Is it Malala's moment for the Nobel Peace Prize?

What? As opposed to your logic? You're insane if you think these women all freely submit to this kind of oppression. I am a well versed man, you are a simpleton who has no grasp of the nuances of religion. Your argument is greatly flawed. I am a devout Christian, whose faith does not freely oppress women as Islam does.

One other thing, there are times when women CHOOSE to make themselves the objects of sexual objectivity. However, in Islam, women have no sexual or reproductive rights of any kind. Don't go about bandying your false knowledge of this world, you know nothing of it.

You're a devout Christian? What do you mean by being devout? Christianity seems like a made up religion.

Jesus did come to give an updated message closely related to Judiasm.

But, the religion itself wasn't his creation. That's why you don't have law, such as mosiac law. Or a foundation for your religious principles.

If you followed Jesus or any biblical prophets you'd know how much they stressed pre marital relationships as a big no no.

Because you oppose that idea you oppose God's ideas he passed on to his messengers.

Muslim males are equally expected to hold on to their purity as I am and happily doing so.

So tell it as it is, you're more of an agnostic.

Huh? That reminds me, I need to neg you, troll.

This guy doth protest too much, I think. Plus, he takes everything so personally. Since he's always bitching about being bossed by western culture, I would suggest that he quit prostituting his culture in order to grub for American dollars. Refuse to take our checks and demand we take our stuff and leave his country. I'd be more than happy to support that. we have as little business being in other countries than they have being here.
Which brings up a second possibility. If he' s already in this country, he's here by choice. If he doesn't like the way we do things, he should drag up stakes and go where his "culture" is more acceptable.
Galliantwarrior, thanks for the rep, first of all.

Second of all, I'm more familiar with the American culture than you are. The modern American culture that is, because I am of the new generation and was born here.

I think you struggle with our culture more than I do. I'd be happy to invite you to our million dollar home on a beautiful lake. You don't need to worry about who we are or whether we live in care or not.

I didn't complain about the culture on this forum, nor did I even complain. You're the one complaining and thinking you somehow have a right to tell a whole community how it should operate when it really comes down to individual people's.

Is it that hard for you to understand that parents raise their children with morals and expect them to obey some of rules which for many families is based of their religious tradition. Be it Christian, Jewish, or Muslim. Even atheists parents. Of course it's only outrageous to you when Muslim parents set standards for their children. These common standards are part of the American culture. Unless you're culturally deprived. You should know that.

So take your fake outrage somewhere else. You're making yourself look really stupid.
Is it Malala's moment for the Nobel Peace Prize? -

The Nobel Peace Prize is tipped to break new ground this year by possibly going to the youngest ever recipient: 16-year-old Malala Yousafzai, who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban.

According to Kristian Harpviken at the Peace Research Institute and historian Asle Sveen, two Norwegian experts on the prize, the Pakistan schoolgirl tops their shortlist of nominees to be named the winner on Friday. Mr. Harpviken believes she deserves the award for being a symbol of girls' rights to education and security and her fight against extremism and oppression.

Malala has been speaking out against the Taliban’s efforts to ban education for girls in the Swat Valley since 2008 at the age of only 11. She had been blogging for BBC Urdu Services and participating in the Institute for War and Peace Reporting’s Open Minds Project until near-fatally shot in the head by the Taliban two years ago tomorrow.

That would make sense to me. I hope she gets it.
As do I.

She is a beacon of light in a world that wants to suppress women because they are afraid of our power.

Nobody is afraid of your power.
Galliantwarrior, thanks for the rep, first of all.

Second of all, I'm more familiar with the American culture than you are. The modern American culture that is, because I am of the new generation and was born here.

I think you struggle with our culture more than I do. I'd be happy to invite you to our million dollar home on a beautiful lake. You don't need to worry about who we are or whether we live in care or not.

I didn't complain about the culture on this forum, nor did I even complain. You're the one complaining and thinking you somehow have a right to tell a whole community how it should operate when it really comes down to individual people's.

Is it that hard for you to understand that parents raise their children with morals and expect them to obey some of rules which for many families is based of their religious tradition. Be it Christian, Jewish, or Muslim. Even atheists parents. Of course it's only outrageous to you when Muslim parents set standards for their children. These common standards are part of the American culture. Unless you're culturally deprived. You should know that.

So take your fake outrage somewhere else. You're making yourself look really stupid.

Your house or Daddy's?

There's a difference between an entitled rich kid and an actual adult that has made something of himself. Why do you think the dollar amount is important? Is it an actual "million dollar home," and are you actually inviting this person or are you just grandstanding?
Galliantwarrior, thanks for the rep, first of all.

Second of all, I'm more familiar with the American culture than you are. The modern American culture that is, because I am of the new generation and was born here.

I think you struggle with our culture more than I do. I'd be happy to invite you to our million dollar home on a beautiful lake. You don't need to worry about who we are or whether we live in care or not.

I didn't complain about the culture on this forum, nor did I even complain. You're the one complaining and thinking you somehow have a right to tell a whole community how it should operate when it really comes down to individual people's.

Is it that hard for you to understand that parents raise their children with morals and expect them to obey some of rules which for many families is based of their religious tradition. Be it Christian, Jewish, or Muslim. Even atheists parents. Of course it's only outrageous to you when Muslim parents set standards for their children. These common standards are part of the American culture. Unless you're culturally deprived. You should know that.

So take your fake outrage somewhere else. You're making yourself look really stupid.

Your house or Daddy's?

There's a difference between an entitled rich kid and an actual adult that has made something of himself. Why do you think the dollar amount is important? Is it an actual "million dollar home," and are you actually inviting this person or are you just grandstanding?

It takes that rich-boy condescending, superioristic tone with everyone who disagrees with it, but it's a more petulant child than it is peer, so, Daddy's place makes the most sense, assuming that it's not a troll living under a bridge that uses the public library computers.

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