Is it Malala's moment for the Nobel Peace Prize?

At least the girl DESERVES it.

Unlike some other Nobel peace price winners - a.k.a 2007 and 2009 :D
Not to underestimate her sacrifice, but I'd take Putin or Snowden. They can take back the 1 the magic negro never earned and give it to her.
Unfortunately, it's still common amongst most Americans to be completely oblivious of people's cultures.

There are over a hundred counties in the world. A vast array of cultures. Maybe you should discover some some day.

America isn't the only country in the world. And many civilizations have preceded it.

Many amazing civilizations.

There's no excuse not to educate both sexes.

I'm not excusing education for both sexes, where are you getting that from?

They do educate both sexes in Pakistan.

Check out their universities there.

It sounded like you were justifying this girls shooting because of her culture. That culture got her shot for wanting an education. There is no excuse not to educate both sexes.
I don't really know any afghanis here in the states besides one, he's half afghani half Kuwaiti Arab. He's very western.

I agree with you on the above. And I actually don't know much about the afghani culture, being Muslim doesn't make you know it.

I don't see where you're complaining though, I rarely see afghanis here in the states and if they government gave them citizenship then so be it.

They do what they want with their lives, every family in this country is different.

I use Afghanis as an example. I could just as well have used Kenya or the Congo, or any ME country where the predominant culture is very different than ours. Most of my muslim associations are with Albanian muslim immigrants. They appear to acclimate and embrace most of the Western cultural norms with no difficultly.

What kind of cultural norms? Give me some examples.

We could start with the way their women are allowed to wear Western-style clothing. Modest, but they don't force them to wrap themselves in sheets. Unless you know the family, you wouldn't necessarily know they were muslims because they don't make a point of "labeling" themselves.
Is it Malala's moment for the Nobel Peace Prize? -

The Nobel Peace Prize is tipped to break new ground this year by possibly going to the youngest ever recipient: 16-year-old Malala Yousafzai, who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban.

According to Kristian Harpviken at the Peace Research Institute and historian Asle Sveen, two Norwegian experts on the prize, the Pakistan schoolgirl tops their shortlist of nominees to be named the winner on Friday. Mr. Harpviken believes she deserves the award for being a symbol of girls' rights to education and security and her fight against extremism and oppression.

Malala has been speaking out against the Taliban’s efforts to ban education for girls in the Swat Valley since 2008 at the age of only 11. She had been blogging for BBC Urdu Services and participating in the Institute for War and Peace Reporting’s Open Minds Project until near-fatally shot in the head by the Taliban two years ago tomorrow.

That would make sense to me. I hope she gets it.

That would redeem them for some past bad moves.

The Peace Prize has become such a joke that I was rooting for Putin just because it would be funny. Then I heard Malala was up. I do so hope she wins.
There's no excuse not to educate both sexes.

I'm not excusing education for both sexes, where are you getting that from?

They do educate both sexes in Pakistan.

Check out their universities there.

It sounded like you were justifying this girls shooting because of her culture. That culture got her shot for wanting an education. There is no excuse not to educate both sexes.

It sounded like or that's what you want to accuse you me of? Both sexes are educated.

Are you really that oblivious?
I use Afghanis as an example. I could just as well have used Kenya or the Congo, or any ME country where the predominant culture is very different than ours. Most of my muslim associations are with Albanian muslim immigrants. They appear to acclimate and embrace most of the Western cultural norms with no difficultly.

What kind of cultural norms? Give me some examples.

We could start with the way their women are allowed to wear Western-style clothing. Modest, but they don't force them to wrap themselves in sheets. Unless you know the family, you wouldn't necessarily know they were muslims because they don't make a point of "labeling" themselves.

Women choose how they dress and many women are influenced by their parents. That's not important.

So that was pretty much pointless. Anything else?

And you know someone who's out there listening to you could just tell you to piss off you nobody. That person decides how he lives and how he raises his family. After all, this country is open to different cultures.

Don't go bossing people around, and unfortunately that's for the sensitive people who actually take people like you seriously.

For me, honestly I would tell you to fuck off I have my own rights why the fuck don't you go around bitching about other people take care of your fucked up shit and don't worry about others.

You see how easy that was. I have freedom to do what I want. You live in a imaginary world where you flush out everything negative that ever occurred from certain people's and only focus on one people's.

