Is it time for Congress to exercise their express power to Call the Militia?

Should Congress exercise their Article 1, Section 7 Powers to Repel Invasion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.0%

  • Total voters
I can't imagine a country where an elected representative of the people, a US Congressman, is forbidden access to a compound run by the US government. Congress is denied access to the areas where illegal aliens are held. If I was that congressman I would get a judge to issue a warrant for every federal employee who denied him permission and find the State Police to escort him into the federal compound.

Um, the guy just showed up at the gate and demanded entry. And was told this:

When the congressman spoke to a manager and HHS official, he was told he would have to schedule a formal visit for July 21.

Read more: Okla. Congressman Denied Access To Child Immigrant Facility | The Daily Caller

Which is completely reasonable. The idea that any congressman can just kick in the door of any youth facility at a moment's notice has nothing to do with our laws. Or the welfare of these children.

If he wants to visit, do what grown ups do.....and schedule one. But these ambush hysterics (which just *happened* to be filmed, of course) is just political theater. The Congressman already knew the procedure for visiting the facility.

That's interference with the duties of our Representatives.
If they want to visit that facility at 2 or 3 in the morning they need to be let in.
Having a scheduled meetings means that they can clean up any illegal things they might be doing in that facility.
Just like they do in restaurants with surprise visits so that they can't clean up the violations that they might be doing.

p.s. - I know of no congressman that would kick a door down.

Then show us the law that grants a congressman unfettered and immediate access to any youth facility with no notice and no appointment. I mean, if its part of their duties, surely you can show us where that's articulated in our law.

Unless you're just making this up as you go along. And there is no such authority. And the congressman needs to make an appointment like any grown up rather than throwing a little tantrum at the gate when he shows up up out of nowhere.

Good luck.
Um, the guy just showed up at the gate and demanded entry. And was told this:

Which is completely reasonable. The idea that any congressman can just kick in the door of any youth facility at a moment's notice has nothing to do with our laws. Or the welfare of these children.

If he wants to visit, do what grown ups do.....and schedule one. But these ambush hysterics (which just *happened* to be filmed, of course) is just political theater. The Congressman already knew the procedure for visiting the facility.

That's interference with the duties of our Representatives.
If they want to visit that facility at 2 or 3 in the morning they need to be let in.
Having a scheduled meetings means that they can clean up any illegal things they might be doing in that facility.
Just like they do in restaurants with surprise visits so that they can't clean up the violations that they might be doing.

p.s. - I know of no congressman that would kick a door down.

Imagine a PFC at the gate of a Military base telling a General to go home and make an appointment like a grownup. Who the frick is in charge of a cobbled together federal compound? How would a Sgt or Lt. in the BLM or a square badge in a guard agency outrank a Congressman? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.

The obvious problem with that analogy is that the congressman isn't a general. In actuality, he has no authority whatsoever over the guard. The guard is part of the executive branch. His boss is the President.

So imagine some PFC when a random congressman shows up and demands access to his express contradiction to the orders the PFC was given. The PFC would politely, but in no uncertain terms, tell the congressman no. As being a congressman doesn't place him *anywhere* in the chain of that command over that PFC.

You do get the idea of chain of command, right?
That's kinda the elephant in the livingroom, isn't it? The secessionists imagine that when they start killing cops, fire fighters and our soldiers in the name of their 'revolution' that the rest of the country is going to join them.

When in reality, I expect it would take less than a day for the seccessionists to be begging the very cops and soldiers they were killing that morning for protection.......from the rest of us.

Not the cops. Not the soldiers. But a very well armed and very well organized citizenry that would not put up with secessionist cop killing shyte.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Try it, my little 'new civil war' chickenshytes. It wouldn't take a day to cull the lot of you.
Cops would join the revolt if it ever happens. Vast majority hate socialist views of Democrats.

Bullshyte. The first cop your hapless fools kill in the name of your 'revolution', and the other boys in blue will swarm you. They're not gonna *join* you idiots and start cappign each other or killing soldiers.

This whole 'new civil war' thing was never well thought through. You start killing our people in your made up home militias, and you'll get the Tsarnaev brother's treatment. Hunted like dogs through the street until you're bleeding out under a tarp in the back of someone's boat.

