Is it time to impeach Obama ?

Obama golfs left handed?

He is probably French.


He IS lefthanded. So is McCain. So were both Kerry AND Edwards. So were both Gore AND Clinton. AND Perot. So were both Reagan AND Bush I. Then there's Bob Dole, who's naturally righthanded but switched to his left due to his war injury.

It's a vast left hand conspiracy, and it started with Gerry Ford.

Now why would lefthandedness be associated with "French"? :dunno: FTR, Mitt Romney is not lefthanded (and he lost). But he does speak French.

Fun tangent: ask Healthmyths which hand they all wipe their ass with.

See how quickly the French can corrupt normal people. It is like some sort of virus.

Alors... comme Voltaire? Rousseau? Montesqieu? Turgot et son ilque?

Instead of whining about impeachment, perhaps you would have done better had you not alienated everyone outside your base and won the election.

Or if we actually had a Dimocrat party made up of people who demanded strong secure borders, instead of wanting to reward everyone who sneaks into our country by working to grant them amnesty, and looking for other ways to keep them here, then we wouldn't be having this discussion.
I agree, it's time to impeach Obama. So what is the Right waiting on better weather. Impeachment talk has been rolling out of one side of their mouth since Obama was elected to his first term.

Impeach the man or STFU ... talk is cheap.

Instead of whining about impeachment, perhaps you would have done better had you not alienated everyone outside your base and won the election.

Or if we actually had a Dimocrat party made up of people who demanded strong secure borders, instead of wanting to reward everyone who sneaks into our country by working to grant them amnesty, and looking for other ways to keep them here, then we wouldn't be having this discussion.

This is a lie - and unsurprisingly you're a liar.

Neither Congressional democrats nor the president sought to afford 'amnesty' to undocumented immigrants.

We're forced into this inane 'discussion' as a consequence of the ignorance and stupidity of you and others on the partisan right.
Impeach The Apologist-in-Chief so He can be replaced by an even more incompetent Plagiarist-in-Chief who might somehow manage to get elected and serve two terms?

Is it worth the risk?

Remember, ex-"Presidents" can still be tried for treason.
Impeach The Apologist-in-Chief so He can be replaced by an even more incompetent Plagiarist-in-Chief who might somehow manage to get elected and serve two terms?

Is it worth the risk?

Remember, ex-"Presidents" can still be tried for treason.

Remember the Right has done nothing but talk impeachment for 6 years, in fact, the Right has done nothing for the last 6 years.
Impeach The Apologist-in-Chief so He can be replaced by an even more incompetent Plagiarist-in-Chief who might somehow manage to get elected and serve two terms?

Is it worth the risk?

Remember, ex-"Presidents" can still be tried for treason.

Remember the Right has done nothing but talk impeachment for 6 years, in fact, the Right has done nothing for the last 6 years.

Over 350 Bills passed by the House and Harry Reid won't even allow a vote on them, that's what you call nothing??
And don't even try to say they're all about repealing Obamacare! That is a lie!!
Obama wants an impeachment. He's purposely trying to cause the GOP to lose patience with him and start one.

He thinks it will drive up his approval rating.

I think if they want to do it they need to wait till they have both houses. Personally, I think it will be one of the worst episodes in American history and put a stain on this country that will last for hundreds of years. It will be very unpopular, but many will say that it was necessary. For the first time we have a president that literally hates his own country. He's doing everything he can to tarnish if not destroy it.

I wouldn't try it unless you knew for sure you had the votes in all the way around, and the will of the people.
The thousands that are coming in today is a drop in the bucket compared to what will be coming if Obama isn't stopped.

What rational person thinks that quadrupling down on a previous mistake will solve the problem? Obama's lax enforcement of our borders caused this crisis. Ending enforcement entirely won't solve the problem. I will only cause it to become much worse.

His only intent is to overtax our welfare system. By the time he's done there will be nothing left for all of the Americans that are collecting benefits. Basically, he's screwing them.

See that's just it, if we allow all these kids to stay, the message will get out and be even louder that if you make it to the border, you're home free.
The waves of invaders will get stronger and stronger, and the bleeding hearts will demand they stay, just like they're doing now.

This is why it is so very important to send these kids back as soon as possible !!

Obama started this by saying children will no longer be deported, and obviously that's why this current wave of kids is occurring. Obama will make it thousands of times worse if he goes rogue and makes an executive decision to allow them all to stay.
I am thinking that his phoning it in is not more evident then the border situation. He goes fund raising in Texas but won't visit the border. But I think I know why, disease and how dangerous is the situation. The SS probably won't let him have his photo opt and quite frankly he is happy about it.

