Is it possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory?

Is that why you are posting in a religious forum? You are just living your life? Give me a break. You are here to subordinate religion.

The forum is called "Religion and ETHICS".

I have posted in this forum often enough. Please find any posts of mine that are anti-religion or were posted to subordinate religion.
Yes, it is. Why do you think atheists spend all their time discussing religion?

So have you found any post I made that subordinates religion? Or is anti-religion?

Or will you admit you lied?
Your condemnation is much more veiled than others. You are more subtle than others. I credit you for that. But let’s be honest, you don’t come here to learn or because you are curious.

I have not condemned any religion. I have condemned attacks on atheists and the insistence that we are all Marxists.

In fact, you can find posts of mine defending people's right to their faith and their worship. So, if there is someone here who is not trying to understand or learn, that would be you more than me.
Let me ask you this, in my last post, #360, did you see that as an attack on atheists? If so, which part of it was untrue? So if I state the truth and the truth hurts, is it my fault for telling the truth?
Is that why you are posting in a religious forum? You are just living your life? Give me a break. You are here to subordinate religion.

The forum is called "Religion and ETHICS".

I have posted in this forum often enough. Please find any posts of mine that are anti-religion or were posted to subordinate religion.
Yes, it is. Why do you think atheists spend all their time discussing religion?

All our time discussing religion? Silly me. Here I thought all those posts in the Sports forum were about sports.
I was talking about this room.

I love sports though. I’m a big fan of golf.

There have been discussions on ethics as well. But when I see threads started denigrating atheists, yes I tend to step in and see what is being said.
Yes, but that would be the exception. Surely you do not deny what some atheists are doing here, right?
Its always going to be a problem for anyone to prove or disprove an idea that’s essentially meaningless.
If you really believed belief in God were meaningless you wouldn’t be here.

What a load of horseshit. A person cannot come here to discuss the various religions, faiths and/or superstitions that have shaped our world? A person cannot come here to challenge those who make ridiculous claims about atheists? A person cannot come here to learn?

Your attempts at telling people why they are posting in this forum are a failure.
I don’t really see them doing that here. Do you?

Would you like to discuss the various religions with me?

I haven’t seen anyone want to understand my beliefs? You would be the first and it would be welcomed.

When someone insists that everyone with my beliefs is a marxist, is a real discussion expected? Every point you have made has been refuted, and yet you still want to insist that all atheists want to subordinate religions.
Did I say that? I said atheists who further the goals of marxists are either their dupes or they are Marxists themselves.

Atheism does lead to socialism and communism. Which does not mean that all atheists are marxists or communist.

Would you agree that there has never been a communist state that wasn't a militant atheist state?

Would you agree that the less religious Europe became the more socialistic it became?

Would you disagree that the founding fathers of communism believed that the more humanistic their society became the more communistic it became?

So how is it that their beliefs were not matched by what happened in history?

You have absolutely no evidence that atheism leads to socialism and communism.
Is that why you are posting in a religious forum? You are just living your life? Give me a break. You are here to subordinate religion.

The forum is called "Religion and ETHICS".

I have posted in this forum often enough. Please find any posts of mine that are anti-religion or were posted to subordinate religion.
Yes, it is. Why do you think atheists spend all their time discussing religion?

So have you found any post I made that subordinates religion? Or is anti-religion?

Or will you admit you lied?
Your condemnation is much more veiled than others. You are more subtle than others. I credit you for that. But let’s be honest, you don’t come here to learn or because you are curious.

I have not condemned any religion. I have condemned attacks on atheists and the insistence that we are all Marxists.

In fact, you can find posts of mine defending people's right to their faith and their worship. So, if there is someone here who is not trying to understand or learn, that would be you more than me.
I agree with you that you have not attacked any religions. I apologize unconditionally.

I'm not attacking atheists though. I am stating what I believe. The truth does hurt sometimes.
If you really believed belief in God were meaningless you wouldn’t be here.

What a load of horseshit. A person cannot come here to discuss the various religions, faiths and/or superstitions that have shaped our world? A person cannot come here to challenge those who make ridiculous claims about atheists? A person cannot come here to learn?

Your attempts at telling people why they are posting in this forum are a failure.
I don’t really see them doing that here. Do you?

Would you like to discuss the various religions with me?

I haven’t seen anyone want to understand my beliefs? You would be the first and it would be welcomed.

When someone insists that everyone with my beliefs is a marxist, is a real discussion expected? Every point you have made has been refuted, and yet you still want to insist that all atheists want to subordinate religions.
Did I say that? I said atheists who further the goals of marxists are either their dupes or they are Marxists themselves.

Atheism does lead to socialism and communism. Which does not mean that all atheists are marxists or communist.

Would you agree that there has never been a communist state that wasn't a militant atheist state?

Would you agree that the less religious Europe became the more socialistic it became?