And that's before we citizens get a hold of you.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Try it, chickenshyts. Start your revolution. But when you're face down on the pavement, looking at the lifeless eyes of your drinking buddy Daryl who thought the revolution was a great idea....and who just had his brain splattered across the sidewalk, and you hear one of the rest of us citizens clearing the chamber for the round that's going to end you....

......remember I told you so. And trying to vote in folks that agreed with you would have been so much more productive.

You live under a rock? Police and sheriffs depts. around the nation have already said they wont enforce laws that impinge on Constitutional rights.
They've already chosen sides.....and it ain't the left side.
Cops would join the revolt if it ever happens. Vast majority hate socialist views of Democrats.

Bullshyte. The first cop your hapless fools kill in the name of your 'revolution', and the other boys in blue will swarm you. They're not gonna *join* you idiots and start cappign each other or killing soldiers.

This whole 'new civil war' thing was never well thought through. You start killing our people in your made up home militias, and you'll get the Tsarnaev brother's treatment. Hunted like dogs through the street until you're bleeding out under a tarp in the back of someone's boat.

And that's before we citizens get a hold of you.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Try it, chickenshyts. Start your revolution. But when you're face down on the pavement, looking at the lifeless eyes of your drinking buddy Daryl who thought the revolution was a great idea....and who just had his brain splattered across the sidewalk, and you hear one of the rest of us citizens clearing the chamber for the round that's going to end you....

......remember I told you so. And trying to vote in folks that agreed with you would have been so much more productive.

You live under a rock? Police and sheriffs depts. around the nation have already said they wont enforce laws that impinge on Constitutional rights.
They've already chosen sides.....and it ain't the left side.

Keep on thinking that. It will be a glorious day when you nutcases start killing American citizens (your goal). You will be wiped out, without the very people you THINK will be your allies.
Bullshyte. The first cop your hapless fools kill in the name of your 'revolution', and the other boys in blue will swarm you. They're not gonna *join* you idiots and start cappign each other or killing soldiers.

This whole 'new civil war' thing was never well thought through. You start killing our people in your made up home militias, and you'll get the Tsarnaev brother's treatment. Hunted like dogs through the street until you're bleeding out under a tarp in the back of someone's boat.

And that's before we citizens get a hold of you.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Try it, chickenshyts. Start your revolution. But when you're face down on the pavement, looking at the lifeless eyes of your drinking buddy Daryl who thought the revolution was a great idea....and who just had his brain splattered across the sidewalk, and you hear one of the rest of us citizens clearing the chamber for the round that's going to end you....

......remember I told you so. And trying to vote in folks that agreed with you would have been so much more productive.

You live under a rock? Police and sheriffs depts. around the nation have already said they wont enforce laws that impinge on Constitutional rights.
They've already chosen sides.....and it ain't the left side.

Keep on thinking that. It will be a glorious day when you nutcases start killing American citizens (your goal). You will be wiped out, without the very people you THINK will be your allies.

You have a long standing tradition of putting words into peoples mouth.
And I see you carried it with distinction into this post as well...bravo....

And the fact remains. Police and Sheriffs depts. around the nation have openly said they will refuse to follow any laws that infringe on Constitutional rights.
You mean like Obama releasing 5 terrorists from Guantanamo Bay without giving Congress 30 days notice, which was required by a law that he personally signed?

I'm referring specifically to the law mandating that unaccompanied children from non-continguous countries get a hearing before a judge before they can be deported.

You know, the one even remotely relevant to what we're discussing.

Conservatives hate that law with many demanding that Obama be impeached for following it. So its clearly not *every* law your ilk insist Obama abide. Just the ones you like.

He's clearly not going to abide by the ones he doesn't like, as I've already clearly illustrated, so quite frankly you have nothing of value to contribute & should find something else to whine about.
Imagine a PFC at the gate of a Military base telling a General to go home and make an appointment like a grownup.

Rank is immaterial when it comes to police/guard duties (aside from paying the proper respect to that rank, of course). A buck private is duty bound to detain anyone regardless of rank (yes, that means generals too!) until & unless their authorization is confirmed.

I refused entry to a full bird colonel as an E-2. What of it?

Join the military before you go around opening your mouth about it.
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You live under a rock? Police and sheriffs depts. around the nation have already said they wont enforce laws that impinge on Constitutional rights.
They've already chosen sides.....and it ain't the left side.

Dude, the first time one of the new civil war revolutionaries kills a cop in the name of their 'revolution', the other cops are going to end them. The idea that the cops would look at their fellow officer bleeding in the street and JOIN the terrorist that just shot him is the biggest load of horseshyte in the thread.

