Is it POSSIBLE LH Oswald acted alone??

I believe there was a Coup d'Etat on November 22nd, 1963... There is a lot of info that implicates LBJ, Nixon, Ruby, Bush and others...

I think Bush tried to make an attempt on Reagan as well, the relationship between the Hinkley's and the Bush's is well documented.

for anybody seeking the truth about the kennedy assassination,you all should view this video.The evidence in there contrary to what Dawgshit and other trolls come on here endorcing the lies that oswald was the lone assassin,the evidence in this video is overwhelimg that Bush and Nixon had a huge hand in the assassination.

They dont talk much about LBJ'S involvement in it because I guess they assume everybody knows already his deep involvement in it.For years,people could only speculate about Nixons involvement,but not anymore.The evidence is overwhemling in the video that he was involved as well.Thats why he took Bush on in his cabinet in later years.they were buddies.

excellent must see video.below.

[ame=]JFK II - The Bush Connection (2003) - YouTube[/ame]
Lots of parties wanted JFK dead.

The biggest fav is LBJ - who both Jackie Kennedy and Robert Kennedy thought it was LBJ.

Then there is the Mob and Rubys involment etc.


The JFK assn wil never besolved...............

Yes, it is possible.
Oswald was a traitor. He should have been arrested when he came back to the US (with his Russian bride who was the daughter of a KGB officer) after renouncing his citizenship but he wasn't. It's damned likely that the CIA thought they could use Oswald so they recruited him and let him loose in society and the fools lost him. He turned up with a rifle in a Dallas building and killed JFK. Like any government investigation initiated by the government the primary mission of the Warren Commission was to cover the government's ass. The CIA was criminally negligent if Oswald was really an informant and the federal government was criminally negligent for allowing Oswald back into the Country.
Oswald was a traitor. He should have been arrested when he came back to the US (with his Russian bride who was the daughter of a KGB officer) after renouncing his citizenship but he wasn't. It's damned likely that the CIA thought they could use Oswald so they recruited him and let him loose in society and the fools lost him. He turned up with a rifle in a Dallas building and killed JFK. Like any government investigation initiated by the government the primary mission of the Warren Commission was to cover the government's ass. The CIA was criminally negligent if Oswald was really an informant and the federal government was criminally negligent for allowing Oswald back into the Country.
that's a lot of ifs...
whitehall is very fond of "if" except when applied to his reasoning.

However, Oswald, in my opinion, probably did not act alone, though I believe he was the only shooter in Dealy plaza.
IMO the anwer is no. It seems very clear the shot came from the front.

Thats where people get fooled.

It seems that from the Zap film its a no-brainer that the fatal head shot came from the front - from the area of the picket fence on the grassy knoll.

The presidents head jerks backward violently....

Posner explains this in his book.

It was a reflective reaction to the bullet hitting him from behind.

laws of physics cannot be ignored, I don't think the force of a bullut from a high powered rifle can be dismissed as a muscle reaction.
Not a chance Oswald acted alone.

My Dad has the called Babe Ruth Home Run of the Kennedy Assassination. When the news, this was live mind you, was showing that Oswald had got caught, my Dad called everyone into the living room and said "Come watch this guy get shot" Next thing you know, Jack Ruby enters stage left
I have heard others give similar stories. Not discounting your Dad at all, Frank, just that I have heard the story several times. But it makes sense if it was a conspiracy: wack the shooter. Next step: who had what on Ruby to make him shoot LHO in front of God, angels, and TV witnesses.
I have heard others give similar stories. Not discounting your Dad at all, Frank, just that I have heard the story several times. But it makes sense if it was a conspiracy: wack the shooter. Next step: who had what on Ruby to make him shoot LHO in front of God, angels, and TV witnesses.

They announced when Oswald would be transferred. At the announced time, Ruby was in the Western Union office across the street sending money to one of his strippers. He wandered over to the police station and found Oswald still had not been transferred.
Ruby also left his dog in the car when he went to send the telegram. He obviously thought he would be back shortly.
Not the actions of someone looking to shoot Oswald
It's hard to be 100% sure that Oswald acted alone but my gut feeling is that he did. He was a nut case.

Agreed. He was at the right place, at the right time.

Oswald read in the paper that the presidential motorcade would be passing by his place of work. So he took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

Oswald got off three shots. If there were two shooters, many more shots would have been fired. Also, if it were a conspiracy, Oswald would have had a much better gun than the $19 single shot rifle that he used
RW makes the single conspirator case: good points. Not conclusive.
It's hard to be 100% sure that Oswald acted alone but my gut feeling is that he did. He was a nut case.

Agreed. He was at the right place, at the right time.

Oswald read in the paper that the presidential motorcade would be passing by his place of work. So he took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

Oswald got off three shots. If there were two shooters, many more shots would have been fired. Also, if it were a conspiracy, Oswald would have had a much better gun than the $19 single shot rifle that he used

What if Oswald was told that he would be one of many shooters so he could not be singled out ? He did claim that he was a "patsy".

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