Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

And what isn't imaginary to you, IS imaginary to others. Keep your beliefs, don't force your imaginary god (s) and their "rules" on everyone else.

Fair enough....don't force queers and transgender rights on us and our children with LGBT sponsored organizations like GLSEn that go around to grade schools and jr highs promoting faggotry......we cool on that?

Nobody is forcing anything on you. Don't be gay, simple. Lol. If you aren't gay, nobody can force you to BE gay.

Don't be a Christian one is forcing that on you either.,...nobody can force you to be one....right???

Yes, Christians try to force their views on other people all the time. If you don't agree with them, you are the "enemy" or a "devil" or something else so silly and ridiculous. They cannot STAND when someone doesn't want to live by their rules and they are nasty and will call you disgusting names or agree with those who do those types of things. They even go so far as to say they would like to "wipe" out the people they disagree with. They don't even recognize that ALL Americans are considered EQUAL in the eyes of the law. This is America and not the Middle East. I won't be boxed in by your views or anyone else's for that matter. Take that to the bank! :)

A bit harsh Chris.

All true.
The gay people do not want you or your children to be gay (of course there ARE extremists in every group though). Most of them just want to live their lives and NOT to be discriminated against. They are people, human beings, and should not be judged solely by their "sex lives." Some of you seem to be under the impression that most gay people are like walking around half naked and having sex in public or something. Maybe you've attended too many gay pride parades, I don't know, but I've known several very nice gay people and couples who do not do those things. They just live their lives, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep and live like everyone else except for one little difference . . . they choose to have sex with the same sex. BFD. If they are nice people and are welcoming and friendly, nothing else really matters IMO. I certainly don't hate them and wouldn't treat them like crap because of their choice of a bed partner. Not my business.
At one time religion served a purpose, but now it's just a scourge on society.
No, secular leftist State-worshipping, worthless pieces of human offal are a scourge on society. They are the aggressors, they are scum.

Sorry to point out, but you seem to be the one who is "aggressive" here. What do gay people do to you that makes you hate them so much? Did you ever think to question why you hate them so? Is it because of who they have sex with?
So, whatever. Go on and continue with your hate fest. You are only hurting yourself by living with all this hatred. It certainly isn't going to "get rid" of the gay people who exist. What's your next move?
The gay people do not want you or your children to be gay (of course there ARE extremists in every group though). Most of them just want to live their lives and NOT to be discriminated against. They are people, human beings, and should not be judged solely by their "sex lives." Some of you seem to be under the impression that most gay people are like walking around half naked and having sex in public or something. Maybe you've attended too many gay pride parades, I don't know, but I've known several very nice gay people and couples who do not do those things. They just live their lives, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep and live like everyone else except for one little difference . . . they choose to have sex with the same sex. BFD. If they are nice people and are welcoming and friendly, nothing else really matters IMO. I certainly don't hate them and wouldn't treat them like crap because of their choice of a bed partner. Not my business.
>>The gay people do not want you or your children to be gay

I am not convinced that is true. It seems to me the educations system and the media and the government are in the business of almost encouraging any youngster who is confused to let go and go for it.

>>(of course there ARE extremists in every group though).

Of course. And it is those “extremist” and vocal militant Christians who are the only ones the promoters of gay freedoms point to --- as though that is the only voice or platform Christianity holds.

>>Most of them just want to live their lives and NOT to be discriminated against.

Discrimination covers a lot of ground. IOW, anything that we do not fall in line with, such as gay marriage or telling the world “gay is ok” is an act of militant discrimination. Not so. Many Christians are more worried about how this “sex is harmless, any sex” has no moral bearing on a culture or on the worth of the soul.

>>They are people, human beings, and should not be judged solely by their "sex lives." Some of you seem to be under the impression that most gay people are like walking around half naked and having sex in public or something.

Some may be under that impression, true, but not because the media and the culture and the gay voices does not seem to be saying that themselves. There are precious few monogamous gay relationships, even those who are “married,” that is, if you are to take their own word on it alone.

>>Maybe you've attended too many gay pride parades,

Those gay pride parades have gone mainstream. Nary a single politician or govt official dare say this open public demonstration celebrating a perverse kind of sex has the least bit thing wrong with it. I, personally, find them to be quite debauched and an affront to the Creator.

