Is it wrong for Christian to preach at people who don't believe what they do?

Christianity is a direct attack on non-Christians.
Your NT condemns every non-Christian to Eternal Hell Fire.
Do you deny this?
If so, you're probably inebriated tonight.

Perhaps you might benefit from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It states that God has an eternal covenant with Jews and that God does not go back on any of His covenants. It states that God can reach those (even atheists) that the Church cannot.

I was taught that God does not send anyone to hell--that people choose to go there so that they do not have to suffer God or His ways. Hell is for those who choose evil.
I have been very disappointed in the behaviors of my Jewish brothers and sisters in this forum.

you have jewish brothers and sisters?
We are all brothers and sisters. It's just that some of us are assholes.

that's ok----I understand. I am a jew and grew up amongst assholes like you. ---It
was a very WASP town. It was so WASP a town that it was actually restricted until the excess of land got turned into BABY BOOM housing. My poor father had no idea when my mom came up pregnant with twins----(that would be number 4 and 5) and we were no long able to stay in the tiny apartment--------HE TOOK WHAT HE COULD GET-------a little house in a ---functionally restricted town. A little house and the VA house mortgage-----it was a tight squeeze financially----but my parents were children of the depression so they MANAGED. I learned all about Christianity----I even attended sunday school
Christianity is a direct attack on non-Christians.
Your NT condemns every non-Christian to Eternal Hell Fire.
Do you deny this?
If so, you're probably inebriated tonight.

Perhaps you might benefit from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It states that God has an eternal covenant with Jews and that God does not go back on any of His covenants. It states that God can reach those (even atheists) that the Church cannot.

I was taught that God does not send anyone to hell--that people choose to go there so that they do not have to suffer God or His ways. Hell is for those who choose evil.

someone should let DANTE know
I have been very disappointed in the behaviors of my Jewish brothers and sisters in this forum.

you have jewish brothers and sisters?
We are all brothers and sisters. It's just that some of us are assholes.

that's ok----I understand. I am a jew and grew up amongst assholes like you. ---It
was a very WASP town. It was so WASP a town that it was actually restricted until the excess of land got turned into BABY BOOM housing. My poor father had no idea when my mom came up pregnant with twins----(that would be number 4 and 5) and we were no long able to stay in the tiny apartment--------HE TOOK WHAT HE COULD GET-------a little house in a ---functionally restricted town. A little house and the VA house mortgage-----it was a tight squeeze financially----but my parents were children of the depression so they MANAGED. I learned all about Christianity----I even attended sunday school
I've heard that story before. You are just another atheist to me who has an ax to grind with Christianity. You don't have beliefs. You have arguments against others having beliefs.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

While incorrectly attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, this quote makes a lot of sense: Preach the Gospel always. If necessary, use words. Perhaps encourage her to talk about which teachings of Jesus she has been able to incorporate into her own life, her favorite Beatitude, favorite parable, etc. Invite her to talk about herself, which may be of even more interest to her, and it is an alternative to her preaching at you, which you do not seem to enjoy. Perhaps gently suggest witnessing is more than just preaching, it is living by example.

Saint Francis was a saint when he was hugging raccoons. Some of his sayings should be expunged
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

It will make her a pariah. The vast majority of people do not want to be lectured about their faith and behavior my an acquaintance. I am not a Christian to be sure, but my advice for those who want to “teach” others about their beliefs - do it thru your actions not your words. AND DONT KNOCK ON MY DOOR IN HOPES OF SAVING ME!
I have been very disappointed in the behaviors of my Jewish brothers and sisters in this forum.

you have jewish brothers and sisters?
We are all brothers and sisters. It's just that some of us are assholes.

that's ok----I understand. I am a jew and grew up amongst assholes like you. ---It
was a very WASP town. It was so WASP a town that it was actually restricted until the excess of land got turned into BABY BOOM housing. My poor father had no idea when my mom came up pregnant with twins----(that would be number 4 and 5) and we were no long able to stay in the tiny apartment--------HE TOOK WHAT HE COULD GET-------a little house in a ---functionally restricted town. A little house and the VA house mortgage-----it was a tight squeeze financially----but my parents were children of the depression so they MANAGED. I learned all about Christianity----I even attended sunday school
I've heard that story before. You are just another atheist to me who has an ax to grind with Christianity. You don't have beliefs. You have arguments against others having beliefs.

