is it just the sex bothering you?

Special Prosecutor. Did you ever call for one with Hillary?

Was Hillary every accused of colluding with a foreign government to take over the US government?

Was there ever actual evidence that Hillary did anything illegal? Republicans spent $70 million on a special prosecutor to go after the Clintons. What did they find? Bill lied about a blow job.

I don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. We're not even close to that, until the FBI/CIA finish their investigation and issues their report.

But is it too early to start chanting LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

I'll ask you the same question, did you call for a "Special Prosecutor" to look into Hillary's email issues?

Are you suggesting that it was insufficiently investigated?

I am indeed, but until we can take the politics out of the Justice Dept nothing will ever actually be fully investigated again. The folks in power control the Depts and that precludes any real "investigating" ever happening.....and yes I mean from both the "Right" or the "Left".


The FBI, and 5 congressional investigations....

Now if you were actually referring to the 9/11 whitewash, I would agree with you.....contrast the number of Benghazi hearings (involving the deaths of 4 Americans), and 9/11 and the WMD debacle.....

How quaint, someone who still thinks things in the Gov are all on the up and up.
That's cute.
I am indeed, but until we can take the politics out of the Justice Dept nothing will ever actually be fully investigated again. The folks in power control the Depts and that precludes any real "investigating" ever happening.....and yes I mean from both the "Right" or the "Left".

Should a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate George W. Bush's use of a private server located IN THE WHITE HOUSE? He admits he turned over NOTHING at the end of his term.

Hillary's email was a fully made up scandal. What she did was not even against the rules at the time, and certainly more secure than Powell's AOL account.

This is a prime example of using investigations for political purposes and not because anything she did was wrong or improper.

Sure, and the tooth fairy still visits you.
Didn't we just settle this thing as fake news manufactured by a phony James Bond who worked for Planned Parenthood? If Barry Hussein wants to get to the bottom of it why doesn't he investigate the mysterious meeting between his A.G. and Hillary's husband?

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