Would you disagree that the founding fathers of communism believed that the more humanistic their society became the more communistic it became?

So how is it that their beliefs were not matched by what happened in history?

You have absolutely no evidence that atheism leads to socialism and communism.
I just provided it to you. The words of their own founders, history and what I have been discussing here which is marrying behavior science with Marxism.

I even provided a witness who was in a position to know and has corroborated what I have said.

They have set plan.

1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

What of many of the atheists here do is demoralization. I don't think they even know the role they are playing in trying to alter our culture.
The forum is called "Religion and ETHICS".

I have posted in this forum often enough. Please find any posts of mine that are anti-religion or were posted to subordinate religion.
Yes, it is. Why do you think atheists spend all their time discussing religion?

So have you found any post I made that subordinates religion? Or is anti-religion?

Or will you admit you lied?
Your condemnation is much more veiled than others. You are more subtle than others. I credit you for that. But let’s be honest, you don’t come here to learn or because you are curious.

I have not condemned any religion. I have condemned attacks on atheists and the insistence that we are all Marxists.

In fact, you can find posts of mine defending people's right to their faith and their worship. So, if there is someone here who is not trying to understand or learn, that would be you more than me.
Let me ask you this, in my last post, #360, did you see that as an attack on atheists? If so, which part of it was untrue? So if I state the truth and the truth hurts, is it my fault for telling the truth?

I saw you make the claim that atheism leads to socialism and communism. Without any evidence. Your continued logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc is tiresome. Just because socialism is atheist does not mean all atheism leads to socialism. That just not stand up to logical reasoning.
The problem with atheism is that god can't be fully proven nor fully disproven.
Its always going to be a problem for anyone to prove or disprove an idea that’s essentially meaningless.
If you really believed belief in God were meaningless you wouldn’t be here.

What a load of horseshit. A person cannot come here to discuss the various religions, faiths and/or superstitions that have shaped our world? A person cannot come here to challenge those who make ridiculous claims about atheists? A person cannot come here to learn?

Your attempts at telling people why they are posting in this forum are a failure.
I don’t really see them doing that here. Do you?

Would you like to discuss the various religions with me?

I haven’t seen anyone want to understand my beliefs? You would be the first and it would be welcomed.

No, I haven't. But then, your beliefs haven't been part of our conversation. Just your erroneous ideas about atheism.
My religious beliefs are scattered throughout this forum. This isn't the thread for that though.
The forum is called "Religion and ETHICS".

I have posted in this forum often enough. Please find any posts of mine that are anti-religion or were posted to subordinate religion.
Yes, it is. Why do you think atheists spend all their time discussing religion?

All our time discussing religion? Silly me. Here I thought all those posts in the Sports forum were about sports.
I was talking about this room.

I love sports though. I’m a big fan of golf.

There have been discussions on ethics as well. But when I see threads started denigrating atheists, yes I tend to step in and see what is being said.
Yes, but that would be the exception. Surely you do not deny what some atheists are doing here, right?

Yes, there are atheists who come here just to attack religious beliefs. Just as there are religious people who come here to attack atheists. I do not see much difference between the two.
What a load of horseshit. A person cannot come here to discuss the various religions, faiths and/or superstitions that have shaped our world? A person cannot come here to challenge those who make ridiculous claims about atheists? A person cannot come here to learn?

Your attempts at telling people why they are posting in this forum are a failure.
I don’t really see them doing that here. Do you?

Would you like to discuss the various religions with me?

I haven’t seen anyone want to understand my beliefs? You would be the first and it would be welcomed.

When someone insists that everyone with my beliefs is a marxist, is a real discussion expected? Every point you have made has been refuted, and yet you still want to insist that all atheists want to subordinate religions.
Did I say that? I said atheists who further the goals of marxists are either their dupes or they are Marxists themselves.

Atheism does lead to socialism and communism. Which does not mean that all atheists are marxists or communist.

Would you agree that there has never been a communist state that wasn't a militant atheist state?

Would you agree that the less religious Europe became the more socialistic it became?

Would you disagree that the founding fathers of communism believed that the more humanistic their society became the more communistic it became?

So how is it that their beliefs were not matched by what happened in history?

You have absolutely no evidence that atheism leads to socialism and communism.
I just provided it to you. The words of their own founders, history and what I have been discussing here which is marrying behavior science with Marxism.

I even provided a witness who was in a position to know and has corroborated what I have said.

They have set plan.

1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

What of many of the atheists here do is demoralization. I don't think they even know the role they are playing in trying to alter our culture.

That some atheists try to move people towards socialism is not the same as "Atheism does lead to socialism and communism.".
Yes, it is. Why do you think atheists spend all their time discussing religion?

So have you found any post I made that subordinates religion? Or is anti-religion?

