Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

I can propose a solution to save the entire world in a 2 step process.

1. Let the Muslims kill all the bed wetting libturds.

2. Kill all the muslims.

Ah...a Christer.

Why do you refer to people as Christer's?
How do you square your supposed faith with wanting to kill half of the worlds population ? How can you celebrate the gas chambers and be a Christian ?
They're not Christians...they're Christers.

No the term is Christians....then again, of course you'd get it incorrect, what should we expect, you want men with a penis dressed in Drag to enter female bathrooms.
^ one of the self-proclaimed christers ChrisL was referring to.

Shouldn't you be shaving your back, sock?

Have you noticed how upset and excited the Chucklenuts Crowd gets if we defend Christians and Christianity?

They are loons...nothing more and nothing less. But great fun to kick in the teeth

They're also very juvenile, daws for example....when an emotionally mature person makes a mistake they admit it, he made a ridiculous spelling error and then said he didn't and then posted an absurd response, a response that showed he's even stupider than many people already thought.

But it's fantastic comedy watching them stumble and bumble all over the place

My goodness, you know, I think they've actually reached professional comedy level....the Chucklenuts Crowd should take this show on the road, they'd sell out every theatre....OMG they might even win awards.
Had to look that up to?
Don't they teach European history in Europe anymore?

No I didn't have to look it up, but I had to post a link for it in case people didn't know what it was.

Don't bring Education into this, I'm 24ct gold with diamonds with're Nickel.
You are counterfeit and ignorant.

She's been handing you your ass pal.
Only in your masturbation fantasy pall

I think it's you that needs to get some more Kleenex, you must have a bit of a mess now.
false again.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?

Why should Christian Americans leave their OWN nation?

Because some of them feel so persecuted by the absence of snowflakes on their coffee cups. I'd recommend a vacation in North Korea to get a feel for genuine persecution.

I'm sorry I don't understand the snowflakes comment.

It's a Very Big Controversy in the States. Starbucks decided to serve its beverages in plain red paper cups this past Christmas, and the sheep - who prefaced their comments with "I wouldn't drink Starbucks' coffee anyway" were bleating for weeks.

What I don't understand is why someone gave you a "Winner" rating for your post. :dunno:
that's because it's not pal,,,
you sure you're not ignorant?

Hey Numbnuts, the exchange was this:

Digital Drifter:

"She's been handing you your ass pal"

You Numbnuts:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

So idiot, you're now amazingly even more of an idiot. Not surprised you correctly spell masturbation, considering it's your usual mental state and also physically your main hobby.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
that's because it's not pal,,,
you sure you're not ignorant?

Hey Numbnuts, the exchange was this:

Digital Drifter:

"She's been handing you your ass pal"

You Numbnuts:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

So idiot, you're now amazingly even more of an idiot. Not surprised you correctly spell masturbation, considering it's your usual mental state and also physically your main hobby.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
Faggots and leftists aren't people, their subhumans...I already told you that.
Daws sits there stunned at his utter ignorance LMAO
^ one of the self-proclaimed christers ChrisL was referring to.

Shouldn't you be shaving your back, sock?
oh no not the yer a sock ploy!

You'd be wise to be addressing your obvious misspelling...that and cease your juvenile attempts at flaming. You're weak
oh no the spell Nazi ploy!
the ultimate in desperation .
that's because it's not pal,,,
you sure you're not ignorant?

Hey Numbnuts, the exchange was this:

Digital Drifter:

"She's been handing you your ass pal"

You Numbnuts:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

So idiot, you're now amazingly even more of an idiot. Not surprised you correctly spell masturbation, considering it's your usual mental state and also physically your main hobby.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .

Hey did you get yourself some more Kleenex already?
Daws sits there stunned at his utter ignorance LMAO
^ one of the self-proclaimed christers ChrisL was referring to.

Shouldn't you be shaving your back, sock?
oh no not the yer a sock ploy!

You'd be wise to be addressing your obvious misspelling...that and cease your juvenile attempts at flaming. You're weak
oh no the spell Nazi ploy!
the ultimate in desperation .

