Zone1 Is it time to stop capital punishment ?

Countries with the death penalty still have murders. Not christian [sic] ones obviously. We dont [sic] believe in killing. Only backward muzzies [sic] believe in the death penalty.

So it isnt a deterrent.

Again, how many subhuman criminal pieces of shit have ever gone on to commit more crime, after being put to death?
The US needs a death penalty by firing squad in all 50 states. You get one appeal, if you lose the appeal, firing squad at dawn the next day.
Roughly 4 people a year, on death row, are exonerated from wrongful conviction, and that is after multiple appeals and stays.. You ok with killing them?
I'm not what you'd call a conservative, per se, but capital punishment is neither socially or fiscally conservative. Firstly, they're spending millions of dollars on these individual cases. Capital punishment requires two trials, by the way. One trial to determine guilt and another trial to determine if the offender deserves to be executed. Then there are years of appeals, with many cases being retried at additional theft from the taxpayer. And it's got to the point that we've seen local governments raise property taxes significantly just to pay for an Individual's trial. (Government forcing Individuals to sacrifice their rights for imaginary gains in personal safety rings a bell here) It's ridiculous.

And that's not even taking into consideration that in many of these cases where Individuals are often determined to be innocent, particularly given scientific advances such as DNA evidence. How many have been released from years of being on Death Row after DNA evidence has later been permitted into the case or even after they were executed? It happens.

Aside from that, and given all of the failures of government that so-called conservatives claim to oppose, why on Earth would government be trusted with the power of life and death? Why allow government to execute people for the so-called greater good? And what is the greater good anyway? Data, last I spent time checking anyway, showed that jurisdictions without the death penalty actually had lower crime rates.
Yes. And how many of those wrongfully convicted are released and then end up killing again?

You might rethink this. If they were wrongfully convicted, how can they “kill again”?

Is it worth it, to you, to kill an innocent person?
You might rethink this. If they were wrongfully convicted, how can they “kill again”?

Is it worth it, to you, to kill an innocent person?
Sentences are overturned for lots of reasons, and there have certainly been cases of murderers being released only to murder again. But getting back to the original thread, I believe there are individuals who have committed heinous murder and need to be killed so they don't kill any other innocent people. But do it quick without the ridiculous dog and pony shows of lethal injections and gas chambers.
I disagree that capital punishment should go away. With the advancement of science, including DNA testing and other forensic sciences, there is a high-probability of success (trust the science .. right?). Outcomes should be expedited, instead of waiting years .. decades ... before execution, and they should be in public.
In cases where guilt is admitted and incontrovertible, in cases where the killer obviously enjoyed the act, the killer should be put down as quickly as possible.
Sentences are overturned for lots of reasons, and there have certainly been cases of murderers being released only to murder again. But getting back to the original thread, I believe there are individuals who have committed heinous murder and need to be killed so they don't kill any other innocent people. But do it quick without the ridiculous dog and pony shows of lethal injections and gas chambers.
Lethal injection is hardly a dog and pony show. It takes longer to enter the viewing room and find a seat than the actual execution. That only takes a few minutes.
With whats going on in this country toady, I say get rid of prolonged executions and start immediate, swift retaliations for thier crimes.

They still get due process, BUT these must be PROVEN before punishment can be carried out --

Rape - hanging
Child molestation in any form - stoned to death in public forum.
Murder not proven to be self-protection - firing squad
Fraud, corruption, falsification - drowning by dropping in the middle of the ocean
Illegal entrance into the USA - blown up or shot on sight
Stealing/petty theft - get a finger cut off for every time your caught......including the entire arm/foot/leg.
Those who lie to incriminate others - tongue cut out
Media that lies and falsifies - tongue cut out
Treason - public stoning, with stones being sold for $100 a piece, proceeds given to public schools.

You get the idea.
I believe in the surefire old world methods of law enforcement. THEY WORK!

And ALL punishments carried out as soon as judgement is made.
~ Why wait ? The Middle East awaits your arrival . ;)
Sentences are overturned for lots of reasons, and there have certainly been cases of murderers being released only to murder again. But getting back to the original thread, I believe there are individuals who have committed heinous murder and need to be killed so they don't kill any other innocent people. But do it quick without the ridiculous dog and pony shows of lethal injections and gas chambers.
If you “do it quick”, then you are increasing the possibi,ity of killing an innocent person.
If you “do it quick”, then you are increasing the possibi,ity [sic] of killing an innocent person.

Given your support for abortion, any claimed concern in this case about “killing an innocent person” is a hollow joke.

The one to be executed has first been through the very best process we can devise to establish that he has, in fact, committed a crime of sufficient severity to call for putting him to death. Whatever flaws may exist in that process, whatever errors it may occasionally produce, it is still far better than what the victim of an abortion gets before he is put to death without ever having even been credibly accused of any crime.

And far more innocent human beings are put to death via abortion, by several orders of magnitude, than all who are put to death by judicial execution, even counting those who are guilty.
Given your support for abortion, any claimed concern in this case about “killing an innocent person” is a hollow joke.

The one to be executed has first been through the very best process we can devise to establish that he has, in fact, committed a crime of sufficient severity to call for putting him to death. Whatever flaws may exist in that process, whatever errors it may occasionally produce, it is still far better than what the victim of an abortion gets before he is put to death without ever having even been credibly accused of any crime.

And far more innocent human beings are put to death via abortion, by several orders of magnitude, than all who are put to death by judicial execution, even counting those who are guilty.
You aren’t pro life either, I take it.

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