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Is it really "illegal?"

Improper entry into the country by an alien is ILLEGAL.

None of the cases you cited (but couldn't understand) support your idiotic open borders fantasy, and were never even intended to.
* * * * {I snipped a large portion of BuddyPopgun's irrelevant blather for the sake of brevity.}

For about the umpteenth time, the things that are wrong with your illogical response are, as follows:

1) Improper is not a synonym for the word illegal

Wrong. In this case, it absolutely is. You are flatly wrong and stubbornly stupid. That's all.

2) Not every infraction of the law is a crime

Good boy! You have a minor ability to learn. Now learn a bit more. EVERY law that imposes jail time as is imposed for the violation of the improper entry provisions of the Immigration Law IS a "crime." * And when the penalty is for more than a year, it's a FELONY. Every FELONY is a crime, too! True story!

3) Individuals exercising unalienable Rights are not committing a crime

That's true, but entirely irrelevant to this discussion since no alien has any unalienable "right" to cross our borders without our permission and authority.

4) If you can't understand that, you need to quit pretending to be something you can't be. If you got a fact rather than an opinion, bring it. I gave you a citing source that contains more than a hundred cited court cases within the article. All you have is your usual banter.

You might impress the hell out of a few people that flunked every subject in school, but that's about the extent of your influence. Otherwise you would address me as a man.

The complete imbecility of your fourth "point" is obvious to all who see how ignorant, stupid and incorrect you are on those first three points.

I do address you as a man. As a man you are foolish, ignorant, stubborn, irrational, illogical, childish, petulant and wrong.

I have already provided you with cases proving that I am correct. YOU, being a simple jackass, ignore them. Ho hum.

* I must, in fairness and in the interest of accuracy, qualify that a bit. Sometimes a jail penalty can be imposed for an offense (a violation) that does not amount to a crime. But there is no case where a possible TWO year sentence does not constitute a crime. The first improper entry into the U.S. by an alien could land him or her 6 MONTHS in jail. That is a misdemeanor, but not the kind of major crime that would necessarily require an indictment.
I think the xenophobes know and realize this, but are preying on the ignorance of others. .

Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration does NOT equate to xenophobia (of course).

U.S.C. § 1325
So opposition to other people taking actions to
make their lives better while simultaneously
expanding our own economy is equal to what?
Because it is either xenophobia or ignorance/stupidity.
Improper entry into the country by an alien is ILLEGAL.

None of the cases you cited (but couldn't understand) support your idiotic open borders fantasy, and were never even intended to.

And at one time it was illegal for a black person to be free.
So plz instead of just going "its illega" give us an actually arugment
with some content, but if that is to hard for you...

Also again you show that you are a two-face liar.
You claim that you dont dislike illiegal immigration
because your xenophgic but becaues it is illegal
then you sit there and say that people who want to make it lega
are horrible people. So clearly the real reason you ahte illegal immigration
is not because its illegal its because its brown people
moving in.
Furhtermore there is not idiotic about open borders because there is
nothing idiotic about allowing people to move tow here they want to live
so that they can work for a living.
I exepct your one line response of, "you idiot. Why doy ou always bring up bigotry? You destroying country."
I think the xenophobes know and realize this, but are preying on the ignorance of others. .

Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration does NOT equate to xenophobia (of course).

U.S.C. § 1325
So opposition to other people taking actions to
make their lives better while simultaneously
expanding our own economy is equal to what?
Because it is either xenophobia or ignorance/stupidity.

Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration is equal to respecting the sovereignty of the United States. It also turns out to coincide with support for LEGAL immigration and a lack of support for the exploitation of illegal aliens.
I think the xenophobes know and realize this, but are preying on the ignorance of others. .

Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration does NOT equate to xenophobia (of course).

U.S.C. § 1325
So opposition to other people taking actions to
make their lives better while simultaneously
expanding our own economy is equal to what?
Because it is either xenophobia or ignorance/stupidity.

