Is it time for Congress to exercise their express power to Call the Militia?

Should Congress exercise their Article 1, Section 7 Powers to Repel Invasion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.0%

  • Total voters
The Militia should be used on the racist xenophobes blocking federal buses.

That's kinda the elephant in the livingroom, isn't it? The secessionists imagine that when they start killing cops, fire fighters and our soldiers in the name of their 'revolution' that the rest of the country is going to join them.

When in reality, I expect it would take less than a day for the seccessionists to be begging the very cops and soldiers they were killing that morning for protection.......from the rest of us.

Not the cops. Not the soldiers. But a very well armed and very well organized citizenry that would not put up with secessionist cop killing shyte.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Try it, my little 'new civil war' chickenshytes. It wouldn't take a day to cull the lot of you.


The cops and soldiers are your enemy bed wetter, not the "militias".

You made that abundantly clear undermining the war efforts and crucifying cops every time they shoot a thug.

Wouldn't it just be a lot easier just to legislate?

No, because that means we have to get Obama's approval or get 2/3 of both Houses to override his veto. Impossible.


My proposal is actually possible, it's just that most Americans don't possess the Constitutional knowledge to know that it's possible (nor should they, they aren't lawyers, and I've had to handwrite the entire Constitution about six times for memory and reread it more than a 100 times to be so proficient in how each of its clauses support each other like layered bricks; it's takes months of hard study, and most people don't have that time).
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I am ready. I am thinking about spending my vacation on the border in order to protect the country and simultaneously pay tribute to the Second Amendment.

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I do believe the governors of the appropriate states could call up their respective NGs.

I agree. Put the power in the hands of the governors to stop this invasion of our country.

So long as the Governors do not order their NG's out of their own state, they already have the power to stop the invasion within their own State.
The Militia should be used on the racist xenophobes blocking federal buses.

Let's rephrase that for what it really says:
The Militia of legal law-abiding Citizens should be used to exterminate the Tea Party...
Time to rouse USMB to see this quote in all its glory! Don't forget to vote guys!

I have this list of decent Americans and USMB members for such rare occasions as these, screen shot this! An a gun grabbing Libbie admitted his fantasy of demociding political opposition! Very Stalin-esque!

The rads both left and right are increasingly out-of-the-closet which I find curious given their complaints about federal surveillance. Frankly, the Tim McVeighs and Jihad Janes, once curiosities, have become internet sensations of sorts. Still, I'd rather have them out in the open where their intentions can be monitored.
BTW, I appreciate the decent American label. I like to believe that is who and what I am. :D
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I answered in the affirmative. The National Guard should be called up immediately to secure our borders. We send our troops thousands of miles from home and for what??? This is about our country, our sovereignty. This is what the Founders meant in regard to, "Call forth the Militia."
The Militia should be used on the racist xenophobes blocking federal buses.

That's kinda the elephant in the livingroom, isn't it? The secessionists imagine that when they start killing cops, fire fighters and our soldiers in the name of their 'revolution' that the rest of the country is going to join them.

When in reality, I expect it would take less than a day for the seccessionists to be begging the very cops and soldiers they were killing that morning for protection.......from the rest of us.

Not the cops. Not the soldiers. But a very well armed and very well organized citizenry that would not put up with secessionist cop killing shyte.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Try it, my little 'new civil war' chickenshytes. It wouldn't take a day to cull the lot of you.
Cops would join the revolt if it ever happens. Vast majority hate socialist views of Democrats.
I do believe the governors of the appropriate states could call up their respective NGs.

It would probably need to be declared an invasion before force could actually be used against the invaders.

(Just guessing, I'm sure somebody will come along and clarify)

Each State has it's own laws and procedures for using military force to repel invasion within their own State. However, no State could send it's Militia or National Guards outside its own boundaries unless the federal Congress declared it an invasion or another State allowed them to cross their border. No State Militia or National Guard could travel outside the United States, as the Constitution explicitly forbids that.

The Army (including the Army National Guard and Reserves) comprises 48.8% of the total DOD force, but sustained 73.2% (2,716) of the combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It would probably need to be declared an invasion before force could actually be used against the invaders.

