is it just the sex bothering you?

meat my only problem so far in life are republicans with their heads up their butts They're mostly mean arrogant profane and heartless with no memories of how their last repub president fed them over

What, you mean all 21 years of it?
Doc I was in the Army probably before you were born Left just after JFK was killed Only thing happening then was the Cuban Crisis

Then shame on you, you know (because JFK did it) that cutting taxes works. You know that the political pendulum ALWAYS swings both ways and you know that your histrionics are completely unwarranted and not becoming of an adult male.
I have nothing against tax cuts I welcome them and with them the death tax Don't care much for illegals either But trump is a slimebag and I could never support him

That's fine, but he is your President and there is nothing you can do about it.
True and if he can do all hes says he will and makes america even greater and doesn't let putin make america look like fools I might even hold my nose and vote for him in 4 years
meat my only problem so far in life are republicans with their heads up their butts They're mostly mean arrogant profane and heartless with no memories of how their last repub president fed them over

What, you mean all 21 years of it?
Doc I was in the Army probably before you were born Left just after JFK was killed Only thing happening then was the Cuban Crisis

Then shame on you, you know (because JFK did it) that cutting taxes works. You know that the political pendulum ALWAYS swings both ways and you know that your histrionics are completely unwarranted and not becoming of an adult male.
Cutting taxes CAN work........but they don't ALWAYS do fact, the primary reasons given by tax cuts zealots for so doing are complete bullshit...

I better not find any posts under your handle bitching about the debt or deficit in the archives....

It's the "spending" son. You can't keep increasing and printing money to cover it. SURELY you understand that.
How long do you think can keep monetizing your welfare and other "debt"?

You just walked into my wheelhouse.....

Deficits are a function of both spending and revenues....

if their growth rates are divergent, disaster will ensue...

This is where we separate the Graduates of Beck University from the men...

Go ahead and post the growth rates for Revenues and Outlays under Reagan, Clinton, Scrub, and Obama....

I'm quite confident that you have no idea where to even start, "Doc"...
meat my only problem so far in life are republicans with their heads up their butts They're mostly mean arrogant profane and heartless with no memories of how their last repub president fed them over

What, you mean all 21 years of it?
Doc I was in the Army probably before you were born Left just after JFK was killed Only thing happening then was the Cuban Crisis

Then shame on you, you know (because JFK did it) that cutting taxes works. You know that the political pendulum ALWAYS swings both ways and you know that your histrionics are completely unwarranted and not becoming of an adult male.
Cutting taxes CAN work........but they don't ALWAYS do fact, the primary reasons given by tax cuts zealots for so doing are complete bullshit...

I better not find any posts under your handle bitching about the debt or deficit in the archives....

It's the "spending" son. You can't keep increasing and printing money to cover it. SURELY you understand that.
How long do you think can keep monetizing your welfare and other "debt"?
and feel free to ask

Winner x 1 SassyIrishLass

for help with that exercise........that bint is clueless....
What, you mean all 21 years of it?
Doc I was in the Army probably before you were born Left just after JFK was killed Only thing happening then was the Cuban Crisis

Then shame on you, you know (because JFK did it) that cutting taxes works. You know that the political pendulum ALWAYS swings both ways and you know that your histrionics are completely unwarranted and not becoming of an adult male.
Cutting taxes CAN work........but they don't ALWAYS do fact, the primary reasons given by tax cuts zealots for so doing are complete bullshit...

I better not find any posts under your handle bitching about the debt or deficit in the archives....

It's the "spending" son. You can't keep increasing and printing money to cover it. SURELY you understand that.
How long do you think can keep monetizing your welfare and other "debt"?

You just walked into my wheelhouse.....

Deficits are a function of both spending and revenues....

if their growth rates are divergent, disaster will ensue...

This is where we separate the Graduates of Beck University from the men...

Go ahead and post the growth rates for Revenues and Outlays under Reagan, Clinton, Scrub, and Obama....

I'm quite confident that you have no idea where to even start, "Doc"...

LOL, look at you all manly and shit :)
How long can a Nation print and spend money and stay afloat.....and no, I didn't support Bush doing it either.
The silliness is strong with this one. I'll bet you never once called for an SP about Hillary's emails ;)
she was questioned by fbi and your rebub clowns more than any candidate in my lifetime ,,,maybe forever Now this trump pos is immune ?? With ALL his baggage??

Special Prosecutor. Did you ever call for one with Hillary?

Was Hillary every accused of colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?

Was there ever actual evidence that Hillary did anything illegal? Republicans spent $70 million on a special prosecutor to go after the Clintons. What did they find? Bill lied about a blow job.

I don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. We're not even close to that, until the FBI/CIA finish their investigation and issues their report.

But is it too early to start chanting LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!
The silliness is strong with this one. I'll bet you never once called for an SP about Hillary's emails ;)
she was questioned by fbi and your rebub clowns more than any candidate in my lifetime ,,,maybe forever Now this trump pos is immune ?? With ALL his baggage??