Or will you admit you lied?
Your condemnation is much more veiled than others. You are more subtle than others. I credit you for that. But let’s be honest, you don’t come here to learn or because you are curious.

I have not condemned any religion. I have condemned attacks on atheists and the insistence that we are all Marxists.

In fact, you can find posts of mine defending people's right to their faith and their worship. So, if there is someone here who is not trying to understand or learn, that would be you more than me.
Let me ask you this, in my last post, #360, did you see that as an attack on atheists? If so, which part of it was untrue? So if I state the truth and the truth hurts, is it my fault for telling the truth?

I saw you make the claim that atheism leads to socialism and communism. Without any evidence. Your continued logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc is tiresome. Just because socialism is atheist does not mean all atheism leads to socialism. That just not stand up to logical reasoning.
I disagree I have provided that evidence.

1. The founders of communism believed that atheism is needed for communism.
2. History shows that there has never been a communist state that was not an atheist state.
3. The less religious Europe became the more socialistic Europe became.
4. Behavioral scientists married Freud with Marx for the express purpose of altering the culture of society.
5. Yuri Bezmenov provides expert testimony that communists used subversive techniques to demoralize cultures.
6. Yuri Bezmenov testified that we did it to ourselves.
Yes, it is. Why do you think atheists spend all their time discussing religion?

All our time discussing religion? Silly me. Here I thought all those posts in the Sports forum were about sports.
I was talking about this room.

I love sports though. I’m a big fan of golf.

There have been discussions on ethics as well. But when I see threads started denigrating atheists, yes I tend to step in and see what is being said.
Yes, but that would be the exception. Surely you do not deny what some atheists are doing here, right?

Yes, there are atheists who come here just to attack religious beliefs. Just as there are religious people who come here to attack atheists. I do not see much difference between the two.
Neither do I. They are rival religions. Although socialism is a special case of religion.
Yes, it is. Why do you think atheists spend all their time discussing religion?

So have you found any post I made that subordinates religion? Or is anti-religion?

Or will you admit you lied?
Your condemnation is much more veiled than others. You are more subtle than others. I credit you for that. But let’s be honest, you don’t come here to learn or because you are curious.

I have not condemned any religion. I have condemned attacks on atheists and the insistence that we are all Marxists.

In fact, you can find posts of mine defending people's right to their faith and their worship. So, if there is someone here who is not trying to understand or learn, that would be you more than me.
Let me ask you this, in my last post, #360, did you see that as an attack on atheists? If so, which part of it was untrue? So if I state the truth and the truth hurts, is it my fault for telling the truth?

I saw you make the claim that atheism leads to socialism and communism. Without any evidence. Your continued logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc is tiresome. Just because socialism is atheist does not mean all atheism leads to socialism. That just not stand up to logical reasoning.
Would you please humor me and read this? It's a ten minute read but well worth it.

Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn -- A World Split Apart — Commencement Address Delivered At Harvard University, June 8, 1978
So have you found any post I made that subordinates religion? Or is anti-religion?

Or will you admit you lied?
Your condemnation is much more veiled than others. You are more subtle than others. I credit you for that. But let’s be honest, you don’t come here to learn or because you are curious.

I have not condemned any religion. I have condemned attacks on atheists and the insistence that we are all Marxists.

In fact, you can find posts of mine defending people's right to their faith and their worship. So, if there is someone here who is not trying to understand or learn, that would be you more than me.
Let me ask you this, in my last post, #360, did you see that as an attack on atheists? If so, which part of it was untrue? So if I state the truth and the truth hurts, is it my fault for telling the truth?

I saw you make the claim that atheism leads to socialism and communism. Without any evidence. Your continued logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc is tiresome. Just because socialism is atheist does not mean all atheism leads to socialism. That just not stand up to logical reasoning.
I disagree I have provided that evidence.

1. The founders of communism believed that atheism is needed for communism.
2. History shows that there has never been a communist state that was not an atheist state.
3. The less religious Europe became the more socialistic Europe became.
4. Behavioral scientists married Freud with Marx for the express purpose of altering the culture of society.
5. Yuri Bezmenov provides expert testimony that communists used subversive techniques to demoralize cultures.
6. Yuri Bezmenov testified that we did it to ourselves.

I'll answer these in order.

1. As I have said, just because communism is atheist does NOT mean that atheism leads to communism. I am a solid capitalist.
2. Once again, this is a correlational fallacy. Correlation does not show causation.
3. Many of the eastern European countries became communist by force.
4. I have seen no evidence to prove this. I have seen and read that Freud's theories have been largely tossed aside.
5. That there were communists using subversive techniques to demoralize cultures does not say anything about atheism.
6. His testimony, given to defend his actions, is not worth much.
Your condemnation is much more veiled than others. You are more subtle than others. I credit you for that. But let’s be honest, you don’t come here to learn or because you are curious.

I have not condemned any religion. I have condemned attacks on atheists and the insistence that we are all Marxists.