That was amazing, and in fact his continuing fund raising tour with at least three separate crisis going on is simply irresponsible.
Impeachment would be stupid. At this point, there is more value in leaving Obama in office.

From a practical point of view, only Democrats have any interest in seeing Obama impeached.


Instead of whining about impeachment, perhaps you would have done better had you not alienated everyone outside your base and won the election.

Or if we actually had a Dimocrat party made up of people who demanded strong secure borders, instead of wanting to reward everyone who sneaks into our country by working to grant them amnesty, and looking for other ways to keep them here, then we wouldn't be having this discussion.

This is a lie - and unsurprisingly you're a liar.

Neither Congressional democrats nor the president sought to afford 'amnesty' to undocumented immigrants.

We're forced into this inane 'discussion' as a consequence of the ignorance and stupidity of you and others on the partisan right.

Bull shit. Your party is always looking for ways to keep these people here and you bloody well know it !
When there's ever talk of securing our borders better, you dickwads always and I mean ALWAYS pour cold water on any ideas to do so.
Anytime there's talk of deporting any illegal, whether they are children, or adults, it doesn't matter, the Dimocrat party and it's members always have bleeding heart stories, and you always run to the rescue of the illegal.
When a state like Arizona, which is tired and frustrated with the feds doing nothing, go it alone and try to stop the invasion on their own, you can ALWAYS guarantee that you asshole libs and your asshole party will rush in and challenge the law.

So fuck you, and fuck your party !
Or if we actually had a Dimocrat party made up of people who demanded strong secure borders, instead of wanting to reward everyone who sneaks into our country by working to grant them amnesty, and looking for other ways to keep them here, then we wouldn't be having this discussion.

This is a lie - and unsurprisingly you're a liar.

Neither Congressional democrats nor the president sought to afford 'amnesty' to undocumented immigrants.

We're forced into this inane 'discussion' as a consequence of the ignorance and stupidity of you and others on the partisan right.

Bull shit. Your party is always looking for ways to keep these people here and you bloody well know it !
When there's ever talk of securing our borders better, you dickwads always and I mean ALWAYS pour cold water on any ideas to do so.
Anytime there's talk of deporting any illegal, whether they are children, or adults, it doesn't matter, the Dimocrat party and it's members always have bleeding heart stories, and you always run to the rescue of the illegal.
When a state like Arizona, which is tired and frustrated with the feds doing nothing, go it alone and try to stop the invasion on their own, you can ALWAYS guarantee that you asshole libs and your asshole party will rush in and challenge the law.

So fuck you, and fuck your party !
We're getting more and more undocumented voters. Taxpayers especially love more new voters-

At least 30,000 migrant Central American students are heading to classrooms across the country this fall, bring low levels of education that will bring down classroom averages, and overwhelm already struggling school districts, educators are warning.

The Obama administration announced earlier this month that some 30,340 foreign youths and children had been distributed, with the bulk, 4,280, remaining near where they crossed the southern border in Texas, reports The Daily Caller.

Other high numbers of students headed to Virginia, which received 2,234 youths, Maryland, with 2,205, North Carolina, with 1,191, and New Jersey, getting 1,504.

Even more students may be showing up in the classrooms, with more than 100,000 migrants being distributed nationwide.

US Schools Brace for Flood of Central American Immigrant Students
I am thinking that his phoning it in is not more evident then the border situation. He goes fund raising in Texas but won't visit the border. But I think I know why, disease and how dangerous is the situation. The SS probably won't let him have his photo opt and quite frankly he is happy about it.

That was amazing, and in fact his continuing fund raising tour with at least three separate crisis going on is simply irresponsible.

What did you call ignoring the Katrina warnings and the fundraising during the aftermath?
This is a lie - and unsurprisingly you're a liar.

Neither Congressional democrats nor the president sought to afford 'amnesty' to undocumented immigrants.

We're forced into this inane 'discussion' as a consequence of the ignorance and stupidity of you and others on the partisan right.

Bull shit. Your party is always looking for ways to keep these people here and you bloody well know it !
When there's ever talk of securing our borders better, you dickwads always and I mean ALWAYS pour cold water on any ideas to do so.
Anytime there's talk of deporting any illegal, whether they are children, or adults, it doesn't matter, the Dimocrat party and it's members always have bleeding heart stories, and you always run to the rescue of the illegal.
When a state like Arizona, which is tired and frustrated with the feds doing nothing, go it alone and try to stop the invasion on their own, you can ALWAYS guarantee that you asshole libs and your asshole party will rush in and challenge the law.

