Is It Wise For The US To Anger Pakistan?

America invades a sovereign county's airspace and kills "SUSPECTS".
No trial or anything, just suspects.
When you execute without trial in these terrorist attacks, you commonly murder civilians as well.

Dat's wight, wabbit, so maybe your crappy government should stop the terrorists and then we wouldn't have to.

You don't do it, we will. Count on it.

But you'll moan when even more Americans are killed because you murder so many other people.
I hope it's only your military/politicians who are targeted but I'm pretty sure they'll be more attacks on innocents as well.
Frankly, if a serving US soldier is killed, it's an act of war as America is such an aggressive country. No war is restricted to the battlefield in question so American military deaths are acceptable where ever those troops happen to be.
You put them in the firing line so stop bitching about them getting killed.

Much as I disagree with targeting civilians, America led the way in civilian mass murder.
A couple of people died in the last attack but America targets civilians by the thousand.

Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan

You really can't complain that much as you've done far worse and so many American actively encourage it as we see from posts here.

Odd the 'peace loving Americans, who simply want to get rid of terrorists, have killed far more civilians than all terror groups put together.
That includes many years of American funded IRA bomb attacks in England.
A few thousand dead civilians suggest you may be wrong.

Can you point to any drone attacks that were not targeted after specific terrorists ?

Sadly, civilian casualties happen in any military action. They would happen if we sent in troops and they would happen if we resorted to bombings of targets of interest

For some reason, terrorists do not like to come out into the openand prefer to surround themselves with civilians

What military action?
You mean, terrorist attacks.
America invades a sovereign county's airspace and kills "SUSPECTS".
No trial or anything, just suspects.
When you execute without trial in these terrorist attacks, you commonly murder civilians as well.

That is what we signed up to with our "War on Terrorism". An acknowledgement that terrorists recognize no borders. Some countries are more attractive to terrorists than others. If those countries are willing to work with us to resolve their terrorist issues then we will work with them. If they ignore it or are duplicitous with the terrorists, then we will go in with or without permission.
Pakistan is one of those countries
Thanks to our own left wing media and left wing politicians the US is disrespected in most of the world. They attack American ships with suicide speedboats and our president apologizes for it. American Troops are bogged down in Afghanistan because the fat asses in the Pentagon are afraid that a civilian might get killed. As the attack in Benghazi illustrated the world is beyond anger. The US propped up the rebel Libyan government and they turned around and killed our ambassador.

Actually, the US of Arse is disrespected because your foreign policy stinks.
Your ships get attacked either by or because of Israel and American support for their evil government and you get shot at in Afghanistan because you invaded that country.

Come on, if you invade a place, expect your invading army to get shot at.

"Your?" foreign policy? Like most of the world we probably saved your ungrateful DNA during the bloody 20th century and you still hate us. Hussein went on a world wide apology tour his first year in office and you still hate us. The international left wing is beyond anger. They have become psychotic haters.
But you'll moan when even more Americans are killed because you murder so many other people.
I hope it's only your military/politicians who are targeted but I'm pretty sure they'll be more attacks on innocents as well.

Hope on, hope ever, but it isn't happening, is it?

We kill a WHOLE lot more of your pathetic donkey riders than you can ever hope to kill of us, now that we've figured out that your type is the enemy.

You want to kill Americans? Good luck............................but what actually seems to happen is that a whole lot of you die instead, because we are better at it by far, better at EVERYthing in this world, than you are.

You are overmatched. You may as well give it up. Whatever.

You can go on hating if you like, but it just gives us an excellent, low-cost area to test our new weaponry. Pakistan and Yemen: essentially free-fire zones and nooooooooooobody cares about marginal, useless places like that.

Actually, it's probably quite a good thing to have these test areas for the new drones and what-not. If we have to go to war with somebody real, we'll have excellent weapons development and experience with all the new stuff. And in the meanwhile, we'll have killed a lot of bad, disgusting people, like bin Laden and Allawi. This is working well, I must say.
42% of democrats voted to allow Bush to use Troops in Iraq but they forgot and still hate America. The UN authorized the US to enforce sanctions with combat Troops but most of the UN hates America. Bill Clinton dismissed the first attack on the WTC but they still hated America and attacked again on a pretty day in September 2000. US Military and industrial might saved most of the world from tyranny during the 20th century but they still hate America. Our own president B. Hussein went on a worldwide apology tour his first year in office and continues to apologize for America's freedom and yet they still hate us. Fuck'em.
So many people hate America because America invades, interferes and kills.