Wrong and stupid, Starjizz.

I encourage aliens to make their lives better by coming here. BUT, they MUST comply WITH our laws as a condition. And our LAW says they may NOT simply wander in.

You don't like that? Too bad.

YOU don't get to dictate your irrational and unworkable wishes upon the rest of the American people.

It is hardly xenophobic to say we have a right -- even a duty -- to limit immigration on a yearly basis. It remains common sense to do so in fact as well as an incident of our sovereignty.

YOUR ignorance and stupidity is boundless.
Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration does NOT equate to xenophobia (of course).

U.S.C. § 1325
So opposition to other people taking actions to
make their lives better while simultaneously
expanding our own economy is equal to what?
Because it is either xenophobia or ignorance/stupidity.

Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration is equal to respecting the sovereignty of the United States. It also turns out to coincide with support for LEGAL immigration and a lack of support for the exploitation of illegal aliens.

Exactly. And, it bears repetition.

Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration is equal to respecting the sovereignty of the United States. It also turns out to coincide with support for LEGAL immigration and a lack of support for the exploitation of illegal aliens.
And at one time it was illegal for a black person to be free.
So plz instead of just going "its illega" give us an actually arugment
with some content, but if that is to hard for you...

This topic has nothing to do with slavery (except to the degree that people like you who encourage the exploitation of illegal aliens also encourage the slave-like conditions that some of them suffer - thanks to people like you). You're not even good at being a dishonest interlocutor.

The key 'content' here is that ILLEGAL immigration is in fact ILLEGAL, and is harmful to everyone involved.
Also again you show that you are a two-face liar.
You claim that you dont dislike illiegal immigration
because your xenophgic but becaues it is illegal
then you sit there and say that people who want to make it lega
are horrible people. So clearly the real reason you ahte illegal immigration
is not because its illegal its because its brown people
moving in.

Try that again in English and without the stupid, baseless racial accusations, you dishonest fuck.
So opposition to other people taking actions to
make their lives better while simultaneously
expanding our own economy is equal to what?
Because it is either xenophobia or ignorance/stupidity.

Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration is equal to respecting the sovereignty of the United States. It also turns out to coincide with support for LEGAL immigration and a lack of support for the exploitation of illegal aliens.

Exactly. And, it bears repetition.

Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration is equal to respecting the sovereignty of the United States. It also turns out to coincide with support for LEGAL immigration and a lack of support for the exploitation of illegal aliens.

Indeed it does.
Improper entry into the country by an alien is ILLEGAL.

None of the cases you cited (but couldn't understand) support your idiotic open borders fantasy, and were never even intended to.

And at one time it was illegal for a black person to be free.
So plz instead of just going "its illega" give us an actually arugment
with some content, but if that is to hard for you...

Also again you show that you are a two-face liar.
You claim that you dont dislike illiegal immigration
because your xenophgic but becaues it is illegal
then you sit there and say that people who want to make it lega
are horrible people. So clearly the real reason you ahte illegal immigration
is not because its illegal its because its brown people
moving in.
Furhtermore there is not idiotic about open borders because there is
nothing idiotic about allowing people to move tow here they want to live
so that they can work for a living.
I exepct your one line response of, "you idiot. Why doy ou always bring up bigotry? You destroying country."


I started out being irritated by this mental midget that thinks he understands things. He doesn't. He hasn't shown you squat. Remember: I quoted all the highest ranking immigration officials in the United States and none of them agreed with him.

I proved to him over and over that Title 8 USC 1325 is civil law and provided court cases to document it. What has that POS shown you? NOTHING. He has his own private interpretation of the matter and nobody that oversees immigration laws in this country agrees with him.

That POS calls you names because he cannot offer anything constructive to the discussion. He cannot understand that the word improper and illegal are not synonymous. Furthermore, he cannot tell you WHY, if improper entry were against the law and constituted a crime, WHY, WHY, WHY did Congress contemplate CHANGING the wording of Title 8 USC 1325 to make it unlawful entry instead of improper entry?

