Is it ok to keep quiet about my Christianity?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This article is called "Ask Roger" and the discussion is whether or not someone should keep quiet about their faith. A friend of mine sent me a newsletter with the "Ask Roger" link and I thought it was an interesting subject. What do you think? Is it ok or it isn't ok?

Here is a clip from the column. See link for full story:

The primary context of Matthew 10:32-33 is persecution. Jesus taught His followers that they would be called on to testify before powerful authorities to declare whether or not they followed Christ. On that day, true Christians will declare their surrendered relationship with Christ—even at the cost of their lives.

In practical reality, living under the iron fist of the Roman Empire, things were not nearly so clear-cut. There is little doubt that under intense torture the one being pressured can be made to say anything.

A problem arose in the church during the first and second centuries. Some of the Christians broke down and denied Christ under torture. Many in the churches "kicked out" of their churches those who denied Christ by declaring that true believers would never for a moment deny Christ. Others wanted to forgive them and welcome their return. The issue was never resolved.

Is it OK to Keep Quiet About My Christianity? - Dr. Roger Barrier
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I decided to change clips of this story. His use of the words, in practical reality concern me........

From those words on...... I become concerned about Dr. Roger. He does not seem to know what the bible says about those who overcame by the blood of the lamb and loved not their lives unto the death. Dumitru Duduman was tortured for months, he was beaten nearly to death, put in a dungeon with rats, electrocuted twice and not once did he surrender a single name of the people he was protecting. Richard Wurmbrand was tortured for Christ and never gave up a single name of a fellow Christian or Jew, countless Christians throughout history have been tortured for Christ and were never pressured into giving up a single person.
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in my opinion.....

it is annoying as hell listening to ANYONE go on about what ever it is they believe in.....

think of it like second hand smoke.......
If you think it is ok to publicly deny your religious belief when questioned you should Join Islam. One is forsaken until they repent if they deny the belief they have in Jesus and God.

One can be forgiven for doing it.
This article is called "Ask Roger" and the discussion is whether or not someone should keep quiet about their faith. A friend of mine sent me a newsletter with the "Ask Roger" link and I thought it was an interesting subject. What do you think? Is it ok or it isn't ok?

Here is a clip from the column. See link for full story:

The primary context of Matthew 10:32-33 is persecution. Jesus taught His followers that they would be called on to testify before powerful authorities to declare whether or not they followed Christ. On that day, true Christians will declare their surrendered relationship with Christ—even at the cost of their lives.

In practical reality, living under the iron fist of the Roman Empire, things were not nearly so clear-cut. There is little doubt that under intense torture the one being pressured can be made to say anything.

A problem arose in the church during the first and second centuries. Some of the Christians broke down and denied Christ under torture. Many in the churches "kicked out" of their churches those who denied Christ by declaring that true believers would never for a moment deny Christ. Others wanted to forgive them and welcome their return. The issue was never resolved.

Is it OK to Keep Quiet About My Christianity? - Dr. Roger Barrier

The problem has never ended. Anytime somewhere in the world admitting to one's Christian's beliefs ( of any kind) could have bring you persecution - of different degree, but it was never absolutely absent.
The last century is a great example.
I decided to change clips of this story. His use of the words, in practical reality concern me........

From those words on...... I become concerned about Dr. Roger. He does not seem to know what the bible says about those who overcame by the blood of the lamb and loved not their lives unto the death. Dumitru Duduman was tortured for months, he was beaten nearly to death, put in a dungeon with rats, electrocuted twice and not once did he surrender a single name of the people he was protecting. Richard Wurmbrand was tortured for Christ and never gave up a single name of a fellow Christian or Jew, countless Christians throughout history have been tortured for Christ and were never pressured into giving up a single person.

We saints don't get tortured. We get killed for the testimonies from the invisible Christ that we were created as. It takes 42 months from the time we start preaching the gospel until our flesh is killed by unbelievers.

1: Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff, and I was told: "Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there,
2: but do not measure the court outside the temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample over the holy city for forty-two months.
3: And I will grant my two witnesses power to prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth."

The holy city is a symbolic term that describes us saints.

