Is it time to impeach Obama ?

In feeling the pulse of the majority of Americans, it has been learned that Americans say a hearty NO! to both talks of impeachment and to suing President Obama!

CNN/ORC Poll: Majority say no to impeachment and lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Obama is a piece of crap that should be dealt wit h accordingly.


In feeling the pulse of the majority of Americans, it has been learned that Americans say a hearty NO! to both talks of impeachment and to suing President Obama!

CNN/ORC Poll: Majority say no to impeachment and lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Obama is a piece of crap that should be dealt wit h accordingly.



You know what you have there is a roll of endless Obamas. You know that, right?

It's also mounted upside down...
Yesterday I happened upon a small shop that sells political clap-trap. A few old fashioned chamber pots with various politicians likenesses inside - though those are antique, not contemporary.

Best sellers just now are rolls of political toilet paper. This being England (two weeks left on our visit this time), best sellers are David Cameron and "Red" Ed Miliband. But not far beyond is Our Kenyan President! Proprietor keeps count by stock numbers and says the Obamapapers would be the best seller but for there being two sorts. One is black-on-white paper; other is white-on-black paper. So there are two figures for the rolls which, if added, would slightly outdo Cameron.

He cautioned us obvious Americans not to attempt to bring any home. Said he's had customers e-mail him that U.S. Customs has seized the Obamarolls over an alleged "copyright" issue.

But we don't live in a police state.........
With all due respect I beg to differ.

NJ has over 600 school districts. 1504 kids split across those districts means an average of 2.5 kids each. That is hardly going to register on classroom averages let alone "overwhelm already struggling school districts".

I don't know the statistics in other states but 100,000 divided by 50 states is 2k per state. There are 74 million children under the age of 18 as of the last Census. Another 100k is less than 2%.

The impact is minimal at best in my opinion.
Then the taxpayers will be off the hook. That's a relief.

Taxpayers are on the hook for everything. This situation has arisen because of a failure to take preemptive action by Congress. The border situation has been around since long before Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. What is missing is a sane rational long term strategy for dealing with the problem.

Right now I am not seeing much in the way of viable ideas from either side but fearmongering articles that are intended to do nothing but inflame the partisan divide do more harm than good in my opinion.

We have the resources and there is no reason at all why this cannot be managed properly rather than being allowed to develop into a crisis because of willful inaction on the part of Congress. Using children as political pawns is about as low as it gets in my opinion and I am not giving either side a pass.
As a taxpayer I do mind taking hundreds of thousands of undocumented voters into the country, giving them free housing, free medical services, foodstamps, free schooling and any other freebies they may desire, the right for them to protest flying the American flag on Cinco de Mayo and pressing 1 for English. If we're gonna be saddled with that and can't stop it, then I recommend Greyhound bus service from all those countries so the little tykes don't have to suffer the long treck by Mexican cattle cars. And please bring our Marine back.
The only one's using these "so called kids" is Democrats with LaRaza in the back ground pushing for Amnesty for (HIS PEOPLE).... as this elected American Representitive who took an oath to this country when he was elected, like's to call them..

so this isn't about these KIDS, it's all for a POLITICAL AGENDA..where is your anger in that?
here's spontaneous for you all...they must of had crystal balls telling them all this was going to happen...Impeach this whole treasonous adminstation


DHS Anticipated 60,000 Illegal Child Border Crossers in January

DHS secretary confirms administration anticipated surge in illegal immigration

BY: Bill Gertz
July 24, 2014 7:07 pm

ASPEN, Colo.—DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson confirmed Thursday that the Obama administration in January anticipated a surge of some 60,000 illegal children crossing the Southwest Border.

So far, only two cases among the flood of illegal immigrants this year raised concerns that terrorists were entering the United States, Johnson said during remarks to a security conference.

Johnson recalled visiting a detention center in Brownsville, Texas, in January where 82 percent of a group of 995 detainees were from 30 different countries, most from Central America. The rest were Mexicans.

“It was apparent to me then that the Rio Grand valley sector of the Southwest border needed to be an area of particular concern,” Johnson said during remarks at the Aspen Security Forum.

“In January, in our budget process, we estimated that we were going to have 60,000 unaccompanied kids coming in,” he said, noting that resources for the influx were “ramped up.”

all of it here:
DHS Anticipated 60,000 Illegal Child Border Crossers in January | Washington Free Beacon

Which explains why the WH asked for an Immigration Reform bill and the Senate went ahead and passed theirs but the House refused even though they were also aware of this impending influx of children.
here's spontaneous for you all...they must of had crystal balls telling them all this was going to happen...Impeach this whole treasonous adminstation


DHS Anticipated 60,000 Illegal Child Border Crossers in January

DHS secretary confirms administration anticipated surge in illegal immigration

BY: Bill Gertz
July 24, 2014 7:07 pm

ASPEN, Colo.—DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson confirmed Thursday that the Obama administration in January anticipated a surge of some 60,000 illegal children crossing the Southwest Border.

