Is it Time for a New Peace & Freedom Party?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I'm not talking about a left wing hippie group formed in the 1960s, but a real Peace and Freedom Party based on those concepts. Why are we constantly at war and punishing those who dissent? In his Farewell Address, President Washington wisely warned against political partisanship and foreign entanglements, and urged Americans to celebrate their achievements. Unfortunately, we have ignored these warnings over the past 200+ years and find ourselves fighting each other over unrelated issues.

We need to build a national consensus over what the federal government should do and should not do. Congress must reign in the power of the Executive Branch, take responsibility for its own actions, and leave the rest to the states. Voters should impose term limits on those who represent them and demand full explanations of policy decisions.

Could a New Peace & Freedom Party help achieve these ends?
Congress must reign in the power of the Executive Branch,
Completely agree.

One way of doing that is to hold those who refuse to show up after being subpoenaed in contempt; like they did with Steve Bannon.

Anytime there is a subpoena issued, they should give the party an option of testifying in private. No need to air all of the dirty laundry in public. The Congress can get the information it needs without making everything into a political football.
I'm not talking about a left wing hippie group formed in the 1960s, but a real Peace and Freedom Party based on those concepts. Why are we constantly at war and punishing those who dissent? In his Farewell Address, President Washington wisely warned against political partisanship and foreign entanglements, and urged Americans to celebrate their achievements. Unfortunately, we have ignored these warnings over the past 200+ years and find ourselves fighting each other over unrelated issues.

We need to build a national consensus over what the federal government should do and should not do. Congress must reign in the power of the Executive Branch, take responsibility for its own actions, and leave the rest to the states. Voters should impose term limits on those who represent them and demand full explanations of policy decisions.

Could a New Peace & Freedom Party help achieve these ends?
I have to respectfully disagree. Thinking like this would have meant that Hitler took over the world. In fact, it took Japan bombing Pearl Harbor to wake us up to this kind of thinking. If it wasn't for Japan, Hitler would have taken over the world. It is extremely naive to believe we can ignore everything going on in the world and everything here will just go on peachy keen.

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