is Latvia right in demanding that their citizens can speak Latvian?

is Latvia right in demanding that their citizens can speak Latvian?​

Of course. But do the people of Graubünden have a right to demand that their citizens can speak Romansh? Do the people of East Frisian islands have a right to demand that their citizens can speak Platt? Do the people of Alsace and St. Vith have a right to demand that their citizens can speak German?
Baltic States can easily prevent such a "provocation". They can give the Russians equal rights.
Now there's a point. Almost no one in the US talks real English know I'm sayin' irregardless of where they are born but they basically have equal rights no matter what language they speak .... unless they are black individuals in terms of that point in time.
Of course. But do the people of Graubünden have a right to demand that their citizens can speak Romansh? Do the people of East Frisian islands have a right to demand that their citizens can speak Platt? Do the people of Alsace and St. Vith have a right to demand that their citizens can speak German?
Latvia is a nation state . not just a region.
I thought Latvia was a bit of a shit hole place with far too many trees and marshes and with little or no culture .
It needs taking over and then a huge make- over .

Name me one Latvian . Just one .
those 3 Baltic states have always had close connections with Germany. …. for centuries
i think so ….
A common language is critical for achieving maximum success in a country. Requirement for naturalization in the USA used to be that those applying for citizenship must know enough English to be able to read and understand printed directions, road signs, etc. and well enough to take their citizenship exam that was printed in English and speak English to take their oath of citizenship. It was a good requirement to ensure that new citizens would be able to assimilate well into the American culture. It also helped provide increased safety for both the individual and public safety.

Nobody was required to speak English at home or among themselves. But it was also unnecessary to print instructions, legal forms and ballots in both English and Spanish (which discriminates against people who speak other languages) and insured that new immigrants would be able to fully participate in American life, liberty, prosperity.
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Latvia is a nation state . not just a region.
You see... When you are building your national state at the territory with more than one ethnic group, you have a choice:
1) You may decide to respect human rights of all people living on this territory (that's what we usually call "a democratic way").
2) You may decide to discriminate, abuse and genocide another ethnic groups. (That's what we usually call Nazism). And if you choose latter - you must be ready for a rebellion and/or war.
You see... When you are building your national state at the territory with more than one ethnic group, you have a choice:
1) You may decide to respect human rights of all people living on this territory (that's what we usually call "a democratic way").
2) You may decide to discriminate, abuse and genocide another ethnic groups. (That's what we usually call Nazism). And if you choose latter - you must be ready for a rebellion and/or war.
I don't want to draw too many conclusions, but ..... Ukraine was given to the ethnic Ukrainian-speaking majority as a gift by the ethnic Ukrainian leader of the Sovjet Union, Nikita Krustjev. The Russian-speaking majority of Luhansk, Donetsk, and Krim were logically (or more than likely illogically) included in "the gift". That fact had little significance because no one (in that part of the world) could foresee the USSR ever being dissolved. But fast forward ⏩ and we see your choice number 2) is a reality with "discrimination, abuse, and genocide" (so we are told) against the Ukrainian ethnic Russian, Polish, and Bielorussian populations. Because of that (again, so we are told) Russia has implemented its Special Operations.
If America prohibited Hispanic TV and radio stations across the nation, it would be called a fascist state. The new Latvian law will prohibit Latvian TV and radio from producing programs in Russian. Around 30% of Latvians speak Russian. Most former communist states hardly qualify as democracies.

The Russian language is spoken natively by at least one third of Latvia’s population, including not only ethnic Russians (who make up around a quarter of the population), but many other minorities such as Ukrainian refugees.

If adopted, the proposal will undermine citizens’ fundamental human rights – as enshrined in international, EU and European human rights law – to “access the media and impart and receive information including in their own language”. These principles are also reflected in the Latvian Law on Public Electronic Mass Media and Administration.

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If America prohibited Hispanic TV and radio stations across the nation, it would be called a fascist state.
Probably. But ........
The new Latvian law will prohibit Latvian TV and radio from producing programs in Russian. Around 30% of Latvians speak Russian.
Not good. But ...... the US has censored programs such as RT which is by political standards the same "not good".
Most former communist states hardly qualify as democracies.
The US doesn't qualify as a democracy either (see the annually published International Democracy Index) but your observation is interesting considering that Russia is accredited with being the most former communist state yet there is no censorship against ethnic people and languages (as far as I know) within the Russian Federation.
The Russian language is spoken natively by at least one third of Latvia’s population, including not only ethnic Russians (who make up around a quarter of the population), but many other minorities such as Ukrainian refugees.
If adopted, the proposal will undermine citizens’ fundamental human rights – as enshrined in international, EU and European human rights law – to “access the media and impart and receive information including in their own language”. These principles are also reflected in the Latvian Law on Public Electronic Mass Media and Administration.
True, I'm sure.

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