If it were already illegal, there would be no need to change the wording of the law. BTW, the bill failed and improper entry is still taken up in a civil forum because it's not a crime. That is the RULING of the highest immigration official in the United States and it is irrefutable.

So, we have a resident mental midget running around, claiming things that aren't so. He is trying to fool the people, but the only ones he is bamboozling are a small cheering section that cannot discuss things on any level other than to show disrespect to their fellow man by calling them names.

You saw how this guy beat a hasty retreat when offered the opportunity to talk trash to my face.

So, don't take him seriously. Ninety five percent of the posters here realize that, having tried to browbeat me and then being asked to put up or shut up, he climbed under that rock and screams obscenities from afar. He's not worth getting upset over. Just keep exposing his words, but ignore the little guy with the complex of feelings of inadequacy.
Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration does NOT equate to xenophobia (of course).
.S.C. § 1325
So opposition to other people taking actions to
make their lives better while simultaneously
expanding our own economy is equal to what?
Because it is either xenophobia or ignorance/stupidity.
Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration is equal to respecting the sovereignty of the United States. It also turns out to coincide with support for LEGAL immigration and a lack of support for the exploitation of illegal aliens.

See again you didn't explain why it is a bad thing you
just through out a term that "sounds" bad (of which you do
not know the diefieniton of) and then made some illogical connection
Improper entry into the country by an alien is ILLEGAL.

None of the cases you cited (but couldn't understand) support your idiotic open borders fantasy, and were never even intended to.

And at one time it was illegal for a black person to be free.
So plz instead of just going "its illega" give us an actually arugment
with some content, but if that is to hard for you...

Also again you show that you are a two-face liar.
You claim that you dont dislike illiegal immigration
because your xenophgic but becaues it is illegal
then you sit there and say that people who want to make it lega
are horrible people. So clearly the real reason you ahte illegal immigration
is not because its illegal its because its brown people
moving in.
Furhtermore there is not idiotic about open borders because there is
nothing idiotic about allowing people to move tow here they want to live
so that they can work for a living.
I exepct your one line response of, "you idiot. Why doy ou always bring up bigotry? You destroying country."


I started out being irritated by this mental midget that thinks he understands things. He doesn't. He hasn't shown you squat. Remember: I quoted all the highest ranking immigration officials in the United States and none of them agreed with him.

I proved to him over and over that Title 8 USC 1325 is civil law and provided court cases to document it. What has that POS shown you? NOTHING. He has his own private interpretation of the matter and nobody that oversees immigration laws in this country agrees with him.

That POS calls you names because he cannot offer anything constructive to the discussion. He cannot understand that the word improper and illegal are not synonymous. Furthermore, he cannot tell you WHY, if improper entry were against the law and constituted a crime, WHY, WHY, WHY did Congress contemplate CHANGING the wording of Title 8 USC 1325 to make it unlawful entry instead of improper entry?

If it were already illegal, there would be no need to change the wording of the law. BTW, the bill failed and improper entry is still taken up in a civil forum because it's not a crime. That is the RULING of the highest immigration official in the United States and it is irrefutable.

So, we have a resident mental midget running around, claiming things that aren't so. He is trying to fool the people, but the only ones he is bamboozling are a small cheering section that cannot discuss things on any level other than to show disrespect to their fellow man by calling them names.

You saw how this guy beat a hasty retreat when offered the opportunity to talk trash to my face.

So, don't take him seriously. Ninety five percent of the posters here realize that, having tried to browbeat me and then being asked to put up or shut up, he climbed under that rock and screams obscenities from afar. He's not worth getting upset over. Just keep exposing his words, but ignore the little guy with the complex of feelings of inadequacy.

You can quote a moron like -- pick one -- Napolitano and guess what? It's STILL just a fallacious "appeal to authority." For when SHE says something idiotic and wrong, her position of "authority" doesn't convert her manure into gold. Wrong is still wrong.

