Is it time to impeach Obama ?

If this son of a bitch goes completely rogue with some completely unacceptable immigration executive order, then I'm for taking extreme measures to get rid of this bastard once and for all !!

Impeachment has been talked about quite a bit lately, and although polls show that most Americans are against such drastic action, I think you'll see a lot more Americans get onboard for impeachment should he take action that rewards these illegals for breaking into our house. Will it be a majority ? Probably not, but it will be a sizeable percentage that will be wanting him out.
Again, it all depends on how draconian his actions are, but notice in the article it states “very significant” executive action on immigration."

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says

Washington — President Obama will go ahead with a “very significant” executive action on immigration after the summer – a move that may well trigger impeachment proceedings against him, senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told reporters at a Monitor breakfast Friday.

“The president acting on immigration reform will certainly up the likelihood that [Republicans] would contemplate impeachment at some point,” said Mr. Pfeiffer, who has been at the Obama White House since its inception.

A lot of people in Washington laughed off Sarah Palin’s call to impeach the president for executive overreach, Pfeiffer said, but “I would not discount that possibility.” Polling shows strong support for the idea among the GOP base, he said, adding that House Speaker John Boehner (R) of Ohio has opened the door to the possibility with his lawsuit against Obama.

Speaker Boehner has flatly denied an interest in impeachment, saying, “I disagree” with those who support it. Next week, the GOP-controlled House is expected to pass a resolution to sue the president for executive overreach on the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.”

“This is a fundraising exercise for Democrats,” said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel in an e-mail response to Pfeiffer’s impeachment comments. “It is telling, and sad, that a senior White House official is focused on political games, rather than helping these kids and securing the border."

In 2012, Obama signed a memo authorizing deferred action on the deportation of certain children of illegal immigrants – the so-called “DREAMers.” Republicans cite it as an example of executive overreach and say it has encouraged the influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America. Tea party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R) of Texas has urged his colleagues to reject emergency funding for the current border crisis unless the Obama administration rolls back the deferred action.

But while some may have thought the child-migrant crisis might discourage the president from further executive action on immigration, it is having the opposite effect. It has raised awareness of immigration as an issue and increased “the urgency” that the public feels in fixing it, Pfeiffer said. That gives the administration “broad permission” to take action, he said.

Given the “broken Congress,” Pfeiffer said, Obama plans to move ahead with another action after he hears advice from the attorney general and the Homeland Security secretary. His criteria will be that any executive action be on “solid legal footing” and have maximum impact.

Immigrant groups want the president to use his “prosecutorial discretion” to extend temporary protection from deportation to the millions of illegal migrants who would have qualified for a “path to citizenship” under the Senate’s bipartisan immigration reform, which has gone nowhere in the House. Politico reports he’s considering subsets of that group, based on criteria such as family ties, how long they have been in the country, and work history.

The White House, Pfeiffer said, is also considering what impact an action could have on the politics of reform going forward.

After the announcement of an action, he said, Republicans will have a choice: “Are they going to go back and try to pass comprehensive immigration reform – [after] which the president will rip up whatever executive action he does the day they pass that? Or are they basically going to set themselves up for the next two and a half years here to be arguing to elect a Republican in order to deport all these people?”

On the child-migrant crisis, Pfeiffer said Obama still supports changing a 2008 child-trafficking law that has become a sticking point in his request to Congress for $3.7 billion in emergency funding. That law has had the unintended effect of creating a huge backlog of immigration cases for unaccompanied minors in the courts. Republicans and some Democrats in Congress support changing the law to expedite the cases and deportations, but many Democrats say changing the law would deprive endangered children of their due process.

The administration is talking with members of Congress about a change. But that issue, Pfeiffer said, should not hold up funding.

On a related issue, he neither denied nor confirmed a New York Times account that the White House is considering a plan to accept refugees from Honduras whose applications are processed in that country.

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says -

The secret service and FBI must be enjoying the title of your post:eusa_whistle:

Thank goodness for our board it got changed. I forgot one don't believe the OP made his word choices without thinking about the meaning.
Massive death tolls were never "Bush's fault", yet children coming in to the country that asks for those "yearning to breathe free" are a horror that justifies a capital crime............the US can spare some room for the children, if we deport the wingnuts.

Where will we get the extra 7,000.00 for each student and their snap program money?
How about the extra burden to our teachers?
Our classrooms are already over crowded.
If you want to deport the wingnuts that's half of the country. There goes half of the tax money to fund those kids. :D
Let's see what the mid terms reveal of how America feels about our dictator in chief. I am thinking that the status quo will be maintained, just like the left love it.
The thousands that are coming in today is a drop in the bucket compared to what will be coming if Obama isn't stopped.

What rational person thinks that quadrupling down on a previous mistake will solve the problem? Obama's lax enforcement of our borders caused this crisis. Ending enforcement entirely won't solve the problem. I will only cause it to become much worse.

