Is it time for Congress to exercise their express power to Call the Militia?

Should Congress exercise their Article 1, Section 7 Powers to Repel Invasion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.0%

  • Total voters
Skylar I have been watching this develop over many years. Not a few. I have read articles from all over the world and Russia is strategic in their actions. That you do not notice this is not my fault but perhaps it is because your eyes have not been opened to see it for what it is. Mine have. Do not criticize me for giving 2nd amendment my viewpoint. He sent me the invite, he asked and I have shared. That is all I can do. There is no point in trying to prove anything. I've shared with you all what I believe is happening. Time will tell the story. It always does. Good night.
Skylar I have been watching this develop over many years. Not a few. I have read articles from all over the world and Russia is strategic in their actions. That you do not notice this is not my fault but perhaps it is because your eyes have not been opened to see it for what it is. Mine have. Do not criticize me for giving 2nd amendment my viewpoint. He sent me the invite, he asked and I have shared. That is all I can do. There is no point in trying to prove anything. I've shared with you all what I believe is happening. Time will tell the story. It always does. Good night.

You really haven't, Jer. You've been adding layer upon elaborate layer to the fantasy you've concoted about this. Imagining you know what was in the cargo plane, imagining you've figured out Russia's plan, imagining you know their motivation and goals. And then adding frosting: adding the Chinese. Adding the sleeper agents. Adding the Mexicans. With the cherry being the mass murder of 200,000,000 million Americans.

Backed by you citing, well, you. Which isn't actually evidence.

What little you have offered to back it is ludicrously ambiguous. And could be interpreted in dozens if not hundred of different ways. Most of which are far more plausible and have nothing to do with your B-movie plot.

And most telling? You're far, far too sure about it. Even the best analysts in the world looking at the skeletal pattern you've scrabbled together would at best, make vague suggestions that something *might* happen. Where you approach the situation from a position of specific certainty. And the evidence just isn't there for your conclusions.

Demonstrating that its not the evidence that is motivating your perspective.
The Militia should be used on the racist xenophobes blocking federal buses.

Let's rephrase that for what it really says:

The Militia of legal law-abiding Citizens should be used to exterminate the Tea Party...

Time to rouse USMB to see this quote in all its glory! Don't forget to vote guys!

I have this list of decent Americans and USMB members for such rare occasions as these, screen shot this! An a gun grabbing Libbie admitted his fantasy of demociding political opposition! Very Stalin-esque!

@Geaux4it @House @LadyGunSlinger @AquaAthena @Uncensored2008 @Newby @Zander @koshergrl @HelenaHandbag @Mad Scientist @GHook93 @PoliticalChic @mudwhistle @Pete7469 @Pete7469 @Clementine @S.J. @pvsi @Intolerant @shart_attack @tinydancer @tinydancer @oldfart @R.C. Christian @westwall @OriginalShroom @Jeremiah @SAYIT @Mr. H. @Vigilante @CaféAuLait @Jroc @HenryBHough @jon_berzerk @DriftingSand @Kat zndog @DriftingSand @Yurt @CorvusRexus

If the Militia is called it should be for the express purpose of sealing and protecting our borders. I also believe that Barack Obama should be placed under arrest for treason; prosecuted; and punished for crimes against the United States of America. I'm actually not kidding. The man is corrupt and out of control and I believe that what we're witnessing on our southern border is by pure design. It's no fluke and it's no mistake. These "kids" were invited here. Obama is hellbent on destroying the fabric of American culture as he literally promised that he would. He's literally breaking the collective back of America's middle class.

America has the right and the responsibility to seal and protect our borders and we shouldn't feel an ounce of guilt if we send these "kids" back to the nations from whence they came. Let "their" taxpayers and governments take care of them. Americans need to fix America before we can support the rest of the world.
It would be perfectly Constitutional...

Hell yea, let's shoot em all down, women and children, the whole lot of em. They invade our country, kill em dead right there where they stand. That'll stop them wetbacks from coming into our country.