So far, only two cases among the flood of illegal immigrants this year raised concerns that terrorists were entering the United States, Johnson said during remarks to a security conference.

Johnson recalled visiting a detention center in Brownsville, Texas, in January where 82 percent of a group of 995 detainees were from 30 different countries, most from Central America. The rest were Mexicans.

“It was apparent to me then that the Rio Grand valley sector of the Southwest border needed to be an area of particular concern,” Johnson said during remarks at the Aspen Security Forum.

“In January, in our budget process, we estimated that we were going to have 60,000 unaccompanied kids coming in,” he said, noting that resources for the influx were “ramped up.”

all of it here:
DHS Anticipated 60,000 Illegal Child Border Crossers in January | Washington Free Beacon

Which explains why the WH asked for an Immigration Reform bill and the Senate went ahead and passed theirs but the House refused even though they were also aware of this impending influx of children.

so how did they FORSEE this surge and why did we have to take it on?
what is wrong with them staying in Mexico, what is wrong with them staying in their own country? how is this US TAXPAYERS problem? do you not hold this administration accountable for anything?
Then the taxpayers will be off the hook. That's a relief.

Taxpayers are on the hook for everything. This situation has arisen because of a failure to take preemptive action by Congress. The border situation has been around since long before Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. What is missing is a sane rational long term strategy for dealing with the problem.

Right now I am not seeing much in the way of viable ideas from either side but fearmongering articles that are intended to do nothing but inflame the partisan divide do more harm than good in my opinion.

We have the resources and there is no reason at all why this cannot be managed properly rather than being allowed to develop into a crisis because of willful inaction on the part of Congress. Using children as political pawns is about as low as it gets in my opinion and I am not giving either side a pass.
As a taxpayer I do mind taking hundreds of thousands of undocumented voters into the country, giving them free housing, free medical services, foodstamps, free schooling and any other freebies they may desire, the right for them to protest flying the American flag on Cinco de Mayo and pressing 1 for English. If we're gonna be saddled with that and can't stop it, then I recommend Greyhound bus service from all those countries so the little tykes don't have to suffer the long treck by Mexican cattle cars. And please bring our Marine back.

No one under the age of 18 is allowed to vote according to the Constitution. As far as the Greyhounds go all we need is for the House to pass an Immigration Reform bill with that provision and yes, I am in full agreement that we repatriate them ASAP. But the current laws from the prior administration are what are being followed at present. We need to put pressure on the House to do their sworn duty as well what they are paid to do by taxpayers like ourselves.
here's spontaneous for you all...they must of had crystal balls telling them all this was going to happen...Impeach this whole treasonous adminstation


DHS Anticipated 60,000 Illegal Child Border Crossers in January

DHS secretary confirms administration anticipated surge in illegal immigration

BY: Bill Gertz
July 24, 2014 7:07 pm

ASPEN, Colo.—DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson confirmed Thursday that the Obama administration in January anticipated a surge of some 60,000 illegal children crossing the Southwest Border.

So far, only two cases among the flood of illegal immigrants this year raised concerns that terrorists were entering the United States, Johnson said during remarks to a security conference.

Johnson recalled visiting a detention center in Brownsville, Texas, in January where 82 percent of a group of 995 detainees were from 30 different countries, most from Central America. The rest were Mexicans.

“It was apparent to me then that the Rio Grand valley sector of the Southwest border needed to be an area of particular concern,” Johnson said during remarks at the Aspen Security Forum.

“In January, in our budget process, we estimated that we were going to have 60,000 unaccompanied kids coming in,” he said, noting that resources for the influx were “ramped up.”

all of it here:
DHS Anticipated 60,000 Illegal Child Border Crossers in January | Washington Free Beacon

Which explains why the WH asked for an Immigration Reform bill and the Senate went ahead and passed theirs but the House refused even though they were also aware of this impending influx of children.

so how did they FORSEE this surge and why did we have to take it on?
what is wrong with them staying in Mexico, what is wrong with them staying in their own country? how is this US TAXPAYERS problem? do you not hold this administration accountable for anything?

How exactly do YOU hold this administration accountable for what is happening in other nations? Was Obama supposed to travel to all of the central american nations and order the children to stay at home? Was he supposed to invade those nations so that the Marines could take down the smugglers?

Where do you draw the line at blaming Obama for everything that happens in the world? Is he responsible the shooting down of the jet over the Ukraine and the ISIS insurgency in Iraq and the fighting over the Tripoli airport and the rockets from Gaza?

Our nation is governed by THREE co-equal branches. When one branch sits on it's ass and does nothing at all about a known impending crisis then that is where the blame belongs. Your own link shows that the House had ample warning to avert this problem but they did nothing whatsoever. They WANTED this crisis to happen so that people like you would blame Obama.
Which explains why the WH asked for an Immigration Reform bill and the Senate went ahead and passed theirs but the House refused even though they were also aware of this impending influx of children.

so how did they FORSEE this surge and why did we have to take it on?
what is wrong with them staying in Mexico, what is wrong with them staying in their own country? how is this US TAXPAYERS problem? do you not hold this administration accountable for anything?

