Is it time to start prepping and what will the SHTF scenario look like?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
If you are a prepper, no matter the extent of your preparations are, or if you are thinking about starting, let's discuss.

I have a few questions for starters:

1. What do you think the SHTF scenario will look like?

2. What ways are you preparing for it?

*SHTF = Shit Hits The Fan
Personally, I don't have an exact idea of what the SHTF scenario will look like. IMO, there are several scenarios that could play out, and a couple of them may start real soon.

IMO, the odds are that the most likely scenarios will be problems with access to food and the ability to buy things.. The Global Elites are using the Climate Change Scam to begin starving the common folk, and make no mistake, the push for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will be used to control the common folk and punish political dissidents.

I've started accumulating long term storage of food. Started that almost 10 years ago. I may have to start eating some of that food before it expires. Also, I preserve food by canning. mostly meats and broths but also some vegetables and fruits.

As far as the CBDC, I'm unsure how best to prep for that. Obviously hoarding cash is not going to work, but I'm not sure that having gold and silver is the answer either. If it becomes impossible or illegal to purchase anything without using CBDC, what good is gold and silver? Do you think there will be people who are willing to trade the things you need for your gold even though it might put them in jail?

IMO it's time to start thinking about this stuff because if the democrats win this election, that's the end. We will see oppression, starvation, and death. It may not happen immediately, but the groundwork has already been laid and all that's needed is a few more years in power for the Global Elites to push us over the point of no return.
If you are a prepper, no matter the extent of your preparations are, or if you are thinking about starting, let's discuss.

I have a few questions for starters:

1. What do you think the SHTF scenario will look like?

2. What ways are you preparing for it?

*SHTF = Shit Hits The Fan
If SHTF, somebody shat it. I go there and take his food.
If you are a prepper, no matter the extent of your preparations are, or if you are thinking about starting, let's discuss.

I have a few questions for starters:

1. What do you think the SHTF scenario will look like?

2. What ways are you preparing for it?

*SHTF = Shit Hits The Fan

power grid

someone could bring the entire country down in a matter of days
The Bible prophesy is

"A days work, for a loaf of bread!"

So, if you believe in end times stuff,

I would say food shortages will be the problem.

Right now, I would stock up on Flour, yeast, and a bread making machine, only because of the Russia/Ukraine conflict and Ukraine unable to ship out their wheat etc to other countries in need....that would put shortages in wheat on to the world's shoulders....with their supply. Buy a lot of dried pasta products too.

Droughts, not enough water for all crops in the USA is another and on the horizon....
So stock up on canned, or dehydrated.

Begin your own gardening, and learn to can.

Buy beans for protein.

Don't forget necessities and especially medicines, most made in China....if we have conflict with Taiwan and China, first aide stuff, and aspirin, tylenol, cold or sinus medicnes, etc all could be affected with shortages.

Batteries, solar charging devices and the kind of stuff you would have in your emergency weather events, will always come in handy.
power grid

someone could bring the entire country down in a matter of days

I agree, I just think it's not as likely as food and currency issues.

China, Russia, and Islamic Terrorists could attempt to do it. I have thought about a EMP attack a lot lately and Faraday Cages.

Have you thought about what you would do if it happened that the power grid was taken out and how you would prepare?
Personally, I don't have an exact idea of what the SHTF scenario will look like. IMO, there are several scenarios that could play out, and a couple of them may start real soon.

IMO, the odds are that the most likely scenarios will be problems with access to food and the ability to buy things.. The Global Elites are using the Climate Change Scam to begin starving the common folk, and make no mistake, the push for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will be used to control the common folk and punish political dissidents.

I've started accumulating long term storage of food. Started that almost 10 years ago. I may have to start eating some of that food before it expires. Also, I preserve food by canning. mostly meats and broths but also some vegetables and fruits.

As far as the CBDC, I'm unsure how best to prep for that. Obviously hoarding cash is not going to work, but I'm not sure that having gold and silver is the answer either. If it becomes impossible or illegal to purchase anything without using CBDC, what good is gold and silver? Do you think there will be people who are willing to trade the things you need for your gold even though it might put them in jail?

