Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

Why is it that these "proud" white supremicists are always dumber than a box of rocks?
Learn to spell, retard.
Looked it up, that's a correct spelling....but then again, white supremicists are dumber than a box of rocks.....and can't even tie their own shoes.

Correction...when looked up, I see "Supremicist" AND "Supremacist" Which one are you? Which one makes you feel better about your personal inadequacies?
Having brain and not being a cuck to black supremacist trash like Asclepias doesn't make me a "white supremacist".

It just means I am superior to YOU specifically.
What does PTBW stand for?
Why? Are you afraid of white people without guilt?

I created that username when I was a sophomore in high school, long before I became a pro-white activist.
You don't even know who he was, do you? :71:
I know you don't.
Charles Martel...Charles the Hammer....defeated the Muslims coming up thru Spain at the battle of Tours. Grandfather of Charlemagne....who put pagans to the sword. Ring a bell, yet?
It is always hilarious when some every day Democrat idiot thinks they have a monopoly on knowledge, particularly concerning history.

The same dumbasses who believe that America was always secular as they stare at a US map with a state called "MARYland" on it.....

Had Charles Martel not defeated the Muslims there wouldn't be any pagans to bitch about him. Muslims would have destroyed not only Christian Europe, but also the remaining pagans(as we are now seeing firsthand with the Islamic invasions of Europe that are wiping out the remains of Christian Europe and secularism and atheists)

Medina Washington. Mecca California.
Both states that didn't exist until secularism started to creep up(much less the cities you are referring to)

Maryland was literally created as a Catholic colony(as opposed to the uneducated shithole it largely is today). As in one of the original 13 colonies.

THE STATE NAME: The charter that Lord Baltimore received from King Charles I of England specified a name for the new colony. It was to be called Maryland to honor King Charles' wife Queen Henrietta Maria (Queen Mary).
I know you don't.
Charles Martel...Charles the Hammer....defeated the Muslims coming up thru Spain at the battle of Tours. Grandfather of Charlemagne....who put pagans to the sword. Ring a bell, yet?
It is always hilarious when some every day Democrat idiot thinks they have a monopoly on knowledge, particularly concerning history.

The same dumbasses who believe that America was always secular as they stare at a US map with a state called "MARYland" on it.....

Had Charles Martel not defeated the Muslims there wouldn't be any pagans to bitch about him. Muslims would have destroyed not only Christian Europe, but also the remaining pagans(as we are now seeing firsthand with the Islamic invasions of Europe that are wiping out the remains of Christian Europe and secularism and atheists)

Medina Washington. Mecca California.
Both states that didn't exist until secularism started to creep up(much less the cities you are referring to)

Maryland was literally created as a Catholic colony(as opposed to the uneducated shithole it largely is today). As in one of the original 13 colonies.
No...Maryland was the first colony to have what we consider religious freedom. It was not founded as a catholic colony AND, as I said, it was named after the Queen...who came from France. so her complete name was Henrietta Maria. Could just as easily been named Henriland.

Oh...and extra Irony points for YOU calling it a "uneducated shithole". :71:
It was created as a colony for Catholics who felt persecuted in the other colonies. Protestants were allowed to live in Maryland, but all the Catholics flooded into the colony.

That was the "religious freedom" you are referring to.
All of the so called "right" supports Christianity because it drove Islam from Europe.

I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.
I don't hear Native Americans being grateful over not being slaughtered by muslims or *chuckle* Huns.
I am sure the whites who created South Africa and Zimbabwe, as well as the San natives aren't grateful for what the Zulu have done to them either.
Because....there was nothing there before white people came to those places. :71:
There wasn't, moron.

Just like the Aborigines didn't have any infrastructure when white people got to Australia.
And all the anti-Christians are Democrats.....

As in all of the Democrats on this forum.

I dunno...there are some extreme rightwingers that act pretty anti-Christian ....
All of the so called "right" supports Christianity because it drove Islam from Europe.

I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?

I'm as liberal as you can get, but I'm not anti Christian. I am against fake Christians who use the name to justify their hateful political goals.

Most Christians I know are fake Christians.
Look at who con-servative christians support. Tell me that's real christianity right there.
As opposed to the real fake Christians who align themselves with Islam.

The same people who almost destroyed Christianity.
And don't forget the gratuitous Jews control the (fill in the blank) arguments.