How exactly do YOU hold this administration accountable for what is happening in other nations? Was Obama supposed to travel to all of the central american nations and order the children to stay at home? Was he supposed to invade those nations so that the Marines could take down the smugglers?

Where do you draw the line at blaming Obama for everything that happens in the world? Is he responsible the shooting down of the jet over the Ukraine and the ISIS insurgency in Iraq and the fighting over the Tripoli airport and the rockets from Gaza?

Our nation is governed by THREE co-equal branches. When one branch sits on it's ass and does nothing at all about a known impending crisis then that is where the blame belongs. Your own link shows that the House had ample warning to avert this problem but they did nothing whatsoever. They WANTED this crisis to happen so that people like you would blame Obama.

He is responsible for what is happening in Libya for sure.
so how did they FORSEE this surge and why did we have to take it on?
what is wrong with them staying in Mexico, what is wrong with them staying in their own country? how is this US TAXPAYERS problem? do you not hold this administration accountable for anything?

How exactly do YOU hold this administration accountable for what is happening in other nations? Was Obama supposed to travel to all of the central american nations and order the children to stay at home? Was he supposed to invade those nations so that the Marines could take down the smugglers?

Where do you draw the line at blaming Obama for everything that happens in the world? Is he responsible the shooting down of the jet over the Ukraine and the ISIS insurgency in Iraq and the fighting over the Tripoli airport and the rockets from Gaza?

Our nation is governed by THREE co-equal branches. When one branch sits on it's ass and does nothing at all about a known impending crisis then that is where the blame belongs. Your own link shows that the House had ample warning to avert this problem but they did nothing whatsoever. They WANTED this crisis to happen so that people like you would blame Obama.

He is responsible for what is happening in Libya for sure.

Rival militias fighting each other in a nation on another continent is Obama's responsibility?

Do you have any clue what you sound like to normal rational people?
Which explains why the WH asked for an Immigration Reform bill and the Senate went ahead and passed theirs but the House refused even though they were also aware of this impending influx of children.

so how did they FORSEE this surge and why did we have to take it on?
what is wrong with them staying in Mexico, what is wrong with them staying in their own country? how is this US TAXPAYERS problem? do you not hold this administration accountable for anything?

How exactly do YOU hold this administration accountable for what is happening in other nations? Was Obama supposed to travel to all of the central american nations and order the children to stay at home? Was he supposed to invade those nations so that the Marines could take down the smugglers?

Where do you draw the line at blaming Obama for everything that happens in the world? Is he responsible the shooting down of the jet over the Ukraine and the ISIS insurgency in Iraq and the fighting over the Tripoli airport and the rockets from Gaza?

Our nation is governed by THREE co-equal branches. When one branch sits on it's ass and does nothing at all about a known impending crisis then that is where the blame belongs. Your own link shows that the House had ample warning to avert this problem but they did nothing whatsoever. They WANTED this crisis to happen so that people like you would blame Obama.

You didn't answer my question, how did this administration FORSEE this happening back in January? why is it our problem what is happening in their country that we should just open our doors and pay for them when they come here.
i am totally against impeachment..,

these guys have a much better idea,

We’re coming for you, Barack Obama’: Top U.S. official discloses threat from ISIL

High-ranking U.S. officials said Wednesday that not only are Sunni radicals with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant “worse than al Qaeda,” but that the group has a message for the president: “We’re coming for you, Barack Obama.”

Read more: 'We're coming for you, Barack Obama': Top U.S. official discloses threat from ISIL terrorists - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

all they want to do is bring their leader home..., that is the way i see it !! :up:
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Then the taxpayers will be off the hook. That's a relief.

Taxpayers are on the hook for everything. This situation has arisen because of a failure to take preemptive action by Congress. The border situation has been around since long before Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. What is missing is a sane rational long term strategy for dealing with the problem.

Right now I am not seeing much in the way of viable ideas from either side but fearmongering articles that are intended to do nothing but inflame the partisan divide do more harm than good in my opinion.

We have the resources and there is no reason at all why this cannot be managed properly rather than being allowed to develop into a crisis because of willful inaction on the part of Congress. Using children as political pawns is about as low as it gets in my opinion and I am not giving either side a pass.
As a taxpayer I do mind taking hundreds of thousands of undocumented voters into the country, giving them free housing, free medical services, foodstamps, free schooling and any other freebies they may desire, the right for them to protest flying the American flag on Cinco de Mayo and pressing 1 for English. If we're gonna be saddled with that and can't stop it, then I recommend Greyhound bus service from all those countries so the little tykes don't have to suffer the long treck by Mexican cattle cars. And please bring our Marine back.




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