Is It Permanently Ground Hog Day?


Dec 6, 2018
Here we are again. What did Donald Trump know about the Russians actively attempting to pay, offering to pay, or actually paying "bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan"? When did he know it? What did he do about it? His answers are nothing new. Answer to first question "he didn't know." Answer to second question, same as answer to question one. Answer to third question: NOTHING! He can go play golf all weekend but can't take 15 minutes out of his "Fox News" tv time to pick up his Russian "Bat Phone" and tell his Comrade Vladimir if it's true, we have a problem. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe President Trump. The man is a joke, ridiculous, an embarrassment, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN! The Republicans are beyond blowing it. If they want to win the election, all they need to do is NOMINATE ANYONE ELSE. Dems aren't thrilled about Biden and can't stand Trump. A lot of Independents, like me, would welcome and embrace a different candidate, a third candidate.

Every day I wake up thinking "ok, things will be better today." Within an hour or so, the reality hits me like a brick in the face "nothing is getting better, they are getting worse."
It is Groundhog Day everyday because my blackface wearing limp wristed democratic governor wants to hold the entire state hostage in perpetuity because people in Northern Virginia and Richmond have poor hygiene habits.
Here we are again. What did Donald Trump know about the Russians actively attempting to pay, offering to pay, or actually paying "bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan"? When did he know it? What did he do about it? His answers are nothing new. Answer to first question "he didn't know." Answer to second question, same as answer to question one. Answer to third question: NOTHING! He can go play golf all weekend but can't take 15 minutes out of his "Fox News" tv time to pick up his Russian "Bat Phone" and tell his Comrade Vladimir if it's true, we have a problem. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe President Trump. The man is a joke, ridiculous, an embarrassment, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN! The Republicans are beyond blowing it. If they want to win the election, all they need to do is NOMINATE ANYONE ELSE. Dems aren't thrilled about Biden and can't stand Trump. A lot of Independents, like me, would welcome and embrace a different candidate, a third candidate.

Every day I wake up thinking "ok, things will be better today." Within an hour or so, the reality hits me like a brick in the face "nothing is getting better, they are getting worse."

Interesting you had a mile long tirade about Trump but don't mention any demoquack....Your claim of independent is dubious at best
Here we are again. What did Donald Trump know about the Russians actively attempting to pay, offering to pay, or actually paying "bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan"? When did he know it? What did he do about it? His answers are nothing new. Answer to first question "he didn't know." Answer to second question, same as answer to question one. Answer to third question: NOTHING! He can go play golf all weekend but can't take 15 minutes out of his "Fox News" tv time to pick up his Russian "Bat Phone" and tell his Comrade Vladimir if it's true, we have a problem. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe President Trump. The man is a joke, ridiculous, an embarrassment, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN! The Republicans are beyond blowing it. If they want to win the election, all they need to do is NOMINATE ANYONE ELSE. Dems aren't thrilled about Biden and can't stand Trump. A lot of Independents, like me, would welcome and embrace a different candidate, a third candidate.

Every day I wake up thinking "ok, things will be better today." Within an hour or so, the reality hits me like a brick in the face "nothing is getting better, they are getting worse."
ONLY for dumbshit liberals. We conservatives ABSOLUTELY love life. At least I do. This is why it is imperative that Donald J. Trump is re-elected in November. Thank you.
Here we are again. What did Donald Trump know about the Russians actively attempting to pay, offering to pay, or actually paying "bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan"? When did he know it? What did he do about it? His answers are nothing new. Answer to first question "he didn't know." Answer to second question, same as answer to question one. Answer to third question: NOTHING! He can go play golf all weekend but can't take 15 minutes out of his "Fox News" tv time to pick up his Russian "Bat Phone" and tell his Comrade Vladimir if it's true, we have a problem. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe President Trump. The man is a joke, ridiculous, an embarrassment, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN! The Republicans are beyond blowing it. If they want to win the election, all they need to do is NOMINATE ANYONE ELSE. Dems aren't thrilled about Biden and can't stand Trump. A lot of Independents, like me, would welcome and embrace a different candidate, a third candidate.

Every day I wake up thinking "ok, things will be better today." Within an hour or so, the reality hits me like a brick in the face "nothing is getting better, they are getting worse."

