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Is It Worth A Civil War To You?

I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we I. The age of deception and lies? Are we living in the daysnof Noah? The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?
^dumb fucking idiot

That's all really, but I guess I should post some content. :rolleyes:

You bastards spent the last 8 years choosing politics over your own country. The result was you bastards choosing to elect a man who's objective is to destroy everything that makes this country great. You have NO RIGHT to pretend that your opponents are fighting against the country. If it comes to arms, you'll end up dead or subjugated like all the others in history who dared wage war against the United States.

Obama was the traitor from within. Trying to foment hatred amongst the races by consulting with sewer rats like sharpton and the blm groups. Trying to flood this country with muslims who cause trouble in any country they emigrate to. And I'm former democrat and it's hard to vote republican, but I have no other choice since the clintons were no better, although their treason was for the love of money, unlike hatred for country like obama's. Cicero wrote about the likes of the clintons and obamas centuries ago.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
How does everyone feel about The Democrats who blocked a Trump Rally March by making a human wall and began spraying peaceful marchers with Pepper Spray and assaulting the marchers and attacking them.

Why the Nazi Tactics?
1st off YOU ARE A LIAR.

I did not call for Civil War. I asked why you were acting Violently and Irresponsibly and Criminally and if your goal was a Civil War or a Soft Coup!

Why can't you Nazi Brown Shirts tell the Truth?

Go smash some shop windows or spray some Jews with some Mace.

Heil Hitlery!
This is what I mean by unmasked hostility and hatred and an inability to have reasonable discussions. You have all become Jihadist Radicals.


Guy starts a thread calling for a civil war and then rants about the other guys not being able to have a reasonable discussion.
1st off YOU ARE A LIAR.

I did not call for Civil War. I asked why you were acting Violently and Irresponsibly and Criminally and if your goal was a Civil War or a Soft Coup!

Why can't you Nazi Brown Shirts tell the Truth?

Go smash some shop windows or spray some Jews with some Mace.

Heil Hitlery!
This is what I mean by unmasked hostility and hatred and an inability to have reasonable discussions. You have all become Jihadist Radicals.


Guy starts a thread calling for a civil war and then rants about the other guys not being able to have a reasonable discussion.

Can you back up your accusations of my violence?
This is exactly what The Democrat Party is Engaging in. Sedition and Treason. They want to tear down America. All their actions and policies show that they have declared war on America and have made themselves the enemy of Liberty.

I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we I. The age of deception and lies? Are we living in the daysnof Noah? The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?
^dumb fucking idiot

That's all really, but I guess I should post some content. :rolleyes:

You bastards spent the last 8 years choosing politics over your own country. The result was you bastards choosing to elect a man who's objective is to destroy everything that makes this country great. You have NO RIGHT to pretend that your opponents are fighting against the country. If it comes to arms, you'll end up dead or subjugated like all the others in history who dared wage war against the United States.

Obama was the traitor from within. Trying to foment hatred amongst the races by consulting with sewer rats like sharpton and the blm groups. Trying to flood this country with muslims who cause trouble in any country they emigrate to. And I'm former democrat and it's hard to vote republican, but I have no other choice since the clintons were no better, although their treason was for the love of money, unlike hatred for country like obama's. Cicero wrote about the likes of the clintons and obamas centuries ago.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
If there's a civil war going on, it's a political civil war,

and the Democrats just won the battle of Obamacare.

No you are wrong. America Lost. I am an American First and criticize both Lefty and Right.

Millions of Americans are paying thousands of dollars a year for coverage they cannot afford to use.

This is why Trump was elected, because there are less people who have access to affordable healthcare than the did before that disasterous scheme.

But nice try at pivoting and changing the subject while your party is paying for violent protesters to disrupt peaceful gatherings, and you commit Treason and Sedition and Felony after Felony to topple Lady Liberty!
If there's a civil war going on, it's a political civil war,

and the Democrats just won the battle of Obamacare.

No you are wrong. America Lost. I am an American First and criticize both Lefty and Right.

Millions of Americans are paying thousands of dollars a year for coverage they cannot afford to use.

This is why Trump was elected, because there are less people who have access to affordable healthcare than the did before that disasterous scheme.

But nice try at pivoting and changing the subject while your party is paying for violent protesters to disrupt peaceful gatherings, and you commit Treason and Sedition and Felony after Felony to topple Lady Liberty!

You're delusional. And if America lost because Trumpcare didn't pass, then blame the conservative wing of the GOP.
1st off YOU ARE A LIAR.

