Is it ok for me to be against abortion?


Everyone has a right to their opinions..............the real argument is when life begins..........most states have outlawed late term abortions................and late term abortions are freaking evil if you watch one......

Use birth control or be accountable for what is created in the bedroom.............novel idea.........huh
Your choice.

Is it okay for me to be against making all abortions illegal?
I don't take a position on abortion because it doesn't boil down to an objective truth - it's way too subjective to morally determine what is "right," there...which is why it's so controversial between the two teams of sycophants.

It's an infringement on a woman's liberty to be raped, for example...and an infringement on her liberty to go through the physical and mental duress of growing the rapists' forcibly inserted child inside of her.

It's an infringement on the child's liberty to kill it.

In those cases, someone's Liberty has to be infringed upon necessarily. The right answer is wholly subjective.

Being against taking a life is a principled stance, no there's no "problem" with having an anti-abortion opinion. It's justifiable...but there's too many circumstances to assert that there's an objective answer.

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