Interesting you had a mile long tirade about Trump but don't mention any demoquack....Your claim of independent is dubious at best

Yes. Interesting. In other news our lives, even despite the insurrection and constant illegal fireworks detonations, has never been better and is in fact getting better by the moment. The OP really needs to step away from the internet and take a long, long stroll in a park and meet and talk with real people, in person.
Here we are again. What did Donald Trump know about the Russians actively attempting to pay, offering to pay, or actually paying "bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan"? When did he know it? What did he do about it? His answers are nothing new. Answer to first question "he didn't know." Answer to second question, same as answer to question one. Answer to third question: NOTHING! He can go play golf all weekend but can't take 15 minutes out of his "Fox News" tv time to pick up his Russian "Bat Phone" and tell his Comrade Vladimir if it's true, we have a problem. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe President Trump. The man is a joke, ridiculous, an embarrassment, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN! The Republicans are beyond blowing it. If they want to win the election, all they need to do is NOMINATE ANYONE ELSE. Dems aren't thrilled about Biden and can't stand Trump. A lot of Independents, like me, would welcome and embrace a different candidate, a third candidate.

Every day I wake up thinking "ok, things will be better today." Within an hour or so, the reality hits me like a brick in the face "nothing is getting better, they are getting worse."

Interesting you had a mile long tirade about Trump but don't mention any demoquack....Your claim of independent is dubious at best

Yes. Interesting. In other news our lives, even despite the insurrection and constant illegal fireworks detonations, has never been better and is in fact getting better by the moment. The OP really needs to step away from the internet and take a long, long stroll in a park and meet and talk with real people, in person.

He/she is transparent
Here we are again. What did Donald Trump know about the Russians actively attempting to pay, offering to pay, or actually paying "bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan"? When did he know it? What did he do about it? His answers are nothing new. Answer to first question "he didn't know." Answer to second question, same as answer to question one. Answer to third question: NOTHING! He can go play golf all weekend but can't take 15 minutes out of his "Fox News" tv time to pick up his Russian "Bat Phone" and tell his Comrade Vladimir if it's true, we have a problem. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe President Trump. The man is a joke, ridiculous, an embarrassment, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN! The Republicans are beyond blowing it. If they want to win the election, all they need to do is NOMINATE ANYONE ELSE. Dems aren't thrilled about Biden and can't stand Trump. A lot of Independents, like me, would welcome and embrace a different candidate, a third candidate.

Every day I wake up thinking "ok, things will be better today." Within an hour or so, the reality hits me like a brick in the face "nothing is getting better, they are getting worse."

Interesting you had a mile long tirade about Trump but don't mention any demoquack....Your claim of independent is dubious at best

Yes. Interesting. In other news our lives, even despite the insurrection and constant illegal fireworks detonations, has never been better and is in fact getting better by the moment. The OP really needs to step away from the internet and take a long, long stroll in a park and meet and talk with real people, in person.
Thanks for your post. I know I'M enjoying MY life to its fullest. Now I can't wait for the baseball season to start on July 24th. I'm hungry for some live baseball!
Here we are again. What did Donald Trump know about the Russians actively attempting to pay, offering to pay, or actually paying "bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan"? When did he know it? What did he do about it? His answers are nothing new. Answer to first question "he didn't know." Answer to second question, same as answer to question one. Answer to third question: NOTHING! He can go play golf all weekend but can't take 15 minutes out of his "Fox News" tv time to pick up his Russian "Bat Phone" and tell his Comrade Vladimir if it's true, we have a problem. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe President Trump. The man is a joke, ridiculous, an embarrassment, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN! The Republicans are beyond blowing it. If they want to win the election, all they need to do is NOMINATE ANYONE ELSE. Dems aren't thrilled about Biden and can't stand Trump. A lot of Independents, like me, would welcome and embrace a different candidate, a third candidate.

Every day I wake up thinking "ok, things will be better today." Within an hour or so, the reality hits me like a brick in the face "nothing is getting better, they are getting worse."

Interesting you had a mile long tirade about Trump but don't mention any demoquack....Your claim of independent is dubious at best

Yes. Interesting. In other news our lives, even despite the insurrection and constant illegal fireworks detonations, has never been better and is in fact getting better by the moment. The OP really needs to step away from the internet and take a long, long stroll in a park and meet and talk with real people, in person.

He/she is transparent
Yep, you CAN see right through him/her/it.
Here we are again. What did Donald Trump know about the Russians actively attempting to pay, offering to pay, or actually paying "bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan"? When did he know it? What did he do about it? His answers are nothing new. Answer to first question "he didn't know." Answer to second question, same as answer to question one. Answer to third question: NOTHING! He can go play golf all weekend but can't take 15 minutes out of his "Fox News" tv time to pick up his Russian "Bat Phone" and tell his Comrade Vladimir if it's true, we have a problem. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe President Trump. The man is a joke, ridiculous, an embarrassment, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN! The Republicans are beyond blowing it. If they want to win the election, all they need to do is NOMINATE ANYONE ELSE. Dems aren't thrilled about Biden and can't stand Trump. A lot of Independents, like me, would welcome and embrace a different candidate, a third candidate.