They'd empty their clip into the man who shot their fellow officer, reload, and empty another.

And yet the poor, stupid 'revolutionaries' pretend that the Cops would gladly join them as they ran around killing their fellow citizens, other cops, fire fighters and our soldliers., no. That's just not happening. And the fact that our 'new civil war' crowd gives nothing but empty lip service to their 'revolution', along with a litany of excuses why its always someone *else* that has to do the bleeding and the dying for their beliefs....

.....its pretty clear that the revolutionaries understand how batshyte crazy their assumptions really are.
You mean like Obama releasing 5 terrorists from Guantanamo Bay without giving Congress 30 days notice, which was required by a law that he personally signed?

I'm referring specifically to the law mandating that unaccompanied children from non-continguous countries get a hearing before a judge before they can be deported.

You know, the one even remotely relevant to what we're discussing.

Conservatives hate that law with many demanding that Obama be impeached for following it. So its clearly not *every* law your ilk insist Obama abide. Just the ones you like.

He's clearly not going to abide by the ones he doesn't like, as I've already clearly illustrated, so quite frankly you have nothing of value to contribute & should find something else to whine about.

Then he'd be acting like a conservative! Something you guys should admire.

Thought it does kinda take any moral authority out of the 'how dare he not enforce a law!' schtick....when you're ilk are demanding he be impeached *because* he's enforcing a law. Just a law that conservatives don't like.
Keep on thinking that. It will be a glorious day when you nutcases start killing American citizens (your goal). You will be wiped out, without the very people you THINK will be your allies.

That's the part the poor, silly bastards don't get. Forget the cops. Forget the national guard. Forget the army.

The overwhelming majority of the everyday citizens simply wouldn't put up with the 'new revolultionary' bullshyte. The moment they start killing cops and soldiers in the 'name of their revolution', their fellow citizens will be killing the 'revolutionaries' in the streets. I'd give it a day before they're begging the very cops they were shooting at the morning for protection from the rest of us.

One thing the chickenshyte 'new civil war' ilk need to remember: There are way more of us than there are of them. And we're better armed and organized.
I can't imagine a country where an elected representative of the people, a US Congressman, is forbidden access to a compound run by the US government. Congress is denied access to the areas where illegal aliens are held. If I was that congressman I would get a judge to issue a warrant for every federal employee who denied him permission and find the State Police to escort him into the federal compound.

You should see the book censorship bill coming...
It will be a glorious day when you nutcases start killing American citizens (your goal). You will be wiped out, without the very people you THINK will be your allies.

So far on USMB, only Progressives have overtly displayed fantasies of genociding other Americans. One such instance occurred on either page 2 or 3 of this thread.
There's a milita?

Yes, it's codified into US law.

10 U.S. Code § 311 - Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
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Keep on thinking that. It will be a glorious day when you nutcases start killing American citizens (your goal). You will be wiped out, without the very people you THINK will be your allies.

That's the part the poor, silly bastards don't get. Forget the cops. Forget the national guard. Forget the army.

The overwhelming majority of the everyday citizens simply wouldn't put up with the 'new revolultionary' bullshyte. The moment they start killing cops and soldiers in the 'name of their revolution', their fellow citizens will be killing the 'revolutionaries' in the streets. I'd give it a day before they're begging the very cops they were shooting at the morning for protection from the rest of us.

One thing the chickenshyte 'new civil war' ilk need to remember: There are way more of us than there are of them. And we're better armed and organized.

Does this number mean anything to you 3% ?
You and nutz go to the same indoc. center? Stop putting words into peoples mouths,it's reached the point of being ridiculous.
I think (yes, unlike 2nd Amendment and others like him) that the use of force against women and children fleeing an oppressive or dangerous situation would make the Commander in Chief a war criminal. These individuals fleeing dangerous situations in Central America are not an invasion force no matter what hysterical punks like 2nd Amendment want to believe.

If a member of Congress wanted to force a practical solution to this matter, s/he would simply need to put a bill into the hopper making it unlawful for the Treasury to pay any foreign aid to any nation whose native born citizens are now residing illegally in the United States. We might also place an embargo on any products sold to the United States from these nations and impose restrictions on travel by US Citizens to the region as was done with Cuba.

Why so many gun nut feel violence is always the answer is one more reason for gun control.

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