Is Melania a whore? Say it and she will sue you

Don't you provide a woman with all these thing yourself. You do if you're married.

It wasn't one of his wives.

Trump is essentially an admitted hedonist. In and of itself, there's nothing really wrong with that.

With that said, Trump is not the kind of man who's willing to put the time and effort into a relationship for reasons other than the fact that most of the satisfaction Trump derives in life is attained by wielding power and running his business which allows him to bark out orders to a staff which also puts him in a position to call people up and fully expect them to come running in order to answer to him. That's pretty intoxicating for anyone.

So, combine all of these things together. You have what is essentially an impatient man who's a workaholic who derives most of the pleasure in his life in bending others to his will and getting them to answer to him when he calls who also just so happens to be a hedonist.

Under those circumstances, what's more of a natural offshoot of those traits than for Trump to pick up a phone when he wants 'company' and telling one of his "girlfriends" on the other end of the line to come right over (or to tell her that HE'S coming right over) and fully expecting her to comply because he's paying her to be at his beckon call at a moment's notice? I mean, let's face some facts here. If a young gorgeous woman knows she's basically being used as a sexual play toy, is she going to put up with repeated sexual drive bys (with no REAL relationship accompanying it) without getting something substantial in return?

In earlier times they called a woman like this a mistress. Whatever word you use, the end result is the same. Considering Trumps words in the last few days, in this particular case let's just call it PAY TO PLAY!
Sounds like presidential material to me.

If it worked for JFK......fuck it.

What are you talking about?

It's WAY different this time.

You see, Jackie Kennedy was a REAL lady.

Melania is little more than a Ho...although she can now add "Plagerist" to her many assorted (and sordid) qualities.
When she starts calling America racist, then I'll listen, but right now your slanderous statements are falling on deaf ears.

Fact tools are only proving that your war on women is selective in nature. The real war is on you, not us.

LOL! Trump supporters have cornered the market on delusional. I say that for this reason: Any person who has reached the conclusion that Trump gives a whit about the average working man or woman in this country after looking at the entirety of Trump's life (which of course includes his silly Apprentice shows) MUST be delusional. That's because EVERY aspect of Trump's life, from his personal life, to his business dealing and his bankruptcies, to the rip-off that was Trump University, to the nonstop lying about his net worth or his ridiculous claims that he doesn't need to leverage money to make money, to his hypersensitivity to any form of criticism regardless of how inconsequential it might have been just SCREAMS out that the man is self-absorbed to the Nth degree.

And the simple fact of the matter is that self-absorbed people don't give a tinker's damn about others.
I think you've totally ignored his life and only focused on what our corrupt media says about him.

LA shed the light on exactly who gives a shit about people who need help.
I hear you got where you are by licking some Obuma butt crack

So what's your point?

Having those prison flashbacks again?

Spoken by an idiot that thinks all beautiful women are whores. No wonder you can't get laid.

No, I think whores are whores

Only an asshole attacks a President's- or a candidate's family.

I think Trump is a buffoon- and certainly Melania is stuck with him- but that doesn't excuse attacking her as a 'whore' anymore than the vile attacks on Michelle Obama.

Melania is being touted to be First Lady

So far, her background is full of lies. She lied about being raised by Michelle Obamas parents, her college degree, her immigration status.
If she was indeed a prostitute while modeling, it is pertinent information for those concerned with the family values of a presidential candidate

No really it isn't pertinent.

You want to attack her for substance- like her speech? Go for it.

Attacking her based upon rumors is an asshole thing to do- and is just as bad as the assholes in this thread that attack Michelle Obama.
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


At least she is not a rapist like the spouse of the other candidate!

At least she is not a rapist like the GOP candidate.
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


At least she is not a rapist like the spouse of the other candidate!

At least she is not a rapist like the GOP candidate.

Or a murderer like the media said about the one before him.
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


At least she is not a rapist like the spouse of the other candidate!

At least she is not a rapist like the GOP candidate.

Or a murderer like the media said about the one before him.

We don't know that Trump is a murderer.
Spoken by an idiot that thinks all beautiful women are whores. No wonder you can't get laid.

No, I think whores are whores

Only an asshole attacks a President's- or a candidate's family.

I think Trump is a buffoon- and certainly Melania is stuck with him- but that doesn't excuse attacking her as a 'whore' anymore than the vile attacks on Michelle Obama.
Mooch the cooch deserves the attacks on her.

That is what the assholes say.

