Is it time for Congress to exercise their express power to Call the Militia?

Should Congress exercise their Article 1, Section 7 Powers to Repel Invasion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.0%

  • Total voters
There aren't enough of them nor are they organized enough to cause any inconvenience for the rest of us.

But they are fun to listen to.
I don't know. A lot of natl guard types fish on weekends and play catch and release. We could pay them to go down to texas on weekends and play catch and release illegal aliens. I'm not sure what we'd pay them with, though.
Keep on thinking that. It will be a glorious day when you nutcases start killing American citizens (your goal). You will be wiped out, without the very people you THINK will be your allies.

That's the part the poor, silly bastards don't get. Forget the cops. Forget the national guard. Forget the army.

The overwhelming majority of the everyday citizens simply wouldn't put up with the 'new revolultionary' bullshyte. The moment they start killing cops and soldiers in the 'name of their revolution', their fellow citizens will be killing the 'revolutionaries' in the streets. I'd give it a day before they're begging the very cops they were shooting at the morning for protection from the rest of us.

One thing the chickenshyte 'new civil war' ilk need to remember: There are way more of us than there are of them. And we're better armed and organized.

Does this number mean anything to you 3% ?
You and nutz go to the same indoc. center? Stop putting words into peoples mouths,it's reached the point of being ridiculous.
Me thinks you are just too stupid to see what your fellow Teaper ilk are planning. That is okay, I look forward to your revolution...I have 2nd Amendment rights as well.

Since President Obama, the Executive, is refusing to protect the United States...


Guide to the Constitution from no less a wingnut source than the Heritage Foundation :laugh2:

Please, try to read and comprehend.

Why do you people like you ( [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=40803]House[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=49780]MrZartok[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=42380]OriginalShroom[/MENTION] (Today) ) have such a difficult time understanding the written form of the English language? :doubt:
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Since President Obama, the Executive, is refusing to protect the United States...


Guide to the Constitution from no less a wingnut source than the Heritage Foundation :laugh2:

Please, try to read and comprehend.

Why do you people like you ( [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=40803]House[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=49780]MrZartok[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=42380]OriginalShroom[/MENTION] (Today) ) have such a difficult time understanding the written form of the English language? :doubt:

Party Pooper.
You all are thinking violence with firearms when that is not the case.

two scenarios are being proposed and it is about 29 to 30% of the population so far, who are wanting to do them.
A New American Revolution! When Will It Start? How Will It Start? | RedState

Scenario A)

1) Ten million of us march on Washington DC and peacefully invade and take over Congress. We demand a total resignation of everyone in Congress. We literally shutdown the federal government as we know it by the sheer mass of ten million of us.

2) Ten million of us all stop paying taxes at the same time. We opt out of the system and bring the government to its financial knees while at the same time demanding that all current politicians resign.

3) Only people who take a pledge to never allow the government to spend more than it takes in (except in times of declared war) will be allowed to fill the now empty seats in Congress. They must also pledge to run our government according to what the Constitution says.

4) The Federal Reserve will be fully audited and made to operate in the open.

Scenario B)

1) A number of states opt out of the system. A good example would be Governor Perry of Texas telling the Federal Government that Texas will no longer be accepting any funds from the Federal Government and will no longer be sending any funds to the Federal Government. The residents of Texas will no longer pay income taxes to the Federal Government and Texas will operate as an independent Republic.

2) Other states such as Alaska, Montana, Idaho, North Dakota and more do the same. These new “Republics” form a consortium of Free States and trade with each other as well as encourage free enterprise to prosper by having no corporate income taxes.

3) Citizens of the United States are free to move to any of these new Free states and opt out of Washington DC’s control over their lives.
Since President Obama, the Executive, is refusing to protect the United States...


Guide to the Constitution from no less a wingnut source than the Heritage Foundation :laugh2:

Please, try to read and comprehend.

Why do you people like you ( [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=40803]House[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=49780]MrZartok[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=42380]OriginalShroom[/MENTION] (Today) ) have such a difficult time understanding the written form of the English language? :doubt:

Party Pooper.

Shit talker! :lol:
Since President Obama, the Executive, is refusing to protect the United States...


Guide to the Constitution from no less a wingnut source than the Heritage Foundation :laugh2:

Please, try to read and comprehend.

Why do you people like you ( [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=40803]House[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=49780]MrZartok[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=42380]OriginalShroom[/MENTION] (Today) ) have such a difficult time understanding the written form of the English language? :doubt:

Considering the fact that we're being invaded then I suppose that you, not I, are having difficulty understanding "written English."

" ... the citizenry is the best enforcer of the law." "When order was threatened ... "

Pay attention next time.
You all are thinking violence with firearms when that is not the case.

two scenarios are being proposed and it is about 29 to 30% of the population so far, who are wanting to do them.
A New American Revolution! When Will It Start? How Will It Start? | RedState

Scenario A)

1) Ten million of us march on Washington DC and peacefully invade and take over Congress. We demand a total resignation of everyone in Congress. We literally shutdown the federal government as we know it by the sheer mass of ten million of us.