IMO it's time to start thinking about this stuff because if the democrats win this election, that's the end. We will see oppression, starvation, and death. It may not happen immediately, but the groundwork has already been laid and all that's needed is a few more years in power for the Global Elites to push us over the point of no return.
What have previous SHTF events been like?
The Bible prophesy is

"A days work, for a loaf of bread!"

So, if you believe in end times stuff,

I would say food shortages will be the problem.

Right now, I would stock up on Flour, yeast, and a bread making machine, only because of the Russia/Ukraine conflict and Ukraine unable to ship out their wheat etc to other countries in need....that would put shortages in wheat on to the world's shoulders....with their supply. Buy a lot of dried pasta products too.

Droughts, not enough water for all crops in the USA is another and on the horizon....
So stock up on canned, or dehydrated.

Begin your own gardening, and learn to can.

Buy beans for protein.

Don't forget necessities and especially medicines, most made in China....if we have conflict with Taiwan and China, first aide stuff, and aspirin, tylenol, cold or sinus medicnes, etc all could be affected with shortages.

Batteries, solar charging devices and the kind of stuff you would have in your emergency weather events, will always come in handy.

Agreed. Supply chain issues are already a problem, Bill Gates is buying up farmland and not farming, the Climate Change Scam will have us eating vegetables and bugs.

The problem I have with the gardening idea is that you need a LOT of land to grow enough to supply just yourselves with enough food to live, plus in times of food shortages, how will you prevent your neighbors from stealing your crops?

I do canning, that's a good plan. So is having a supply of medicines, just make sure you use them in rotation so when shit does hit the fan, you aren't relying on medicine that's been stored for many years.

I have a really good power generator that recharges from a solar panel and can run almost anything for quite a while.

What do you think about the currency situation? That's coming up real soon and may be the first thing we have to deal with. Do you think that gold and silver is the answer? What about bartering?
Good question, but we haven't really had one in America. We could look to Venezuela, Cuba or Russia for info on that.
How would prepping have helped someone in those countries? It seems like fleeing was their only option. Maybe your only prep should be a passport and a suitcase? It that is true, I guess I'm a prepper too.
If you are a prepper, no matter the extent of your preparations are, or if you are thinking about starting, let's discuss.

I have a few questions for starters:

1. What do you think the SHTF scenario will look like?

2. What ways are you preparing for it?

*SHTF = Shit Hits The Fan

From 11 years ago...

Obama is going to win,

12 days left before the final nail in the US's coffin is hammered in.
We've heard you whine before.
^You can tell the clueless idiots that will never be prepared & most likely among the first to die when SHTF.
They find the thought of things going real bad, real quick amusing

Rice & beans because a little goes a long way & they both store very well.
A garden & lots of ammo. Homemade Ethanol. Cattle. Chickens.

I'm bigger on silver than gold because it has more upside, it will be easier to deal in smaller amounts with & is trading near historic lows compared to the price of gold.
The gold/silver ratio in mining is about 1/17. For every 1 ounce of gold, around 17 ounces of silver are extracted.
Right now, the price ratio is almost 1/100.
Canned food, bottled water, ammo, and paper-based porn.

Canned food, close to a creek and I have good water filters. Have finally found someone who will teach me hand loading. There's no porn on my paper but I have a 2-year's supply of it.

Big garden and home canning skills and about 1000 jars.

Just starting putting up sauerkraut and still have enough cabbage in the garden to do another dozen jars and still give away cabbage to friends.

I'm considering a deal for more land to increase the size of my garden to 1/4 acre.

Probably most importantly, I live in a heavily armed small town and there are no rainbow or BLT flags to be seen. Plenty of Betsy Ross and Gadsden flags.

^You can tell the clueless idiots that will never be prepared & most likely among the first to die when SHTF.
They find the thought of things going real bad, real quick amusing

Rice & beans because a little goes a long way & they both store very well.
A garden & lots of ammo. Homemade Ethanol. Cattle. Chickens.

I'm bigger on silver than gold because it has more upside, it will be easier to deal in smaller amounts with & is trading near historic lows compared to the price of gold.
The gold/silver ratio in mining is about 1/17. For every 1 ounce of gold, around 17 ounces of silver are extracted.
Right now, the price ratio is almost 1/100.

The homemade ethanol is my dream project. Both as fuel and as potables for barter!


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