Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

There are some Democrats who are Christians.
Usually these are the liberal bigots who have a vicious hatred for the Evangelicals.
Some Democrats believe that Christ was a Marxist, but left wing economics doesn't lift the poor, it just enslaves the middle class and spreads poverty. (millions starved to death)
Democrats say that the taxpayers don't help the poor, but we spend $927 billion per year helping the poor.(wiki)
American individuals, estates, foundations and corporations contributed an estimated $390.05 billion to U.S. charities in 2016, according to Giving USA 2017: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2016
Rich Left Wingers such as Steve Colbert want the middle class taxpayers to carry the weight of the poor whilst they hide their money and complain that Americans are greedy.
Americans are the most generous people in the world.

View attachment 204934

Since when did the Evangelicals represent the Supreme Being?
All of the so called "right" supports Christianity because it drove Islam from Europe.

I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.

simple hygiene?

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I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.

What does this mean? Not that I would wash my backside in public, but who is this guy, in what country did this occur, what was he intent on doing? What is your purpose in posting this?
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.

What does this mean? Not that I would wash my backside in public, but who is this guy, in what country did this occur, what was he intent on doing? What is your purpose in posting this?

the claim is that Muslims brought "simple hygiene" to the Europeans.
This Muslim man is washing his rear and drinking water with the same hand.... three times, gag yuuuuk eeeeek
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And don't forget the gratuitous Jews control the (fill in the blank) arguments.

That used to be a classic anti-Semitic rant, but I see it's been co-opted by the Left. I guess it was such a golden oldie that they had to cover it.

It just fits a convenient pattern. Select a minority scapegoat. Gin up the hate. Blame them for everything that goes wrong in the world as a metaphor for your life.
Perfect description for how Democrats treat white people, Christians and men.
Ah...INCEL...You're INCEL....I get it now.
All of the so called "right" supports Christianity because it drove Islam from Europe.

I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.
Even if by some chance that was true(it isn’t btw), the victory of Muslims over Europeans would have meant there was never an Age of Enlightenment.

The fact that mainstream Islam is still stuck in the last millennium proves that Muslims aren’t capable of their own Enlightenment. We had to help the semi-sane Muslims(who are still backward)kill ISIS because ISIS was going to be the future of Islam if we didn’t.

You are beyond stupid.
And don't forget the gratuitous Jews control the (fill in the blank) arguments.

That used to be a classic anti-Semitic rant, but I see it's been co-opted by the Left. I guess it was such a golden oldie that they had to cover it.

It just fits a convenient pattern. Select a minority scapegoat. Gin up the hate. Blame them for everything that goes wrong in the world as a metaphor for your life.
Perfect description for how Democrats treat white people, Christians and men.
Ah...INCEL...You're INCEL....I get it now.
You’re an idiot, a racist, sexist and a bigot.

But I already knew that.
I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.

What does this mean? Not that I would wash my backside in public, but who is this guy, in what country did this occur, what was he intent on doing? What is your purpose in posting this?

the claim is that Muslims brought "simple hygiene" to the Europeans.
This Muslim man is washing his rear and drinking water with the same hand.... three times, gag yuuuuk eeeeek

You never answered my questions.
And don't forget the gratuitous Jews control the (fill in the blank) arguments.

That used to be a classic anti-Semitic rant, but I see it's been co-opted by the Left. I guess it was such a golden oldie that they had to cover it.

It just fits a convenient pattern. Select a minority scapegoat. Gin up the hate. Blame them for everything that goes wrong in the world as a metaphor for your life.
Perfect description for how Democrats treat white people, Christians and men.

And just HOW do "Democrats treat white people, Christians and men"? I'm a woman, but I am a person whose ancestors came from Ireland and Russia/Poland. Raised in one of the Christian religions, of which there are many. The only discrimination I have ever experienced has been based on my gender. You style yourself as a "pro-white activist." What does this mean? Of all of the religions collectively known as "Christianity," which are you from?