(Just guessing, I'm sure somebody will come along and clarify)

Each State has it's own laws and procedures for using military force to repel invasion within their own State. However, no State could send it's Militia or National Guards outside its own boundaries unless the federal Congress declared it an invasion or another State allowed them to cross their border. No State Militia or National Guard could travel outside the United States, as the Constitution explicitly forbids that.

The Army (including the Army National Guard and Reserves) comprises 48.8% of the total DOD force, but sustained 73.2% (2,716) of the combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And what's your point? They were sent there by the federal government...the Constitution allows that...

You knew what I meant when you typed that. A State Government cannot send it's National Guard out on its own (without federal permission) to make War on another nation.
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The Militia should be used on the racist xenophobes blocking federal buses.

That's kinda the elephant in the livingroom, isn't it? The secessionists imagine that when they start killing cops, fire fighters and our soldiers in the name of their 'revolution' that the rest of the country is going to join them.

When in reality, I expect it would take less than a day for the seccessionists to be begging the very cops and soldiers they were killing that morning for protection.......from the rest of us.

Not the cops. Not the soldiers. But a very well armed and very well organized citizenry that would not put up with secessionist cop killing shyte.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Try it, my little 'new civil war' chickenshytes. It wouldn't take a day to cull the lot of you.
Cops would join the revolt if it ever happens. Vast majority hate socialist views of Democrats.

Bullshyte. The first cop your hapless fools kill in the name of your 'revolution', and the other boys in blue will swarm you. They're not gonna *join* you idiots and start cappign each other or killing soldiers.

This whole 'new civil war' thing was never well thought through. You start killing our people in your made up home militias, and you'll get the Tsarnaev brother's treatment. Hunted like dogs through the street until you're bleeding out under a tarp in the back of someone's boat.

And that's before we citizens get a hold of you.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Try it, chickenshyts. Start your revolution. But when you're face down on the pavement, looking at the lifeless eyes of your drinking buddy Daryl who thought the revolution was a great idea....and who just had his brain splattered across the sidewalk, and you hear one of the rest of us citizens clearing the chamber for the round that's going to end you....

......remember I told you so. And trying to vote in folks that agreed with you would have been so much more productive.
Each State has it's own laws and procedures for using military force to repel invasion within their own State. However, no State could send it's Militia or National Guards outside its own boundaries unless the federal Congress declared it an invasion or another State allowed them to cross their border. No State Militia or National Guard could travel outside the United States, as the Constitution explicitly forbids that.

The Army (including the Army National Guard and Reserves) comprises 48.8% of the total DOD force, but sustained 73.2% (2,716) of the combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And what's your point? They were sent there by the federal government...the Constitution allows that...

You knew what I meant when you typed that. A State Government cannot send it's National Guard out on its own (without federal permission) to make War on another nation.

LOL, this was both clear and wrong: "No State Militia or National Guard could travel outside the United States, as the Constitution explicitly forbids that." Man up and admit your understanding of the COTUS is piss poor.
For those mexicans trying to get into the US via ocean voyage, it might be useful.
I am reading to try and catch up here, 2nd amendment. I had an accident about 3 weeks ago and have been recovering - no tv news - not seen any news stories. I have read bits and pieces about aliens coming across our borders from El Salvador, Nicarauga and Guatamala, Honduras. I have read that while the news reports say it is mainly women and children the thousands of pairs of underwears donated by Walmart for refugees were not for women or children but for men xxl or larger. That once these men cross over the border they are bailed out if they are picked up and then they are bused to another state? I read that here on someones thread here. I have not fact checked it but just read the story.

LadyGunSlinger is right that each state has the right to call forth their national guard but as I understand it the Governors were held silent by the patriot act over a transfer of powers where the State national guard was put under the mandates of the federal govt. Although that is not permitted in the constitution and there is to be a clear defining between federal and state national guard it was nevertheless signed as an executive order back in 2012 by Barack Obama I believe. So the Governors at that time lost their control of the national guard is what I was told. No one was permitted to speak of it because of the patriot act or they could be charged with treason. This is what I was told a couple of years ago.