So fuck you, and fuck your party !
We're getting more and more undocumented voters. Taxpayers especially love more new voters-

At least 30,000 migrant Central American students are heading to classrooms across the country this fall, bring low levels of education that will bring down classroom averages, and overwhelm already struggling school districts, educators are warning.

The Obama administration announced earlier this month that some 30,340 foreign youths and children had been distributed, with the bulk, 4,280, remaining near where they crossed the southern border in Texas, reports The Daily Caller.

Other high numbers of students headed to Virginia, which received 2,234 youths, Maryland, with 2,205, North Carolina, with 1,191, and New Jersey, getting 1,504.

Even more students may be showing up in the classrooms, with more than 100,000 migrants being distributed nationwide.

US Schools Brace for Flood of Central American Immigrant Students

With all due respect I beg to differ.

NJ has over 600 school districts. 1504 kids split across those districts means an average of 2.5 kids each. That is hardly going to register on classroom averages let alone "overwhelm already struggling school districts".

I don't know the statistics in other states but 100,000 divided by 50 states is 2k per state. There are 74 million children under the age of 18 as of the last Census. Another 100k is less than 2%.

The impact is minimal at best in my opinion.
Bull shit. Your party is always looking for ways to keep these people here and you bloody well know it !
When there's ever talk of securing our borders better, you dickwads always and I mean ALWAYS pour cold water on any ideas to do so.
Anytime there's talk of deporting any illegal, whether they are children, or adults, it doesn't matter, the Dimocrat party and it's members always have bleeding heart stories, and you always run to the rescue of the illegal.
When a state like Arizona, which is tired and frustrated with the feds doing nothing, go it alone and try to stop the invasion on their own, you can ALWAYS guarantee that you asshole libs and your asshole party will rush in and challenge the law.

So fuck you, and fuck your party !
We're getting more and more undocumented voters. Taxpayers especially love more new voters-

At least 30,000 migrant Central American students are heading to classrooms across the country this fall, bring low levels of education that will bring down classroom averages, and overwhelm already struggling school districts, educators are warning.

The Obama administration announced earlier this month that some 30,340 foreign youths and children had been distributed, with the bulk, 4,280, remaining near where they crossed the southern border in Texas, reports The Daily Caller.

Other high numbers of students headed to Virginia, which received 2,234 youths, Maryland, with 2,205, North Carolina, with 1,191, and New Jersey, getting 1,504.

Even more students may be showing up in the classrooms, with more than 100,000 migrants being distributed nationwide.

US Schools Brace for Flood of Central American Immigrant Students

With all due respect I beg to differ.

NJ has over 600 school districts. 1504 kids split across those districts means an average of 2.5 kids each. That is hardly going to register on classroom averages let alone "overwhelm already struggling school districts".

I don't know the statistics in other states but 100,000 divided by 50 states is 2k per state. There are 74 million children under the age of 18 as of the last Census. Another 100k is less than 2%.

The impact is minimal at best in my opinion.
Then the taxpayers will be off the hook. That's a relief.
I am thinking that his phoning it in is not more evident then the border situation. He goes fund raising in Texas but won't visit the border. But I think I know why, disease and how dangerous is the situation. The SS probably won't let him have his photo opt and quite frankly he is happy about it.

That was amazing, and in fact his continuing fund raising tour with at least three separate crisis going on is simply irresponsible.

What did you call ignoring the Katrina warnings and the fundraising during the aftermath?

It's a little late to attempt to point to incidents in the past in order to justify what's going on now.
From the Obama camp


House Republicans may move to impeach President Obama over plans to change immigration system

Dan Pfeiffer, a senior Obama aide, said House Speaker John Boehner 'opened the door for impeachment,' as a new CNN poll revealed 33% of U.S. voters believe President Obama should be impeached.

House Republicans may move to impeach President Obama, a top White House official warned Friday.

Dan Pfeiffer, a senior Obama aide, said House Speaker John Boehner (inset) “opened the door for impeachment” with a plan to sue the President over executive actions that bypass Congress.

Obama plans more such actions to overhaul the U.S. immigration system, and Pfeiffer said those steps will “up the likelihood” of an impeachment try.

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