Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?

I'm as liberal as you can get, but I'm not anti Christian. I am against fake Christians who use the name to justify their hateful political goals.
But you are pro-Muslim no matter what backward beliefs they have.

Muslims can be pretty primitive, but they are actually Right Wingers though, unlike Jews who are major Lefties.
Democrats and other western leftists will never admit this though.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?

I'm as liberal as you can get, but I'm not anti Christian. I am against fake Christians who use the name to justify their hateful political goals.
But you are pro-Muslim no matter what backward beliefs they have.

Muslims can be pretty primitive, but they are actually Right Wingers though, unlike Jews who are major Lefties.
Democrats and other western leftists will never admit this though.

Western Christian / Jewish Liberals are one of the most bizarre of all political phenomenon.

They seem to live in a retarded fantasy, where by default everybody's of an equal background.

Note, that some of the most accomplished groups like Jews, Germans, Brits, and French are also some of the most deranged when it comes to hierarchy.

Personally, I'd say it's some kind of biological hard-wiring, which makes them have a few screws loose on "Equality" which doesn't even exist.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?

I'm as liberal as you can get, but I'm not anti Christian. I am against fake Christians who use the name to justify their hateful political goals.
But you are pro-Muslim no matter what backward beliefs they have.

Muslims can be pretty primitive, but they are actually Right Wingers though, unlike Jews who are major Lefties.
Democrats and other western leftists will never admit this though.

Western Christian / Jewish Liberals are one of the most bizarre of all political phenomenon.

They seem to live in a retarded fantasy, where by default everybody's of an equal background.

Note, that some of the most accomplished groups like Jews, Germans, Brits, and French are also some of the most deranged when it comes to hierarchy.

Personally, I'd say it's some kind of biological hard-wiring, which makes them have a few screws loose on "Equality" which doesn't even exist.
Jews who vote Democrat don’t tend to be too big on the notion of equality.

It is mostly just white liberals who are then used by everyone else.
I'm as liberal as you can get, but I'm not anti Christian. I am against fake Christians who use the name to justify their hateful political goals.
But you are pro-Muslim no matter what backward beliefs they have.

Muslims can be pretty primitive, but they are actually Right Wingers though, unlike Jews who are major Lefties.
Democrats and other western leftists will never admit this though.

Western Christian / Jewish Liberals are one of the most bizarre of all political phenomenon.

They seem to live in a retarded fantasy, where by default everybody's of an equal background.

Note, that some of the most accomplished groups like Jews, Germans, Brits, and French are also some of the most deranged when it comes to hierarchy.

Personally, I'd say it's some kind of biological hard-wiring, which makes them have a few screws loose on "Equality" which doesn't even exist.
Jews who vote Democrat don’t tend to be too big on the notion of equality.

It is mostly just white liberals who are then used by everyone else.

Well, being in New York it's probably 50-50 on Jewish Lefties, about half think Jews are supreme, but then the other half do seem to really believe in "Liberal equality"
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
great care to say something positive about Christianity’s contribution to our civilization??
It was christians who realized that they could be the worst enemies of civilization and society by recognizing the disaster that was the Puritans and self-corrected to a secular government codified with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It goes back farther than that. It goes back to Constantine and the Catholic church with their Inquisitions and Crusades and Jew bashing.

The issue is mixing God with the state. Jesus warned that his kingdom was not of this world, nor could be. Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the state, even though he still worshipped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on this death bed.

No man seek political power in the name of God. This is what the Founding Fathers knew and why they created a secular government. However, they mention God repeatedly in their writings and prayed before each Congressional session, which they still do. Why? It's because of men like Ben Franklin who realized that it is only through the moral teachings of the Bible that men could be trusted with freedom.

In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

Actually they invoked the concept of "God" so often because that was the style of discourse at the time, and it was put there by coercion from the Church, one of the two then-existing pillars of government/social control that you correctly identified in describing the Liberalism that wrote this country's Constitution, the first entry in the Bill of Rights of which deliberately stuck a thumb in the eye of that traditional power. Executions of "witches" were still in recent memory. That level of terrorism runs deep as coercion, and it leaves marks, hence the appearance of "God" in the documents as a selling tool.

The nearly-unreadable quote from whoever it's from, if anyone, at the bottom of your post doesn't seem to mention anything about the bible or "God"; if anything it affirms the resistance thereto.
I don't think the liberal community is more anti-Semitic than in times past. But, it's obviously more acceptable to be open about it.

Well, yeah Father Coughlin was an FDR supporter, and one of the most massive anti-Semites in the U.S.A of all time.

