Is Liz Warren the biggest hypocrite in the Senate?

Non sequitur noted.
Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
You made a very general statement: 'Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.' 1929 and 2008 were perfect examples of what happens when regulation is lax. It's as sequitur as it gets.

What "regulations" were relaxed in 28 and 08?

Never mind, you're going to get it totally wrong
Glass-Steagal was the biggie. It didn't exist in 1929 and it had been done away with not long before 2008.

A law that wasn't enacted cause the what in 1928??? what??? what?? WHAT???? WTF are you even talking about??!?!
How revealing is it that a topic which started out with some substance that actually matters to the functioning of our government was quickly devolved by the bumper sticker intellects plaguing this forum.

"Elizabeth Warren is opposing a propose appointee to a Treasury job...oh, wait. Did I say 'Elizabeth Warren'? I meant LIZZY CHEEKBONES nyuk nyuk nyuk. Woo-woo-woo-woo!"



Ignoring Lizzy Cheekbones initial mortal sin of lying about her Cherokee heritage to further her poor, little, Lonely Hearts Club self is like saying except for that whole Holocaust thing, Hitler wasn't a such a bad guy

She's a nut and a pathological liar and that's a thing to remember

Burden of proof is on the claimant, and that's the thing to remember.
"Nut" is subjective. You get a pass on that. But you claimed "liar", which is quantifiable. Yet you can't quantify it.
Guess what that makes you...

One of us is claiming their "high cheekbones" as evidence of their imaginary "Cherokee ancestry" and it's not me

Really? Link?

SHE made the claim, she MUST prove it

To who? Did she say that to you?
If not, how do you know she didn't prove it to those who asked? That is, assuming anyone asked?

You on the other hand DID make the claim -- to me and everybody on this board -- that she "lied" about that.
You therefore MUST prove the negative.
What part of how that works flies over your tiny little brain?
How revealing is it that a topic which started out with some substance that actually matters to the functioning of our government was quickly devolved by the bumper sticker intellects plaguing this forum.

"Elizabeth Warren is opposing a propose appointee to a Treasury job...oh, wait. Did I say 'Elizabeth Warren'? I meant LIZZY CHEEKBONES nyuk nyuk nyuk. Woo-woo-woo-woo!"



Ignoring Lizzy Cheekbones initial mortal sin of lying about her Cherokee heritage to further her poor, little, Lonely Hearts Club self is like saying except for that whole Holocaust thing, Hitler wasn't a such a bad guy

She's a nut and a pathological liar and that's a thing to remember

Burden of proof is on the claimant, and that's the thing to remember.
"Nut" is subjective. You get a pass on that. But you claimed "liar", which is quantifiable. Yet you can't quantify it.
Guess what that makes you...

One of us is claiming their "high cheekbones" as evidence of their imaginary "Cherokee ancestry" and it's not me

Really? Link?

SHE made the claim, she MUST prove it

To who? Did she say that to you?
If not, how do you know she didn't prove it to those who asked? That is, assuming anyone asked?

You on the other hand DID make the claim -- to me and everybody on this board -- that she "lied" about that.
You therefore MUST prove the negative.
What part of how that works flies over your tiny little brain?

Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
You made a very general statement: 'Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.' 1929 and 2008 were perfect examples of what happens when regulation is lax. It's as sequitur as it gets.

What "regulations" were relaxed in 28 and 08?

Never mind, you're going to get it totally wrong
Glass-Steagal was the biggie. It didn't exist in 1929 and it had been done away with not long before 2008.
If it didnt exist in 1929 then it wasnt relaxed then.
It didnt exist in 1925 either, when the economy was boomng. Nor did it exist in 2005 when the economy was booming.
What was the point of that comment again?
We had endless cycles of boom and bust. You're going to point to only the booms as the great triumph of capitalism?
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
You made a very general statement: 'Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.' 1929 and 2008 were perfect examples of what happens when regulation is lax. It's as sequitur as it gets.

What "regulations" were relaxed in 28 and 08?