What is going on with these men coming across our borders at this time? It is easier to have an invasion / takeover when those invading are already here. I believe that what we are witnessing is the final plans being executed for an invasion of America. The Russians have been providing arms and military equip to the S. American gangs for awhile. There was also a Russian cargo plane that landed in Mexico some time ago. I will have to find the article. I believe when Russia attacks us, China will follow and come across the Mexican border ( chinese troops are down there already ) while the rest of these communist nations are using Mexico as the gateway to come in and get situated here. Then when Russia strikes us and China joins in these guys will be the communist version of sleeper cells waiting for that day. ( add that to any arab sleeper cells joined with Putin ) With such a plan in place for so many years ( KGB defectors tried to warn our CIA but they didn't listen ) I'm expecting that their intention is to wipe out 200 million of the population because that is what the Chinese military leaders have been telling their own people privately. There has been alot of chatter over this and it all circles around when China invades Taiwan and Russia backs her. That time appears to be drawing closer and closer.

I do not understand the constitution as you do 2nd amendment but if it is true that the Governors all lost control over their own NG and that all military and NG is under federal control by executive order in 2012 then this may be why there has been no response as of yet. I could not say either way as to how much Obama knows, he may have no idea whatsoever that the Russians are planning an invasion.

I realize some will laugh at this scenario and say it is not possible. That America could not possibly fall. That it is just a few men coming from some S. American countries but for those who have been to Guatamala they know that down there dangerous takes on an entirely different meaning. Same for El Salvador and Hondoras. This is drug trafficking countries and if these men are really coming over our borders now in the tens of thousands? Then I would have to believe this is being orchestrated by Vladimir Putin. Nothing happening is random. Absolutely nothing. Not at this stage. I believe we are witnessing the final stages before an invasion on our own homeland. It is most definitely a time to be in prayer for our country.
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I believe that what we are witnessing is the final plans being executed for an invasion of America. The Russians have been providing arms and military equip to the S. American gangs for awhile. There was also a Russian cargo plane that landed in Mexico some time ago.
A russian cargo plane, huh? You do realize there are 20 million illegals. The chances of them being suitably armed from *a* cargo plane is pretty slim.

And very few of our illegal immigrants come from south american countries. Most are from mexico, with almost all the rest coming from central America. So there's very little of your theory that is consistent with the situation.

I believe when Russia attacks us, China will follow and come across the Mexican border ( chinese troops are down there already ) while the rest of these communist nations are using Mexico as the gateway to come in and get situated here.

Did you just finish watching Red Dawn? Not the remake, but the original. Because you're Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze away from describing that movie.


Oh, and that's ludicrously unlikely. Like winning the lottery while falling from the sky in a crashing plane and landing in a volcano unlikely. But its got a better plot than Sharknado 2: The Next One! So you've got that.

Then when Russia strikes us and China joins in these guys will be the communist version of sleeper cells waiting for that day.

Wow. This fantasy of yours is *really* specific. Have you named the sleeper agents? they look anything like the leads from FX's 'The Americans'? Because you've pretty much described another B-movie plot.

If I see Keifer Sutherland running around the Mexico border, I'll know what's up!

With such a plan in place for so many years ( KGB defectors tried to warn our CIA but they didn't listen ) I'm expecting that their intention is to wipe out 200 million of the population because that is what the Chinese military leaders have been telling their own people privately.

Um, how many sleeper agents do you think there are? I mean, there's only 300 million or so of us here. The way you describe it, the woods and sewers are just full of them. Its like the CHUD for a new generation!

There has been alot of chatter over this and it all circles around when China invades Taiwan and Russia backs her. That time appears to be drawing closer and closer.

Nodding...its the opening scene of Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. You've got some excellent sources.
Here is one link and I have no idea who Alexander is so I cannot endorse him as a credible source. What I did find interesting is much of what he wrote about seems to be verified by other sources and eye witnesses down there. I saw a video of a cartel boss who was making a plea to the govt of mexico to explain what chinese troops were doing down there as the cartels thought they were there to take them down. There have been numerous sightings of Chinese, Nicaraguan and Cuban soldiers doing war games down there and also using the beaches down there in secluded areas. I do not believe you can plan an invasion of a nation as large as the USA without some very telling signs ahead that something is up. Once your eyes are opened and you are watching you can see there is something definitely underfoot. Again, I have no idea whether the Obama administration has the slightest idea this plan is underway.