Jeremiah 15:
15: Behold, I am bringing upon you a nation from afar, O house of Israel, says the LORD. It is an enduring nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language you do not know, nor can you understand what they say.

Unbelievers cannot understand the Truth that we saints preach.

Jeremiah 6
10: To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Behold,their ears are closed, they cannot listen; behold, the word of the LORD is to them an object of scorn, they take no pleasure in it.
If you think it is ok to publicly deny your religious belief when questioned you should Join Islam. One is forsaken until they repent if they deny the belief they have in Jesus and God.

One can be forgiven for doing it.

I don't believe we should deny our faith in Christ nor should we stop talking about him. If others don't want to hear it they don't have to listen here in America unlike how it would be under an Islamic state. You'd not only have to listen but bow down to their god or lose your head. I have heard some of my ex military friends telling me they believe that America is going to be taken over by Islam and will become an Islamic state soon. I question whether or not the church would speak up if that were to happen. I have heard very little from the churches on the matter of Islam in America. It is as if that subject cannot be approached for some reason.
If you think it is ok to publicly deny your religious belief when questioned you should Join Islam. One is forsaken until they repent if they deny the belief they have in Jesus and God.

One can be forgiven for doing it.

I don't believe we should deny our faith in Christ nor should we stop talking about him. If others don't want to hear it they don't have to listen here in America unlike how it would be under an Islamic state. You'd not only have to listen but bow down to their god or lose your head. I have heard some of my ex military friends telling me they believe that America is going to be taken over by Islam and will become an Islamic state soon. I question whether or not the church would speak up if that were to happen. I have heard very little from the churches on the matter of Islam in America. It is as if that subject cannot be approached for some reason.
For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels
____________________________ I don't doubt it one bit that America might be taken over by Islam. I believe it has already begun. Obama's Mother was Jewish but his Dad was a Muslim. If anytime in history the churches should be addressing the subject of Islam it is now. If we read between the lines the News is corresponding with the Bible. We are living in the Last Days and America is going down the wrong track.
If you think it is ok to publicly deny your religious belief when questioned you should Join Islam. One is forsaken until they repent if they deny the belief they have in Jesus and God.

One can be forgiven for doing it.

I don't believe we should deny our faith in Christ nor should we stop talking about him. If others don't want to hear it they don't have to listen here in America unlike how it would be under an Islamic state. You'd not only have to listen but bow down to their god or lose your head. I have heard some of my ex military friends telling me they believe that America is going to be taken over by Islam and will become an Islamic state soon. I question whether or not the church would speak up if that were to happen. I have heard very little from the churches on the matter of Islam in America. It is as if that subject cannot be approached for some reason.

I suppose Christians should be guided by what the Bible says. These are the verses I think are relevant to the subject:

“Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul” (Ezekiel 3:17-19, KJV).

“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 10:32; see also Luke 12:8, Romans 10:9, and 1 John 4:15, KJV).

If Christians feel they have found the Truth and their lives have been enriched thereby, there is nothing wrong with them sharing their experiences and spreading their joy. In fact, I would expect them to react this way. Certainly, if I found something that changed my life for the better I would want others to know about it. And if I were genuinely convinced that those who did not believe in Christ were condemned to eternal torment and hopelessness I would do my best to prevent it.

Each man has to do what he believes is right.
Is it ok to keep quiet about my Christianity?
The question is moot in the United States, of course, where one is at liberty to openly express his faith, or lack thereof, free from fear of persecution.

Elsewhere, sadly, that’s likely not the case.

You would think so, Clayton, but this question was actually asked by an American Christian to an American Pastor! He wanted to know if he had to publicly confess Christ or could he keep his relationship with Christ a secret from others. That is what I got from the story at the beginning and I cut a clip from the end of the 1st page which addressed a far more serious matter of speaking up about ones faith in the face of persecution or death.

In other words he wanted to know if it was alright to accept Christ in his heart without publicly acknowledging Christ to his friends and peers. I think if he did truly accept Christ into his heart then he is going to have a transformation which would give him the desire to share how he feels. I don't believe he should be forced or coerced into sharing his faith I think he would just naturally come into it. I'm sure if God gives him the desire to say something he will.
Doesn't it say somewhere in that book that is so worshipped that one can have church in their closet? answer to the question....Is it ok to keep quiet about my Christianity?