It's like Hollywood and CNN propaganda. It's not healthy for you.
What kind of cultural norms? Give me some examples.

We could start with the way their women are allowed to wear Western-style clothing. Modest, but they don't force them to wrap themselves in sheets. Unless you know the family, you wouldn't necessarily know they were muslims because they don't make a point of "labeling" themselves.

Women choose how they dress and many women are influenced by their parents. That's not important.

So that was pretty much pointless. Anything else?

And you know someone who's out there listening to you could just tell you to piss off you nobody. That person decides how he lives and how he raises his family. After all, this country is open to different cultures.

Don't go bossing people around, and unfortunately that's for the sensitive people who actually take people like you seriously.

For me, honestly I would tell you to fuck off I have my own rights why the fuck don't you go around bitching about other people take care of your fucked up shit and don't worry about others.

You see how easy that was. I have freedom to do what I want. You live in a imaginary world where you flush out everything negative that ever occurred from certain people's and only focus on one people's.

It's like Hollywood and CNN propaganda. It's not healthy for you.

I could care less how you fucking run your family. I could fucking care less if you dress your daughters like hookers or circus tents. But if your circus clown daughters are required to show their face for ID acquiring a driver's license (is that even fucking allowed in your culture), then they'd better sure as fucking hell do it. Otherwise, you and your fucking circus tented females should stay the fuck wherever the hell it is your crawled in from. We have our laws in this country. If you do not desire to fucking abide by our laws, stay the fuck where you do agree with the laws, cultures, and norms. There is no place for Sharia law in this country. Fortunately for so many fucking muslims, there are countries where Sharia law is accepted as the law of the land. If you want your women to be fucking ignorant breeding stock, that's cool, too. Just keep shooting the bitches who stand up for their rights to walk upright and be human beings. Homo sapiens...not just for me.
**Note: vulgarity added for emphasis as this poster obviously has a difficult time understanding anything not expressed in such terms.

Ha Ha Ha. There the good ole boy comes out of his closet. That wasn't too difficult.

Whenever you see someone using those words...:


We alread know how oblivious this guy is to reality and history. Keep in mind, all minorites aren't included in 'we'.

That's why he uses the word 'your'. Already indicating he's racist.

This guy fails to comprehend any of Jesus's teachings.

If we bring up the history of the West we can be belittling him for hundreds of hears straight.

But, that will probably make him explode.

Of course, this guy likes making something out of nothing. Nothing is important to him except when it has to do with Muslims.

So when our brilliant GW solves our domestic issues a 110% percent. Then he will have credibility when it comes to the nonsense paranoia in his brain and his idea that he somehow gets to dictate people's lives when he's probably a unemployed nobody.

This guy is useless and a pawn for the government. He's just mainstream. Mainstream people aren't interesting. He thinks he's more than he's worth. That's the sad part.

When in reality he's the bottom of my slipper.
Our beloved GW can't make a simple distinction that Muslims aren't one. In different nations education is valued differently, Christian nations overseas vary as well. It's not that hard to realize not all Christians or Muslims behave the same socially and culturally.

Is this because GW is too dumb or just a purposefully ignorant person? We'll never know.

He also represents the disastrous belief in this nation that some ignorant citizens think they are ancient kings. They want to criticize everyone, blame others for their own problems, force people into accepting their ideas. Very close minded people.

He thinks his society or his government takes anything he says into consideration. That's the sad part, what's even sadder is that his God probably doesn't also take him into consideration.

God hates hypocrisy. He's at war with hypocrites.
Is it Malala's moment for the Nobel Peace Prize? -

The Nobel Peace Prize is tipped to break new ground this year by possibly going to the youngest ever recipient: 16-year-old Malala Yousafzai, who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban.

According to Kristian Harpviken at the Peace Research Institute and historian Asle Sveen, two Norwegian experts on the prize, the Pakistan schoolgirl tops their shortlist of nominees to be named the winner on Friday. Mr. Harpviken believes she deserves the award for being a symbol of girls' rights to education and security and her fight against extremism and oppression.

Malala has been speaking out against the Taliban’s efforts to ban education for girls in the Swat Valley since 2008 at the age of only 11. She had been blogging for BBC Urdu Services and participating in the Institute for War and Peace Reporting’s Open Minds Project until near-fatally shot in the head by the Taliban two years ago tomorrow.

That would make sense to me. I hope she gets it.

