Is It Reasonable That LGBT Activists Compare Same-Sex Marriage Rights To


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
...The Black Civil Rights Movement?

It's not reasonable to compare same- sex marriage rights movement to civil rights movements. It's not right, because when your are comparing the ideology of being gay to the fighting for rights to live equally because of your skin color; you are comparing a Developed ideology to a immutable trait (Skin color) . Is my point clear? What do you think about it?
Of course not. It's totally illogical. Comparing behavior choice to skin color.
But it plays into the moronic left wing victim mentality.


drug use

LGBT lifestyle

Ethnic groups:

African American

Native American

See the difference?
I'd say that unless gay leaders were killed, protesters hosed, beaten, gassed and attacked with dogs....

well, you get the point

civil rights leaders needed real courage, gay leaders didn't need jack
No one is comparing being black with being gay.

What they are comparing is the way the gov't views and treats a minority.
...The Black Civil Rights Movement?

It's not reasonable to compare same- sex marriage rights movement to civil rights movements. It's not right, because when your are comparing the ideology of being gay to the fighting for rights to live equally because of your skin color; you are comparing a Developed ideology to a immutable trait (Skin color) . Is my point clear? What do you think about it?
The" ideology" of being gay? Can you please explain that.?? Oh, and the courts have in fact recognized homosexuality as an "immutable" characteristic.
...The Black Civil Rights Movement?

It's not reasonable to compare same- sex marriage rights movement to civil rights movements. It's not right, because when your are comparing the ideology of being gay to the fighting for rights to live equally because of your skin color; you are comparing a Developed ideology to a immutable trait (Skin color) . Is my point clear? What do you think about it?

I find it disheartening that whenever they gay rights struggle is referred to as a civil rights issue, there are always people who are ready to howl about how it’s not “civil rights” because being gay is not a skin color. The fact is, no one ever said that it was. This tactic is used for no other reason than to disparage the gay cause and accuse gay advocates of diminishing the suffering of African Americans when nothing can be further from the truth.

The fact is that there are those who use black civil rights to claim the moral high ground by saying that “I’m not a bigot”… “I support civil rights” and all the while continue to disparage gays using the excuse that it’s not “civil rights” and that the discrimination that gays have suffered cannot be compared. The fact is that it is pointless to try to measure the relative suffering of one group over that of another, and no group has an exclusive right to claim civil rights, including the group who may have suffered the most.

No, gay is not a skin color. But civil rights is not exclusively about skin color. It is about people who have been discriminated against, regardless of the skin that they are in.

Recently, I happened to stumble upon this most interesting and balanced article on the issue of the relationship between gay rights and the struggle of African Americans.

Perhaps this will help people to see that it is a complex and difficult issue that deserves serious and unbiased attention. Anyway here it is with some selected passages quoted.….

Gay Rights vs. Civil Rights

African Americans band together to fight racial injustice, but for some, gay rights is a different battle

As the discussion over gay rights continues, so, too, does the debate as to whether the gay rights issue is a civil rights issue, namely one that some say is reflective of the black civil rights movement. In the upcoming film, The New Black, filmmaker Yoruba Richen explores the histories of the African American and LGBT civil rights movements. “The film specifically looks at homophobia in the Black church, and how the Christian right has exploited this phenomenon that exists in order to promote an anti-gay political agenda,” says Richen. Her project is demonstrative of how the parallels and distinctions between the African American and gay rights movements are complex and multi-layered.

In light of the recent advances in gay rights policies, such as the legalization of same sex marriage in New York, the civil rights movement may seem to be a part of the past, but Alotta asserts that’s not the case. “We haven’t eradicated racism and we do live in a country built on slavery right now,” she says. “There are plenty of queer people of color whose experiences prove that every day. There are multiple movements going on. Surely the American civil rights movement set the standard for civil rights movements going today.”

