Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We're getting more and more undocumented voters. Taxpayers especially love more new voters-

At least 30,000 migrant Central American students are heading to classrooms across the country this fall, bring low levels of education that will bring down classroom averages, and overwhelm already struggling school districts, educators are warning.

The Obama administration announced earlier this month that some 30,340 foreign youths and children had been distributed, with the bulk, 4,280, remaining near where they crossed the southern border in Texas, reports The Daily Caller.

Other high numbers of students headed to Virginia, which received 2,234 youths, Maryland, with 2,205, North Carolina, with 1,191, and New Jersey, getting 1,504.

Even more students may be showing up in the classrooms, with more than 100,000 migrants being distributed nationwide.

US Schools Brace for Flood of Central American Immigrant Students

With all due respect I beg to differ.

NJ has over 600 school districts. 1504 kids split across those districts means an average of 2.5 kids each. That is hardly going to register on classroom averages let alone "overwhelm already struggling school districts".

I don't know the statistics in other states but 100,000 divided by 50 states is 2k per state. There are 74 million children under the age of 18 as of the last Census. Another 100k is less than 2%.

The impact is minimal at best in my opinion.
Then the taxpayers will be off the hook. That's a relief.

Taxpayers are on the hook for everything. This situation has arisen because of a failure to take preemptive action by Congress. The border situation has been around since long before Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. What is missing is a sane rational long term strategy for dealing with the problem.

Right now I am not seeing much in the way of viable ideas from either side but fearmongering articles that are intended to do nothing but inflame the partisan divide do more harm than good in my opinion.

We have the resources and there is no reason at all why this cannot be managed properly rather than being allowed to develop into a crisis because of willful inaction on the part of Congress. Using children as political pawns is about as low as it gets in my opinion and I am not giving either side a pass.
That was amazing, and in fact his continuing fund raising tour with at least three separate crisis going on is simply irresponsible.

What did you call ignoring the Katrina warnings and the fundraising during the aftermath?

It's a little late to attempt to point to incidents in the past in order to justify what's going on now.

I was asking about whether you berated the prior administration's irresponsibility. Given your defensive response it is safe to assume that you never called for any impeachment proceedings in that instance.
obama is begging to be impeached. He's tired of the job. Overwhelmed. He knows he is driving the nation to a major crack up but can't help himself. Or doesn't want to. At this point just impeach him. Remove him from office. If he's still on the A list he can party and lecture.
That was amazing, and in fact his continuing fund raising tour with at least three separate crisis going on is simply irresponsible.

What did you call ignoring the Katrina warnings and the fundraising during the aftermath?

It's a little late to attempt to point to incidents in the past in order to justify what's going on now.

When else could you point to the past but in the present?
In the past's past? You couldn't do that because that would be the future. :confused:

And how is that an attempt to "justify" anything?
Bush didn't ignore Katrina warnings. He had the national guard already staged and ready. Gov. Blanco refused to let them deploy. It's a little late to be blaming Bush when we should know better. Mayor Nagin refused city assets to evacuate and is in prison today because of the money he pocketed.
Bush didn't ignore Katrina warnings. He had the national guard already staged and ready. Gov. Blanco refused to let them deploy. It's a little late to be blaming Bush when we should know better. Mayor Nagin refused city assets to evacuate and is in prison today because of the money he pocketed.


First of all the Governor, not the President, directs the state's National Guard -- which Blanco did:

>> As Commander-in-Chief of the Louisiana National Guard, Blanco called on her fellow governors for troop reinforcement as more than a third of her own soldiers and airmen were serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The response from states delivered nearly 40,000 troops to her command, one of the largest domestic activation of troops in the nation's history. On September 1, 2005, with reports of looting and lawlessness escalating, Governor Blanco announced she was sending 300 Louisiana National Guardsmen to supplement the New Orleans Police Department, saying, "These troops are fresh back from Iraq. They are well-trained, experienced, battle-tested and under my orders to restore order in the streets. These are some of the 40,000 extra troops that I have demanded. They have M-16s, and they're locked and loaded. When hoodlums victimize and inflict suffering on people at their wit's end, they're taking away our limited resources, or whatever resources we have, to save babies, or save children and to save good people. I have one message for these hoodlums. These troops know how to shoot and kill and they are more than willing to do so if necessary, and I expect they will."[4] This followed President Bush's statement that looters in New Orleans and elsewhere in the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina should be treated with "zero tolerance."[5] << (Wiki)​

A far cry from "refusing to let them deploy". I saw them with my own eyes.

