our colleges for turning out a bunch of idiots. And of course all the dumb ass liberals taking black studies and underwater basket weaving as their majors.
God you liberals are fucken stupid...

Almost hater dupe.
MORE RW idiocy- the problem actually is hs grads don't get any training for the tech jobs when their manufacturing jobs go to cheap 3rd world countries, even when they're unemployed, and our failing infrastructure after 30 years of Voodoo costs us- musn't tax the billionaires who brainwash the chumps ...

We don't have a giant propaganda machine to turn out ridiculous people like Trump supporters, ie hater dupes, btw.

You ignorant fuck...and whose fault is that?
Reaganists, ie you.

So tell me...when did Reagan the dead guy start making policy for our school system?
We still have Reaganist tax rates, policies, and levels of investment in America and Americans DUH. All to save the rich and corps from paying their fair share, dupe. See sig for results.

Tell you what frankfurter ....when the GOP has been running our school system for 60 years why dont you get back with me.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.
It is a figment of your imagination.
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.
With White right wing America. The part of America that the rest of the world is appalled by.
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.
With White right wing America. The part of America that the rest of the world is appalled by.

White privilege?....If I'm so privileged you should be sucken my white dick right about now.
Life gives us what we concentrate on. If you give anger, hatred, harshness, judgement, and a wide variety of other negative feelings and emotions, life reflects those things back to you. We are in the mess we're in now not because of Obama or any other single or group of leaders. We're in the mess we're in now because collectively we've been feeling and expressing these negative feelings and emotions so often they've become our reality. The good news is, we can change that if we choose. To do so, we must personally change our attitude and learn to see the good in ourselves, and others around us, and in the world around us too. The truth is, it's always there. When you vote, vote for the candidates that seek a world more open to the expression of peace, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, understanding and equality, and you will go far toward repairing the situation. :)
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.
With White right wing America. The part of America that the rest of the world is appalled by.

White privilege?....If I'm so privileged you should be sucken my white dick right about now.
How very gay of you.
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely ignored what I said, and responded with bull shit.

He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL.
You're right. What you said was bullshit.

Do you really think anyone takes the derpmiester serious?
At best you're comedy relief.
Of course, you're a brainwashed functional moron Pub dupe. lol
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.
With White right wing America. The part of America that the rest of the world is appalled by.

White privilege?....If I'm so privileged you should be sucken my white dick right about now.
How very gay of you. wont see me waving the rainbow flag for the right to take it up the ass and have the government approve.
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely ignored what I said, and responded with bull shit.

He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL.
You're right. What you said was bullshit.

Do you really think anyone takes the derpmiester serious?
At best you're comedy relief.
Of course, you're a brainwashed functional moron Pub dupe. lol

You show every post what a simpleton you really are....

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