you have no idea what are my "BELIEFS".
As to ATHIEST----to YOU anyone who does not buy into the idea that "god" wrote the NT is an "atheist" ---here it is-----"god" did not write the NT -----a committee appointed by the Mass murdering pig---CONSTANTINE----wrote it as an apology for GENOCIDE. His admirer----ADOLF appreciated him so much that he modeled his Nuremburg laws
to the filth generated by dog Constantine.
The POPE did not object-----after all----the laws that were generated by Constantine formed the basis of the INQUISITION<<that noble institution
If you don’t want to hear the message you are free not to. But no one should be silenced

Oh, I agree, I wouldn't silence her generally, nor interfere with any beliefs she holds! She can believe anything she wants, and change-change-change as I have all these years and as she doubtless will also.

No, what I object to is the violation of personal boundaries. I guess this one is a spiritual boundary: I said don't preach at me, but she does it anyway, apparently because this dreadful cult thing is pushing her to do it. What do you think about people doing that? Isn't it a boundary violation?

It seems very sinister to me: they are going in a group to New York and Spain to "witness" to people I very much doubt want to do anything but make prostitutes out of these young girls. I hope they don't "witness" to Muslims and get blown up in Spain --- there's been a lot of that there.

She is being rude by preaching at you after you asked her to stop. That is no religion I’d want to be a part of.
Sorry for interjecting myself, but I have had enough of their arrogant undeserved condescension. You are too good of a person to stoop to his level of disrespect, but I'm not. I am a work in progress. I can only hope that since God uses all things for the good of those who love him that some good will come from this.

I'll butt out now that I have satisfied my anger.

You have nothing to apologize for. There is nothing wrong with passion or presenting oneself in a passionate manner. No need to leave at all, unless that is your wish for now.
Sorry for interjecting myself, but I have had enough of their arrogant undeserved condescension. You are too good of a person to stoop to his level of disrespect, but I'm not. I am a work in progress. I can only hope that since God uses all things for the good of those who love him that some good will come from this.

I'll butt out now that I have satisfied my anger.

You have nothing to apologize for. There is nothing wrong with passion or presenting oneself in a passionate manner. No need to leave at all, unless that is your wish for now.

proselytizing to NON-CATHOLIC is a capital crime in the FILTH OF CANON LAW. Islam picked up that vulgar idea and incorporated it into Shariah shit.
Historically it was SO STRICLY (and deadly ) enforced in catholic and muslim
countries that jews COMPLETELY DISALLOW so much as the handing of a copy of the "tanach" ---(that's the OLD
TESTAMENT in catholic newspeak) to a non-jew. Even today CHRISTIANS complain about the fact that proselytizing to Christianity in INDIA is officially disallowed------SHEEESH ---how quickly you guys FORGET. Christian organizations call it HINDU OPPRESSION OF CHRISTIANS. So far I have never heard of a Christian being sentenced to death in India for that activity--------try it in Saudi Arabia!!!!!
proselytizing to NON-CATHOLIC is a capital crime in the FILTH OF CANON LAW. Islam picked up that vulgar idea and incorporated it into Shariah shit.
Historically it was SO STRICLY (and deadly ) enforced in catholic and muslim
countries that jews COMPLETELY DISALLOW so much as the handing of a copy of the "tanach" ---(that's the OLD
TESTAMENT in catholic newspeak) to a non-jew. Even today CHRISTIANS complain about the fact that proselytizing to Christianity in INDIA is officially disallowed------SHEEESH ---how quickly you guys FORGET. Christian organizations call it HINDU OPPRESSION OF CHRISTIANS. So far I have never heard of a Christian being sentenced to death in India for that activity--------try it in Saudi Arabia!!!!!

Back in the day (and in a few places today) there was no separation of Church and State. Sounds like you are quoting 'State' Law not Canon Law. I have not been able to find where this was ever in Canon Law. Can you cite a recent example (say in the past two hundred years) where it has been against the law to proselytize to a Catholic?
We all are being "taught" things we strongly disagree with. I have to listen to the 'tards go on and on and on about racism, homosexuality, the evil white man, so just man up and accept it. Nobody cares if you want to hear about Jesus Christ or not.