I live in a community in Virginia. We have many Orthodox Christians here, many from Ethiopia, as well as Roman Catholics and Protestants, a sizable group of Muslims and a fair community of Jews. I personally know people who fasted through the entire month of Ramadan.

Coming from this background, I have to ask just the hell it is that you want. From which group of believers in Jesus of Nazareth do you come?

BTW: I always loved going to the church festivals put on by the Greek Orthodox. Great food, great wine, great dancing. Greek Orthodox know how to party.
I have told you almost a hundred times now, and now your denial isn’t working anymore. People are leaving your party and starting a real progressive movement that is going to bury your party for good.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention
Love it when trumpanzees make stuff's really all they have now that they have been groomed to reject truth and facts.
We now know you are either lying, or you didn’t watch the 2012 Democratic convention.
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.

Muslim products?
Are you telling the Crusaders had all of those?
The Crusaders made those things possible.

Muslims sure as hell didn’t have those things, and they still don’t produce them on their own.
And all the anti-Christians are Democrats.....

As in all of the Democrats on this forum.

I dunno...there are some extreme rightwingers that act pretty anti-Christian ....
All of the so called "right" supports Christianity because it drove Islam from Europe.

I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.
I don't hear Native Americans being grateful over not being slaughtered by muslims or *chuckle* Huns.

Why do Liberals brush off the fact that Native Americans are on the brink,due to marrying outside of their race the majority of the time?
I don't think the liberal community is more anti-Semitic than in times past. But, it's obviously more acceptable to be open about it.

LOL.....I see a whole lot of projection by Contards in denial about the open anti-semitism of the right.

Don't get me wrong ... there are plenty of far-right anti-Semites, traditional anti-Semites. However, modern conservatives vigorously distance themselves from the historical antisemitism of the right and antisemitism is condemned by conservative party platforms.

What I find truly amazing is that the left, a movement widely supported and in many ways founded by Jews, is increasingly comfortable with open antisemitism and cruelly biased, one-sided condemnations of Israel have become a big part of the dogma of the left. This betrayal of Jews who have been carrying the water for the left for over a century is in many ways worse than the historical antisemitism of the right.

Criticizing Israel isn't necessarily antisemitism.

Arguments based on 'stolen land', disproportionate response, or a comparison of Jews to Nazis doesn't originate from a political opinion. We all know from where that comes.

I guess facts can be racist, or gasp even anti-Semitic.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?

Well, I don't know, I think we're more like Romans than you'd think.

They (Romans) were also reliant on multicultural workers due to laziness, perpetual wars abroad, orgies, and laziness, and degeneracy.

Yeah, I don't think there's all that much of a difference, other than the collapse of America will be much quicker, IMO.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?
I am neither anti semetic or anti christian. Just because I dont like some pompous ass bible thumper trying to tell me what to do doest mean I am anti christian.
You are anti-white and anti-Christian by extension.
Christians arent all white. You sound like another dumb monkey.

As if you're the all star pupil, eh?
Liberals are now routinely against ANYTHING that is not under their Complete and Ironclad Control.

Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?
are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?
Not at all. Just don't expect everyone to believe or live as you do. That's not just liberals, that is any American.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It is just you.

No surprise there.

Check out the antisemites here at USMB and they are all conservatives.
And all the anti-Christians are Democrats.....

As in all of the Democrats on this forum.

I dunno...there are some extreme rightwingers that act pretty anti-Christian ....

A lot of Race realists / Social Darwinian supporters I've found are actually Agnostic, or Atheist.

Nationalists are usually die-hard Christians, however.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?

I'm as liberal as you can get, but I'm not anti Christian. I am against fake Christians who use the name to justify their hateful political goals.
But you are pro-Muslim no matter what backward beliefs they have.

Muslims can be pretty primitive, but they are actually Right Wingers though, unlike Jews who are major Lefties.

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