The bottom line remains. The UNITED STATES, in its Constitution, gives explicit authority to Congress over matters of naturalization. Thus, there is NO doubt that the Federal Government's say-so on who gets to become a citizen is firmly grounded. It is also exclusive.

Further, it is also true that the United States HAS every bit of right to assert its SOVEREIGN authority over matters of immigration. It is both an incidence of sovereignty AND inextricably interwoven with the authority it has over naturalization.

Moreover, it is also a field in which the Federal Government has legally recognized preemption, which is also perfectly valid and legitimate as well as grounded in necessity.

Morons, like BuddyPopgun, don't like it. Ho hum. Their disagreement is not controlling. Thankfully.
Improper entry into the country by an alien is ILLEGAL.

None of the cases you cited (but couldn't understand) support your idiotic open borders fantasy, and were never even intended to.

And at one time it was illegal for a black person to be free.
So plz instead of just going "its illegal" give us an actually argument
with some content, but if that is to hard for you...

Also again you show that you are a two-face liar.
You claim that you dont dislike illegal immigration not
because you're xenophgic but because it is illegal
then you sit there and say that people who want to make it legal
are horrible people. So clearly the real reason you hate illegal immigration
is not because its illegal its because its brown peoplemoving in.
Furthermore there is nothing idiotic about open borders because there is
nothing idiotic about allowing people to move where they want to live
so that they can work for a living.

So, don't take him seriously. Ninety five percent of the posters here realize that, having tried to browbeat me and then being asked to put up or shut up, he climbed under that rock and screams obscenities from afar. He's not worth getting upset over. Just keep exposing his words, but ignore the little guy with the complex of feelings of inadequacy.

Jeuss you failed to address anything I stated. You just wend om some random red herring about what SOMEONE else said
But this si a good thing the fact that you avoided the topic
means that deep down you know I am right, so be the man and admit it.
I'll repost my post:

And at one time it was illegal for a black person to be free.
So plz instead of just going "its illegal" give us an actually argument
with some content, but if that is to hard for you...

Also again you show that you are a two-face liar.
You claim that you dont dislike illegal immigration not
because you're xenophgic but because it is illegal
then you sit there and say that people who want to make it legal
are horrible people. So clearly the real reason you hate illegal immigration
is not because its illegal its because its brown peoplemoving in.
Furthermore there is nothing idiotic about open borders because there is
nothing idiotic about allowing people to move where they want to live
so that they can work for a living.
Plz actually supply an argument with some content instead of just ""illegal sovereignty, its bad I'm not racist""
U.S.C. Section 1325

"(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection;
misrepresentation and concealment of facts
Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States
at any time or place other than as designated by immigration
officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration
officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United
States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the
willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first
commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or
imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent
commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or
imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both."
You saw how this guy beat a hasty retreat when offered the opportunity to talk trash to my face. .

How many times did I tell you to go ahead and say what you wanted to say, tough-guy? Every time you got shy and went away. Why is that, tough-guy? If you want work done on your face you'll have to be more specific. It sounds like you want to visit, maybe use your AARP frequent flyer miles? Stop beating around the bush, tough-guy.
So opposition to other people taking actions to
make their lives better while simultaneously
expanding our own economy is equal to what?
Because it is either xenophobia or ignorance/stupidity.
Opposition to ILLEGAL immigration is equal to respecting the sovereignty of the United States. It also turns out to coincide with support for LEGAL immigration and a lack of support for the exploitation of illegal aliens.

See again you didn't explain why it is a bad thing you
just through[SIC] out a term that "sounds" bad (of which you do
not know the diefieniton[SIC] of) and then made some illogical connection

Which word do you think I don't know the "diefieniton" :)rolleyes:) of? What "illogical connection" are you referring to? If you're still sober enough to answer, get to it.

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