2) Ten million of us all stop paying taxes at the same time. We opt out of the system and bring the government to its financial knees while at the same time demanding that all current politicians resign.

3) Only people who take a pledge to never allow the government to spend more than it takes in (except in times of declared war) will be allowed to fill the now empty seats in Congress. They must also pledge to run our government according to what the Constitution says.

4) The Federal Reserve will be fully audited and made to operate in the open.

Scenario B)

1) A number of states opt out of the system. A good example would be Governor Perry of Texas telling the Federal Government that Texas will no longer be accepting any funds from the Federal Government and will no longer be sending any funds to the Federal Government. The residents of Texas will no longer pay income taxes to the Federal Government and Texas will operate as an independent Republic.

2) Other states such as Alaska, Montana, Idaho, North Dakota and more do the same. These new “Republics” form a consortium of Free States and trade with each other as well as encourage free enterprise to prosper by having no corporate income taxes.

3) Citizens of the United States are free to move to any of these new Free states and opt out of Washington DC’s control over their lives.

se·di·tion [si-dish-uhn]

1. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
2. any action, especially in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
That's the part the poor, silly bastards don't get. Forget the cops. Forget the national guard. Forget the army.

The overwhelming majority of the everyday citizens simply wouldn't put up with the 'new revolultionary' bullshyte. The moment they start killing cops and soldiers in the 'name of their revolution', their fellow citizens will be killing the 'revolutionaries' in the streets. I'd give it a day before they're begging the very cops they were shooting at the morning for protection from the rest of us.

One thing the chickenshyte 'new civil war' ilk need to remember: There are way more of us than there are of them. And we're better armed and organized.

Does this number mean anything to you 3% ?
You and nutz go to the same indoc. center? Stop putting words into peoples mouths,it's reached the point of being ridiculous.
Me thinks you are just too stupid to see what your fellow Teaper ilk are planning. That is okay, I look forward to your revolution...I have 2nd Amendment rights as well.


I heard you and your Buddy Haji plan on blowing up a Jewish center this weekend? Thats what you said anyway......
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Does this number mean anything to you 3% ?
You and nutz go to the same indoc. center? Stop putting words into peoples mouths,it's reached the point of being ridiculous.
Me thinks you are just too stupid to see what your fellow Teaper ilk are planning. That is okay, I look forward to your revolution...I have 2nd Amendment rights as well.


I heard you and your Buddy Haji plan on blowing up a Jewish center this weekend? Thats what you said anyway......

Blowing people up because of their religion, race or creed is more of a Teaper trait. You people are so dead set on justifying murder, killing your foes, inciting riots and screaming about revolution - nothing you do would surprise me.
Since President Obama, the Executive, is refusing to protect the United States...


Guide to the Constitution from no less a wingnut source than the Heritage Foundation :laugh2:

Please, try to read and comprehend.

Why do you people like you ( [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=40803]House[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=49780]MrZartok[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=42380]OriginalShroom[/MENTION] (Today) ) have such a difficult time understanding the written form of the English language? :doubt:

I don't need some propaganda crap to tell me that giving aid & comfort to the enemy is an impeachable offense. I already know that.
Yes, its is time for Congress to protect us from radical teapers hell bent on a race war and revolution.

I've been to dozens of TEA Party rallies and have never heard anyone advocating race war.
There is a Department of Homeland Security employee who does advocate such. It would be more logical to put race war on DHS than the TEA Party.
By day, Ayo Kimathi works for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a small business specialist in a unit that buys such items as handcuffs, ammunition and guns.

Off-duty, he calls himself “the Irritated Genie.” He’s a gay-bashing, revenge-seeking black nationalist who advocates on his website – War on the Horizon – the mass murder of whites and the “ethnic cleansing” of “black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors.”

“Warfare is eminent,” the website declares, “and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count.”

A former supervisor of Kimathi’s at the DHS told Hatewatch, “Everybody in the office is afraid of him.”

“This guy is filled with hate,” the supervisor continued. “People are afraid he will come in with a gun someday and go postal. I am astounded, he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”
The President is the Commander in Chief of the Militias when called into service of the US.

Yup and he is responsible for leading them when they are put in service. His agenda be damned. If Congress presses the Guard into action on the border, the President is treasonous if he doesn't lead them to that end.
I do believe the governors of the appropriate states could call up their respective NGs.

It would probably need to be declared an invasion before force could actually be used against the invaders.

(Just guessing, I'm sure somebody will come along and clarify)

Immigration was left by the Founding Fathers to each individual state. They can confer their citizenship upon whomever.

US Citizenship on the other hand , can ONLY be granted by Naturalization.


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