Is it time to revisit Medicare for most?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Not exactly like the Democrats plan...but in light of the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak, is it time for Trump populists and Bernie populists to find a compromise we can all live with...some kind of Medicare for all that resembles a Catastrophic Care Plan.

This is just spitballing and I am not an economist, accountant or a healthcare insurance expert...but after this I definitely see a need for something. Not every doctor visit covered and not necessarily no cost...but if something devastating you catch Covid19 and need a ventilator or get cancer or need a kidney...I think we need something.

Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong...or why this doesn't go far enough. But real reasons thought out by you...NOT talking points please.
Why those $1200 stimulus checks should cover those most excellent Obamacare copays and leave enough left over for a roll of toilet paper.

Trump has stated that any medical care related to CV19 would be paid for by the Feds.

A one time opportunity.

I still want to choose my healthcare plan and choose my doctor.

Trump has stated that any medical care related to CV19 would be paid for by the Feds.

A one time opportunity.

I still want to choose my healthcare plan and choose my doctor.

I agree 100%. I propose this as an alternative to private insurance...not as a replacement.

What I'm saying is Obamacare is a joke and we need something.

Trump has stated that any medical care related to CV19 would be paid for by the Feds.

A one time opportunity.

I still want to choose my healthcare plan and choose my doctor.

What would you accept as a compromise alternative to Obamacare?

Trump has stated that any medical care related to CV19 would be paid for by the Feds.

A one time opportunity.

I still want to choose my healthcare plan and choose my doctor.
Really? Any medical care for C19 will be paid for by the feds? Got a link to that?

Trump has stated that any medical care related to CV19 would be paid for by the Feds.

A one time opportunity.

I still want to choose my healthcare plan and choose my doctor.

I agree 100%. I propose this as an alternative to private insurance...not as a replacement.

What I'm saying is Obamacare is a joke and we need something.

I wouldn't mind seeing an affordable catastrophic insurance plan.

I used to purchase them when my kids were little and I couldn't afford regular health insurance. I did have enough money saved to pay the $5k deductible if needed.

Obamacare did away with Cat insurance plans.
Why those $1200 stimulus checks should cover those most excellent Obamacare copays and leave enough left over for a roll of toilet paper.
Man...those deductibles are what is ridiculous. $7,000 for a single person on a bronze plan! I haven't spent $7,000 on healthcare in 20 years.

My maximum out of pocket is less than a lot of their deductibles
Why those $1200 stimulus checks should cover those most excellent Obamacare copays and leave enough left over for a roll of toilet paper.
Man...those deductibles are what is ridiculous. $7,000 for a single person on a bronze plan! I haven't spent $7,000 on healthcare in 20 years.

For a family of five Obamacare cost $24,000.00 including premiums, deductibles and copays.
Enough to bankrupt a family.

Anyone remember Greenberg? Green Beard? Green something .... he used to post about Obamacare and how awesome it was.
Havn't seen him around for YEARS!!! lol

Trump has stated that any medical care related to CV19 would be paid for by the Feds.

A one time opportunity.

I still want to choose my healthcare plan and choose my doctor.
Really? Any medical care for C19 will be paid for by the feds? Got a link to that?

Google it yourself.
Not gonna play your game.
My game? You brought it up.

Your game, yup!

Google is your friend.

Do your own work.

Trump has stated that any medical care related to CV19 would be paid for by the Feds.

A one time opportunity.

I still want to choose my healthcare plan and choose my doctor.
Really? Any medical care for C19 will be paid for by the feds? Got a link to that?
Trump said it in one of his press conferences. Took a load off my mind.

That's what originally got me to musing over medicare for all that want it.
Why those $1200 stimulus checks should cover those most excellent Obamacare copays and leave enough left over for a roll of toilet paper.
Man...those deductibles are what is ridiculous. $7,000 for a single person on a bronze plan! I haven't spent $7,000 on healthcare in 20 years.

For a family of five Obamacare cost $24,000.00 including premiums, deductibles and copays.
Enough to bankrupt a family.

Anyone remember Greenberg? Green Beard? Green something .... he used to post about Obamacare and how awesome it was.
Havn't seen him around for YEARS!!! lol
Smart guy. Wonder what happened to him.
Why those $1200 stimulus checks should cover those most excellent Obamacare copays and leave enough left over for a roll of toilet paper.
Man...those deductibles are what is ridiculous. $7,000 for a single person on a bronze plan! I haven't spent $7,000 on healthcare in 20 years.

For a family of five Obamacare cost $24,000.00 including premiums, deductibles and copays.
Enough to bankrupt a family.

Anyone remember Greenberg? Green Beard? Green something .... he used to post about Obamacare and how awesome it was.
Havn't seen him around for YEARS!!! lol
Smart guy. Wonder what happened to him.

He did his job and was paid for it! lol!
Seriously! He posted about Obamacare on several boards.
"Medicare for Most" sounds like another focus-grouped campaign slogan.
Well...I can certainly see the slippery slope argument...if we allow a Catastrophic will be just a hop-skip and a jump to abolishing private insurance and requiring Universal Medicare only.

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