No ... just put them on a plane and send them to the doorsteps of their respective capitol buildings. If Americans are supposed to be uber-compassionate then we should expect their own countrymen to be just as compassionate. Let's burden their taxpaying public instead of ours. What's wrong with that?
Is it time for Congress to exercise their express power to Call the Militia?
It's time for you to stop exhibiting your ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

1) He's not ignorant if he's aware of the facts ... which he is.
2) There's no hatred. There's simply love for ones nation.
3) "Stupid" is allowing an endless flow of illegal aliens to cross the border unhindered. THAT is stupidity to the highest degree.
I do believe the governors of the appropriate states could call up their respective NGs.

It would probably need to be declared an invasion before force could actually be used against the invaders.

(Just guessing, I'm sure somebody will come along and clarify)

Exactly. There hasn't been one. And they already have militias. They're called the National Guard.
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The states will have to do what the federal government refuses to do (with or without the fed's approval).
The President is the Commander in Chief of the Militias when called into service of the US.
I can't imagine a country where an elected representative of the people, a US Congressman, is forbidden access to a compound run by the US government. Congress is denied access to the areas where illegal aliens are held. If I was that congressman I would get a judge to issue a warrant for every federal employee who denied him permission and find the State Police to escort him into the federal compound.
If the Militia is called it should be for the express purpose of sealing and protecting our borders. I also believe that Barack Obama should be placed under arrest for treason; prosecuted; and punished for crimes against the United States of America. I'm actually not kidding.

Really, because you sound like you are. Treason?

Sigh, that's the kind of silly shyte that only plays well in the right wing echo chamber. When held to any rational standards, it all falls apart. You couldn't get so much as a bench warrant on the flimsy, speculative, conspiracy batshyte you're peddling. Let alone an arrest, let alone a conviction.

You clearly haven't thought this through.

The man is corrupt and out of control and I believe that what we're witnessing on our southern border is by pure design.
Oh, I have no doubt that you do. But there's no evidence of it. And that's the rub; your evidence is your imagination. You imagine a 'plan' and 'plot'. And then insist that Obama should be persecuted and punished because you imagined it.

The obvious problem one else gives a fiddler's fuck about you citing yourself about something you can't possibly back up or connect to reality.

It's no fluke and it's no mistake. These "kids" were invited here.

By who? Again, this fictional narrative begins and ends with you. At no point does it involve anyone else.

Obama is hellbent on destroying the fabric of American culture as he literally promised that he would. He's literally breaking the collective back of America's middle class.

Obama made no such promise. You're literally hallucinating virtually the whole of your argument. And 'breaking the back of the middle class'? Um, how's he doing that exactly?

America has the right and the responsibility to seal and protect our borders and we shouldn't feel an ounce of guilt if we send these "kids" back to the nations from whence they came.

Save of course that there's the law that Bush signed that mandates we give unaccompanied minors from countries like Guatamala and Honduras a hearing before sending them back.

For all the conservative lip service with 'following the law', they only seem to mean the laws that they agree with. If is a law they don't like, then they summarily ignore it.
I can't imagine a country where an elected representative of the people, a US Congressman, is forbidden access to a compound run by the US government. Congress is denied access to the areas where illegal aliens are held. If I was that congressman I would get a judge to issue a warrant for every federal employee who denied him permission and find the State Police to escort him into the federal compound.

Um, the guy just showed up at the gate and demanded entry. And was told this:

When the congressman spoke to a manager and HHS official, he was told he would have to schedule a formal visit for July 21.

Read more: Okla. Congressman Denied Access To Child Immigrant Facility | The Daily Caller

Which is completely reasonable. The idea that any congressman can just kick in the door of any youth facility at a moment's notice has nothing to do with our laws. Or the welfare of these children.

If he wants to visit, do what grown ups do.....and schedule one. But these ambush hysterics (which just *happened* to be filmed, of course) is just political theater. The Congressman already knew the procedure for visiting the facility.
For all the conservative lip service with 'following the law', they only seem to mean the laws that they agree with. If is a law they don't like, then they summarily ignore it.

You mean like Obama releasing 5 terrorists from Guantanamo Bay without giving Congress 30 days notice, which was required by a law that he personally signed?

Is that the kind of summarily ignoring of laws you're talking about?
You mean like Obama releasing 5 terrorists from Guantanamo Bay without giving Congress 30 days notice, which was required by a law that he personally signed?