I did not call for Civil War. I asked why you were acting Violently and Irresponsibly and Criminally and if your goal was a Civil War or a Soft Coup!

Why can't you Nazi Brown Shirts tell the Truth?

Go smash some shop windows or spray some Jews with some Mace.

Heil Hitlery!
This is what I mean by unmasked hostility and hatred and an inability to have reasonable discussions. You have all become Jihadist Radicals.


Guy starts a thread calling for a civil war and then rants about the other guys not being able to have a reasonable discussion.

I wonder how many people realize that the vast majority of citizens are being denied their rights!

Forget the Presidential election for a second; you/we voted across this country in local and national elections on the governing philosophy we wanted for the immediate future.

Instead of the Democrats using LEGAL means at their disposal, they are using ILLEGAL means in many instances (sanctuary cities etc) to over ride your vote, and institute their will over we the people!

I stand for American politicians; republican or democrats, elected as our leaders by us. Doesn't mean I like them or their policies, but by suggesting that I/we do something illegal to over ride what the people have chosen is denying people their rights!

I thought in America we try and change minds, not impose our will over the people, and the leaders the people choose to govern.

Guess the far left doesn't believe in our system, unless of course the people elect them, then they wrap themselves in the flag and constitution.

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The fact you Fellate Illegals and Jihadists and endanger our children and families isn't enough proof for you?

Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies | Project Veritas Action

1st off YOU ARE A LIAR.

I did not call for Civil War. I asked why you were acting Violently and Irresponsibly and Criminally and if your goal was a Civil War or a Soft Coup!

Why can't you Nazi Brown Shirts tell the Truth?

Go smash some shop windows or spray some Jews with some Mace.

Heil Hitlery!
This is what I mean by unmasked hostility and hatred and an inability to have reasonable discussions. You have all become Jihadist Radicals.


Guy starts a thread calling for a civil war and then rants about the other guys not being able to have a reasonable discussion.

Can you back up your accusations of my violence?
How weird that the only ones fomenting violence are those that come down on the conservative side of the spectrum...And then violence breaks out at their cult gatherings...
How weird that the only ones fomenting violence are those that come down on the conservative side of the spectrum...And then violence breaks out at their cult gatherings...

How funny it is that only lefties are now the ones denying Americans their rights!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we I. The age of deception and lies? Are we living in the daysnof Noah? The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?
^dumb fucking idiot

That's all really, but I guess I should post some content. :rolleyes:

You bastards spent the last 8 years choosing politics over your own country. The result was you bastards choosing to elect a man who's objective is to destroy everything that makes this country great. You have NO RIGHT to pretend that your opponents are fighting against the country. If it comes to arms, you'll end up dead or subjugated like all the others in history who dared wage war against the United States.

So you think anti-2nd amendment leftists will prevail against Americans that believe in freedom?

Americans that shoot all the time and hunt and fish?

Is that correct?
Here is an article that documents Hillary's "collusion" and her and Bill's financial gain. There are many google hits on these items

Peter Schweizer: Trump vs. Clintons' Russia ties (guess who always got a free pass)

"Then there is the glaring fact that the Clinton Foundation also scored $145 million in donations from nine shareholders in a Canadian uranium company called Uranium One that was sold to the Russian government in 2010. The deal required the approval of several federal government agencies, including Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The deal allowed Rosatom, the Russian State Nuclear Agency, to buy assets that amounted to 20 percent of American uranium. Rosatom, by the way controls the Russian nuclear arsenal."

So where is Trump's list of collusion items??
I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we I. The age of deception and lies? Are we living in the daysnof Noah? The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?
^dumb fucking idiot

That's all really, but I guess I should post some content. :rolleyes:

You bastards spent the last 8 years choosing politics over your own country. The result was you bastards choosing to elect a man who's objective is to destroy everything that makes this country great. You have NO RIGHT to pretend that your opponents are fighting against the country. If it comes to arms, you'll end up dead or subjugated like all the others in history who dared wage war against the United States.

So you think anti-2nd amendment leftists will prevail against Americans that believe in freedom?

Americans that shoot all the time and hunt and fish?

Is that correct?

Why even address it, lol. They would lose in 10days.


Because in a real civil war, the heartland just cuts off those big states food supply, and that is the end of that-)

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In my opinion civil wars never worth. People from the same country should be like brothers and sisters not enemies. :)

A significant portion of our country is brainwashed at the moment.

They're like The Stepford Wives.

Who is not are my Viet friends and their parents that immigrated to America long ago.

They are Patriots. They believe in the American way.

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