Trump voters.
Thats why this is a war and you are the enemy.
Oooooo....scary! Do you say that when playing with these?
I hear you got where you are by licking some Obuma butt crack

So what's your point?

Having those prison flashbacks again?

Spoken by an idiot that thinks all beautiful women are whores. No wonder you can't get laid.

No, I think whores are whores

Only an asshole attacks a President's- or a candidate's family.

I think Trump is a buffoon- and certainly Melania is stuck with him- but that doesn't excuse attacking her as a 'whore' anymore than the vile attacks on Michelle Obama.

Melania is being touted to be First Lady

So far, her background is full of lies. She lied about being raised by Michelle Obamas parents, her college degree, her immigration status.
If she was indeed a prostitute while modeling, it is pertinent information for those concerned with the family values of a presidential candidate
"those concerned about the family values of a presidential candidate"......they aren't really, you know.
Well she's not a whore but she sure is a gold digger. It's not like she married Trump for his good looks and charm.
It wasn't one of his wives.

Trump is essentially an admitted hedonist. In and of itself, there's nothing really wrong with that.

With that said, Trump is not the kind of man who's willing to put the time and effort into a relationship for reasons other than the fact that most of the satisfaction Trump derives in life is attained by wielding power and running his business which allows him to bark out orders to a staff which also puts him in a position to call people up and fully expect them to come running in order to answer to him. That's pretty intoxicating for anyone.

So, combine all of these things together. You have what is essentially an impatient man who's a workaholic who derives most of the pleasure in his life in bending others to his will and getting them to answer to him when he calls who also just so happens to be a hedonist.

Under those circumstances, what's more of a natural offshoot of those traits than for Trump to pick up a phone when he wants 'company' and telling one of his "girlfriends" on the other end of the line to come right over (or to tell her that HE'S coming right over) and fully expecting her to comply because he's paying her to be at his beckon call at a moment's notice? I mean, let's face some facts here. If a young gorgeous woman knows she's basically being used as a sexual play toy, is she going to put up with repeated sexual drive bys (with no REAL relationship accompanying it) without getting something substantial in return?

In earlier times they called a woman like this a mistress. Whatever word you use, the end result is the same. Considering Trumps words in the last few days, in this particular case let's just call it PAY TO PLAY!
Sounds like presidential material to me.

If it worked for JFK......fuck it.

What are you talking about?

It's WAY different this time.

You see, Jackie Kennedy was a REAL lady.

Melania is little more than a Ho...although she can now add "Plagerist" to her many assorted (and sordid) qualities.
When she starts calling America racist, then I'll listen, but right now your slanderous statements are falling on deaf ears.

Fact tools are only proving that your war on women is selective in nature. The real war is on you, not us.

LOL! Trump supporters have cornered the market on delusional. I say that for this reason: Any person who has reached the conclusion that Trump gives a whit about the average working man or woman in this country after looking at the entirety of Trump's life (which of course includes his silly Apprentice shows) MUST be delusional. That's because EVERY aspect of Trump's life, from his personal life, to his business dealing and his bankruptcies, to the rip-off that was Trump University, to the nonstop lying about his net worth or his ridiculous claims that he doesn't need to leverage money to make money, to his hypersensitivity to any form of criticism regardless of how inconsequential it might have been just SCREAMS out that the man is self-absorbed to the Nth degree.

And the simple fact of the matter is that self-absorbed people don't give a tinker's damn about others.
I think you've totally ignored his life and only focused on what our corrupt media says about him.

LA shed the light on exactly who gives a shit about people who need help.

Photo shopped photos like your first one are SO convincing.
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


At least she is not a rapist like the spouse of the other candidate!

Bill Clinton has been thoroughly investigated

Lets subject Melania to the same scrutiny

And what's she running for?

You really are a creepy dude. Ya know that?
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


This story reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend about 15 years ago. The conversation was prompted after I'd seen a picture of Trump who, at the time, had a very beautiful woman in tow some place in NYC. I asked my friend if he believed that the woman dated Trump because she liked him. One of the reasons I asked this question is because I had once read that Trump was a workaholic who spent very little time with any of his wives while married. As such, I didn't think Trump had the patience to woo a woman or spend much time with her in order to cultivate a relationship. As I recall my friend offered a noncommittal response. That's when I told him that I believed that Trump very likely provided his 'girlfriends' with an expense account, a clothing allowance and other living expenses, even possibly an apartment, in order to make sure that they were available when he wanted them whether it was for a social occasion or for some personal time. It didn't seem at all farfetched at the time, and it still doesn't.