Every day I wake up thinking "ok, things will be better today." Within an hour or so, the reality hits me like a brick in the face "nothing is getting better, they are getting worse."

Interesting you had a mile long tirade about Trump but don't mention any demoquack....Your claim of independent is dubious at best

Yes. Interesting. In other news our lives, even despite the insurrection and constant illegal fireworks detonations, has never been better and is in fact getting better by the moment. The OP really needs to step away from the internet and take a long, long stroll in a park and meet and talk with real people, in person.
Thanks for your post. I know I'M enjoying MY life to its fullest. Now I can't wait for the baseball season to start on July 24th. I'm hungry for some live baseball!

Yeah? Awesome news for you, my main man. For the wife and I life is a meteor rising. Stock is up, our adopted pup is a grateful toddler doofus, there's fish to be caught, land to be bought, business to grow and America to celebrate in a few days. Rock on.
Here we are again. What did Donald Trump know about the Russians actively attempting to pay, offering to pay, or actually paying "bounties for dead American soldiers in Afghanistan"? When did he know it? What did he do about it? His answers are nothing new. Answer to first question "he didn't know." Answer to second question, same as answer to question one. Answer to third question: NOTHING! He can go play golf all weekend but can't take 15 minutes out of his "Fox News" tv time to pick up his Russian "Bat Phone" and tell his Comrade Vladimir if it's true, we have a problem. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe President Trump. The man is a joke, ridiculous, an embarrassment, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN! The Republicans are beyond blowing it. If they want to win the election, all they need to do is NOMINATE ANYONE ELSE. Dems aren't thrilled about Biden and can't stand Trump. A lot of Independents, like me, would welcome and embrace a different candidate, a third candidate.

Every day I wake up thinking "ok, things will be better today." Within an hour or so, the reality hits me like a brick in the face "nothing is getting better, they are getting worse."

Interesting you had a mile long tirade about Trump but don't mention any demoquack....Your claim of independent is dubious at best

Yes. Interesting. In other news our lives, even despite the insurrection and constant illegal fireworks detonations, has never been better and is in fact getting better by the moment. The OP really needs to step away from the internet and take a long, long stroll in a park and meet and talk with real people, in person.
Thanks for your post. I know I'M enjoying MY life to its fullest. Now I can't wait for the baseball season to start on July 24th. I'm hungry for some live baseball!

Yeah? Awesome news for you, my main man. For the wife and I life is a meteor rising. Stock is up, our adopted pup is a grateful toddler doofus, there's fish to be caught, land to be bought, business to grow and America to celebrate in a few days. Rock on.
Great for you! And have a lot of fun with your "doofus" pup. We have two adult cats, ages 10 and 11, that are STILL doofusses. But we love them dearly, and we THINK they love us, as well.
To all you Trump lovers who insist your lives are beyond awesome because the stock market took a huge dump and is trying to make a come back all I can say is "May You and Yours Contract COVID-19 Just In Time to Need a Mail In Ballot in November!" I won't apologize for being a rationale, realistic, or reasonable human being. Go back to your church, thump your Bible until Judgment Day, and take comfort in knowing that your Beloved Orange Leader is such a piece of garbage that even Jesus would have difficulty forgiving him. Oh wait, I forgot, in order to be forgiven you have to be truly sorry and try not to repeat the same sins. That's impossible when you have no conscience, moral compass, or grip on reality. I have news for you.....your savior, Donald Trump, is so intelligent and enlightened that he believes the 10 Commandments are a DAILY TO DO LIST rather than prohibited acts to be avoided. You all deserve one another! I'm sure most of you admire Donald Trump because he is easily one of the most successful criminals in the last 100 years. Maybe you love him because he claims to have managed the Pandemic "better than anyone ever could." Maybe it's because he wants to be a dictator. Maybe it's because you admire a man who pays porn stars and young, beautiful women to play with his teeny, tiny, orange penis. Talk about being misguided!
More like an alternate universe every day.
If you would have told me that mobs of people would be allowed to take over areas of our country, I would have said you're nuts.
Instead, day after day, up is down, good is bad, cops are the bad guys, rioters are the good guys.

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