Special Prosecutor. Did you ever call for one with Hillary?

Was Hillary every accused of colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?

Was there ever actual evidence that Hillary did anything illegal? Republicans spent $70 million on a special prosecutor to go after the Clintons. What did they find? Bill lied about a blow job.

I don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. We're not even close to that, until the FBI/CIA finish their investigation and issues their report.

But is it too early to start chanting LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

I'll ask you the same question, did you call for a "Special Prosecutor" to look into Hillary's email issues?
Doc I was in the Army probably before you were born Left just after JFK was killed Only thing happening then was the Cuban Crisis

Then shame on you, you know (because JFK did it) that cutting taxes works. You know that the political pendulum ALWAYS swings both ways and you know that your histrionics are completely unwarranted and not becoming of an adult male.
Cutting taxes CAN work........but they don't ALWAYS do fact, the primary reasons given by tax cuts zealots for so doing are complete bullshit...

I better not find any posts under your handle bitching about the debt or deficit in the archives....

It's the "spending" son. You can't keep increasing and printing money to cover it. SURELY you understand that.
How long do you think can keep monetizing your welfare and other "debt"?

You just walked into my wheelhouse.....

Deficits are a function of both spending and revenues....

if their growth rates are divergent, disaster will ensue...

This is where we separate the Graduates of Beck University from the men...

Go ahead and post the growth rates for Revenues and Outlays under Reagan, Clinton, Scrub, and Obama....

I'm quite confident that you have no idea where to even start, "Doc"...

LOL, look at you all manly and shit :)
How long can a Nation print and spend money and stay afloat.....and no, I didn't support Bush doing it either.
It NEVER, EVER fails.......

Invite someone to eschew the bloviation in favor of something which can actually be verified - and the debate dies...

Are you capable of doing the math suggested?

I will lead you to the data, and the tool necessary to do the calculations AND EVEN TELL YOU HOW TO USE IT....

are you man enough, "Doc"?
The silliness is strong with this one. I'll bet you never once called for an SP about Hillary's emails ;)
she was questioned by fbi and your rebub clowns more than any candidate in my lifetime ,,,maybe forever Now this trump pos is immune ?? With ALL his baggage??

Special Prosecutor. Did you ever call for one with Hillary?

Was Hillary every accused of colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?

Was there ever actual evidence that Hillary did anything illegal? Republicans spent $70 million on a special prosecutor to go after the Clintons. What did they find? Bill lied about a blow job.

I don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. We're not even close to that, until the FBI/CIA finish their investigation and issues their report.

But is it too early to start chanting LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

Who's accusing anyone of "colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?"
I seem to recall the Retarded Right Wing clamor for investigations. If there's anything that calls for an investigation, it's into all of the relationships, events, aspects, arrangements, communications and history of the Trump-Putin-Russian Federation question.

A special independent prosecutor needs to be appointed.

And then, of course, there's Trump's businesses. Shouldn't we be assured that Trump is running the nation for the benefit of the people and not his businesses and that when the interests of the nation run contrary to the interests of his businesses, that the nation comes first. This must be continuously monitored and all decisions must be probed. Seems like the only time republicans give a damn is when sex shows it's dirty face
^^^ terribly butthurt ^^^
The silliness is strong with this one. I'll bet you never once called for an SP about Hillary's emails ;)
she was questioned by fbi and your rebub clowns more than any candidate in my lifetime ,,,maybe forever Now this trump pos is immune ?? With ALL his baggage??

Special Prosecutor. Did you ever call for one with Hillary?

Was Hillary every accused of colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?

Was there ever actual evidence that Hillary did anything illegal? Republicans spent $70 million on a special prosecutor to go after the Clintons. What did they find? Bill lied about a blow job.

I don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. We're not even close to that, until the FBI/CIA finish their investigation and issues their report.

But is it too early to start chanting LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

I'll ask you the same question, did you call for a "Special Prosecutor" to look into Hillary's email issues?

Are you suggesting that it was insufficiently investigated?
The silliness is strong with this one. I'll bet you never once called for an SP about Hillary's emails ;)
she was questioned by fbi and your rebub clowns more than any candidate in my lifetime ,,,maybe forever Now this trump pos is immune ?? With ALL his baggage??

Special Prosecutor. Did you ever call for one with Hillary?

Was Hillary every accused of colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?

Was there ever actual evidence that Hillary did anything illegal? Republicans spent $70 million on a special prosecutor to go after the Clintons. What did they find? Bill lied about a blow job.

I don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. We're not even close to that, until the FBI/CIA finish their investigation and issues their report.

But is it too early to start chanting LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

I'll ask you the same question, did you call for a "Special Prosecutor" to look into Hillary's email issues?

Are you suggesting that it was insufficiently investigated?

