Is it time for Congress to exercise their express power to Call the Militia?

Should Congress exercise their Article 1, Section 7 Powers to Repel Invasion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.0%

  • Total voters
You live under a rock? Police and sheriffs depts. around the nation have already said they wont enforce laws that impinge on Constitutional rights.
They've already chosen sides.....and it ain't the left side.

Dude, the first time one of the new civil war revolutionaries kills a cop in the name of their 'revolution', the other cops are going to end them. The idea that the cops would look at their fellow officer bleeding in the street and JOIN the terrorist that just shot him is the biggest load of horseshyte in the thread.

They'd empty their clip into the man who shot their fellow officer, reload, and empty another.

And yet the poor, stupid 'revolutionaries' pretend that the Cops would gladly join them as they ran around killing their fellow citizens, other cops, fire fighters and our soldliers., no. That's just not happening. And the fact that our 'new civil war' crowd gives nothing but empty lip service to their 'revolution', along with a litany of excuses why its always someone *else* that has to do the bleeding and the dying for their beliefs....

.....its pretty clear that the revolutionaries understand how batshyte crazy their assumptions really are.

Where have we said that is the kind of revolt we want, if any?
Oh, and that is a double-edged sword. When the US goes on a witch hunt for "rebels" and executes an officer who was innocent, would the cops join the Feds then?
Don't post your personal information on here...dumbass!

There's a person making a very slanderous remark and also asserting that I have confirmed his remark on USMB in the past.

This person is either very delusional or intentionally lying.

Which do you think it is [MENTION=47651]Nutz[/MENTION] ??

I'm willing to put out personal information to quell such a slander and getting the delusional person banned.
Is it time for Congress to exercise their express power to Call the Militia?

It would play into the left's hands. If we can't win a war with ourselves, we can't win a war with outsiders. And no one plays the public like the left. As long as their appeal to crass greed, wealth envy and hate is the majority, we cannot win. People have to open their eyes and see what's going on. Stunts will only make it worse when as the left have shown, they own the Republicans when it comes to stunts.
Don't post your personal information on here...dumbass!

There's a person making a very slanderous remark and also asserting that I have confirmed his remark on USMB in the past.

This person is either very delusional or intentionally lying.

Which do you think it is [MENTION=47651]Nutz[/MENTION] ??

I'm willing to put out personal information to quell such a slander and getting the delusional person banned.

Still, people will use that against you. There are some stupid fucks on these forums who take this stuff WAY to serious. Who cares what he says. Just not a smart thing to do...especially with your subversive, anti-American posts calling for revolution and suspect remarks on race.
especially with your subversive, anti-American posts calling for revolution and suspect remarks on race.

I've repeatedly said on the forums that only Suspension/Abolition of Trial by Jury (or the confiscation of firearms) would be a just cause for rebellion.

Until Trial by Jury is suspended, the People can only blames themselves for Tyranny, since only they can convict each other.

I've never made racist remarks on USMB. Please find them.
I do believe the governors of the appropriate states could call up their respective NGs.

It would probably need to be declared an invasion before force could actually be used against the invaders.

(Just guessing, I'm sure somebody will come along and clarify)

Immigration was left by the Founding Fathers to each individual state. They can confer their citizenship upon whomever.

US Citizenship on the other hand , can ONLY be granted by Naturalization.


especially with your subversive, anti-American posts calling for revolution and suspect remarks on race.

I've repeatedly said on the forums that only Suspension/Abolition of Trial by Jury (or the confiscation of firearms) would be a just cause for rebellion.

Until Trial by Jury is suspended, the People can only blames themselves for Tyranny, since only they can convict each other.

I've never made racist remarks on USMB. Please find them.

Yada, yada, yada....too many threads started by you about a revolution! Racist remarks...meh, maybe I confuse you with someone else....I will point them out if I see them.
especially with your subversive, anti-American posts calling for revolution and suspect remarks on race.

