Is it time to consider Abortion as Self Defense?

a lot of them believe the lies they have been told and dont realize it is her child,,

if she goes for two then she gets charged,,,
No, that's not it. You don't dare charge the woman because if you did the GOP would have to close shop the next day. You are nothing but a hypocrite who wants his cake and eat it too
a lot of them believe the lies they have been told and dont [sic]realize it is her child,,
if she goes for two then she gets charged,,,

I know I pasted this very recently, probably in this very thread, but it ties in so well with your remark, that I'm posting it again.

Perhaps if some similar experience was made part of a standard high school education, we could take away that excuse even for first-timers.

A young woman faces the reality of what abortion really is…

A woman who laughed through nine abortions asked after her last one if she could look at the “tissue” that had been removed from her womb.
When she saw the reassembled parts of her dismembered baby, she gasped and shuddered before collapsing in grief and refusing to let go of the tray holding the remains of her unborn child.
“That’s a baby,” she cried. “That was my baby. … What did I do? What did I do?”



But after her ninth abortion, Angie asked to see the “tissue” of her 13-week-old unborn child.
“I debated about how to arrange the pieces” of the aborted baby, related the author, which at that age would have been fully formed. “There was no protocol on such things.”
The writer opted to “piece [the baby] back together as we normally did to ensure that none of the parts were missing.”
Angie looked at the body.

“Thanks,” she said, her trademark smile still fixed on her face. When her eyes traveled to the container, she gasped sharply, and for the first time since she had arrived, Angie was utterly silent. A few moments later, her entire body shuddered and gooseflesh was raised on her smooth brown arms.​
When she reached out her to touch the baby, I tried to pull the dish away. She grabbed my wrist and stopped me. We were both silent for a few moments as she continued to stare at the contents of the dish. I stepped back and Angie fell forward to her knees, her fingers still wrapped around my wrist. …​
“That’s a baby,” she said, barely audible at first. “That was my baby,” she said. Her volume steadily increased as a torrent of words poured from her mouth, words that made everyone extremely uncomfortable. “What did I do? What did I do?” she said over and over and began to sob. Some of the girls in the recovery run began to weep along with her.​

When abortion center staff finally managed to pry the dish from her fingers, Angie became frantic.
When they couldn’t calm her or get her up from the floor, the staff dragged her, screaming and struggling, down the hall to the bathroom.
Even then her cries could be heard, as she pleaded repeatedly to be given her baby’s body. Her request was refused.
Finally, the staff called her emergency contact. It was her current boyfriend, who came to the abortion facility, and after 45 minutes persuaded her to come out of the bathroom.
Both he and Angie were in tears when they left the abortion center, Terzo writes.
What are you, a monk?
Not quite. But I'm not an animal either. The idea of killing a baby because its inconvenient is lower than an animal. Even animals know better than to commit abortions on their pups, kittens, calves, chicks, etc.
Republicans don't care if a woman is in danger so this argument won't work. They just want them covered up and in the kitchen like a good Iranian woman.
1205 women died in 2021 because of their pregnancy. You loons are making up excuses to kill the babies now.
The author makes that argument. And it makes some sense. Pregnancy is dangerous and leads to more deaths per capita than cops endure. So if it is dangerous to be a cop and more women die in pregnancy then it is dangerous to be pregnant.

The argument actually makes some sense. If a child had a gun and was shooting people you would absolutely be justified in shooting him/her wouldn’t you? Killing the armed and dangerous child to save lives is a justified use of force isn’t it?

So I wonder if the next Supreme Court case regarding Abortion will be based in Stand your Ground?
I take this to mean you accept the fact that you are losing your shorts on this issue legally so it's time to come up with a wild conspiracy theory to justify murdering fetuses. Some woman just recently claimed that it was Amy Comey Barrett's fault that she was pregnant. Apparently she has no idea how biology works, so, no wonder she is pregnant. But I highly doubt it is Amy Comey Barrett's baby.
I take this to mean you accept the fact that you are losing your shorts on this issue legally so it's time to come up with a wild conspiracy theory to justify murdering fetuses. Some woman just recently claimed that it was Amy Comey Barrett's fault that she was pregnant. Apparently she has no idea how biology works, so, no wonder she is pregnant. But I highly doubt it is Amy Comey Barrett's baby.

That’s funny. Every election where Abortion is an issue the votes for freedom win.

Kansas. Republican Kansas. Solid red Kansas. Sixty percent of the people voted to protect a Woman’s right to choose.

Wisconsin. People elected a Supreme Court Justice who promised to protect a Woman’s right. The Republican promised to protect the baby.

Let’s put it on more ballots shall we?
That’s funny. Every election where Abortion is an issue the votes for freedom win.

Kansas. Republican Kansas. Solid red Kansas. Sixty percent of the people voted to protect a Woman’s right to choose.

Wisconsin. People elected a Supreme Court Justice who promised to protect a Woman’s right. The Republican promised to protect the baby.

Let’s put it on more ballots shall we?
LOL. Then why are you guys complaining about all the red states passing laws against abortion? Or are you trying to claim that elections will show red states turning blue?
Democrats seem to hold life and our laws in low esteem. They're not the type of people anyone wants having control over them.
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One. Just one. Which is why every pregnancy be aborted to possibly save the life of the mother.

Here is my opinion. You know you better than I ever can. You know your situation and health concerns. You and your Doctor should have as many tools as possible to see to your needs. It is not my place to limit those tools or chastise you for whatever choices you make regarding your health.

Your health should not be my business.
Here is my opinion. You know you better than I ever can. You know your situation and health concerns. You and your Doctor should have as many tools as possible to see to your needs. It is not my place to limit those tools or chastise you for whatever choices you make regarding your health.

Your health should not be my business.
If pregnancy is so dangerous it leaves all health considerations behind and becomes a matter of public safety. We don't encourage women to drink lye. We don't mandate that women go around with the muzzle of a gun pressed against their temple. The statement is, pregnancy is highly dangerous and risk taking. Why not ban it completely. If it saves the life of even one woman.
Kansas. Republican Kansas. Solid red Kansas. Sixty percent of the people voted to protect a Woman’s right to choose.

It's funny how nobody on your side has the guts to honestly say what it is that you are for. You hide it behind pathetic, dishonest euphemisms, like “Right to choose.”

What you support is killing innocent children in cold blood, but you're too fucking cowardly and dishonest to openly say so.

But then, it does take a lot of courage and character to murder someone that has no ability to fight back, doesn't it?
We seem to care about the lives of women. Why don’t you? How many deaths are too many?

Are thousands a day enough for you? Over a million a year? Over sixty million since Roe vs. Wade?

How many deaths of innocents will it take to placate your kind?
It's funny how nobody on your side has the guts to honestly say what it is that you are for. You hide it behind pathetic, dishonest euphemisms, like “Right to choose.”

What you support is killing innocent children in cold blood, but you're too fucking cowardly and dishonest to openly say so.

But then, it does take a lot of courage and character to murder someone that has no ability to fight back, doesn't it?

The collection of cells might be a baby, a living breathing organism one day. It might be a miscarriage. It might be rejected by the host. It might develop a condition in which life is impossible. It might be stillborn. The mother might die from complications before the child can be born.

In my book it becomes a child when it is viable. You’ve heard about counting chickens before they hatch.

Some 21,000 stillbirths occurred in this nation in 2021. If those babies were murdered who do we hold responsible? God? Nature? The Great Pumpkin? Fate? Who is responsible?

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