Don't you provide a woman with all these thing yourself. You do if you're married.

It wasn't one of his wives.

Trump is essentially an admitted hedonist. In and of itself, there's nothing really wrong with that.

With that said, Trump is not the kind of man who's willing to put the time and effort into a relationship for reasons other than the fact that most of the satisfaction Trump derives in life is attained by wielding power and running his business which allows him to bark out orders to a staff which also puts him in a position to call people up and fully expect them to come running in order to answer to him. That's pretty intoxicating for anyone.

So, combine all of these things together. You have what is essentially an impatient man who's a workaholic who derives most of the pleasure in his life in bending others to his will and getting them to answer to him when he calls who also just so happens to be a hedonist.

Under those circumstances, what's more of a natural offshoot of those traits than for Trump to pick up a phone when he wants 'company' and telling one of his "girlfriends" on the other end of the line to come right over (or to tell her that HE'S coming right over) and fully expecting her to comply because he's paying her to be at his beckon call at a moment's notice? I mean, let's face some facts here. If a young gorgeous woman knows she's basically being used as a sexual play toy, is she going to put up with repeated sexual drive bys (with no REAL relationship accompanying it) without getting something substantial in return?

In earlier times they called a woman like this a mistress. Whatever word you use, the end result is the same. Considering Trumps words in the last few days, in this particular case let's just call it PAY TO PLAY!

The problem with your rather lengthy essay is the sheer fact that his wife, his ex-wives, and all his children fully support him.
I don't think super models or those who are truly successful with the big agencies in NY, Paris or Milan do publicity shots like this:
(Note the quote at the bottom of the photo)


She said she would be just like Jackie Kennedy.

Where's the barf emoticon?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


This story reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend about 15 years ago. The conversation was prompted after I'd seen a picture of Trump who, at the time, had a very beautiful woman in tow some place in NYC. I asked my friend if he believed that the woman dated Trump because she liked him. One of the reasons I asked this question is because I had once read that Trump was a workaholic who spent very little time with any of his wives while married. As such, I didn't think Trump had the patience to woo a woman or spend much time with her in order to cultivate a relationship. As I recall my friend offered a noncommittal response. That's when I told him that I believed that Trump very likely provided his 'girlfriends' with an expense account, a clothing allowance and other living expenses, even possibly an apartment, in order to make sure that they were available when he wanted them whether it was for a social occasion or for some personal time. It didn't seem at all farfetched at the time, and it still doesn't.

Don't you provide a woman with all these thing yourself. You do if you're married.

It wasn't one of his wives.

Trump is essentially an admitted hedonist. In and of itself, there's nothing really wrong with that.

With that said, Trump is not the kind of man who's willing to put the time and effort into a relationship for reasons other than the fact that most of the satisfaction Trump derives in life is attained by wielding power and running his business which allows him to bark out orders to a staff which also puts him in a position to call people up and fully expect them to come running in order to answer to him. That's pretty intoxicating for anyone.

So, combine all of these things together. You have what is essentially an impatient man who's a workaholic who derives most of the pleasure in his life in bending others to his will and getting them to answer to him when he calls who also just so happens to be a hedonist.

Under those circumstances, what's more of a natural offshoot of those traits than for Trump to pick up a phone when he wants 'company' and telling one of his "girlfriends" on the other end of the line to come right over (or to tell her that HE'S coming right over) and fully expecting her to comply because he's paying her to be at his beckon call at a moment's notice? I mean, let's face some facts here. If a young gorgeous woman knows she's basically being used as a sexual play toy, is she going to put up with repeated sexual drive bys (with no REAL relationship accompanying it) without getting something substantial in return?

In earlier times they called a woman like this a mistress. Whatever word you use, the end result is the same. Considering Trumps words in the last few days, in this particular case let's just call it PAY TO PLAY!

The problem with your rather lengthy essay is the sheer fact that his wife, his ex-wives, and all his children fully support him.
$$$$$$ is a very compelling argument, isn't it?
What is the connection between being a model and prostitution?

Can you be one without engaging in the other?

I'm sure it is possible. But I doubt many models reach the top of their profession by remaining chaste. Especially trying to break out in a country like Slovenia

If Melania sues and it goes to court, all of her past comes under scrutiny. To prove slander, you must provide evidence that the claim is false. Trump loves to make claims based on a broad "People are saying..." basis

Lets bring the charges to court and see if they have merit

I hear you got where you are by licking some Obuma butt crack

So what's your point?