Nonsense, you are here voluntarily, and you don't have to read anything an obnoxious person says even here, where you have come to discuss things. All you have to do is put the avatar name on your Ignore list. Let me show you: Death Angel, ignore, save. That's it --- no more of that anyway.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

People need to be told that there are dire consequences for their actions, whether it is a Lake of Fire or being locked in prison for life or just an untimely death. etc. So choose your poison. I personally think that God has a little something, something waiting for people like the Nazi regime. (wink, wink)

Without the "fear of God", then you have a sociopath utopia with no fear of evil.
proselytizing to NON-CATHOLIC is a capital crime in the FILTH OF CANON LAW. Islam picked up that vulgar idea and incorporated it into Shariah shit.
Historically it was SO STRICLY (and deadly ) enforced in catholic and muslim
countries that jews COMPLETELY DISALLOW so much as the handing of a copy of the "tanach" ---(that's the OLD
TESTAMENT in catholic newspeak) to a non-jew. Even today CHRISTIANS complain about the fact that proselytizing to Christianity in INDIA is officially disallowed------SHEEESH ---how quickly you guys FORGET. Christian organizations call it HINDU OPPRESSION OF CHRISTIANS. So far I have never heard of a Christian being sentenced to death in India for that activity--------try it in Saudi Arabia!!!!!

Back in the day (and in a few places today) there was no separation of Church and State. Sounds like you are quoting 'State' Law not Canon Law. I have not been able to find where this was ever in Canon Law. Can you cite a recent example (say in the past two hundred years) where it has been against the law to proselytize to a Catholic?

past 200 years?
why so narrow a window
past 200 years?
why so narrow a window

Two hundred years is eight generations, is quite a large window. For example, how many people can name all 128 of their ancestors from that eighth generation? Can they name all the good that they did? Or does interest only lie in the sins they committed? Names forgotten but sins remembered? Sins that have not been repeated for more than two hundred years? How long do you believe your sins should be remembered? Compare that to how long you believe the sins of others should be remembered.
past 200 years?
why so narrow a window

Two hundred years is eight generations, is quite a large window. For example, how many people can name all 128 of their ancestors from that eighth generation? Can they name all the good that they did? Or does interest only lie in the sins they committed? Names forgotten but sins remembered? Sins that have not been repeated for more than two hundred years? How long do you believe your sins should be remembered? Compare that to how long you believe the sins of others should be remembered.

200 years is like the blink of an eye in THE HISTORY of mankind that continues to
have repercussions and will continue for
Millennia. The catholic Saint ADOLF---was the son of his "culture"-----we are all the children of our ----GREAT, GREAT, GREAT...........GREAT grandmothers
I have been very disappointed in the behaviors of my Jewish brothers and sisters in this forum.

you have jewish brothers and sisters?
We are all brothers and sisters. It's just that some of us are assholes.

that's ok----I understand. I am a jew and grew up amongst assholes like you. ---It
was a very WASP town. It was so WASP a town that it was actually restricted until the excess of land got turned into BABY BOOM housing. My poor father had no idea when my mom came up pregnant with twins----(that would be number 4 and 5) and we were no long able to stay in the tiny apartment--------HE TOOK WHAT HE COULD GET-------a little house in a ---functionally restricted town. A little house and the VA house mortgage-----it was a tight squeeze financially----but my parents were children of the depression so they MANAGED. I learned all about Christianity----I even attended sunday school
I've heard that story before. You are just another atheist to me who has an ax to grind with Christianity. You don't have beliefs. You have arguments against others having beliefs.

you have no idea what are my "BELIEFS".
As to ATHIEST----to YOU anyone who does not buy into the idea that "god" wrote the NT is an "atheist" ---here it is-----"god" did not write the NT -----a committee appointed by the Mass murdering pig---CONSTANTINE----wrote it as an apology for GENOCIDE. His admirer----ADOLF appreciated him so much that he modeled his Nuremburg laws
to the filth generated by dog Constantine.
The POPE did not object-----after all----the laws that were generated by Constantine formed the basis of the INQUISITION<<that noble institution
Your beliefs are anti-christian. Everyone knows that. That's all you talk about, Rosie.

Adolf admired the Muslims. He thought Christians were weak. If my memory serves me correctly, Christians defeated him and saved your sorry asses. Gave you a home too. Your selective memory is convenient.

The inquisition stopped the socialist heretics, Rosie. They were some reprehensible mother fuckers. Not to mention the aggressors. Again, your selective memory is convenient.