Well she's not George W. Bush so she's certainly in the running since that was the primary criteria in 2009. I'm not sure she's actually done much for Peace, being a spotlight for the antics of the Pakistani Taliban. If we're talking about an award for personal sacrifice, there are plenty of people that have suffered worse with the same convictions. If we're talking courage in the face of power in the furtherance of Peace, there are others that have deliberately put themselves in harms way to save others.

I guess I'm confused about the criteria. This wonderful young woman is someone to be admired, but do we really want to put her in the same league as Yassir Arafat?
Unlike most people here......I actually know some Afghan people.

They told me that they are not against girls going to school or working under normal conditions. But for the last 30 years the situation in Afghanistan as been far from normal.

They said, in their culture the male has the responsibility to provide for his family; which can include not only his wife and children, but his parents, her parents, plus other relatives.

Girls have no such responsibility.

#1) Since jobs are scarce; the last thing they need is women in the job market taking away jobs from the men.

#2) There are a limited number of schools; so boys should first in line for education opportunities.

Then later after the schools have accommodated the boys and the economy has stabilized with and abundance of job opportunities. There would be no problem sending girls to school and educating them for entrance into the job market. .. :cool:

And that's the problem with leftist economics. It's approached from a protectionist bias.
Every culture and society has traditional role's for males and females that have stood the test of time.

But to the western mindset; theirs is superior and everyone else's is inferior and must conform to the western model.

Which currently has included homosexuality as normal. .. :cool:

Fair point.

According to Democrats it's bros before hoes.
What kind of cultural norms? Give me some examples.

We could start with the way their women are allowed to wear Western-style clothing. Modest, but they don't force them to wrap themselves in sheets. Unless you know the family, you wouldn't necessarily know they were muslims because they don't make a point of "labeling" themselves.

Women choose how they dress and many women are influenced by their parents. That's not important.

So that was pretty much pointless. Anything else?

And you know someone who's out there listening to you could just tell you to piss off you nobody. That person decides how he lives and how he raises his family. After all, this country is open to different cultures.

Don't go bossing people around, and unfortunately that's for the sensitive people who actually take people like you seriously.

For me, honestly I would tell you to fuck off I have my own rights why the fuck don't you go around bitching about other people take care of your fucked up shit and don't worry about others.

You see how easy that was. I have freedom to do what I want. You live in a imaginary world where you flush out everything negative that ever occurred from certain people's and only focus on one people's.

It's like Hollywood and CNN propaganda. It's not healthy for you.

Oh that is absolute bullshit.

While there certainly are women in Muslim countries that choose to wear a Hijab or Niqab, there is a lot of force applied to those who choose to not wear such clothing in many areas.

If it's legal to physically beat someone for choosing to show her face, that's massive oppression.
We could start with the way their women are allowed to wear Western-style clothing. Modest, but they don't force them to wrap themselves in sheets. Unless you know the family, you wouldn't necessarily know they were muslims because they don't make a point of "labeling" themselves.

Women choose how they dress and many women are influenced by their parents. That's not important.

So that was pretty much pointless. Anything else?

And you know someone who's out there listening to you could just tell you to piss off you nobody. That person decides how he lives and how he raises his family. After all, this country is open to different cultures.

Don't go bossing people around, and unfortunately that's for the sensitive people who actually take people like you seriously.

For me, honestly I would tell you to fuck off I have my own rights why the fuck don't you go around bitching about other people take care of your fucked up shit and don't worry about others.

You see how easy that was. I have freedom to do what I want. You live in a imaginary world where you flush out everything negative that ever occurred from certain people's and only focus on one people's.

It's like Hollywood and CNN propaganda. It's not healthy for you.

Oh that is absolute bullshit.

While there certainly are women in Muslim countries that choose to wear a Hijab or Niqab, there is a lot of force applied to those who choose to not wear such clothing in many areas.

If it's legal to physically beat someone for choosing to show her face, that's massive oppression.

Forcing things on people has nothing to do with religious affiliation. This guy has concern for nothing.

Many different things are forced unto different people by different people for different reasons in this country.

I never seen him express any concern besides the things he chooses to be concerned of.

Being a hypocrite isn't honorable. People like him don't need to be taken seriously.
Women choose how they dress and many women are influenced by their parents. That's not important.

So that was pretty much pointless. Anything else?

And you know someone who's out there listening to you could just tell you to piss off you nobody. That person decides how he lives and how he raises his family. After all, this country is open to different cultures.