Everything I read and see tells me this is Vladimir Putin, a very evil man, who believes in fulfilling the Russian plan of defeating the USA so they can then take Israel, Europe and in the end? The entire Middle East. He won't be sharing it with anyone although he had gained Iran's co-operation by deceiving the Islamic world. I hear his latest moves have been to bring India to his side of the table and abandon America. This is chess and Vladmir has alot of advisors. His main concern now is his exit strategy. How does he exit this masterminding of an invasion of mass murder / rape/ looting of American citizens and recover from it in the eyes of the world? Simple. He just blames it all on Barack Obama. There is a problem with that however. According to KGB defectors this plan has been in place since before Obama was born. He just happens to be the opportune time. ( imo ) Communism is evil. This is what it does. I hope the world will remember these words and not the lies Putin has attempted to put into place ahead of this invasion. I think the world deserves to know the truth about Vladimir Putin. He's not a war hero. He is a coward blindsiding a nation of 300 million civilian citizens. He is going to make Bin Laden look like a school boy. Can he recover from that? I say he can't. He will most likely be killed by one of his own and they will put Zhirinovsky. That will be Russia's apology. They will get rid of Putin. They will have to in order to recover. When Putin invades the USA? His days are numbered. Most definitely. Chess player? I think not.

Russian military cargo plane lands in Veracruz Mexico


CRN® SEP 24, 2012- It is very well the largest airplane in the world as the Soviet Air Charter company so claims, and it has landed in Mexico of all places. Last Saturday, September 22rd, under the cover of night, an Antonov Russian strategic transport airplane, landed at the international Navy Air Base airport of Veracruz. This news was confirmed by Mexican General Heriberto Jara Corona, who heads the Aeronautics division of the Federal Secretary of Communications and Transport.

According to ‘off the record’ information gathered by the local media, the airship supposedly transported two Russian helicopters for the National Oceanic Force from Russia to Mexico. The questions remains, where are the helicopters, why are there no pictures of them? Are there any helicopters at all? Is something else being transported? Is Russia working with the Mexican armed forces in preparation for a full-scale invasion of the United States by bringing in military cargo into Mexican ports.
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This is from like 2 years ago. And it tells you what was in the plane: helicopters. So how many illegals are going to get their own helicopter?

I do not believe you can plan an invasion of a nation as large as the USA without some very telling signs ahead that something is up. Once your eyes are opened and you are watching you can see there is something definitely underfoot. Again, I have no idea whether the Obama administration has the slightest idea this plan is underway.

You do realize that this 'plan' you're referring to is almost certainly non-existent. Making Obama's knowledge of it less likely than, you know.....if you hadn't imagined it.

Everything I read and see tells me this is Vladimir Putin, a very evil man, who believes in fulfilling the Russian plan of defeating the USA so they can then take Israel, Europe and in the end? The entire Middle East. He won't be sharing it with anyone although he had gained Iran's co-operation by deceiving the Islamic world. I hear his latest moves have been to bring India to his side of the table and abandon America. This is chess and Vladmir has alot of advisors. His main concern now is his exit strategy. How does he exit this masterminding of an invasion of mass murder / rape/ looting of American citizens and recover from it in the eyes of the world?

That's way too specific, dude. You're not only attributing to Putin elaborate motivations that aren't necessarily based in any evidence, but then you're projecting entire lines of thought, resoultions and planning.

That's you. I mean, seriously.....everything you just pushed onto Putin? That's you. That comes right out of your head, invented by you. You're revealing yourself.
I do not agree with you, Skylar. I believe you are revealing quite alot about yourself however. What is it about defending the homeland that you find so offensive? Are you in favor of Putin's plan to blindside and invade the Unites States of America? Have you noticed that many of the news videos that reported on Russia's threats to wage a nuclear attack on the USA are suddenly not working on youtube? Have you seen this one?

[ame=]World War 3 : Russian Strategic Nuclear Bombers fly along California Coast and Guam (May 07, 2014) - YouTube[/ame]

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