You have no idea what good the Pope and other Catholics did during WWII. Your memory is selective.
you have jewish brothers and sisters?
We are all brothers and sisters. It's just that some of us are assholes.

that's ok----I understand. I am a jew and grew up amongst assholes like you. ---It
was a very WASP town. It was so WASP a town that it was actually restricted until the excess of land got turned into BABY BOOM housing. My poor father had no idea when my mom came up pregnant with twins----(that would be number 4 and 5) and we were no long able to stay in the tiny apartment--------HE TOOK WHAT HE COULD GET-------a little house in a ---functionally restricted town. A little house and the VA house mortgage-----it was a tight squeeze financially----but my parents were children of the depression so they MANAGED. I learned all about Christianity----I even attended sunday school
I've heard that story before. You are just another atheist to me who has an ax to grind with Christianity. You don't have beliefs. You have arguments against others having beliefs.

you have no idea what are my "BELIEFS".
As to ATHIEST----to YOU anyone who does not buy into the idea that "god" wrote the NT is an "atheist" ---here it is-----"god" did not write the NT -----a committee appointed by the Mass murdering pig---CONSTANTINE----wrote it as an apology for GENOCIDE. His admirer----ADOLF appreciated him so much that he modeled his Nuremburg laws
to the filth generated by dog Constantine.
The POPE did not object-----after all----the laws that were generated by Constantine formed the basis of the INQUISITION<<that noble institution
Your beliefs are anti-christian. Everyone knows that. That's all you talk about, Rosie.

Adolf admired the Muslims. He thought Christians were weak. If my memory serves me correctly, Christians defeated him and saved your sorry asses. Gave you a home too. Your selective memory is convenient.

The inquisition stopped the socialist heretics, Rosie. They were some reprehensible mother fuckers. Not to mention the aggressors. Again, your selective memory is convenient.

You have no idea what good the Pope and other Catholics did during WWII. Your memory is selective.

you are not only disgusting----you are also a joke. I do know what good catholics did during world war II-------an active number---Adolf, Mengele, Saint Magda of the Cyanide, Josef Goebbels-------Pius------much too little and much too late----he could not even bring himself to excommunicate his fave son ADOLF----or ever the vile vulgar piece of crap "FATHER CHARLES COUGHLIN" who advocated for Saint Adolf right here in the USA to an audience of enthralled millions
We are all brothers and sisters. It's just that some of us are assholes.

that's ok----I understand. I am a jew and grew up amongst assholes like you. ---It
was a very WASP town. It was so WASP a town that it was actually restricted until the excess of land got turned into BABY BOOM housing. My poor father had no idea when my mom came up pregnant with twins----(that would be number 4 and 5) and we were no long able to stay in the tiny apartment--------HE TOOK WHAT HE COULD GET-------a little house in a ---functionally restricted town. A little house and the VA house mortgage-----it was a tight squeeze financially----but my parents were children of the depression so they MANAGED. I learned all about Christianity----I even attended sunday school
I've heard that story before. You are just another atheist to me who has an ax to grind with Christianity. You don't have beliefs. You have arguments against others having beliefs.

you have no idea what are my "BELIEFS".
As to ATHIEST----to YOU anyone who does not buy into the idea that "god" wrote the NT is an "atheist" ---here it is-----"god" did not write the NT -----a committee appointed by the Mass murdering pig---CONSTANTINE----wrote it as an apology for GENOCIDE. His admirer----ADOLF appreciated him so much that he modeled his Nuremburg laws
to the filth generated by dog Constantine.
The POPE did not object-----after all----the laws that were generated by Constantine formed the basis of the INQUISITION<<that noble institution
Your beliefs are anti-christian. Everyone knows that. That's all you talk about, Rosie.

Adolf admired the Muslims. He thought Christians were weak. If my memory serves me correctly, Christians defeated him and saved your sorry asses. Gave you a home too. Your selective memory is convenient.

The inquisition stopped the socialist heretics, Rosie. They were some reprehensible mother fuckers. Not to mention the aggressors. Again, your selective memory is convenient.

You have no idea what good the Pope and other Catholics did during WWII. Your memory is selective.

you are not only disgusting----you are also a joke. I do know what good catholics did during world war II-------an active number---Adolf, Mengele, Saint Magda of the Cyanide, Josef Goebbels-------Pius------much too little and much too late----he could not even bring himself to excommunicate his fave son ADOLF----or ever the vile vulgar piece of crap "FATHER CHARLES COUGHLIN" who advocated for Saint Adolf right here in the USA to an audience of enthralled millions
You only know what you look for, Rosie.

You don't dare look for the whole picture. It would shatter your beliefs.

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