Weak....go shave the sock's back.
Hey Numbnuts, the exchange was this:

Digital Drifter:

"She's been handing you your ass pal"

You Numbnuts:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

So idiot, you're now amazingly even more of an idiot. Not surprised you correctly spell masturbation, considering it's your usual mental state and also physically your main hobby.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
Hey Numbnuts, the exchange was this:

Digital Drifter:

"She's been handing you your ass pal"

You Numbnuts:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

So idiot, you're now amazingly even more of an idiot. Not surprised you correctly spell masturbation, considering it's your usual mental state and also physically your main hobby.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
Faggots and leftists aren't people, their subhumans...I already told you that.
and you hallucinate a lot too.
Hey Numbnuts, the exchange was this:

Digital Drifter:

"She's been handing you your ass pal"

You Numbnuts:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

So idiot, you're now amazingly even more of an idiot. Not surprised you correctly spell masturbation, considering it's your usual mental state and also physically your main hobby.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .

Hey did you get yourself some more Kleenex already?
You see how I have him typing out novels....that's what I wanted. I'm playing games with his underdeveloped amygdala...its very raw at this time, I bet. Lol
Hey Numbnuts, the exchange was this:

Digital Drifter:

"She's been handing you your ass pal"

You Numbnuts:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

So idiot, you're now amazingly even more of an idiot. Not surprised you correctly spell masturbation, considering it's your usual mental state and also physically your main hobby.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .

Hey did you get yourself some more Kleenex already?
didn't fly the first time and it aint going to now,
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?

Why should Christian Americans leave their OWN nation?

Because some of them feel so persecuted by the absence of snowflakes on their coffee cups. I'd recommend a vacation in North Korea to get a feel for genuine persecution.

I'm sorry I don't understand the snowflakes comment.

It's a Very Big Controversy in the States. Starbucks decided to serve its beverages in plain red paper cups this past Christmas, and the sheep - who prefaced their comments with "I wouldn't drink Starbucks' coffee anyway" were bleating for weeks.

What I don't understand is why someone gave you a "Winner" rating for your post. :dunno:

Thanks for explaining the snowflakes comment.

Why would someone give me a "Winner" rating for my post? Because they're normal and not a Christian hating Leftist Chucklenuts THAT'S why.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
Faggots and leftists aren't people, their subhumans...I already told you that.
and you hallucinate a lot too.
No I don't. But you're a faggot ass narcissist who can't admit you made a typo though.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .

Hey did you get yourself some more Kleenex already?
You see how I have him typing out novels....that's what I wanted. I'm playing games with his underdeveloped amygdala...its very raw at this time, I bet. Lol
lol! who's the narcissist again.
You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
Faggots and leftists aren't people, their subhumans...I already told you that.
and you hallucinate a lot too.
No I don't. But you're a faggot ass narcissist who can't admit you made a typo though.

Maybe daws is like 14 years-old or something?
You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .

Hey did you get yourself some more Kleenex already?
You see how I have him typing out novels....that's what I wanted. I'm playing games with his underdeveloped amygdala...its very raw at this time, I bet. Lol
lol! who's the narcissist again.
You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
Faggots and leftists aren't people, their subhumans...I already told you that.
and you hallucinate a lot too.
No I don't. But you're a faggot ass narcissist who can't admit you made a typo though.
denial is a symptom of delusional hallucinations.
I have nothing to admit.
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
I know what the exchange was and my answered was no typo or lack of spelling skill .
you like OOM are not bright enough to see the connection.

You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
Faggots and leftists aren't people, their subhumans...I already told you that.
and you hallucinate a lot too.

OMG.....not....LSD :eek-52: How gay that'd be :eek-52:
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
Faggots and leftists aren't people, their subhumans...I already told you that.
and you hallucinate a lot too.
No I don't. But you're a faggot ass narcissist who can't admit you made a typo though.

Maybe daws is like 14 years-old or something?
as the old stones song goes it's just my desperation runnin' away with me.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .
Faggots and leftists aren't people, their subhumans...I already told you that.
and you hallucinate a lot too.
No I don't. But you're a faggot ass narcissist who can't admit you made a typo though.
denial is a symptom of delusional hallucinations.
I have nothing to admit. KNOW that's a river in Egypt.

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