His only intent is to overtax our welfare system. By the time he's done there will be nothing left for all of the Americans that are collecting benefits. Basically, he's screwing them.
We have lived with the asshole for 6 years...we can do another 2. By the time you go through the hoops to get rid of him he will be gone. The non sycophant lazy LIBTARDS need to figure out how they let this happen, and get it corrected. Elect the right people, demand they do their jobs, get it right or be hung from the Washington monument.
If this son of a bitch goes completely rogue with some completely unacceptable immigration executive order, then I'm for taking extreme measures to get rid of this bastard once and for all !!

Impeachment has been talked about quite a bit lately, and although polls show that most Americans are against such drastic action, I think you'll see a lot more Americans get onboard for impeachment should he take action that rewards these illegals for breaking into our house. Will it be a majority ? Probably not, but it will be a sizeable percentage that will be wanting him out.
Again, it all depends on how draconian his actions are, but notice in the article it states “very significant” executive action on immigration."

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says

Washington — President Obama will go ahead with a “very significant” executive action on immigration after the summer – a move that may well trigger impeachment proceedings against him, senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told reporters at a Monitor breakfast Friday.

“The president acting on immigration reform will certainly up the likelihood that [Republicans] would contemplate impeachment at some point,” said Mr. Pfeiffer, who has been at the Obama White House since its inception.

A lot of people in Washington laughed off Sarah Palin’s call to impeach the president for executive overreach, Pfeiffer said, but “I would not discount that possibility.” Polling shows strong support for the idea among the GOP base, he said, adding that House Speaker John Boehner (R) of Ohio has opened the door to the possibility with his lawsuit against Obama.

Speaker Boehner has flatly denied an interest in impeachment, saying, “I disagree” with those who support it. Next week, the GOP-controlled House is expected to pass a resolution to sue the president for executive overreach on the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.”

“This is a fundraising exercise for Democrats,” said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel in an e-mail response to Pfeiffer’s impeachment comments. “It is telling, and sad, that a senior White House official is focused on political games, rather than helping these kids and securing the border."

In 2012, Obama signed a memo authorizing deferred action on the deportation of certain children of illegal immigrants – the so-called “DREAMers.” Republicans cite it as an example of executive overreach and say it has encouraged the influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America. Tea party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R) of Texas has urged his colleagues to reject emergency funding for the current border crisis unless the Obama administration rolls back the deferred action.

But while some may have thought the child-migrant crisis might discourage the president from further executive action on immigration, it is having the opposite effect. It has raised awareness of immigration as an issue and increased “the urgency” that the public feels in fixing it, Pfeiffer said. That gives the administration “broad permission” to take action, he said.

Given the “broken Congress,” Pfeiffer said, Obama plans to move ahead with another action after he hears advice from the attorney general and the Homeland Security secretary. His criteria will be that any executive action be on “solid legal footing” and have maximum impact.

Immigrant groups want the president to use his “prosecutorial discretion” to extend temporary protection from deportation to the millions of illegal migrants who would have qualified for a “path to citizenship” under the Senate’s bipartisan immigration reform, which has gone nowhere in the House. Politico reports he’s considering subsets of that group, based on criteria such as family ties, how long they have been in the country, and work history.

The White House, Pfeiffer said, is also considering what impact an action could have on the politics of reform going forward.

After the announcement of an action, he said, Republicans will have a choice: “Are they going to go back and try to pass comprehensive immigration reform – [after] which the president will rip up whatever executive action he does the day they pass that? Or are they basically going to set themselves up for the next two and a half years here to be arguing to elect a Republican in order to deport all these people?”

On the child-migrant crisis, Pfeiffer said Obama still supports changing a 2008 child-trafficking law that has become a sticking point in his request to Congress for $3.7 billion in emergency funding. That law has had the unintended effect of creating a huge backlog of immigration cases for unaccompanied minors in the courts. Republicans and some Democrats in Congress support changing the law to expedite the cases and deportations, but many Democrats say changing the law would deprive endangered children of their due process.

The administration is talking with members of Congress about a change. But that issue, Pfeiffer said, should not hold up funding.

On a related issue, he neither denied nor confirmed a New York Times account that the White House is considering a plan to accept refugees from Honduras whose applications are processed in that country.

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says -

First of all, I would ask that you have more respect for the Office of the President of the United States and refrain from using such vulgar language when speaking about the current officeholder, President Obama. That can only show the degree of education a person has or the lack thereof.

As to impeachment for President Obama? For what? He is only doing his job. Conservatives in Congress are not doing theirs and the people did not elect either party to just sit on their hands and do nothing. They want Congressional bills passed and signed in order to bring justice to this matter that it so rightfully deserves. Will we see it from House Republicans any time soon?

