Is it wrong to divorce a spouse who becomes ill?

Is it wrong to divorce a spouse who becomes ill?

  • Evil

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 23 67.6%
  • Wrong but understandable

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • Within divorce initiators rights

    Votes: 3 8.8%

  • Total voters
The only two ways I could see that being valid, would be,

1. a tactic to salvage one partner's finances. In this case the COUPLE remains a couple in reality and just separates their finances.

2. if the illness is so grave that the life of one is effectively over and the other still has time. Being married to a partner in a vegetative state or something similar, might be a good reason to leave.
Clinton was NOT impeached over a blowjob.

Why did you lie?
Of course he was.

You can parse hairs all you like and say he was impeached for lying about the blowjob, but the fact remains he was impeached over a blowjob. By a guy who was cheating on his second wife at the time.

To make matters worse, Gingrich the screaming Republican hypocrite was succeeded as House Speaker by a Republican child molester.
Of course he was.

You can parse hairs all you like and say he was impeached for lying about the blowjob, but the fact remains he was impeached over a blowjob. By a guy who was cheating on his second wife at the time.

To make matters worse, Gingrich the screaming Republican hypocrite was succeeded as House Speaker by a Republican child molester.

He was NOT impeached over a blowjob. The blowjob became relevant during an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment.

It demonstrated that he is a man whore, and had a PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR, of seeking sex from women in subordinate positions.

You are a liar.
If your relationship is not unconditional, for better or worse, then you should be honest and get out.

I knew a man whose cancer treatments would bankrupt his wife. So he divorced her to protect her before he died.

Marriage laws and financial legal contracts are separate from the spiritual relationship or marriage.

So it depends on the situation what is the best way to handle the sickness.
He was NOT impeached over a blowjob. The blowjob became relevant during an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment.

It demonstrated that he is a man whore, and had a PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR, of seeking sex from women in subordinate positions.

You are a liar.
Yes and No.
1. Technically the legal offense was lying under oath and perjury under penalty of law
2. The media hyped the case in public by focus on the oral sex (as well as the hypocrisy of the prosecuting side which isn't on trial)
3. The problem remained that Clinton was engaging in sexual relations and or mutual harassment at the workplace with a subordinate and on taxpayer time and money. Anyone else would be fired for doing that kind of job on the job, but Clinton had executive privilege.
4. Both executive privilege was abused and the impeachment process was abused politically. Two wrongs don't justify either as right or less wrong than the other.

Both were abusive.

Maybe we will see a reduction or end of political abuse if we set up separate internal and external administrations for both liberal agenda and conservative agenda and quit competing for dominance of one approach or use of govt over the other.

Get rid of the need for political abuse for party dominance, and this should reduce a lot of the problems in the first place.
Congressional Representative Gnewt Gingrich did that. His wife was on her deathbed dying of cancer and Gnewt divorced her and married his campaign aide.

That's why Gnewt can never run for president. Nobody will vote for a turd of a human being.
Remember James Edwards and his affair once his wife got cancer. Two really outstanding reasons to stay clear of Democrats and Republicans because they don't honor their vows.
Yes and No.
1. Technically the legal offense was lying under oath and perjury under penalty of law
2. The media hyped the case in public by focus on the oral sex (as well as the hypocrisy of the prosecuting side which isn't on trial)
3. The problem remained that Clinton was engaging in sexual relations and or mutual harassment at the workplace with a subordinate and on taxpayer time and money. Anyone else would be fired for doing that kind of job on the job, but Clinton had executive privilege.
4. Both executive privilege was abused and the impeachment process was abused politically. Two wrongs don't justify either as right or less wrong than the other.

Both were abusive.

Maybe we will see a reduction or end of political abuse if we set up separate internal and external administrations for both liberal agenda and conservative agenda and quit competing for dominance of one approach or use of govt over the other.

Get rid of the need for political abuse for party dominance, and this should reduce a lot of the problems in the first place.

At that time, sexual harassment was in a upswing of hype. It was reasonable of the GOP to think that it was important. THey had at the time, investigated important REPUBLICAN politicians too, such as Bob Packwood, on similar, even lesser issues.

AND, sexual harassment has be revisited and re-hyped several times by lefties to once again be weaponized against certain targets.


Either sexual harassment is a big deal or it isn't.

Right now, libs have it both ways. It is a big issue when they find it useful, and it just goes away when the don't.
Marriage is a binding legal contract between two consenting adults, to ensure the care and well being and the legal rights of both the wife and the children of the marriage. It is entirely a construct of the state and the legal system under which it operates.

Your spousal relationship is up to you to define, but the legal contract you knowingly subscribe to, is entirely defined by the jurisdiction where you are living, whether you believe it is or not.
Progressive women have been the primary activist force for no-fault divorce. In 2020s, men are the ones demonized for using no-fault divorce. Here.
Wow. 94% don't do it, but they write an article harping on teh 6% that do.
3% of women and 21% of men do. Here. But it is not a crime. Those who fought for no fault divorce bear most of responsibility for this phenomenon.

As for Progressive women -- someone who views men as oppressors does not deserve any man's help when she needs it.
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Please share your thoughts.
It depends.
If the disease is an STD that the partner caught while cheating, then no it wouldn't be wrong..... but aside from that example, yes it would be wrong unless there were other reasons involved.

(If a woman's husband gets cancer, but for the last 2 years has been treating her like dog shit, I can't see a reason why she should be expected to stay around and wipe his ass when he starts dying)
(If a woman's husband gets cancer, but for the last 2 years has been treating her like dog shit, I can't see a reason why she should be expected to stay around and wipe his ass when he starts dying)
Or if a woman views men as oppressors. Definitely, her husband could tolerate her due to her high libido. Now she finds out that he never loved her.
If a woman's husband gets cancer, but for the last 2 years has been treating her like dog shit, I can't see a reason why she should be expected to stay around and wipe his ass when he starts dying
Men are much more likely to leave their wives in sickness 20% vs. 3%.

One of the reasons is that verbal and some physical abuse of men has been normalized in American Society since 1990s. Calling men "oppressors" is verbal abuse. Regularly slapping your partner is abuse. In my opinion, abuse should not be rewarded with loyalty.

Many people find my opinions on this topic very offensive. But here, everyone holds and expresses offensive opinions on a great variety of issues.
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Congressional Representative Gnewt Gingrich did that. His wife was on her deathbed dying of cancer and Gnewt divorced her and married his campaign aide.

That's why Gnewt can never run for president. Nobody will vote for a turd of a human being.
John Edwards comes to mind.
Considering a 'spouse' is someone who shares a mutual commitment with you, the decision to get a divorce in the face of an illness in one party, is a private decision between the 'husband' and 'spouse.'

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