Never mind, you're going to get it totally wrong
Glass-Steagal was the biggie. It didn't exist in 1929 and it had been done away with not long before 2008.
If it didnt exist in 1929 then it wasnt relaxed then.
It didnt exist in 1925 either, when the economy was boomng. Nor did it exist in 2005 when the economy was booming.
What was the point of that comment again?
We had endless cycles of boom and bust. You're going to point to only the booms as the great triumph of capitalism?

That's what Republicans do in a knee-jerk fashion.
To review:

Lizzy: white
Parents: white
Grandparents: white
High cheekboned grandparents: white
Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
You made a very general statement: 'Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.' 1929 and 2008 were perfect examples of what happens when regulation is lax. It's as sequitur as it gets.

What "regulations" were relaxed in 28 and 08?

Never mind, you're going to get it totally wrong
Glass-Steagal was the biggie. It didn't exist in 1929 and it had been done away with not long before 2008.

A law that wasn't enacted cause the what in 1928??? what??? what?? WHAT???? WTF are you even talking about??!?!
Try to follow along. It's not that hard.

"there's nothing to indicate she's Cherokee"

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

Still no answer huh?


Now what?

Guess what, azzhat? There are many of us who are descendants of people who migrated to the far west as early as the 1850s. Marriages were not recorded because there were no county courthouses to do so.

I am 1/8th Mescalero Apache. You cannot tell by looking at me. I have photos and my family's history is documented in books, one by a historical novel by James Michener ("Texas"). But I cannot point to a marriage license for my great-grandmother. So find some other issue with Warren. And good luck. She is a native Oklahoman. Many from Oklahoma have mixed heritage.

"there's nothing to indicate she's Cherokee"

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

Still no answer huh?


Now what?


Just look at her cheekbones.

She's a nut, a liar and NOT a Cherokee

Your proof, sir Your PROOF.

And you're conceding the Lenape extraction so the whole point is moot anyway.

her claim, her proof

Pointing at her cheekbones makes her mental, not Cherokee

"there's nothing to indicate she's Cherokee"

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

Still no answer huh?


Now what?

Guess what, azzhat? There are many of us who are descendants of people who migrated to the far west as early as the 1850s. Marriages were not recorded because there were no county courthouses to do so.

I am 1/8th Mescalero Apache. You cannot tell by looking at me. I have photos and my family's history is documented in books, one by a historical novel by James Michener ("Texas"). But I cannot point to a marriage license for my great-grandmother. So find some other issue with Warren. And good luck. She is a native Oklahoman. Many from Oklahoma have mixed heritage.

yeah and if you stayed ignorant you'd have a case.

The Warrens back in the 1850s made it into the public record as White, not Cherokee

I've posted the evidence many times already

Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

"there's nothing to indicate she's Cherokee"

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

Still no answer huh?


Now what?


Just look at her cheekbones.

She's a nut, a liar and NOT a Cherokee

Your proof, sir Your PROOF.

And you're conceding the Lenape extraction so the whole point is moot anyway.

her claim, her proof

Pointing at her cheekbones makes her mental, not Cherokee

So what does pointing to your own posts without links make you?

"there's nothing to indicate she's Cherokee"

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

Still no answer huh?


Now what?

Guess what, azzhat? There are many of us who are descendants of people who migrated to the far west as early as the 1850s. Marriages were not recorded because there were no county courthouses to do so.

I am 1/8th Mescalero Apache. You cannot tell by looking at me. I have photos and my family's history is documented in books, one by a historical novel by James Michener ("Texas"). But I cannot point to a marriage license for my great-grandmother. So find some other issue with Warren. And good luck. She is a native Oklahoman. Many from Oklahoma have mixed heritage.

yeah and if you stayed ignorant you'd have a case.

The Warrens back in the 1850s made it into the public record as White, not Cherokee

I've posted the evidence many times already

Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

Because, everybody knows, you can only be one. After all, race mixing is biologically impossible.



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