Don't go bossing people around, and unfortunately that's for the sensitive people who actually take people like you seriously.

For me, honestly I would tell you to fuck off I have my own rights why the fuck don't you go around bitching about other people take care of your fucked up shit and don't worry about others.

You see how easy that was. I have freedom to do what I want. You live in a imaginary world where you flush out everything negative that ever occurred from certain people's and only focus on one people's.

It's like Hollywood and CNN propaganda. It's not healthy for you.

Oh that is absolute bullshit.

While there certainly are women in Muslim countries that choose to wear a Hijab or Niqab, there is a lot of force applied to those who choose to not wear such clothing in many areas.

If it's legal to physically beat someone for choosing to show her face, that's massive oppression.

Forcing things on people has nothing to do with religious affiliation. This guy has concern for nothing.

Many different things are forced unto different people by different people for different reasons in this country.

I never seen him express any concern besides the things he chooses to be concerned of.

Being a hypocrite isn't honorable. People like him don't need to be taken seriously.

Women have the same rights not to be oppressed as men do. Forcing these women to hide themselves for what they had no control over is what's dishonorable. Such a thing has no place anywhere in this universe. A woman is just as much a human being as a man is. Islam has a funny way of demeaning women, treating them as only 1/3 human, but then I hear liberals saying that Conservatives/Republicans hate women. If you want to see real hatred, just look at Malala Yousafzai. You have no idea what true hatred and misogyny is. Not one clue. Nothing should be forced on anyone that violates their right to freely express themselves.

People like you don't need to be taken seriously.
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Oh that is absolute bullshit.

While there certainly are women in Muslim countries that choose to wear a Hijab or Niqab, there is a lot of force applied to those who choose to not wear such clothing in many areas.

If it's legal to physically beat someone for choosing to show her face, that's massive oppression.

Forcing things on people has nothing to do with religious affiliation. This guy has concern for nothing.

Many different things are forced unto different people by different people for different reasons in this country.

I never seen him express any concern besides the things he chooses to be concerned of.

Being a hypocrite isn't honorable. People like him don't need to be taken seriously.

Women have the same rights not to be oppressed as men do. You have no clue. Forcing these women to hide themselves for what they had no control over is what's dishonorable. Such a thing has no place anywhere in this universe. A woman is just as much a human being as a man is. Islam has a funny way of demeaning women, treating them as only 1/3 human.

People like you don't need to be taken seriously.

As I've said, it all depends on your perspective.

On one hand, you have people like you who only look at things limited within a scope.

On the other hand, treating women as sexual objects from another persons perspective could equate to oppression.

Women aren't forced to wear a headscarf. Even though you make it seem all are. You're an outsider who's never seen the outside world but regard yourself as an all knowing all understanding judge.

That's what secularism does to people. You're insane because you believe your idea of 'logic' is always the right thing.
Forcing things on people has nothing to do with religious affiliation. This guy has concern for nothing.

Many different things are forced unto different people by different people for different reasons in this country.

I never seen him express any concern besides the things he chooses to be concerned of.

Being a hypocrite isn't honorable. People like him don't need to be taken seriously.

Women have the same rights not to be oppressed as men do. You have no clue. Forcing these women to hide themselves for what they had no control over is what's dishonorable. Such a thing has no place anywhere in this universe. A woman is just as much a human being as a man is. Islam has a funny way of demeaning women, treating them as only 1/3 human.

People like you don't need to be taken seriously.

As I've said, it all depends on your perspective.

On one hand, you have people like you who only look at things limited within a scope.

On the other hand, treating women as sexual objects from another persons perspective could equate to oppression.

Women aren't forced to wear a headscarf. Even though you make it seem all are. You're an outsider who's never seen the outside world but regard yourself as an all knowing all understanding judge.

That's what secularism does to people. You're insane because you believe your idea of 'logic' is always the right thing.

What? As opposed to your logic? You're insane if you think these women all freely submit to this kind of oppression. I am a well versed man, you are a simpleton who has no grasp of the nuances of religion. Your argument is greatly flawed. I am a devout Christian, whose faith does not freely oppress women as Islam does.

One other thing, there are times when women CHOOSE to make themselves the objects of sexual objectivity. However, in Islam, women have no sexual or reproductive rights of any kind. Don't go about bandying your false knowledge of this world, you know nothing of it.

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