I am indeed, but until we can take the politics out of the Justice Dept nothing will ever actually be fully investigated again. The folks in power control the Depts and that precludes any real "investigating" ever happening.....and yes I mean from both the "Right" or the "Left".
The silliness is strong with this one. I'll bet you never once called for an SP about Hillary's emails ;)
she was questioned by fbi and your rebub clowns more than any candidate in my lifetime ,,,maybe forever Now this trump pos is immune ?? With ALL his baggage??

Special Prosecutor. Did you ever call for one with Hillary?

Was Hillary every accused of colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?

Was there ever actual evidence that Hillary did anything illegal? Republicans spent $70 million on a special prosecutor to go after the Clintons. What did they find? Bill lied about a blow job.

I don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. We're not even close to that, until the FBI/CIA finish their investigation and issues their report.

But is it too early to start chanting LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

I'll ask you the same question, did you call for a "Special Prosecutor" to look into Hillary's email issues?

Are you suggesting that it was insufficiently investigated?
To my recollection they threw the kitchen sink at her and the toilet bowl
9 senate investigations?? FBI involvements???
I am indeed, but until we can take the politics out of the Justice Dept nothing will ever actually be fully investigated again. The folks in power control the Depts and that precludes any real "investigating" ever happening.....and yes I mean from both the "Right" or the "Left".

Should a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate George W. Bush's use of a private server located IN THE WHITE HOUSE? He admits he turned over NOTHING at the end of his term.

Hillary's email was a fully made up scandal. What she did was not even against the rules at the time, and certainly more secure than Powell's AOL account.

This is a prime example of using investigations for political purposes and not because anything she did was wrong or improper.
she was questioned by fbi and your rebub clowns more than any candidate in my lifetime ,,,maybe forever Now this trump pos is immune ?? With ALL his baggage??

Special Prosecutor. Did you ever call for one with Hillary?

Was Hillary every accused of colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?

Was there ever actual evidence that Hillary did anything illegal? Republicans spent $70 million on a special prosecutor to go after the Clintons. What did they find? Bill lied about a blow job.

I don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. We're not even close to that, until the FBI/CIA finish their investigation and issues their report.

But is it too early to start chanting LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

I'll ask you the same question, did you call for a "Special Prosecutor" to look into Hillary's email issues?

Are you suggesting that it was insufficiently investigated?
To my recollection they threw the kitchen sink at her and the toilet bowl
9 senate investigations?? FBI involvements???
As I have conclusively demonstrated, Doc is a fucking idiot...
I seem to recall the Retarded Right Wing clamor for investigations. If there's anything that calls for an investigation, it's into all of the relationships, events, aspects, arrangements, communications and history of the Trump-Putin-Russian Federation question.

A special independent prosecutor needs to be appointed.

And then, of course, there's Trump's businesses. Shouldn't we be assured that Trump is running the nation for the benefit of the people and not his businesses and that when the interests of the nation run contrary to the interests of his businesses, that the nation comes first. This must be continuously monitored and all decisions must be probed. Seems like the only time republicans give a damn is when sex shows it's dirty face

This only happens 2 ways:

A. Trump burns every bridge and the GOP power brokers running things tire of the useful idiot.

B. Dems retake the house and senate. (the house is a longshot because of massive gerrymandering by red state govs.)
she was questioned by fbi and your rebub clowns more than any candidate in my lifetime ,,,maybe forever Now this trump pos is immune ?? With ALL his baggage??

Special Prosecutor. Did you ever call for one with Hillary?

Was Hillary every accused of colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?

Was there ever actual evidence that Hillary did anything illegal? Republicans spent $70 million on a special prosecutor to go after the Clintons. What did they find? Bill lied about a blow job.

I don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. We're not even close to that, until the FBI/CIA finish their investigation and issues their report.

But is it too early to start chanting LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

I'll ask you the same question, did you call for a "Special Prosecutor" to look into Hillary's email issues?

Are you suggesting that it was insufficiently investigated?

I am indeed, but until we can take the politics out of the Justice Dept nothing will ever actually be fully investigated again. The folks in power control the Depts and that precludes any real "investigating" ever happening.....and yes I mean from both the "Right" or the "Left".


The FBI, and 5 congressional investigations....

Now if you were actually referring to the 9/11 whitewash, I would agree with you.....contrast the number of Benghazi hearings (involving the deaths of 4 Americans), and 9/11 and the WMD debacle.....

I know that your "education" was grossly deficient, but the US involvement in Vietnam dates back to Eisenhower.....
If you had a better grasp of history, you would qualify your statement. But then this is USMB where Moonglow told me that cows could be bulls.

how need I "qualify" such a comment?

LOL, child you've "proven" nothing.
I'll ask again, how long can ANY Nation go on racking up unpaid for debt?
You and I both know it's the spending that is the killer, how long can we simply increase spending and monetizing it by simply "creating" money out of thin air?
Surely one as sure of yourself can answer that?
Now...I know you want to hump into the weeds show us how smart you think you are, but we both know that my question is the bottom line ;)

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