I'm referring specifically to the law mandating that unaccompanied children from non-continguous countries get a hearing before a judge before they can be deported.

You know, the one even remotely relevant to what we're discussing.

Conservatives hate that law with many demanding that Obama be impeached for following it. So its clearly not *every* law your ilk insist Obama abide. Just the ones you like.
I can't imagine a country where an elected representative of the people, a US Congressman, is forbidden access to a compound run by the US government. Congress is denied access to the areas where illegal aliens are held. If I was that congressman I would get a judge to issue a warrant for every federal employee who denied him permission and find the State Police to escort him into the federal compound.

Um, the guy just showed up at the gate and demanded entry. And was told this:

When the congressman spoke to a manager and HHS official, he was told he would have to schedule a formal visit for July 21.

Read more: Okla. Congressman Denied Access To Child Immigrant Facility | The Daily Caller

Which is completely reasonable. The idea that any congressman can just kick in the door of any youth facility at a moment's notice has nothing to do with our laws. Or the welfare of these children.

If he wants to visit, do what grown ups do.....and schedule one. But these ambush hysterics (which just *happened* to be filmed, of course) is just political theater. The Congressman already knew the procedure for visiting the facility.

The term "kick in the door" is deliberately misleading. What government drone outranks a Congressman? We aren't talking about private property. A (grownup?) Congressman has the legal right and authority to enter any federal property unless it requires some sort of top secret clearance.
I can't imagine a country where an elected representative of the people, a US Congressman, is forbidden access to a compound run by the US government. Congress is denied access to the areas where illegal aliens are held. If I was that congressman I would get a judge to issue a warrant for every federal employee who denied him permission and find the State Police to escort him into the federal compound.

Um, the guy just showed up at the gate and demanded entry. And was told this:

When the congressman spoke to a manager and HHS official, he was told he would have to schedule a formal visit for July 21.

Read more: Okla. Congressman Denied Access To Child Immigrant Facility | The Daily Caller

Which is completely reasonable. The idea that any congressman can just kick in the door of any youth facility at a moment's notice has nothing to do with our laws. Or the welfare of these children.

If he wants to visit, do what grown ups do.....and schedule one. But these ambush hysterics (which just *happened* to be filmed, of course) is just political theater. The Congressman already knew the procedure for visiting the facility.

That's interference with the duties of our Representatives.
If they want to visit that facility at 2 or 3 in the morning they need to be let in.
Having a scheduled meetings means that they can clean up any illegal things they might be doing in that facility.
Just like they do in restaurants with surprise visits so that they can't clean up the violations that they might be doing.

p.s. - I know of no congressman that would kick a door down.
I can't imagine a country where an elected representative of the people, a US Congressman, is forbidden access to a compound run by the US government. Congress is denied access to the areas where illegal aliens are held. If I was that congressman I would get a judge to issue a warrant for every federal employee who denied him permission and find the State Police to escort him into the federal compound.

Um, the guy just showed up at the gate and demanded entry. And was told this:

When the congressman spoke to a manager and HHS official, he was told he would have to schedule a formal visit for July 21.

Read more: Okla. Congressman Denied Access To Child Immigrant Facility | The Daily Caller

Which is completely reasonable. The idea that any congressman can just kick in the door of any youth facility at a moment's notice has nothing to do with our laws. Or the welfare of these children.

If he wants to visit, do what grown ups do.....and schedule one. But these ambush hysterics (which just *happened* to be filmed, of course) is just political theater. The Congressman already knew the procedure for visiting the facility.

That's interference with the duties of our Representatives.
If they want to visit that facility at 2 or 3 in the morning they need to be let in.
Having a scheduled meetings means that they can clean up any illegal things they might be doing in that facility.
Just like they do in restaurants with surprise visits so that they can't clean up the violations that they might be doing.

p.s. - I know of no congressman that would kick a door down.

Imagine a PFC at the gate of a Military base telling a General to go home and make an appointment like a grownup. Who the frick is in charge of a cobbled together federal compound? How would a Sgt or Lt. in the BLM or a square badge in a guard agency outrank a Congressman? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.

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