It's as simple as that.
The United States has been waging drone attacks within the borders of Pakistan for more then a year now, some reports indicate that while killing a handful of 'terrorists' it has only succeeded at killing far more Pakistani civilians; is the needless loss of civilian life any less tragic over there then it is here? Polls taken within Pakistan indicate that many people of that country view the States now as an enemy; and Pakistan is a nuclear power so is it wise to gain the hatred of a nation with such weapons? If members of Pakistan's military shared this sentiment, could they possibly arm and support known enemies of America and the West. What do American's think about this issue and the potential ramifications?

What's wise is for the United States to tell Pakistan to go hang and form an alliance with India instead.
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Is It Wise For The US To Anger Pakistan?

That's funny! :lol: Pakistani's are already mad about everything. Thier country is a shithole... They have the Afgahns on one side making thier lives hell. They have several terroist muslim sects running around inside thier country making thier lives hell.. and if that wasn't enough they have India on the other side making thier lives hell. To top this off they and India had the bright idea to arm themselves with nukes. PERFECT!

The U S A is the least of Pakistans worries.
The United States has been waging drone attacks within the borders of Pakistan for more then a year now, some reports indicate that while killing a handful of 'terrorists' it has only succeeded at killing far more Pakistani civilians; is the needless loss of civilian life any less tragic over there then it is here? Polls taken within Pakistan indicate that many people of that country view the States now as an enemy; and Pakistan is a nuclear power so is it wise to gain the hatred of a nation with such weapons? If members of Pakistan's military shared this sentiment, could they possibly arm and support known enemies of America and the West. What do American's think about this issue and the potential ramifications?

What's wise is for the United States to Pakistan to go hang and form an alliance with India instead.

Is that the India that's buying Iranian oil and doing so using gold instead of Dollars?
Thanks to our own left wing media and left wing politicians the US is disrespected in most of the world. They attack American ships with suicide speedboats and our president apologizes for it. American Troops are bogged down in Afghanistan because the fat asses in the Pentagon are afraid that a civilian might get killed. As the attack in Benghazi illustrated the world is beyond anger. The US propped up the rebel Libyan government and they turned around and killed our ambassador.

Actually, the US of Arse is disrespected because your foreign policy stinks.
Your ships get attacked either by or because of Israel and American support for their evil government and you get shot at in Afghanistan because you invaded that country.

Come on, if you invade a place, expect your invading army to get shot at.

Kind of like in your fucked up world a raped woman being stoned to death for her "crime".
You want to kill Americans? Good luck.

Where did I say I wanted to kill Americans?

Here, you turkey:

But you'll moan when even more Americans are killed because you murder so many other people.
I hope it's only your military/politicians who are targeted but I'm pretty sure they'll be more attacks on innocents as well.
Frankly, if a serving US soldier is killed, it's an act of war as America is such an aggressive country. No war is restricted to the battlefield in question so American military deaths are acceptable where ever those troops happen to be.
You put them in the firing line so stop bitching about them getting killed.

It won't happen, though. You Pakis are WAAAAY too stupid to manage any kind of war against us. We openly do acts of war in your country, and what can you do about it??

The United States has been waging drone attacks within the borders of Pakistan for more then a year now, some reports indicate that while killing a handful of 'terrorists' it has only succeeded at killing far more Pakistani civilians; is the needless loss of civilian life any less tragic over there then it is here? Polls taken within Pakistan indicate that many people of that country view the States now as an enemy; and Pakistan is a nuclear power so is it wise to gain the hatred of a nation with such weapons? If members of Pakistan's military shared this sentiment, could they possibly arm and support known enemies of America and the West. What do American's think about this issue and the potential ramifications?

Here is the ramification that I see. As of now, any terrorist in the world realizes that there is no safe refuge in the world if he strikes at the US. Not Pakistan, not Yemen, not even in Moscow Square.

Polls taken in Pakistan prior to all of this showed that many people in Pakistan thought of the US as the enemy.
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

What's even odder is some mental midget equating a terrorist act against innocent civilians with civilian deaths from the U.S. doing the work the Pakis refuse to do within their own borders. I mean bin Laden living for years in a large walled, barbed wired complex a stone's throw from the Paki version of West Point? And no one in their government or military knew it?