I've repeatedly said on the forums that only Suspension/Abolition of Trial by Jury (or the confiscation of firearms) would be a just cause for rebellion.

Until Trial by Jury is suspended, the People can only blames themselves for Tyranny, since only they can convict each other.

I've never made racist remarks on USMB. Please find them.

For cryin' out loud, why don't you just start (or join) an insurrectionist movement and be done with all the yammering about it. Frankly, I'm sick and tired of all the rhetorical nonsense as some people talk a big game and then don't do anything about it. It's like listening to HS freshman talk about how they'll stand up to the upperclassmen at the next opportunity only to watch them silently shrink into the background at the next school dance.

Put up, or SHUT UP!
So how come you won't join the military, you are 19 jobless an living with your mommy and daddy, as you told us this yourself :eusa_whistle:

I am 24 with a fiance with town jobs and I own my own house.

If you do not desist in repeating this lie, I will have you banned from USMB.

I would also like to know where I ever claimed to be 19 years old and living with my parents when both of my parents have been dead since 1991. I've sent notice to the Administrators concerning you current behavior.

LOL, you forget to include in your CV that you're a punk and a coward.
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Me thinks you are just too stupid to see what your fellow Teaper ilk are planning. That is okay, I look forward to your revolution...I have 2nd Amendment rights as well.


I heard you and your Buddy Haji plan on blowing up a Jewish center this weekend? Thats what you said anyway......

Blowing people up because of their religion, race or creed is more of a Teaper trait. You people are so dead set on justifying murder, killing your foes, inciting riots and screaming about revolution - nothing you do would surprise me.

Went right over your surprise there.
I heard you and your Buddy Haji plan on blowing up a Jewish center this weekend? Thats what you said anyway......

Blowing people up because of their religion, race or creed is more of a Teaper trait. You people are so dead set on justifying murder, killing your foes, inciting riots and screaming about revolution - nothing you do would surprise me.

Went right over your surprise there.

No, not really. I just think you and your ilk are hypocrites when you talk about attributing an argument to something else. You idiots do that to me all of the time to the point I don't even try to clarify anymore and have fun with it.
The President is the Commander in Chief of the Militias when called into service of the US.

Unless it's proven that he's a traitor at which time he should be immediately removed from office and tried as an enemy of the State. Which, of course, he is.

I could not agree with you MORE DS.

I just heard on Meagen Kelly live on Fox News that now obama is handing out PINK SLIPS to CAPTAINS and MAJORS in OUR MILITARY, sending them HOME, as he asks for BILLIONS of DOLLARS to take care of ILLEGAL ALIENS that are INVADING OUR COUNTRY.

The President is the Commander in Chief of the Militias when called into service of the US.

Unless it's proven that he's a traitor at which time he should be immediately removed from office and tried as an enemy of the State. Which, of course, he is.

Why don't you do what Gomer Pyle did? Make a citizen's arrest.
The President is the Commander in Chief of the Militias when called into service of the US.

Unless it's proven that he's a traitor at which time he should be immediately removed from office and tried as an enemy of the State. Which, of course, he is.

I could not agree with you MORE DS.

I just heard on Meagen Kelly live on Fox News that now obama is handing out PINK SLIPS to CAPTAINS and MAJORS in OUR MILITARY, sending them HOME, as he asks for BILLIONS of DOLLARS to take care of ILLEGAL ALIENS that are INVADING OUR COUNTRY.


I think you need to take a Valium.
Me thinks you are just too stupid to see what your fellow Teaper ilk are planning. That is okay, I look forward to your revolution...I have 2nd Amendment rights as well.


I heard you and your Buddy Haji plan on blowing up a Jewish center this weekend? Thats what you said anyway......

Blowing people up because of their religion, race or creed is more of a Teaper trait. You people are so dead set on justifying murder, killing your foes, inciting riots and screaming about revolution - nothing you do would surprise me.
Speak for yourself, asshole. Getting a little sick of your fucking slander.

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