Having those prison flashbacks again?

Spoken by an idiot that thinks all beautiful women are whores. No wonder you can't get laid.

No, I think whores are whores

You sound like you are very experienced in purchasing their services.
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


Seems to me the magazine libeled her. Nothing wrong with her suing.

Let her sue...Trumps are good at that

But bring it to court and the magazine gets to present its sources and any evidence that Melania was involved in prostitution.

I doubt the magazine would even attempt that. It's probably not in her best interest to sue, just because her suing in and of itself is bad publicity for her at this point, but maybe she'll decide to sue if trump loses the election. Magazines don't have a right to slander people.

Melania is a Trump
Trumps use our court system to sue, threaten to sue and bully anyone who gets in their way

Its what they do

Yep. Tie you up in court until you're too broke to go on. And they brag about driving people out of business and not paying their bills or wages. Drumpf has said he would do the same to the US.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


This story reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend about 15 years ago. The conversation was prompted after I'd seen a picture of Trump who, at the time, had a very beautiful woman in tow some place in NYC. I asked my friend if he believed that the woman dated Trump because she liked him. One of the reasons I asked this question is because I had once read that Trump was a workaholic who spent very little time with any of his wives while married. As such, I didn't think Trump had the patience to woo a woman or spend much time with her in order to cultivate a relationship. As I recall my friend offered a noncommittal response. That's when I told him that I believed that Trump very likely provided his 'girlfriends' with an expense account, a clothing allowance and other living expenses, even possibly an apartment, in order to make sure that they were available when he wanted them whether it was for a social occasion or for some personal time. It didn't seem at all farfetched at the time, and it still doesn't.

Don't you provide a woman with all these thing yourself. You do if you're married.

It wasn't one of his wives.

Trump is essentially an admitted hedonist. In and of itself, there's nothing really wrong with that.

With that said, Trump is not the kind of man who's willing to put the time and effort into a relationship for reasons other than the fact that most of the satisfaction Trump derives in life is attained by wielding power and running his business which allows him to bark out orders to a staff which also puts him in a position to call people up and fully expect them to come running in order to answer to him. That's pretty intoxicating for anyone.

So, combine all of these things together. You have what is essentially an impatient man who's a workaholic who derives most of the pleasure in his life in bending others to his will and getting them to answer to him when he calls who also just so happens to be a hedonist.

Under those circumstances, what's more of a natural offshoot of those traits than for Trump to pick up a phone when he wants 'company' and telling one of his "girlfriends" on the other end of the line to come right over (or to tell her that HE'S coming right over) and fully expecting her to comply because he's paying her to be at his beckon call at a moment's notice? I mean, let's face some facts here. If a young gorgeous woman knows she's basically being used as a sexual play toy, is she going to put up with repeated sexual drive bys (with no REAL relationship accompanying it) without getting something substantial in return?

In earlier times they called a woman like this a mistress. Whatever word you use, the end result is the same. Considering Trumps words in the last few days, in this particular case let's just call it PAY TO PLAY!

The problem with your rather lengthy essay is the sheer fact that his wife, his ex-wives, and all his children fully support him.
$$$$$$ is a very compelling argument, isn't it?

Yes fool. Melanie is a millionaire in her own right.
Seems the "modeling" agency she worked for had benefits on the side

Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets

The Daily Mail, a UK publication, published a report citing a story in a Slovenian magazine that claimed a New York modeling agency that once represented Trump "also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients."

Will Melania sue USMB for me starting this thread?


If she is called a whore she should sue.

Good for her.

Of course she will have to prove that she was not a whore- but assuming she wasn't, no reason for her to be slandered.
How do you prove a negative? That you were NOT something? Those that want to believe she was, will say she was.
Why do people pick on whores?

I think prostitutes provide a great service and prostitution should be legalized and regulated for safety, such as it is in Nevada, Mr. Camp. It's just her and Mr. Trump's hypocrisy I find offensive.

Malia is a hooker now? Just because she twerked?

The first daughter is a hooker and a whore?
And a drug addict .

I'm trying to remember what thread I'm in. The Melania is now a hooker thread? Malia a hooker thread? or Michelle had a sex change hooker thread?

Hey let's throw out all this shit against the wall and justify it like liberals do. Hey that little girl twerking? That means..........
This must be the war on women Democrats talk about.

It is an attack on women, until there is an equally maligned, judgment laden name for the men who are the whore's clients.
It is only the women who get blamed, and calling a model a whore is a statement about women as sex object. The usual shit.

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