Consider Bayard Rustin, a civil rights activist who was the key organizer of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963 alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. “Bayard Rustin was an integral part of the civil rights movement,” Green says. “He was a gay Black man and worked closely with King. But when it came time to have him as a representative of the struggle, people were nervous.” African American author James Baldwin, a fervent activist who participated in the civil rights march, was also criticized for his sexual orientation. This schism has gradually shifted with organizations, such as the National Black Justice Coalition, that are committed to protecting the rights of Black LGBT people and bridging gaps between them and members of the straight

But as the gay rights movement gains momentum, some Black LGBT activists caution against making comparisons to the civil rights movement by predominantly White gay rights organizations. Kenyon Farrow is co-editing a book called Stand Up! The Shifting Politics of Racial Uplift, which will be published in the spring. “I’m often troubled by it, as someone who has worked in LGBT specific work,” Farrow says.

My takeaway….it is complicated of course. Black folks as a community are conflicted about both homosexuality and the comparison of gay rights to their movement. I will concede that maybe it is wrong, both in terms of how the gay movement is viewed by blacks compared to their own, and in actual pragmatic terms. However, there are similarities and overlap, especially when to comes to black LGBT people.

I will conclude that the real question is ……”Is the gay rights movement a civil rights movement? I say that it is regardless of anything else. There is no reason why gays should not be able to say that their struggle is about civil rights. Blacks fought hard for their well-deserved civil rights but civil rights is not exclusively a black issues and for gays to invoke civil rights is not to say that the two issues are exactly the same.

A final note: Those who hate need to hate something, anything above all else. They can no longer easily get away with blatant racism so I do believe that gays have become their target of convenience. I am not easily fooled. Bigots are bigots are bigots.
No ideology of gayness exists, and homosexuality is hard wired.

.... do you think other sexual perversions are hard wired as well, or only homosexuality?
That's a great question,. I believe straight and homosexuality are hard wired. Variations, such as those in some of the LGBT, may or may not be. I know a study about twenty years ago concluded that 2/3ds of those who considered themselves homosexual in ten-year period moved through the LGBT scene into the straight world, and many of them married heterosexually.
No ideology of gayness exists, and homosexuality is hard wired.

.... do you think other sexual perversions are hard wired as well, or only homosexuality?
Do you think that other forms of mental illness are hard wired or is it only religion?

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I asked first. It's a simple question. Let's change it to sexual "preferences" to make the question less antagonistic.....
No ideology of gayness exists, and homosexuality is hard wired.

.... do you think other sexual perversions are hard wired as well, or only homosexuality?
That's a great question,. I believe straight and homosexuality are hard wired. Variations, such as those in some of the LGBT, may or may not be. I know a study about twenty years ago concluded that 2/3ds of those who considered themselves homosexual in ten-year period moved through the LGBT scene into the straight world, and many of them married heterosexually.

I read a study (years ago) that proposed that sexuality is not black & white, but measured by degrees. Few people are 100% straight or 100% gay. If that is true, I wonder how many of the 2/3 of the gays in the study you quoted simply accepted a straight lifestyle to avoid the stigma and problems.
No ideology of gayness exists, and homosexuality is hard wired.

.... do you think other sexual perversions are hard wired as well, or only homosexuality?

I would suspect that many parts of sexuality are hard-wired. But I don't see why that would be an issue, since "consenting adult" is a key part of any laws concerning sexuality.

I'm not arguing legalities; I was breaking off that one part of JS's post about homosexuality being hardwired.
.... off on a bit of a tangent, admittedly....
...The Black Civil Rights Movement?

It's not reasonable to compare same- sex marriage rights movement to civil rights movements. It's not right, because when your are comparing the ideology of being gay to the fighting for rights to live equally because of your skin color; you are comparing a Developed ideology to a immutable trait (Skin color) . Is my point clear? What do you think about it?
Homosexuality is proven to be an epigenetic thing, which means they are born that way, so people need to get over their homophobia and move on with their life. Focusing---no, obsessing over this will only drive you mad and ruin your life. Denying people rights because they scare you is absurd and ludicrous. You should consider professional help.

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