Is it time to take action against Muslims

So, if we had a strong president, our embassies wouldn't have been attacked?

Yes that's right...

Didn't we have a strong president on 9/11/01?

Yes that's right, who inherited a weak nation that had been weakned under Bill Clinton and his antics over time, and also his weakness in dealing with the terrorist threat at that time. I mean just look at how well Desert Storm went for us and the world, and how unified we were as a nation back then under Bush Sr. during that period of war and troubles. Yes he had to deal with Sadam and his invasion of Kuwait, and they did it absolutely flawlessly. We had representation for all Americans concerning wars and the threat of wars during that time in the world, then came Bill to capitalize on what was left to him as a stronger nation, but then failed on his ability to deal with the continued terrorist threats in the world. This failure was cast onto Bush on 9-11, who spent years digging us out from under that one. Now comes Obama.

Didn't we have a strong president when our embassies in Lebanon and Kuwait were attacked in 1983?

Didn't we have a strong president when our embassy in Indonesia was attacked in 1986?

Didn't we have a strong president when our embassy in Italy was attacked in 1987?

Didn't we have a strong president when our embassy in Israel was attacked in 1990?

Didn't we have a strong president when our embassy in Pakistan was attacked in 2002?

Didn't we have a strong president when our embassy in Uzbekistan was attacked in 2004?

Didn't we have a strong president when our embassies in Saudi Arabia and Syria were attacked in 2005?

Didn't we have a strong president when our embassy in Greece was attacked in 2007?

Didn't we have a strong president when our embassy in Austria was attacked in 2007?

The President alone ? Or was it also by our military that is depended upon by the President to do it's job in the world as well, along with the state department who is also depended upon to do their jobs in the world as well also, and this if a President is a bit weaker or less undestanding of the things that are deadly unto Americans ? So yes there is a difference in leadeship styles at any given time in America, and yet where their is a lacking of or weakness shown, then it is expected that the branches will make up for the weakness as is shown, by doing the right things in which they have been tasked with and are trained also to do, and this in order to project strength & resolve at all times regardless of who is President within the nation, and is viewed throughout the world.

Apparently, you have zero knowledge of history. There have been a LOT of embassy attacks under the auspices of strong Republican leadership. I wonder why you're pretending that this attack is somehow different.

It all depends on the outcomes and the long term results aftewards, in which speaks multitudes upon who was the best representitive for the job at any given time, and how the world reacted to the leadership at any given time while on the job.

[QUestion: Were Germany and Japan's embassies attacked this week because their leadership is pandering to Islam?

What part of Islam were they pandering to ? Makes a huge difference doesn't it ?

[Do you know when our embassies started being attacked by Islamic radicals? It all started when we began meddling in the internal affairs of Middle Eastern countries back in the 1970s. Before that, all of the attacks on our embassies were related to the Vietnam war. The attacks on our embassies escalated rapidly following our invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

And they did nothing at all to warrant any such actions by America upon them now did they ?

Do you think that's a coincidence?

No it was in response to us responding to them declaring war on us on 9-11, so yes they went into full battle mode afterwards, because that was their plan all along.

So, here's another suggestion. Maybe we should get the fuck out of the middle east, stop mucking about in the affairs of other countries, stop propping up corrupt dictators in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and see what happens.

Hmmm, along with that thought, it is that we also need to stop bringing the middle east into this nation, where as they can work on us from within and also from without, then lets see what happens after that.
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i am not the one advocating removing the bill of rights and the constitution based on a person's religion....i am amused that that is found unamerican by some

defense of the bill of rights and the constitution that is

But you didn't have a problem when bummer and hilary talked of suspending the rights to free speech didya?

right willow...that is why i always advocate for free speech and against free speech zones....but you just continue your factless based rant

Link me to where you called them out and I'll apologize. I must have missed it. You're still backing up her lies though which does surprise me, I thought you were all about truth.
i am not the one advocating removing the bill of rights and the constitution based on a person's religion....i am amused that that is found unamerican by some

defense of the bill of rights and the constitution that is

But you didn't have a problem when bummer and hilary talked of suspending the rights to free speech didya?

Several of us have always spoken strongly against free speech incursions, starting with the Patriot Act. Didn't you support the Patriot Act, willow?
bit of history: russians were one of the largest mass murders in history.....

do you think 9-11 was mass murder or just a burp on the belly of history?

I think it was mass murder, but I don't think it warranted a multi-trillion dollar response that cost the lives of 5,000 military service personnel and injured 30,000 of them.

Do you?

It's a shame we didn't have adults in the Whitehouse in 2001. It was a mass murder. Al Qaeda planned and executed it. Our efforts, 11 years ago, should have been there. That was our security interest. Ignoring al Qaeda, and their Taliban supporters, to optionally start a shit storm in Iraq makes Gulf of Tonkin look like a masterstroke. That's two American fiascos that were totally fucked. But it certainly puts the "nation building" pipe dream of Bush's PNAC in proportion. At least we left Vietnam with our POWs, and Nike making bundles from their labor.
It's only commie-esque when it's a liberal that wants to control another. When it's a Conservative, 'that's America bub'.

I'ts commie-esque either way. That was my point. You missed it.

Apparently everyone missed it, unless you have an invisible post somewhere.