That used to be a classic anti-Semitic rant, but I see it's been co-opted by the Left. I guess it was such a golden oldie that they had to cover it.

It just fits a convenient pattern. Select a minority scapegoat. Gin up the hate. Blame them for everything that goes wrong in the world as a metaphor for your life.
Perfect description for how Democrats treat white people, Christians and men.
And don't forget the gratuitous Jews control the (fill in the blank) arguments.

That used to be a classic anti-Semitic rant, but I see it's been co-opted by the Left. I guess it was such a golden oldie that they had to cover it.

It just fits a convenient pattern. Select a minority scapegoat. Gin up the hate. Blame them for everything that goes wrong in the world as a metaphor for your life.
Perfect description for how Democrats treat white people, Christians and men.

And just HOW do "Democrats treat white people, Christians and men"? I'm a woman, but I am a person whose ancestors came from Ireland and Russia/Poland. Raised in one of the Christian religions, of which there are many. The only discrimination I have ever experienced has been based on my gender. You style yourself as a "pro-white activist." What does this mean? Of all of the religions collectively known as "Christianity," which are you from?

I live in a community in Virginia. We have many Orthodox Christians here, many from Ethiopia, as well as Roman Catholics and Protestants, a sizable group of Muslims and a fair community of Jews. I personally know people who fasted through the entire month of Ramadan.

Coming from this background, I have to ask just the hell it is that you want. From which group of believers in Jesus of Nazareth do you come?

BTW: I always loved going to the church festivals put on by the Greek Orthodox. Great food, great wine, great dancing. Greek Orthodox know how to party.
I am neither anti semetic or anti christian. Just because I dont like some pompous ass bible thumper trying to tell me what to do doest mean I am anti christian.
I don't get it...I live on the same planet as you and never had a "pompous ass bible thumper" as you call it try and tell me anything....throwback.....that's what I mean by are stuck in the 60's or something....
Good for you and I didnt ask you to get it. I have though so thats why I dont like bible thumpers.

Wouldn't thumping a bible be considered a sin?

"thumping" not "humping"
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?

It’s you, Special Ed.
Why is it that these "proud" white supremicists are always dumber than a box of rocks?
Learn to spell, retard.
Looked it up, that's a correct spelling....but then again, white supremicists are dumber than a box of rocks.....and can't even tie their own shoes.

Correction...when looked up, I see "Supremicist" AND "Supremacist" Which one are you? Which one makes you feel better about your personal inadequacies?
Having brain and not being a cuck to black supremacist trash like Asclepias doesn't make me a "white supremacist".

It just means I am superior to YOU specifically.
What does PTBW stand for?
Why? Are you afraid of white people without guilt?

I created that username when I was a sophomore in high school, long before I became a pro-white activist.
What is this about you saying that white people have guilt? Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself of something.....not sure what it is. What do you have to fell guilty for?

PTBBE (Proud to be Brown Eyed)
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention
Love it when trumpanzees make stuff's really all they have now that they have been groomed to reject truth and facts.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention
Love it when trumpanzees make stuff's really all they have now that they have been groomed to reject truth and facts.
Will you take all your socks and leave when I post the video showing exactly that?
The anti-Christian wing of the Democratic Party is its largest wing, second is their aniti-capitalism wing and third is the anti-white wing.
The Dem politicians know this and they exploit the dumb liberal voters with crass demagoguery 24/7.

There are some Democrats who are Christians.
Usually these are the liberal bigots who have a vicious hatred for the Evangelicals.
Some Democrats believe that Christ was a Marxist, but left wing economics doesn't lift the poor, it just enslaves the middle class and spreads poverty. (millions starved to death)
Democrats say that the taxpayers don't help the poor, but we spend $927 billion per year helping the poor.(wiki)
American individuals, estates, foundations and corporations contributed an estimated $390.05 billion to U.S. charities in 2016, according to Giving USA 2017: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2016
Rich Left Wingers such as Steve Colbert want the middle class taxpayers to carry the weight of the poor whilst they hide their money and complain that Americans are greedy.
Americans are the most generous people in the world.

Last edited:
I dunno...there are some extreme rightwingers that act pretty anti-Christian ....
All of the so called "right" supports Christianity because it drove Islam from Europe.

I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.
All of the so called "right" supports Christianity because it drove Islam from Europe.

I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.

Muslim products?
I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.

Muslim products?
Are you telling the Crusaders had all of those?

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