If the Paki snakes would do their job, we wouldn't have to.

Very true. But Pakis LUUUUUUUUV their terrorists and rioters and al Qaeda, so we'll keep droning them.

I think drones are the best military weapon ever invented. Too high-tech for the El Stupidos of the world to manage, so we'll have an exclusive on them for a long time, and no need for boots on the ground in many cases. Just send in the drones, zap the terrorists. And anyone around them, but they are living with and supporting terrorists, so the heck with them.

If terrorists don't want us to kill their families, they should go to military bases where we can send in the drones to kill them there. I think that is obvious. But these worthless cowards want to involve their whole village.

(My bold)

PRC is developing drones, it's just a matter of time before they get the controls right & also arm them. Our missles on drones are good to avoid our casualties - but they aren't precision weapons, & they're v. expensive. The Hellfires cost $500K apiece, the no. I've seen on boards. That's much too expensive to make them a general solution.

For high-value targets that we can't otherwise reach, maybe. But drone strikes are a stopgap solution. There will be countermeasures soon enough. & we need prisoners we can interrogate - there's no point to having a magic bullet if you can't ID & engage the target. That means real interrogations, not the stupid "test to destruction" of the W era.

What we need is a better way to deal with terrorists. Counterterror against their civilian population merely guarantees the terrorists a steady source of personnel, support & anger. We need to defuse the terrorists, whether by direct military action or otherwise. & we need that more effective solution quickly.
Is It Wise For The US To Anger Pakistan?

That's funny! :lol: Pakistani's are already mad about everything. Thier country is a shithole... They have the Afgahns on one side making thier lives hell. They have several terroist muslim sects running around inside thier country making thier lives hell.. and if that wasn't enough they have India on the other side making thier lives hell. To top this off they and India had the bright idea to arm themselves with nukes. PERFECT!

The U S A is the least of Pakistans worries.

Good catalog -- but you forgot China. The lastest outbreak of saber-rattling was with China, just a few weeks ago. Troops confronted each other along some sort of line in the mountains.

In a faceoff between China and stupid Pakistan, is there anyone in the whole world who would bet on Pakistan?????

Pakistan has no allies, only enemies. And they deserve it. And they are falling apart even worse before our very eyes, and that's great.

It's important to know our enemies. Pakis are definitely our enemies. We bribe them to do this and that to support our war in Afghanistan, and they have no economy so they'll do anything for the money, but that war will be over eventually and I hope we'll cut off any money going to these benighted Muslims.
What's wise is for the United States to Pakistan to go hang and form an alliance with India instead.

Well, that's what we have done, of course.

India has its problems, but it's FAR more civilized than Muslim Pakistan.

Pakistan was carved out of India. It is stolen land. I say we help India take Pakistan back and drive the Muslims out of Kashmir. Sounds like a plan to me! - Jeri
PRC is developing drones, it's just a matter of time before they get the controls right & also arm them. Our missles on drones are good to avoid our casualties - but they aren't precision weapons, & they're v. expensive. The Hellfires cost $500K apiece, the no. I've seen on boards. That's much too expensive to make them a general solution.

I can't agree. These Muslim types can't even manage machines (that's why the donkeys and goats and camels) much less electronics. They are incredibly stupid. I've read some articles on trying to train Afghans in various things: it just can't be done. I suppose it's genetic: there is SOME reason they are living in a desert no one else wants eating goat meat, after all. Pakis can't manage a government because they are terminally stupid, basically.

It's true drones and all the wonderful electronically controlled missiles we have now like Cruise missiles are expensive, but they are sure cheaper than a big deficit-increasing war. It's war costs with personnel and support of them that always, always ruin the economy of countries, and of course it's mainly these stupid forever wars that have caused our deficit now.

People have figured that out and drones are so VERY much better to solve the Muslim-hiding-in-a-cave problem. They can't possibly shoot back at us: look at Hezbollah and Hamas, they can't work anything modern and never have. If they hit ANYbody in Israel, it's totally by accident, whereas Israel on the other hand hits EXACTLY the named terrorist they go after. Now, that is competance. The Muslims haven't got any. When they planebombed New York, they had to use box knives and our airplanes, that's how stupid they are. So I think this is going very well for a change. We've got the good weapons that can get into their desert and mountain hidey places, and they've got bupkas.