In fact, you can find posts of mine defending people's right to their faith and their worship. So, if there is someone here who is not trying to understand or learn, that would be you more than me.
Let me ask you this, in my last post, #360, did you see that as an attack on atheists? If so, which part of it was untrue? So if I state the truth and the truth hurts, is it my fault for telling the truth?

I saw you make the claim that atheism leads to socialism and communism. Without any evidence. Your continued logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc is tiresome. Just because socialism is atheist does not mean all atheism leads to socialism. That just not stand up to logical reasoning.
I disagree I have provided that evidence.

1. The founders of communism believed that atheism is needed for communism.
2. History shows that there has never been a communist state that was not an atheist state.
3. The less religious Europe became the more socialistic Europe became.
4. Behavioral scientists married Freud with Marx for the express purpose of altering the culture of society.
5. Yuri Bezmenov provides expert testimony that communists used subversive techniques to demoralize cultures.
6. Yuri Bezmenov testified that we did it to ourselves.

I'll answer these in order.

1. As I have said, just because communism is atheist does NOT mean that atheism leads to communism. I am a solid capitalist.
2. Once again, this is a correlational fallacy. Correlation does not show causation.
3. Many of the eastern European countries became communist by force.
4. I have seen no evidence to prove this. I have seen and read that Freud's theories have been largely tossed aside.
5. That there were communists using subversive techniques to demoralize cultures does not say anything about atheism.
6. His testimony, given to defend his actions, is not worth much.
Did you read the Harvard Address by Solzhenitsyn?

It gets very interesting about half way through.
I don't believe it is possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory because there is no affirmative case for atheism. The only argument of atheism is to argue against religion and to criticize religion.

So my question is... Is it possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory?

No it’s not, they continue to promote the Big Bang Theory...
I don't believe it is possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory because there is no affirmative case for atheism. The only argument of atheism is to argue against religion and to criticize religion.

So my question is... Is it possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory?

No it’s not, they continue to promote the Big Bang Theory...
What's wrong with space and time having a beginning?
Your condemnation is much more veiled than others. You are more subtle than others. I credit you for that. But let’s be honest, you don’t come here to learn or because you are curious.

I have not condemned any religion. I have condemned attacks on atheists and the insistence that we are all Marxists.

In fact, you can find posts of mine defending people's right to their faith and their worship. So, if there is someone here who is not trying to understand or learn, that would be you more than me.
Let me ask you this, in my last post, #360, did you see that as an attack on atheists? If so, which part of it was untrue? So if I state the truth and the truth hurts, is it my fault for telling the truth?

I saw you make the claim that atheism leads to socialism and communism. Without any evidence. Your continued logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc is tiresome. Just because socialism is atheist does not mean all atheism leads to socialism. That just not stand up to logical reasoning.
I disagree I have provided that evidence.

1. The founders of communism believed that atheism is needed for communism.
2. History shows that there has never been a communist state that was not an atheist state.
3. The less religious Europe became the more socialistic Europe became.
4. Behavioral scientists married Freud with Marx for the express purpose of altering the culture of society.
5. Yuri Bezmenov provides expert testimony that communists used subversive techniques to demoralize cultures.
6. Yuri Bezmenov testified that we did it to ourselves.

I'll answer these in order.

1. As I have said, just because communism is atheist does NOT mean that atheism leads to communism. I am a solid capitalist.
2. Once again, this is a correlational fallacy. Correlation does not show causation.
3. Many of the eastern European countries became communist by force.
4. I have seen no evidence to prove this. I have seen and read that Freud's theories have been largely tossed aside.
5. That there were communists using subversive techniques to demoralize cultures does not say anything about atheism.
6. His testimony, given to defend his actions, is not worth much.
Are you an atheist?
I don't believe it is possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory because there is no affirmative case for atheism. The only argument of atheism is to argue against religion and to criticize religion.

So my question is... Is it possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory?

No it’s not, they continue to promote the Big Bang Theory...
What's wrong with space and time having a beginning?

Nothing, who created space and time is the question...
I don't believe it is possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory because there is no affirmative case for atheism. The only argument of atheism is to argue against religion and to criticize religion.

So my question is... Is it possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory?

No it’s not, they continue to promote the Big Bang Theory...
What's wrong with space and time having a beginning?

Nothing, who created space and time is the question...
Have you ever heard of inflation?
I don't believe it is possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory because there is no affirmative case for atheism. The only argument of atheism is to argue against religion and to criticize religion.

So my question is... Is it possible for atheism to ever be anything more than critical theory?

No it’s not, they continue to promote the Big Bang Theory...
What's wrong with space and time having a beginning?

Nothing, who created space and time is the question...
Have you ever heard of inflation?

I have, what’s the relevance to our creator and the universe?

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