He also had a major following.
I don't think the liberal community is more anti-Semitic than in times past. But, it's obviously more acceptable to be open about it.

Well, yeah Father Coughlin was an FDR supporter, and one of the most massive anti-Semites in the U.S.A of all time.

He also had a major following.

He started out an FDR supporter, then did a complete 180.

In either case, before or after, his broadcasts weren't much about religion anyway; they were about politics and social dynamics.
I don't think the liberal community is more anti-Semitic than in times past. But, it's obviously more acceptable to be open about it.

Well, yeah Father Coughlin was an FDR supporter, and one of the most massive anti-Semites in the U.S.A of all time.

He also had a major following.

He started out an FDR supporter, then did a complete 180.

In either case, before or after, his broadcasts weren't much about religion anyway; they were about politics and social dynamics.

He was definitely pretty Socialist, LOL..... Even if more in the Fascist sense.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

If this is so can liberals explain to me what they think Western Civilization would be like had it not been built on the Judeo/Christian religious foundation. Before Christ we were Romans who, for entertainment, went to the Coliseum to watch people being eaten, and we routinely conquered nations and then killed, plundered, raped, and enslaved their citizens. After Christ we followed the Golden Rule: love thy neighbor as thyself. Do liberals really have any idea what they are objecting to?

It's you.
It's smart people.
Youre nowhere near smart. Even for a monkey. The OP is (as usual) suffering from a lack of intellect and imagining things.
I have schooled all of the Democrats and their black supremacist cronies on here for quite some time.

You inbreds literally believe that knowledge is a social construct made up by the white patriarchy.
Goes hand in glove with that poor self-esteem thing I see in white supremists and in INCELs.

Well, I don't know?

Does having poor, or good self-esteem even do much?

Actually, a lot of the times I've found the biggest idiots have the highest self-esteem, they simply think they are so great they don't have to learn anymore.
All of the so called "right" supports Christianity because it drove Islam from Europe.

I don't think that support has anything to do with ancient history :lmao:
It most certainly does, moron.

Without the Crusades America would have never been founded and Europe would have been gone thousands of years ago.

You should thank the Christians every day that you live in a country where you can be as stupid as you are without being slaughtered by Muslim invaders or Huns.

I'm sooooo worried about the Huns :lmao:
Had the Crusades not pushed out the Muslims there would have never been any advancement of technology in Europe, and the Huns would still be able to terrorize Eastern Europe.'

Everything you hold dear in this world was all made possible by the far far far right pushing Muslims out of Europe.
That is beyond funny. The Islamic world in that era was far more advanced than the Christian world in terms of science, technology, and even simple hygiene.

So, White Christians of the Medieval don't matter?

What about Isitore of Miletus, Roger Bacon, Thomas Aquinas, Witelo, St Albert, Nicole Oresme, Nicholas of Cusa, or William of Ockham?

List of medieval European scientists - Wikipedia

What about the Medieval "Tallest buildings of the World" such as Lincoln Cathedral, Strasbourg Cathedral, or Old St Pauls Cathedral?

History of the world's tallest buildings - Wikipedia

What about the Windmills, Sawmills, Spectacles, and Mechanical clocks built in Medieval Europe?

Medieval technology - Wikipedia
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
great care to say something positive about Christianity’s contribution to our civilization??
It was christians who realized that they could be the worst enemies of civilization and society by recognizing the disaster that was the Puritans and self-corrected to a secular government codified with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It goes back farther than that. It goes back to Constantine and the Catholic church with their Inquisitions and Crusades and Jew bashing.

The issue is mixing God with the state. Jesus warned that his kingdom was not of this world, nor could be. Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the state, even though he still worshipped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on this death bed.

No man seek political power in the name of God. This is what the Founding Fathers knew and why they created a secular government. However, they mention God repeatedly in their writings and prayed before each Congressional session, which they still do. Why? It's because of men like Ben Franklin who realized that it is only through the moral teachings of the Bible that men could be trusted with freedom.

In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

Actually they invoked the concept of "God" so often because that was the style of discourse at the time, and it was put there by coercion from the Church, one of the two then-existing pillars of government/social control that you correctly identified in describing the Liberalism that wrote this country's Constitution, the first entry in the Bill of Rights of which deliberately stuck a thumb in the eye of that traditional power. Executions of "witches" were still in recent memory. That level of terrorism runs deep as coercion, and it leaves marks, hence the appearance of "God" in the documents as a selling tool.