For high-value targets that we can't otherwise reach, maybe. But drone strikes are a stopgap solution. There will be countermeasures soon enough. & we need prisoners we can interrogate - there's no point to having a magic bullet if you can't ID & engage the target. That means real interrogations, not the stupid "test to destruction" of the W era.

What we need is a better way to deal with terrorists. Counterterror against their civilian population merely guarantees the terrorists a steady source of personnel, support & anger. We need to defuse the terrorists, whether by direct military action or otherwise. & we need that more effective solution quickly.

I don't see why we need much interrogation. Just more or less where they are. And bribery works very well, as the Israelis know. Being rich is a war weapon of real power. I mean, what are they going to tell us? We already know they hate America and are incompetent. Just get somebody to point to the village where the bad guys are; the drones will do the rest.
haven't read the thread--off the top of my head...

For quite some time Pakistan has not been trustworthy.

Whatever has transpired this time--the US should do what it needs to do to protect its own interests. Pakistan should be more concerned about angering the US. The entire world should be concerned about getting along with the US---perhaps not a popular opinion but that is how I feel.

Yeah, I know--the US errs--at times spectacularly. The errors do not go unscutinized which is more than I can say for the errors of many others countries, including Pakistan.
PRC is developing drones, it's just a matter of time before they get the controls right & also arm them. Our missles on drones are good to avoid our casualties - but they aren't precision weapons, & they're v. expensive. The Hellfires cost $500K apiece, the no. I've seen on boards. That's much too expensive to make them a general solution.

I can't agree. These Muslim types can't even manage machines (that's why the donkeys and goats and camels) much less electronics. They are incredibly stupid. I've read some articles on trying to train Afghans in various things: it just can't be done. I suppose it's genetic: there is SOME reason they are living in a desert no one else wants eating goat meat, after all. Pakis can't manage a government because they are terminally stupid, basically.

It's true drones and all the wonderful electronically controlled missiles we have now like Cruise missiles are expensive, but they are sure cheaper than a big deficit-increasing war. It's war costs with personnel and support of them that always, always ruin the economy of countries, and of course it's mainly these stupid forever wars that have caused our deficit now.

People have figured that out and drones are so VERY much better to solve the Muslim-hiding-in-a-cave problem. They can't possibly shoot back at us: look at Hezbollah and Hamas, they can't work anything modern and never have. If they hit ANYbody in Israel, it's totally by accident, whereas Israel on the other hand hits EXACTLY the named terrorist they go after. Now, that is competance. The Muslims haven't got any. When they planebombed New York, they had to use box knives and our airplanes, that's how stupid they are. So I think this is going very well for a change. We've got the good weapons that can get into their desert and mountain hidey places, and they've got bupkas.

For high-value targets that we can't otherwise reach, maybe. But drone strikes are a stopgap solution. There will be countermeasures soon enough. & we need prisoners we can interrogate - there's no point to having a magic bullet if you can't ID & engage the target. That means real interrogations, not the stupid "test to destruction" of the W era.

What we need is a better way to deal with terrorists. Counterterror against their civilian population merely guarantees the terrorists a steady source of personnel, support & anger. We need to defuse the terrorists, whether by direct military action or otherwise. & we need that more effective solution quickly.

I don't see why we need much interrogation. Just more or less where they are. And bribery works very well, as the Israelis know. Being rich is a war weapon of real power. I mean, what are they going to tell us? We already know they hate America and are incompetent. Just get somebody to point to the village where the bad guys are; the drones will do the rest.

(My bold)

No, Pakistan managed to work out an alternative to enrich uranium to weapons grade. & they've built, tested & deployed nuke weapons. While their country seems to be a trainwreck otherwise, their nuke industry has worked well.

Will we wipe out villages to make sure of getting our target? It's better to capture the target & interrogate him/her. That way, you know that you got him, & you can generate leads into further targeting, or the structure of the opposition, locations, infrastructure, supplies. & we can't afford to destroy villages haphazardly - that would generate more recruits for terrorism, it's too expensive (call down B-52 raids on a village? Even 500# dumb bombs are expensive, plus crew, plus plane, plus ...), & we need to be sure of our targets. It's hands-on, we've already had too much in the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq of mistaken IDs, wrong location, wrong time.

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