>>I don't know, but I've known several very nice gay people and couples who do not do those things. They just live their lives, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep and live like everyone else except for one little difference . . . they choose to have sex with the same sex. BFD.

If only it were that simple and harmless. Our world has made sexual freedom of whatever pleases the passions (child sex notwithstanding) to be the most sought after reason for living. Not much to admire in that.

>> I certainly don't hate them and wouldn't treat them like crap because of their choice of a bed partner.

Nor would I. But the issue of homosexuality and its acceptance as a harmless diversion can still be civilly debated on many levels.

>>Not my business.

Yes, if one does not take God seriously, then I imagine it would not be my business. But we are called to be in this world but not of this world. No doubt we will be vilified for such a brazen position. And no doubt, when we become hateful or sinful ourselves (as many enough Christians are) then it is those who will be the poster child for the voices who point to Christianity as nothing more than a mythology filled with bigots.
One might be moved to read the OP as concerning the belief many Christians have concerning the evil in America and the World and the Rapture of the Church.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
No, it’s time for conservatives to stop being such ridiculous whiners and drama queens.

Thank you....we get one fuckin black guy in the gotdamn white house and these mf's have been bat shit crazy ever since. I want my country back, the country is gone to hell, yada yada yada yada....never been so damn sick of conservative rednecks in my fuckin life!!
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

Please do us all a fuckin favor and stop watching Fake Fox and your kind are so irrelevant in this country....making shit up is so old news.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
So are you upset that students confronted the protestors? They--the people using the bathrooms--obviously have no issue with the new bathrooms, so why should anyone else?
I don't want to be "saved" by Old Testament Christians with no tolerance in their hearts. Thanks anyway.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

Please do us all a fuckin favor and stop watching Fake Fox and your kind are so irrelevant in this country....making shit up is so old news.

You are in need of an introspective analysis.

I cannot even get myself to read any of your tripe.

You are nothing more than an angry man.
saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
Stating facts, like that you are a simply being consistent with the truth. Not like what you do, using your butthole as an artificial vagina thinking it will some day evolve into a real ass-gina.
figured that was above you level of basic comprehension
No moron, here ya go...just helping your retarded sodomite self out.

"In philosophy, the natural order is the moral source from which natural law seeks to derive its authority. It encompasses the natural relations of beings to one another, in the absence of law, which natural law attempts to reinforce."
you have no clue as to what any of that means.
Yes I do, you clueless pole smoking queer. It means exactly what it says, the natural order is understood to be set by God or nature, and is the source people who believe in natural rights go to in order to justify natural law and laws based upon it....that's why you're faggot ass is an enemy of it. You're against the natural order.... Stupid sodomite queer.
Funny you claim to be agnostic.
But you then contradict yourself by saying god did it.
Your ignorance of what you claim to believe is amazing.
All laws except the laws of physics are man made.
Btw the false yer a fag thing highlights that ignorance.
thanks for providing an excellent example of your delusional thinking.
He was, he didn't defend pedos and he didn't like faggots. That makes him better than you.
since I'm neither one this like all your yer a fag post is false ,

You illustrate why it's not that surprising that Canada now has the Leftist Muppet Justin Trudeau about to ruin a once great nation.
I'm not Canadian nor do I live in Canada.
incredibly ignorant for a supposedly educated person.

Could we possibly persuade you to be one ?
I'm certain we could scrape the bus fare together.
How facist of you .
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
No, it’s time for conservatives to stop being such ridiculous whiners and drama queens.

Thank you....we get one fuckin black guy in the gotdamn white house and these mf's have been bat shit crazy ever since. I want my country back, the country is gone to hell, yada yada yada yada....never been so damn sick of conservative rednecks in my fuckin life!!
You're disgusting. But I think someone has already told you that.
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
missed that one completely too .
you're scary ignorant
You're a stupid faggot, has anyone ever told you that before?
only ignorant people like you.
and they wrong about both things too .just like you.
You're the ignorant one. Believe it.
Lol .
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?

Just two questions.....when do you plan to leave and can I help you in any way? I make this offer realizing not only can I afford to help in any way, but with 2 people, 1 being an infant.....that out of 300 million, my income can handle it......:banana::banana::banana:

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