The nearly-unreadable quote from whoever it's from, if anyone, at the bottom of your post doesn't seem to mention anything about the bible or "God"; if anything it affirms the resistance thereto.

Coercion from the church is present only IF the state is involved, such as in the Salem witch trials.

Again, political power mingled with the notion that they speak for God is a terrible mix that Christ warned us about.

Ironically though, even though the Left by in large is at war with Christianity, they still try to persuade Christians they should vote "D" in order to empower the state to take care of the poor and illegal immigrants, etc., all in the name of Jesus.

Then when it comes time to talk about such things as abortion and gay marriage, all of a sudden we need a separation between church and state again.


No, the Founders understood that only a moral society can be a free society. If you take a group of convicts the only thing to do in order to maintain a civil society is build a wall around them and hire a warden to force them to act right. The bottom line is, people are either able to hold themselves accountable to act in a moral fashion, or you have the state come in and do it for them, which usually devolves into a police state of some kind.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention

I've been to many a convention. None have ever "booed G-d", whatever the fuck that means.

When I post it will you leave with the Bodeccas or it that just redundant?

"As an ordained United Methodist minister, I am here to attest and affirm that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we've expressed in our party's platform. In addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and our party's platform should as well...."


Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention

I've been to many a convention. None have ever "booed G-d", whatever the fuck that means.

When I post it will you leave with the Bodeccas or it that just redundant?

"As an ordained United Methodist minister, I am here to attest and affirm that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we've expressed in our party's platform. In addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and our party's platform should as well...."


America was formed by a group of people seeking religious freedom, freedom they did not know with at state run church.

This same society produced the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.

Compare them with the morality of the current culture which produces what we have Washington today as kids can't even pray in school anymore.
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention

I've been to many a convention. None have ever "booed G-d", whatever the fuck that means.

When I post it will you leave with the Bodeccas or it that just redundant?

"As an ordained United Methodist minister, I am here to attest and affirm that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we've expressed in our party's platform. In addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and our party's platform should as well...."


We have a secular government. Always have, Always will. Get over it
Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention

I've been to many a convention. None have ever "booed G-d", whatever the fuck that means.

When I post it will you leave with the Bodeccas or it that just redundant?

"As an ordained United Methodist minister, I am here to attest and affirm that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we've expressed in our party's platform. In addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and our party's platform should as well...."


We have a secular government. Always have, Always will. Get over it

You don't know dick about our governemnt
It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention

I've been to many a convention. None have ever "booed G-d", whatever the fuck that means.

When I post it will you leave with the Bodeccas or it that just redundant?

"As an ordained United Methodist minister, I am here to attest and affirm that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we've expressed in our party's platform. In addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and our party's platform should as well...."


We have a secular government. Always have, Always will. Get over it

You don't know dick about our governemnt

You think it is a theocracy?
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention

I've been to many a convention. None have ever "booed G-d", whatever the fuck that means.

When I post it will you leave with the Bodeccas or it that just redundant?

"As an ordained United Methodist minister, I am here to attest and affirm that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we've expressed in our party's platform. In addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and our party's platform should as well...."


We have a secular government. Always have, Always will. Get over it

You don't know dick about our governemnt

You think it is a theocracy?

Try School House Rock. You might learn something. Maybe all of you at the Stats & Starkey Internet Outreach and Agitprop Center can learn something

Is it me or are liberals now routinely anti Christian and anti Semitic?

It's just you. Because it's always you.

Liberals made sure the right to worship as one chooses was the first thing laid down in the Constitution. So there you go. Don't you.
That explain why you booed G-d at your convention

I've been to many a convention. None have ever "booed G-d", whatever the fuck that means.

When I post it will you leave with the Bodeccas or it that just redundant?

"As an ordained United Methodist minister, I am here to attest and affirm that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we've expressed in our party's platform. In addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and our party's platform should as well...."


America was formed by a group of people seeking religious freedom, freedom they did not know with at state run church.

This same society produced the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.

Compare them with the morality of the current culture which produces what we have Washington today as kids can't even pray in school anymore.

America was founded by many groups of people- some of whom came here to have the freedom to practice their specific religion- most of those groups(Penn was the specific exception) promptly denied religious freedom to everyone in their colony and required them to participate- i.e. go to church and tithe- their specific church- or face criminal or civil penalties.

The 'Founding Fathers' were both Christians and Deists- and many of them worried about the power of the church.

Oh and how can you prevent any child from praying anywhere? Do you contards think that the CIA has mind-reading machines in all of the public schools?


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