The story you may be perverting here is this:

>> President Bush, during a visit to Louisiana September 2, 2005, five days after the storm, offered to federalize the Louisiana National Guard to simplify the command structure. The Governor declined, because the Guard would then become part of the federal military forces and therefore lose much-needed policing powers. The President subsequently continued to press the offer so Governor Blanco rejected it in writing, citing the need for flexibility in National Guard operations, particularly the need for Guard in areas other than New Orleans where the military is not currently operating. Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi reportedly declined a similar offer from the President.

Had either state's National Guard been federalized, they would not have been able to directly enforce state law (i.e., control looting) under the provisions of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act. It has not previously been a policy during natural disasters to combine the command of National Guard and military operations under the authority of the President. President Bush had the power to take command of a state's National Guard units under the Insurrection Act of 1808 without the agreement of a state Governor, but no President had done this since Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s and President Bush had so far also declined to do so. << (ibid)​

In other words, federalizing the already-present National Guard would have amounted to martial law. You may know this under one of its other names, "big gummint".

What the POTUS can do is declare a state of emergency so that FEMA can get involved -- which also happened, Blanco requesting the declaration and Bush responding, both on August 27th (the storm hit August 29th).

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Massive death tolls were never "Bush's fault", yet children coming in to the country that asks for those "yearning to breathe free" are a horror that justifies a capital crime............the US can spare some room for the children, if we deport the wingnuts.

aren't you all so generous with other people's monies who are being FORCED and not even told the AMOUNTS they are paying for all this

how dare they speak up about this or you call for them to be deported

and Obama should of been IMPEACHED a long damn ago before he was ALLOWED to do this to us

if anyone believe this was all spontaneous why didn't it happen under Bush? Clinton?

what's so different NOW?

This whole affair is criminal in my book
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Is it time to impeach Obama?

It's been time.

here's spontaneous for you all...they must of had crystal balls telling them all this was going to happen...Impeach this whole treasonous adminstation


DHS Anticipated 60,000 Illegal Child Border Crossers in January

DHS secretary confirms administration anticipated surge in illegal immigration

BY: Bill Gertz
July 24, 2014 7:07 pm

ASPEN, Colo.—DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson confirmed Thursday that the Obama administration in January anticipated a surge of some 60,000 illegal children crossing the Southwest Border.

So far, only two cases among the flood of illegal immigrants this year raised concerns that terrorists were entering the United States, Johnson said during remarks to a security conference.

Johnson recalled visiting a detention center in Brownsville, Texas, in January where 82 percent of a group of 995 detainees were from 30 different countries, most from Central America. The rest were Mexicans.

“It was apparent to me then that the Rio Grand valley sector of the Southwest border needed to be an area of particular concern,” Johnson said during remarks at the Aspen Security Forum.

“In January, in our budget process, we estimated that we were going to have 60,000 unaccompanied kids coming in,” he said, noting that resources for the influx were “ramped up.”

all of it here:
DHS Anticipated 60,000 Illegal Child Border Crossers in January | Washington Free Beacon
Is it time to impeach Obama ?

Ignorant idiocy.

A president is impeached because there is objective, documented evidence he committed a crime, not because his political opponents disagree with his policy decisions or party affiliation.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and ignoring the truth.

It's what liberal shit-for-brains like yourself do best. :cuckoo:
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Obama's approval rating declined this week by three points to 39 percent, down from its previous posting of 42 percent, according to the latest Gallup polling data.
The new data, which Gallup collects daily and has a margin of error of plus of minus 3 percentage points, reflects how American voters feel about the job Obama is doing in the White House.
The decline in approval comes at a time when the White House has fumbled its response to the growing crisis on the border, Russia's provocations in the east and the increasingly violent civil war in Iraq.
Is it time to impeach Obama ?

Ignorant idiocy.

A president is impeached because there is objective, documented evidence he committed a crime, not because his political opponents disagree with his policy decisions or party affiliation.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and ignoring the truth.

It's what liberal shit-for-brains like yourself do best. :cuckoo:


Liberal shit-for-brains...conservative shit-for-brains...middle of the road shit-for-brains; they all drink the Kool-Aide endorsed by their faction.

Let the shit-for-brain lemmings go ahead and do all the work once the seeds of discontent are sown. The oligarchy lurking behind the curtains that did the planting are waiting! Impeach the President! It matters not if grounds exist or not for many of you lesser minds; THE RULE OF LAW IS WHAT THE LOUDEST AND MOST PERSUASIVE FACTION SAYS IT IS, RIGHT!

Write a bill of impeachment and post it. Let's see if the "crimes" on the bill rise to the level of, " treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" which are actually provable, prosecutable offenses. You claim the truth so back it up with the particulars of your TRUTH! How about it "Truth Warrior"!

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