Spike that football.. Get our Ambassador murdered by savages. Smart move huh?
You'd think those camera happy bastards would have captured a photo of the good Ambassador receiving humanitarn help in da hospital.
Yes that's right, who inherited a weak nation that had been weakned under Bill Clinton and his antics over time, and also his weakness in dealing with the terrorist threat at that time. I mean just look at how well Desert Storm went for us and the world, and how unified we were as a nation back then under Bush Sr. during that period of war and troubles. Yes he had to deal with Sadam and his invasion of Kuwait, and they did it absolutely flawlessly. We had representation for all Americans concerning wars and the threat of wars during that time in the world, then came Bill to capitalize on what was left to him as a stronger nation, but then failed on his ability to deal with the continued terrorist threats in the world. This failure was cast onto Bush on 9-11, who spent years digging us out from under that one. Now comes Obama.

That's a good excuse. Who weakened the U.S. in 2004, 2005, and 2007? At those points, Bush had been in office for 4, 5, and 7 years. And, yet, we still got attacked. Whose fault was it then that the U.S. was weak?

he President alone ? Or was it also by our military that is depended upon by the President to do it's job in the world as well, along with the state department who is also depended upon to do their jobs in the world as well also, and this if a President is a bit weaker or less undestanding of the things that are deadly unto Americans ? So yes there is a difference in leadeship styles at any given time in America, and yet where their is a lacking of or weakness shown, then it is expected that the branches will make up for the weakness as is shown, by doing the right things in which they have been tasked with and are trained also to do, and this in order to project strength & resolve at all times regardless of who is President within the nation, and is viewed throughout the world.

So, Bush weakened our military and that's why so many of our embassies were attacked on his watch?

It all depends on the outcomes and the long term results aftewards, in which speaks multitudes upon who was the best representitive for the job at any given time, and how the world reacted to the leadership at any given time while on the job.

Have you been receiving speech lessons from Oceania's Ministry of Truth?

So, here's another suggestion. Maybe we should get the fuck out of the middle east, stop mucking about in the affairs of other countries, stop propping up corrupt dictators in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and see what happens.

Hmmm, along with that thought, it is that we also need to stop bringing the middle east into this nation, where as they can work on us from within and also from without, then lets see what happens after that.

So, you're suggesting we stop allowing any person from an Islamic country to immigrate to or study in the united states? I guess you missed the part that the guy who led the revolution against Ghaddafi was educated at the University of Pittsburgh?
Well to be fair, many of those dead soldiers were a result of our pointless invasion of Iraq.

I'm sure you feel that's the fault of Islam too, but what can ya do?
Regardless of, a war with militant Islam and America does exist, so leave Iraq out of it (different subject), and focus on the topic being debated please. The use of Iraq was a distraction here (imho), as used by you. Why the distraction in this way ?

Scattered attacks by a handful of religious fanatics is not a war on the U.S. I'd advise changing your panties and trying to get over your fear of muslim bogeymen. Not everyone in the world is going to like us. That's why we have the most well-equipped military on the planet. Exaggerating the problem because you're a big fraidy pants is the biggest problem we have. We've spent trillions of dollars on a "war" with a thousand third world radicals.

Scattered attacks by Muslims, like the scattered attack on the World Trade Center is something that Americans should get used to, according to you. I bet you would change your myopic view of the world if those loving and tolerant and peaceful Muslims dropped a bomb or an RPG in your house or in your neighborhood.

I bet that you fear the Christian bogeyman far more than you fear the Muslim bogeyman. At least until the Christian bogeyman feeds and shelters a fellow human while the Peaceful, loving and tolerant Muslim cuts his throat. Well, maybe not even then.
There is nothing wrong with liberals that a little bit of experiencing the consequences of their own actions won't fix. A few muslim attacks in this country will go a long way towards that.

I think that already happened. Let me check google...

No matter how many there have been, there haven't been enough. Otherwise we would have learned our lessons by now.
There is nothing wrong with liberals that a little bit of experiencing the consequences of their own actions won't fix. A few muslim attacks in this country will go a long way towards that.

I think that already happened. Let me check google...

No matter how many there have been, there haven't been enough. Otherwise we would have learned our lessons by now.

What's the lesson again, Islam must be destroyed?
So, you're suggesting we stop allowing any person from an Islamic country to immigrate to or study in the united states? I guess you missed the part that the guy who led the revolution against Ghaddafi was educated at the University of Pittsburgh?

Well, they did attack us on 9-11 with the training that they had gotten right here in the United States within our own schools, so what do you think we should do ?

The jury is still out on what is actually going on in the Libyan theater, and by what the outcomes will be, and who will ultimately take control of that nation as well (look what happened in Egypt so far). The guy you speak of (if the outcome is bad), will be yet another one who was trained in the United States to be a better soldier (but for whom Radical Islam or the Muslim Brotherhood?), and for what cause is yet to be known, understood or figured out as of yet by this nation who is training them as you say. Look at what is going on with the American training in Afghanistan now, and how they are training those who then turn their weapons on those who are helping them, in order to then kill the US soldiers who are helping them.. Are you this naive about this world or do you actually believe that we are all just living in a lie when looking at this stuff the way that we are seeing it now?
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