First of all, I would ask that you have more respect for the Office for the office.., yes, but the muslime mulatto..., FUCK NO !!of the President of the United States and refrain from using such vulgar language when speaking about the current officeholder, >>>>>-----------> :fu: President Obama. That can only show the degree of education a person has or the lack thereof. you mean like the vitriol you dummycrats spew about President GW Bush ?

As to impeachment for President Obama? For what? is this your best joke ? not too bad for a beginner :lmao: He is only doing his job. yes, we understand that his job is destroying America as he has planned ever since he was born in Kenya and educated in hate filled muslime schools Conservatives in Congress are not doing theirs oooooh yes they are, they are keeping that fucking muslime mulatto from turning this country into a FOURTH world shit holeand the people did not elect either party to just sit on their hands and do nothing. They want Congressional bills passed and signed the bills that will most likely benefit all true Americans, NOT just the illegals and the worlds filth that you and all other brain dead liberfools in order to bring justice to this matter that it so rightfully deserves. Will we see it from House Republicans any time soon?[/QUOTE]

right now the House Republicans are the last best hope for reining in the wild ass bullshit that fucking muslime mulatto is doing.., like tripling the national debt to nearly $18,000,000,000,000,000.00

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time <------------<<<<<
Lets not get away from the shear fact that Obama is a complete failure on so many levels.


Married, hot brilliant wife, two children, and the first-black man to become US President. Ya, he's a huge failure.

For reals?


Lets not get away from the shear fact that Obama is a complete failure on so many levels.


Married, hot brilliant wife, two children, and the first-black man to become US President. Ya, he's a huge failure.

Seems your priorities are out of whack.

You forgot problem solving and being good at your job.

Creating chaos isn't exactly a success, regardless who he's married to.
Barack Obama has already checked out of his job - Telegraph

Barack Obama has already checked out of his job
The degree to which Barack Obama is now phoning it in – sleepwalking perfunctorily through his second term, amid golf rounds and dinner parties – is astonishing


By Matt K Lewis

12:04PM BST 26 Jul 2014

President Obama has emotionally checked out of his job a couple of years early, it seems. How can one tell?

Candidates for president who brazenly assume they are the inevitable victor are sometimes accused of “measuring the drapes” for the White House.

Obama, conversely, seems to be prematurely packing his bags in hopes for an early departure.

Top priority? Barack Obama greets people in Delaware (AFP/Getty)

Just last week, for example, the Los Angeles Times reported that “The First Family is believed to be in escrow on a contemporary home in a gated community where entertainers Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby once maintained estates”.

George Santayana observed that “Americans don’t solve problems, they leave them behind”. Perhaps the president is taking this to heart.

For rumours to catch fire, an element of truth must typically be involved.

The fact that the press would find relevance in speculating on Obama’s post-White House residence – and identify California as the kind of scene the future ex-president would want to hang out in when he leaves office – is perhaps telling.

And, indeed, this comes on the heels of multiple reports from outlets such as The New York Times and Politico, detailing how Obama has increasingly been spending his time at trendy restaurants and fancy, late-night dinner parties with celebrities and various intellectuals.

Rubbing elbows with the rich and elite is fine enough. Unfortunately, the work suffers. The degree to which he is now phoning it in – sleepwalking perfunctorily through his second term – is astonishing.

And based on his recent handling of situations much more serious than a possible post-presidential move to sunny California, it seems as if “No Drama Obama” is no longer even worried about keeping up appearances; he doesn’t care enough to fake it.​
obama has checked out. His use of power now will be to punish America for not appreciating him more. Other than that, he is done. Impeachment would be secret relief.
Impeachment wold not work any better than it did against the philandering tomcat, the lying under oath, the serial rapist, the domestic abuser, Bill Clinton.

Use humor.

Ridicule works better than anything else to destroy the credibility of a phony.

There has never been a better candidate for well deserved ridicule than this guy.
If this son of a bitch goes completely rogue with some completely unacceptable immigration executive order, then I'm for taking extreme measures to get rid of this bastard once and for all !!

Impeachment has been talked about quite a bit lately, and although polls show that most Americans are against such drastic action, I think you'll see a lot more Americans get onboard for impeachment should he take action that rewards these illegals for breaking into our house. Will it be a majority ? Probably not, but it will be a sizeable percentage that will be wanting him out.
Again, it all depends on how draconian his actions are, but notice in the article it states &#8220;very significant&#8221; executive action on immigration."

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says

Washington &#8212; President Obama will go ahead with a &#8220;very significant&#8221; executive action on immigration after the summer &#8211; a move that may well trigger impeachment proceedings against him, senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told reporters at a Monitor breakfast Friday.

&#8220;The president acting on immigration reform will certainly up the likelihood that [Republicans] would contemplate impeachment at some point,&#8221; said Mr. Pfeiffer, who has been at the Obama White House since its inception.