Yes, it is ok. It is also ok to talk about it if you want. But, that doesn't mean try to force someone to believe the same you do (you as in general you...not anyone specific). If talking about it was not wanted here, there wouldn't be a religion forum.
Doesn't it say somewhere in that book that is so worshipped that one can have church in their closet? answer to the question....Is it ok to keep quiet about my Christianity?

Yes, it is ok. It is also ok to talk about it if you want. But, that doesn't mean try to force someone to believe the same you do (you as in general you...not anyone specific). If talking about it was not wanted here, there wouldn't be a religion forum.

The Bible is talking about praying not having church......But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
This article is called "Ask Roger" and the discussion is whether or not someone should keep quiet about their faith. A friend of mine sent me a newsletter with the "Ask Roger" link and I thought it was an interesting subject. What do you think? Is it ok or it isn't ok?

Here is a clip from the column. See link for full story:

The primary context of Matthew 10:32-33 is persecution. Jesus taught His followers that they would be called on to testify before powerful authorities to declare whether or not they followed Christ. On that day, true Christians will declare their surrendered relationship with Christ—even at the cost of their lives.

In practical reality, living under the iron fist of the Roman Empire, things were not nearly so clear-cut. There is little doubt that under intense torture the one being pressured can be made to say anything.

A problem arose in the church during the first and second centuries. Some of the Christians broke down and denied Christ under torture. Many in the churches "kicked out" of their churches those who denied Christ by declaring that true believers would never for a moment deny Christ. Others wanted to forgive them and welcome their return. The issue was never resolved.

Is it OK to Keep Quiet About My Christianity? - Dr. Roger Barrier

"The issue was never resolved."/B]

The issue was never resolved by whom??? Do others define my relationship with Christ or do Christ and I? Others may fall into some traps. Being forthright and honest with my Creator is infinitely more preferable than depending on some proxy human being.
Doesn't it say somewhere in that book that is so worshipped that one can have church in their closet? answer to the question....Is it ok to keep quiet about my Christianity?

Yes, it is ok. It is also ok to talk about it if you want. But, that doesn't mean try to force someone to believe the same you do (you as in general you...not anyone specific). If talking about it was not wanted here, there wouldn't be a religion forum.

What right do I have to own 8 or 11 Bibles in my house when there is someone in the world that doesn't have a Bible?
Luke 19:39 And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples.

Luke 19:40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.
Doesn't it say somewhere in that book that is so worshipped that one can have church in their closet? answer to the question....Is it ok to keep quiet about my Christianity?

Yes, it is ok. It is also ok to talk about it if you want. But, that doesn't mean try to force someone to believe the same you do (you as in general you...not anyone specific). If talking about it was not wanted here, there wouldn't be a religion forum.

The Bible is talking about praying not having church......But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

The churches I encountered in my lifetime were nothing but hypocrits. Monday through Saturday was "fuck you"...except on Sunday.
Roses are redish violet are bluish to bad you are not Jewish
I always wondered why Jewish people were so hated. In my lifetime, I was told "because they killed Jesus" and for a long time..I thought that made sense. But then...Jesus was a Jew himself. didn't make sense. All this time, they are still persecuted. Why, I asked myself again. Then a dim light began to sputter over my head. Maybe they were/are hated due to....are ya ready for this off the wall idea.....jealousy?
Now before anyone gets all peeved, think about it for a sec.
They are continually referred to as "Gods Chosen People". Well....wouldn't that make non jews feel left out? Like...."what about the rest of your children? We are not jewish. Don't you love us as well? And if so, why do you continue to refer to Jews as "the chosen"? Do you continue to call them that because they still deny Jesus was the savior? And if so...does that fall in line with a parents love for the wayward child, the stubborn child, the willful child instead of the child that follows the rules, is good, does as told and doesn't question anything? Why would God have a chosen people when we are ALL supposed to be his children yet the favoritism is for...Jews.

So could this hate be from that? Jealousy?
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