A lot of people in Washington laughed off Sarah Palin&#8217;s call to impeach the president for executive overreach, Pfeiffer said, but &#8220;I would not discount that possibility.&#8221; Polling shows strong support for the idea among the GOP base, he said, adding that House Speaker John Boehner (R) of Ohio has opened the door to the possibility with his lawsuit against Obama.

Speaker Boehner has flatly denied an interest in impeachment, saying, &#8220;I disagree&#8221; with those who support it. Next week, the GOP-controlled House is expected to pass a resolution to sue the president for executive overreach on the Affordable Care Act, or &#8220;Obamacare.&#8221;

&#8220;This is a fundraising exercise for Democrats,&#8221; said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel in an e-mail response to Pfeiffer&#8217;s impeachment comments. &#8220;It is telling, and sad, that a senior White House official is focused on political games, rather than helping these kids and securing the border."

In 2012, Obama signed a memo authorizing deferred action on the deportation of certain children of illegal immigrants &#8211; the so-called &#8220;DREAMers.&#8221; Republicans cite it as an example of executive overreach and say it has encouraged the influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America. Tea party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R) of Texas has urged his colleagues to reject emergency funding for the current border crisis unless the Obama administration rolls back the deferred action.

But while some may have thought the child-migrant crisis might discourage the president from further executive action on immigration, it is having the opposite effect. It has raised awareness of immigration as an issue and increased &#8220;the urgency&#8221; that the public feels in fixing it, Pfeiffer said. That gives the administration &#8220;broad permission&#8221; to take action, he said.

Given the &#8220;broken Congress,&#8221; Pfeiffer said, Obama plans to move ahead with another action after he hears advice from the attorney general and the Homeland Security secretary. His criteria will be that any executive action be on &#8220;solid legal footing&#8221; and have maximum impact.

Immigrant groups want the president to use his &#8220;prosecutorial discretion&#8221; to extend temporary protection from deportation to the millions of illegal migrants who would have qualified for a &#8220;path to citizenship&#8221; under the Senate&#8217;s bipartisan immigration reform, which has gone nowhere in the House. Politico reports he&#8217;s considering subsets of that group, based on criteria such as family ties, how long they have been in the country, and work history.

The White House, Pfeiffer said, is also considering what impact an action could have on the politics of reform going forward.

After the announcement of an action, he said, Republicans will have a choice: &#8220;Are they going to go back and try to pass comprehensive immigration reform &#8211; [after] which the president will rip up whatever executive action he does the day they pass that? Or are they basically going to set themselves up for the next two and a half years here to be arguing to elect a Republican in order to deport all these people?&#8221;

On the child-migrant crisis, Pfeiffer said Obama still supports changing a 2008 child-trafficking law that has become a sticking point in his request to Congress for $3.7 billion in emergency funding. That law has had the unintended effect of creating a huge backlog of immigration cases for unaccompanied minors in the courts. Republicans and some Democrats in Congress support changing the law to expedite the cases and deportations, but many Democrats say changing the law would deprive endangered children of their due process.

The administration is talking with members of Congress about a change. But that issue, Pfeiffer said, should not hold up funding.

On a related issue, he neither denied nor confirmed a New York Times account that the White House is considering a plan to accept refugees from Honduras whose applications are processed in that country.

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says -

I have up to this point been against an impeachment hearing for the crimes and misdemeanors of the Most Reverend Barack Obama but no longer. An example must be set for posterity at least on the kind of excesses this man has brought to the office.
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I am thinking that his phoning it in is not more evident then the border situation. He goes fund raising in Texas but won't visit the border. But I think I know why, disease and how dangerous is the situation. The SS probably won't let him have his photo opt and quite frankly he is happy about it.
Barack Obama has already checked out of his job - Telegraph

Barack Obama has already checked out of his job
The degree to which Barack Obama is now phoning it in – sleepwalking perfunctorily through his second term, amid golf rounds and dinner parties – is astonishing


By Matt K Lewis

12:04PM BST 26 Jul 2014

President Obama has ...​

Obama golfs left handed?

He is probably French.


Just what you would expect from a LEFTIST!
Code language for killing the president and changing the OP and then saying "just kidding' is not legitimate. I am quite sure a number of posters have reported you.

You are trash,and I won't argue with you.

Let's put this damaged OP where it belongs, the badlands.

Seems to me you're AFRAID to actually discuss and debate a hot topic.... Typical pond scum maneuver!

From the asshat with a total of maybe four posts that consisted of anything more than an internet meme generator image...


Instead of whining about impeachment, perhaps you would have done better had you not alienated everyone outside your base and won the election.

'Zackly. A case of BWH -- Butthurt Writ Large. When the basis for impeachment becomes a little more tangible than "waaah- I didn't vote for him", wake me. We did that 16 years ago; the rest of the world found it hilarious.

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